input; $field = $input->getCmd('field'); $function = 'jSelectContenthistory_' . $field; $listOrder = $this->escape($this->state->get('list.ordering')); $listDirn = $this->escape($this->state->get('list.direction')); $message = addslashes(JText::_('COM_CONTENTHISTORY_BUTTON_SELECT_ONE')); $compareMessage = addslashes(JText::_('COM_CONTENTHISTORY_BUTTON_SELECT_TWO')); $deleteMessage = addslashes(JText::_('JLIB_HTML_PLEASE_MAKE_A_SELECTION_FROM_THE_LIST')); $aliasArray = explode('.', $this->state->type_alias); $option = (end($aliasArray) == 'category') ? 'com_categories&extension=' . implode('.', array_slice($aliasArray, 0, count($aliasArray) - 1)) : $aliasArray[0]; $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance(); $task = $filter->clean(end($aliasArray)) . '.loadhistory'; $loadUrl = JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . $filter->clean($option) . '&task=' . $task); $deleteUrl = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_contenthistory&task=history.delete'); $hash = $this->state->get('sha1_hash'); $formUrl = 'index.php?option=com_contenthistory&view=history&layout=modal&tmpl=component&item_id=' . $this->state->get('item_id') . '&type_id=' . $this->state->get('type_id') . '&type_alias=' . $this->state->get('type_alias') . '&' . JSession::getFormToken() . '=1'; JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration(" (function ($){ $(document).ready(function (){ $('#toolbar-load').click(function() { var ids = $('input[id*=\'cb\']:checked'); if (ids.length == 1) { // Add version item id to URL var url = $('#toolbar-load').attr('data-url') + '&version_id=' + ids[0].value; $('#content-url').attr('data-url', url); if (window.parent) { window.parent.location = url; } } else { alert('" . $message . "'); } }); $('#toolbar-preview').click(function() { var windowSizeArray = ['width=800, height=600, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes']; var ids = $('input[id*=\'cb\']:checked'); if (ids.length == 1) { // Add version item id to URL var url = $('#toolbar-preview').attr('data-url') + '&version_id=' + ids[0].value; $('#content-url').attr('data-url', url); if (window.parent) {, '', windowSizeArray); return false; } } else { alert('" . $message . "'); } }); $('#toolbar-compare').click(function() { var windowSizeArray = ['width=1000, height=600, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes']; var ids = $('input[id*=\'cb\']:checked'); if (ids.length == 2) { // Add version item ids to URL var url = $('#toolbar-compare').attr('data-url') + '&id1=' + ids[0].value + '&id2=' + ids[1].value; $('#content-url').attr('data-url', url); if (window.parent) {, '', windowSizeArray); return false; } } else { alert('" . $compareMessage . "'); } }); }); })(jQuery); " ); ?>

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