; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_CATEGORIES_CATEGORY_EDIT_TITLE="Category Manager: Edit An Articles Category" COM_CONTENT="Articles" COM_CONTENT_ACCESS_DELETE_DESC="New setting for delete actions on this article and the calculated setting based on the parent category and group permissions." COM_CONTENT_ACCESS_EDIT_DESC="New setting for edit actions on this article and the calculated setting based on the parent category and group permissions." COM_CONTENT_ACCESS_EDITSTATE_DESC="New setting for edit state actions on this article and the calculated setting based on the parent category and group permissions." COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_CONTENT="Content" COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_DETAILS="Article Details" COM_CONTENT_ARTICLES_TITLE="Article Manager: Articles" COM_CONTENT_ATTRIBS_ARTICLE_SETTINGS_LABEL="Options" COM_CONTENT_ATTRIBS_FIELDSET_LABEL="Options" COM_CONTENT_BATCH_MENU_LABEL="Select Category for Move/Copy" COM_CONTENT_BATCH_OPTIONS="Batch process the selected articles" COM_CONTENT_BATCH_TIP="If a category is selected for move/copy, any actions selected will be applied to the copied or moved articles. Otherwise, all actions are applied to the selected articles." COM_CONTENT_CHANGE_ARTICLE="Select or Change article" COM_CONTENT_CHANGE_ARTICLE_BUTTON="Select/Change" COM_CONTENT_CHOOSE_CATEGORY_DESC="Select a parent category." COM_CONTENT_CONFIG_ARTICLE_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings apply for article layouts unless they are changed for a specific menu item." COM_CONTENT_CONFIG_BLOG_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings apply for blog or featured layouts unless they are changed for a specific menu item." COM_CONTENT_CONFIG_BLOG_SETTINGS_LABEL="Blog/Featured Layouts" COM_CONTENT_CONFIG_CATEGORIES_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings apply for Articles Categories Options, unless they are changed by the individual category or menu settings." COM_CONTENT_CONFIG_CATEGORY_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings apply for Articles Category Options unless they are changed by the individual category or menu settings." COM_CONTENT_CONFIG_EDITOR_LAYOUT="These options control the layout of the article editing page." COM_CONTENT_CONFIG_INTEGRATION_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings determine how the Article Component will integrate with other extensions." COM_CONTENT_CONFIG_LIST_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings apply for List Layouts Options unless they are changed for a specific menu item or category." COM_CONTENT_CONFIGURATION="Article Manager Options" COM_CONTENT_CREATE_ARTICLE_CATEGORY_LABEL="Default Category" COM_CONTENT_CREATE_ARTICLE_CATEGORY_DESC="If set to 'Yes', this page will only let you create articles in the category selected below." COM_CONTENT_DRILL_CATEGORIES_LABEL="List or Blog: after choosing the display,
make sure you define the Options in the desired layout." COM_CONTENT_DRILL_DOWN_LAYOUT_DESC="When drilling down to a category, whether to show articles in a list or blog layout." COM_CONTENT_DRILL_DOWN_LAYOUT_LABEL="List or Blog Layout" COM_CONTENT_EDIT_ARTICLE="Edit Article" COM_CONTENT_EDITORCONFIG_FIELDSET_LABEL="Configure Edit Screen" COM_CONTENT_EDITING_LAYOUT="Editing Layout" COM_CONTENT_ERROR_ALL_LANGUAGE_ASSOCIATED="A content item set to All languages can't be associated. Associations have not been set." COM_CONTENT_FEATURED="Featured Article" COM_CONTENT_FEATURED_ARTICLES="Featured Articles" COM_CONTENT_FEATURED_CATEGORIES_DESC="Optional list of categories. If selected, only featured articles from the selected categories will show. Use Ctrl+Click to select or unselect." COM_CONTENT_FEATURED_CATEGORIES_LABEL="Select Categories" COM_CONTENT_FEATURED_ORDER="Featured Articles Order" COM_CONTENT_FEATURED_TITLE="Article Manager: Featured Articles" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_ARTICLETEXT_DESC="Enter the article content in the text area." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_ARTICLETEXT_LABEL="Article Text" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_CREATED_BY_ALIAS_DESC="Enter an alias to be displayed instead of the name of the user who created the article." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_CREATED_BY_ALIAS_LABEL="Created by Alias" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_CREATED_BY_DESC="Select the name of the user who created the article." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_CREATED_BY_LABEL="Created By" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_CREATED_DESC="Created date." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_CREATED_LABEL="Created Date" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_FEATURED_DESC="Assign the article to the featured blog layout." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_FULL_DESC="Image for the single article display." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_FULL_LABEL="Full Article Image" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_FULLTEXT="Full text" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_HITS_DESC="Number of hits for this article." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_DESC="The image to be displayed." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_ALT_DESC="Alternative text used for visitors without access to images. Replaced with caption text if it is present." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_ALT_LABEL="Alt Text" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_CAPTION_DESC="Caption attached to the image." