getBool('hidemainmenu'); $task = $input->getCmd('task'); $output = array(); // Print the Preview link to Main site. if ($params->get('show_viewsite', 1)) { $output[] = '
' . '' . ' ' . JText::_('JGLOBAL_VIEW_SITE') . '' . '
' . '
'; } // Print the frontend logged in users. if ($params->get('show_loggedin_users', 1)) { $output[] = '
' . '' . $online_num . ' ' . JText::plural('MOD_STATUS_USERS', $online_num) . '
'; } // Print the back-end logged in users. if ($params->get('show_loggedin_users_admin', 1)) { $output[] = '
' . '' . $count . ' ' . JText::plural('MOD_STATUS_BACKEND_USERS', $count) . '
'; } // Print the inbox message. if ($params->get('show_messages', 1)) { $active = $unread ? ' badge-warning' : ''; $output[] = '
' . ($hideLinks ? '' : '') . ' ' . '' . $unread . '' . ($hideLinks ? '' : '') . '
' . '
'; } // Print the logout link. if ($task == 'edit' || $task == 'editA' || $input->getInt('hidemainmenu')) { $logoutLink = ''; } else { $logoutLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_login&task=logout&' . JSession::getFormToken() . '=1'); } if ($params->get('show_logout', 1)) { $output[] = '
' . ($hideLinks ? '' : '') . ' ' . JText::_('JLOGOUT') . ($hideLinks ? '' : '') . '
'; } // Output the items. foreach ($output as $item) { echo $item; }