As said before this is our mainstream divided in several areas.

The battlegrounds will be swamped by members of Shaba. Members on a single mission or members whom teamed up to go in a premade against other premades/singles. Build your own teams and fight for our honor!

The arenas will be just as swamped by Shaba players as the battlegrounds will be. Team up with 1, 2, or 4 other members to gain those incredible rewards. This is one of the areas where our main focus is.

World PVP
This is another area where one of our focuses is. Always wanted to walk into Stormwind or Ironforge to wipe the pretty smile of those pesky alliance faces? We want that too! Once in a while we will plan a City raid to one of the major Alliance cities. Simply to gain honor and kill their main NPC. And to have some great fun of course. Besides the great cities we will have parties at the areas where a lot of alliance reside. Places like: Duskwood, Blackrock Mountain, Stranglethorn Vale etc.

Please check the guild message of the day for more info!

Duels are meant to improve your playing skill. Please use duels only in that purpose. Not to show your imbaness to other players and brag about it. Give eachother tips in where one can improve his/herself. Then start the brag !!