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_CAPTION_LABEL="Caption" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_OPTIONS="Image Options" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_INFOBLOCK_POSITION_DESC="Puts the article information block above or below the text or splits it into two separate blocks, one above and the other below." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_INFOBLOCK_POSITION_LABEL="Position of Article Info" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_INTRO_DESC="Image for the intro text layouts such as blogs and featured." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_INTRO_LABEL="Intro Image" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_INTROTEXT="Intro Text" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_LANGUAGE_DESC="The language that the article is assigned to." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_MODIFIED_DESC="The date and time that the article was last modified." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_OPTION_ABOVE="Above" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_OPTION_BELOW="Below" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_OPTION_SPLIT="Split" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_PUBLISH_DOWN_DESC="An optional date to Finish Publishing the article." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_PUBLISH_DOWN_LABEL="Finish Publishing" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_PUBLISH_UP_DESC="An optional date to Start Publishing the article." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_PUBLISH_UP_LABEL="Start Publishing" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_SELECT_ARTICLE_DESC="Select the desired article from the list." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_SELECT_ARTICLE_LABEL="Select Article" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_SHOW_CAT_TAGS_DESC="Show the tags for the category." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_SHOW_CAT_TAGS_LABEL="Show Tags" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_SHOW_TAGS_DESC="Show the tags for each article." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_SHOW_TAGS_LABEL="Show Tags" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URL_DESC="The actual link to which users will be redirected." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URL_LINK_TEXT_DESC="Text to display for the link." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URL_LINK_TEXT_LABEL="Link Text" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLA_LABEL="Link A" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLA_LINK_TEXT_LABEL="Link A Text" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLB_LABEL="Link B" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLB_LINK_TEXT_LABEL="Link B Text" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLC_LABEL="Link C" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLC_LINK_TEXT_LABEL="Link C Text" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLS_OPTIONS="URL Options" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLSPOSITION_LABEL="Positioning of the Links" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLSPOSITION_DESC="Display the links above or below the content." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_VALUE_USE_ARTICLE_SETTINGS="Use Article Settings" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_VERSION_DESC="A count of the number of times this article has been revised." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_VERSION_LABEL="Revision" COM_CONTENT_FIELD_XREFERENCE_DESC="An optional reference used to link to external data sources." COM_CONTENT_FIELD_XREFERENCE_LABEL="External Reference" COM_CONTENT_FIELDSET_PUBLISHING="Publishing" COM_CONTENT_FIELDSET_RULES="Permissions" COM_CONTENT_FIELDSET_URLS_AND_IMAGES="Images and links" COM_CONTENT_FILTER_SEARCH_DESC="Search title or alias. Prefix with ID: to search for an article ID." COM_CONTENT_FLOAT_DESC="Controls placement of the image." COM_CONTENT_FLOAT_FULLTEXT_LABEL="Full Text Image Float" COM_CONTENT_FLOAT_LABEL="Image Float" COM_CONTENT_FLOAT_INTRO_LABEL="Intro Image Float" COM_CONTENT_HEADING_ASSOCIATION="Association" COM_CONTENT_ID_LABEL="ID" COM_CONTENT_ITEM_ASSOCIATIONS_FIELDSET_LABEL="Content Item Associations" COM_CONTENT_ITEM_ASSOCIATIONS_FIELDSET_DESC="Multilingual only! This choice will only display if the Language Filter parameter 'Item Associations' is set to 'Yes'. Choose a content item for the target language. This association will let the Language Switcher module redirect to the associated content item in another language. If used, make sure to display the Language switcher module on the concerned pages. A content item set to language 'All' can't be associated." COM_CONTENT_LEFT="Left" COM_CONTENT_MONTH="Month" COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_ARCHIVED="%s articles archived." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_ARCHIVED_1="%s article archived." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_CHECKED_IN_0="No article successfully checked in." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_CHECKED_IN_1="%d article successfully checked in." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_CHECKED_IN_MORE="%d articles successfully checked in." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_DELETED="%s articles deleted." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_DELETED_1="%s article deleted." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_FEATURED="%s articles featured." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_FEATURED_1="%s article featured." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_PUBLISHED="%s articles published." