; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_REDIRECT="Redirect" COM_REDIRECT_ADVANCED_OPTIONS="Advanced Options" COM_REDIRECT_BATCH_OPTIONS="Batch process to add new URLs" COM_REDIRECT_BATCH_TIP="Enter expired URL (mandatory) with a new URL (optional) separated with | (eg old-url|new-url). Each line one entry!" COM_REDIRECT_BUTTON_UPDATE_LINKS="Update Links" COM_REDIRECT_COLLECT_URLS_ENABLED="The option 'Collect URLs' is enabled." COM_REDIRECT_COLLECT_URLS_DISABLED="The option 'Collect URLs' is disabled." COM_REDIRECT_CONFIGURATION="Redirect Manager Options" COM_REDIRECT_DISABLE_LINK="Disable Link" COM_REDIRECT_EDIT_LINK="Edit Link #%d" COM_REDIRECT_ENABLE_LINK="Enable Link" COM_REDIRECT_ERROR_DESTINATION_URL_REQUIRED="The redirect must have a destination URL" COM_REDIRECT_ERROR_DUPLICATE_OLD_URL="The source URL must be unique." COM_REDIRECT_ERROR_DUPLICATE_URLS="The source and destination URLs can't be the same." COM_REDIRECT_ERROR_SOURCE_URL_REQUIRED="The redirect must have a source URL." COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_COMMENT_DESC="Sometimes it is helpful to describe the URLs for redirect management later on." COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_COMMENT_LABEL="Comment" COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_CREATED_DATE_LABEL="Created Date" COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_NEW_URL_DESC="Enter the URL to be redirected to." COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_NEW_URL_LABEL="Destination URL" COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_OLD_URL_DESC="Enter the URL that has to be redirected." COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_OLD_URL_LABEL="Source URL" COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_REFERRER_LABEL="Link Referrer" COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_REDIRECT_STATUS_CODE_LABEL="Redirect Status Code" COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_REDIRECT_STATUS_CODE_DESC="Choose the HTTP 1.1 status code to associate with the redirect." COM_REDIRECT_FIELD_UPDATED_DATE_LABEL="Last Updated Date" COM_REDIRECT_HEADING_CREATED_DATE="Created Date" COM_REDIRECT_HEADING_HITS="404 Hits" COM_REDIRECT_HEADING_NEW_URL="New URL" COM_REDIRECT_HEADING_OLD_URL="Expired URL" COM_REDIRECT_HEADING_REFERRER="Referring Page" COM_REDIRECT_HEADING_UPDATE_LINKS="Update selected links to the following new URL." COM_REDIRECT_MANAGER_LINK="Redirect Manager: Link" COM_REDIRECT_MANAGER_LINKS="Redirect Manager: Links" COM_REDIRECT_MODE_LABEL="Activate Advanced Mode" COM_REDIRECT_MODE_DESC="Enable more advanced functionality for the component. Only use this if you know what you're doing." COM_REDIRECT_N_ITEMS_ARCHIVED="%d links successfully archived." COM_REDIRECT_N_ITEMS_ARCHIVED_1="Link successfully archived." COM_REDIRECT_N_ITEMS_DELETED="%d links successfully deleted." COM_REDIRECT_N_ITEMS_DELETED_1="Link successfully deleted." COM_REDIRECT_N_ITEMS_PUBLISHED="%d links successfully enabled." COM_REDIRECT_N_ITEMS_PUBLISHED_1="Link successfully enabled." COM_REDIRECT_N_ITEMS_TRASHED="%d links successfully trashed." COM_REDIRECT_N_ITEMS_TRASHED_1="Link successfully trashed." COM_REDIRECT_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED="%d links successfully disabled." COM_REDIRECT_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED_1="Link successfully disabled." COM_REDIRECT_N_LINKS_ADDED="%d links added." COM_REDIRECT_N_LINKS_ADDED_1="1 link has been added." COM_REDIRECT_N_LINKS_UPDATED="%d links updated." COM_REDIRECT_N_LINKS_UPDATED_1="1 link has been updated." COM_REDIRECT_NEW_LINK="New Link" COM_REDIRECT_NO_ITEM_ADDED="No links added." COM_REDIRECT_NO_ITEM_SELECTED="No links selected." COM_REDIRECT_PLUGIN_DISABLED="The Redirect Plugin is disabled. Enable it in the Plugin Manager." COM_REDIRECT_PLUGIN_ENABLED="The Redirect Plugin is enabled." COM_REDIRECT_REDIRECTED_ON="Redirected on: %s." COM_REDIRECT_SAVE_SUCCESS="Link successfully saved." COM_REDIRECT_SEARCH_LINKS="Search in link fields." COM_REDIRECT_XML_DESCRIPTION="This component implements link redirection." JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES="1. If you change the setting, it will apply to this component. Note that:
Inherited means that the permissions from global configuration and parent group will be used.
Denied means that no matter what the global configuration or parent group settings are, the group being edited can't take this action on this component.
Allowed means that the group being edited will be able to take this action for this component (but if this is in conflict with the global configuration or parent group it will have no impact; a conflict will be indicated by Not Allowed (Locked) under Calculated Settings).
2. If you select a new setting, click Save to refresh the calculated settings."