ALTER TABLE `#__users` DROP KEY `usertype`; ALTER TABLE `#__session` DROP KEY `whosonline`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#__update_categories`; ALTER TABLE `#__contact_details` DROP `imagepos`; ALTER TABLE `#__content` DROP COLUMN `title_alias`; ALTER TABLE `#__content` DROP COLUMN `sectionid`; ALTER TABLE `#__content` DROP COLUMN `mask`; ALTER TABLE `#__content` DROP COLUMN `parentid`; ALTER TABLE `#__newsfeeds` DROP COLUMN `filename`; ALTER TABLE `#__menu` DROP COLUMN `ordering`; ALTER TABLE `#__session` DROP COLUMN `usertype`; ALTER TABLE `#__users` DROP COLUMN `usertype`; ALTER TABLE `#__updates` DROP COLUMN `categoryid`; UPDATE `#__extensions` SET protected = 0 WHERE `name` = 'com_search' OR `name` = 'mod_articles_archive' OR `name` = 'mod_articles_latest' OR `name` = 'mod_banners' OR `name` = 'mod_feed' OR `name` = 'mod_footer' OR `name` = 'mod_users_latest' OR `name` = 'mod_articles_category' OR `name` = 'mod_articles_categories' OR `name` = 'plg_content_pagebreak' OR `name` = 'plg_content_pagenavigation' OR `name` = 'plg_content_vote' OR `name` = 'plg_editors_tinymce' OR `name` = 'plg_system_p3p' OR `name` = 'plg_user_contactcreator' OR `name` = 'plg_user_profile'; 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ALTER TABLE `#__finder_links_terms7` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_links_terms8` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_links_terms9` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_links_termsa` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_links_termsb` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_links_termsc` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_links_termsd` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_links_termse` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_links_termsf` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_taxonomy` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_taxonomy_map` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_terms` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_terms_common` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__finder_types` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__menu` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__menu_types` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__messages` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__messages_cfg` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__modules` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__modules_menu` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__newsfeeds` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__overrider` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__redirect_links` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__schemas` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__session` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__template_styles` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__updates` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__update_sites` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__update_sites_extensions` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__users` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__usergroups` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__user_notes` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__user_profiles` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__user_usergroup_map` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__viewlevels` ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `#__newsfeeds` ADD COLUMN `description` text NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `#__newsfeeds` ADD COLUMN `version` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'; ALTER TABLE `#__newsfeeds` ADD COLUMN `hits` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `#__newsfeeds` ADD COLUMN `images` text NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `#__contact_details` ADD COLUMN `version` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'; 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Project","copyright":"Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.","authorEmail":"","authorUrl":"","version":"3.0.0","description":"MOD_STATS_XML_DESCRIPTION","group":""}', '{"serverinfo":"0","siteinfo":"0","counter":"0","increase":"0","cache":"1","cache_time":"900","cachemode":"static"}', '', '', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0); UPDATE `#__update_sites` SET location = '' WHERE location = '' AND name = 'Accredited Joomla! Translations';