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_PUBLISHED_1="%s article published." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_TRASHED="%s articles trashed." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_TRASHED_1="%s article trashed." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_UNFEATURED="%s articles unfeatured." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_UNFEATURED_1="%s article unfeatured." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED="%s articles unpublished." COM_CONTENT_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED_1="%s article unpublished." COM_CONTENT_NEW_ARTICLE="New Article" COM_CONTENT_NO_ARTICLES_DESC="If Show, the message 'There are no articles in this category' will display when there are no articles in the category or when 'Empty Categories' is set to show." COM_CONTENT_NO_ARTICLES_LABEL="No Articles Message" COM_CONTENT_NO_ITEM_SELECTED="Please first make a selection from the list." COM_CONTENT_NONE="None" COM_CONTENT_NUMBER_CATEGORY_ITEMS_DESC="If Show, the number of articles in the category will show." COM_CONTENT_NUMBER_CATEGORY_ITEMS_LABEL="# Articles in Category" COM_CONTENT_PAGE_ADD_ARTICLE="Article Manager: Add New Article" COM_CONTENT_PAGE_EDIT_ARTICLE="Article Manager: Edit Article" COM_CONTENT_PAGE_VIEW_ARTICLE="Article Manager: View Article" COM_CONTENT_PAGEBREAK_DOC_TITLE="Page Break" COM_CONTENT_PAGEBREAK_INSERT_BUTTON="Insert Page Break" COM_CONTENT_PAGEBREAK_TITLE="Page Title:" COM_CONTENT_PAGEBREAK_TOC="Table of Contents Alias:" COM_CONTENT_RIGHT="Right" COM_CONTENT_SAVE_SUCCESS="Article successfully saved." COM_CONTENT_SAVE_WARNING="Alias already existed so a number was added at the end. You can re-edit the article to customise the alias." COM_CONTENT_SELECT_AN_ARTICLE="Select an Article" COM_CONTENT_SHARED_DESC="These settings apply for Shared Options in List, Blog and Featured unless they are changed by the menu settings." COM_CONTENT_SHARED_LABEL="Shared Options" COM_CONTENT_SHOW_ARTICLE_OPTIONS_DESC="Display or hide article options slider in the Backend article edit view. These options allow overriding of the global options." COM_CONTENT_SHOW_ARTICLE_OPTIONS_LABEL="Show Article Options" COM_CONTENT_SHOW_EMPTY_CATEGORIES_DESC="If Show, empty categories will display. A category is only empty - if it has no articles or subcategories." COM_CONTENT_SHOW_IMAGES_URLS_BACK_DESC="Display or hide fields to insert images and links in the Administrator." COM_CONTENT_SHOW_IMAGES_URLS_BACK_LABEL="Administrator Images and Links" COM_CONTENT_SHOW_IMAGES_URLS_FRONT_DESC="Display or hide fields to insert images and links when Frontend editing." COM_CONTENT_SHOW_IMAGES_URLS_FRONT_LABEL="Frontend Images and Links" COM_CONTENT_SHOW_PUBLISHING_OPTIONS_DESC="Display or hide the publishing options slider in the article edit view. These options allow changes in dates and author identities." COM_CONTENT_SHOW_PUBLISHING_OPTIONS_LABEL="Show Publishing Options" COM_CONTENT_SLIDER_EDITOR_CONFIG="Configure Edit Screen" COM_CONTENT_SUBMENU_CATEGORIES="Categories" COM_CONTENT_SUBMENU_FEATURED="Featured Articles" COM_CONTENT_TIP_ASSOCIATION="Associated articles" COM_CONTENT_TIP_ASSOCIATED_LANGUAGE="%s %s (%s)" COM_CONTENT_TOGGLE_TO_FEATURE="Toggle to change article state to 'Featured'" COM_CONTENT_TOGGLE_TO_UNFEATURE="Toggle to change article state to 'Unfeatured'" COM_CONTENT_UNFEATURED="Unfeatured Article" COM_CONTENT_URL_FIELD_BROWSERNAV_LABEL="URL Target Window" COM_CONTENT_URL_FIELD_BROWSERNAV_DESC="Target browser window when the menu item is clicked." COM_CONTENT_URL_FIELD_A_BROWSERNAV_LABEL="URL A Target Window" COM_CONTENT_URL_FIELD_B_BROWSERNAV_LABEL="URL B Target Window" COM_CONTENT_URL_FIELD_C_BROWSERNAV_LABEL="URL C Target Window" COM_CONTENT_WARNING_PROVIDE_VALID_NAME="Please provide a valid, non-blank title." COM_CONTENT_XML_DESCRIPTION="Article management component." JGLOBAL_NO_ITEM_SELECTED="No articles selected" JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_CANNOT_CREATE="You are not allowed to create new articles in this category." JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_CANNOT_EDIT="You are not allowed to edit one or more of these articles." JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES="1. If you change the setting, it will apply to this component. Note that:
Inherited means that the permissions from global configuration and parent group will be used.
Denied means that no matter what the global configuration or parent group settings are, the group being edited can't take this action on this component.
Allowed means that the group being edited will be able to take this action for this component (but if this is in conflict with the global configuration or parent group it will have no impact; a conflict will be indicated by Not Allowed (Locked) under Calculated Settings).
2. If you select a new setting, click Save to refresh the calculated settings." JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES_ITEM="1. If you change the setting, it will apply to this article. Note that:
Inherited means that the permissions from global configuration, parent group and category will be used.
Denied means that no matter what the global configuration, parent group or category settings are, the group being edited can't take this action on this article.
Allowed means that the group being edited will be able to take this action for this article (but if this is in conflict with the global configuration, parent group or category it will have no impact; a conflict will be indicated by Not Allowed (Locked) under Calculated Settings).
2. If you select a new setting, click Save to refresh the calculated settings."