$txt[260] = 'Insert Quote';
$txt[261] = 'Insert List';
$txt['change_color'] = 'Change Color';
$txt[262] = 'Black';
$txt[263] = 'Red';
$txt[264] = 'Yellow';
$txt[265] = 'Pink';
$txt[266] = 'Green';
$txt[267] = 'Orange';
$txt[268] = 'Purple';
$txt[269] = 'Blue';
$txt[270] = 'Beige';
$txt[271] = 'Brown';
$txt[272] = 'Teal';
$txt[273] = 'Navy';
$txt[274] = 'Maroon';
$txt[275] = 'Lime Green';
$txt[276] = 'Disable Smileys';
$txt[277] = 'Don\'t use smileys.';
// Escape any single quotes in here twice.. 'it\'s' -> 'it\\\'s'.
$txt[280] = 'Posted on';
$txt[281] = 'Standard';
$txt[282] = 'Thumb Up';
$txt[283] = 'Thumb Down';
$txt[284] = 'Exclamation point';
$txt[285] = 'Question mark';
$txt[286] = 'Lamp';
$txt[297] = 'Add Smileys';
$txt[433] = 'Insert Flash';
$txt[434] = 'Insert FTP Link';
$txt[435] = 'Insert Image';
$txt[436] = 'Insert Table';
$txt[437] = 'Insert Table Column';
$txt[438] = 'There are no topics with Notification.';
$txt[439] = 'Marquee';
$txt[440] = 'Teletype';
$txt[441] = 'Strikethrough';
$txt[442] = 'Glow';
$txt[443] = 'Shadow';
$txt[444] = 'Preformatted Text';
$txt[445] = 'Left Align';
$txt[446] = 'Right Align';
$txt[447] = 'Superscript';
$txt[448] = 'Subscript';
$txt[449] = 'Insert Table Row';
$txt[499] = 'Your message is too long. Please go back and shorten it, then try again.';
$txt[531] = 'Horizontal Rule';
$txt[532] = 'Font Size';
$txt[533] = 'Font Face';
// Use numeric entities in the below five strings.
$txt['notify_boards'] = 'A new topic, \'%s\', has been made on a board you are watching.' . "\n\n" . 'You can see it at' . "\n" . '%s' . "\n\n";
$txt['notify_boards_subject'] = 'New Topic: %s';
$txt['notify_boards_once'] = 'More topics may be posted, but you won\'t receive more email notifications until you return to the board and read some of them.';
$txt['notifyUnsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe to this topic by clicking here';
$txt['notify_boardsUnsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe to new topics from this board by clicking here';
$txt['smf13'] = 'Lock after Post';
$txt['smf14'] = 'Notify me of replies.';
$txt['smf15'] = 'Lock this topic.';
$txt['smf16'] = 'shortcuts: hit alt+s to submit/post or alt+p to preview';
$txt['smf22'] = 'Option';
$txt['smf40'] = 'Reset Vote Count';
$txt['smf41'] = 'Check this if you want to reset all vote counts to 0.';
$txt['smf42'] = 'votes';
$txt['smf119'] = 'Attach';
$txt['smf119b'] = 'Attached';
$txt['smf120'] = 'Allowed file types';
$txt['smf121'] = 'Maximum attachment size allowed';
$txt['smf123'] = 'You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are';
$txt['smf129'] = 'To delete your attachment, leave this blank.';
$txt['smf130'] = 'Uncheck the attachments you no longer want attached';
$txt['smf130b'] = 'That is a restricted filename. Please try a different filename.';
$txt['smf287'] = 'Warning: topic is currently/will be locked!
Only admins and moderators can reply.';
// Use numeric entities in the below three strings.
$txt['notifyXAnn2'] = 'New announcement';
$txt['notifyXAnn3'] = 'To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.' . "\n\n" . 'You can view the full announcement by following this link:';
$txt['notifyXOnce2'] = 'More replies may be posted, but you won\'t receive any more notifications until you read the topic.';
$txt['rtm2'] = 'Enter comment';
// Use numeric entities in the below two strings.
$txt['rtm3'] = 'Reported post';
$txt['rtm4'] = 'by';
$txt['rtm10'] = 'Submit';
// Use numeric entities in the below four strings.
$txt['rtm_email1'] = 'The following post, "%s" by';
$txt['rtm_email2'] = 'has been reported by';
$txt['rtm_email3'] = 'on a board you moderate';
$txt['rtm_email_comment'] = 'The reporter has made the following comment';
$txt['maxAttachPerPost'] = 'per post';
$txt['post_additionalopt'] = 'Additional Options...';
$txt['sticky_after2'] = 'Sticky this topic.';
$txt['move_after2'] = 'Move this topic.';
$txt['back_to_topic'] = 'Return to this topic.';
$txt['retrieving_quote'] = 'Retrieving Quote...';
$txt['poll_options'] = 'Poll Options';
$txt['poll_options1a'] = 'Run the poll for';
$txt['poll_options1b'] = 'days. (leave blank for no limit)';
$txt['poll_options2'] = 'Show the poll\'s results to anyone.';
$txt['poll_options3'] = 'Only show the results after someone has voted.';
$txt['poll_options4'] = 'Only show the results after the poll has expired.';
$txt['poll_options5'] = 'Maximum votes per user.';
$txt['poll_options7'] = 'Allow user to change vote.';
$txt['poll_error1'] = 'You selected too many options. For this poll, you may only select %s options.';
$txt['poll_add_option'] = 'Add Option';
$txt['spellcheck_done'] = 'Spell checking complete.';
$txt['spellcheck_change_to'] = 'Change To:';
$txt['spellcheck_suggest'] = 'Suggestions:';
$txt['spellcheck_change'] = 'Change';
$txt['spellcheck_change_all'] = 'Change All';
$txt['spellcheck_ignore'] = 'Ignore';
$txt['spellcheck_ignore_all'] = 'Ignore All';
$txt['more_attachments'] = 'more attachments';
// Don't use entities in the below string.
$txt['more_attachments_error'] = 'Sorry, you aren\'t allowed to post any more attachments.';
$txt['more_smileys'] = 'more';
$txt['more_smileys_title'] = 'Additional smileys';
$txt['more_smileys_pick'] = 'Pick a smiley';
$txt['more_smileys_close_window'] = 'Close Window';
$txt['error_new_reply'] = 'Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.';
$txt['error_new_replies'] = 'Warning - while you were typing %d new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.';
$txt['error_new_reply_reading'] = 'Warning - while you were reading a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.';
$txt['error_new_replies_reading'] = 'Warning - while you were reading %d new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.';
$txt['error_old_topic'] = 'Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least ' . $modSettings['oldTopicDays'] . ' days.
Unless you\'re sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.';
// Use numeric entities in the below sixteen strings.
$txt['notification_reply_subject'] = 'Topic reply: %s';
$txt['notification_reply'] = 'A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching by %s.' . "\n\n" . 'View the reply at: ';
$txt['notification_sticky_subject'] = 'Topic stickied: %s';
$txt['notification_sticky'] = 'A topic you are watching has been marked as a sticky topic by %s.' . "\n\n" . 'View the topic at: ';
$txt['notification_lock_subject'] = 'Topic locked: %s';
$txt['notification_lock'] = 'A topic you are watching has been locked by %s.' . "\n\n" . 'View the topic at: ';
$txt['notification_unlock_subject'] = 'Topic unlocked: %s';
$txt['notification_unlock'] = 'A topic you are watching has been unlocked by %s.' . "\n\n" . 'View the topic at: ';
$txt['notification_remove_subject'] = 'Topic removed: %s';
$txt['notification_remove'] = 'A topic you are watching has been removed by %s.';
$txt['notification_move_subject'] = 'Topic moved: %s';
$txt['notification_move'] = 'A topic you are watching has been moved to another board by %s.' . "\n\n" . 'View the topic at: ';
$txt['notification_merge_subject'] = 'Topic merged: %s';
$txt['notification_merge'] = 'A topic you are watching has been merged with another topic by %s.' . "\n\n" . 'View the new merged topic at: ';
$txt['notification_split_subject'] = 'Topic split: %s';
$txt['notification_split'] = 'A topic you are watching has been split into two or more topics by %s.' . "\n\n" . 'View what remains of this topic at: ';
// Use numeric entities in the below two strings.
$txt['notification_reply_body'] = 'The text of the reply is shown below:';
$txt['notification_new_topic_body'] = 'The text of the topic is shown below:';
$txt['announce_this_topic'] = 'Send an announcement about this topic to the members:';
$txt['announce_title'] = 'Send an announcement';
$txt['announce_desc'] = 'This form allows you to send an announcement to the selected membergroups about this topic.';
$txt['announce_sending'] = 'Sending announcement of topic';
$txt['announce_done'] = 'done';
$txt['announce_continue'] = 'Continue';
$txt['announce_topic'] = 'Announce topic.';
$txt['announce_regular_members'] = 'Regular Members';