theme settings for more options. Click the help icons for more information about a setting.'; $txt['mods_cat_features'] = 'Basic Features'; $txt['pollMode'] = 'Poll mode'; $txt['smf34'] = 'Disable polls'; $txt['smf32'] = 'Enable polls'; $txt['smf33'] = 'Show existing polls as topics'; $txt['allow_guestAccess'] = 'Allow guests to browse the forum'; $txt['userLanguage'] = 'Enable user-selectable language support'; $txt['allow_editDisplayName'] = 'Allow users to edit their displayed name?'; $txt['allow_hideOnline'] = 'Allow non-administrators to hide their online status?'; $txt['allow_hideEmail'] = 'Allow users to hide their email from everyone except admins?'; $txt['guest_hideContacts'] = 'Do not reveal contact details of members to guests'; $txt['titlesEnable'] = 'Enable custom titles'; $txt['enable_buddylist'] = 'Enable buddy lists'; $txt['default_personalText'] = 'Default personal text'; $txt['max_signatureLength'] = 'Maximum allowed characters in signatures
(0 for no max.)
'; $txt['number_format'] = 'Default number format'; $txt['time_format'] = 'Default time format'; $txt['time_offset'] = 'Overall time offset
(added to the member specific option.)
'; $txt['failed_login_threshold'] = 'Failed login threshold'; $txt['lastActive'] = 'User online time threshold'; $txt['trackStats'] = 'Track daily statistics'; $txt['hitStats'] = 'Track daily page views (must have stats enabled)'; $txt['enableCompressedOutput'] = 'Enable compressed output'; $txt['databaseSession_enable'] = 'Use database driven sessions'; $txt['databaseSession_loose'] = 'Allow browsers to go back to cached pages'; $txt['databaseSession_lifetime'] = 'Seconds before an unused session timeout'; $txt['enableErrorLogging'] = 'Enable error logging'; $txt['cookieTime'] = 'Default login cookies length (in minutes)'; $txt['localCookies'] = 'Enable local storage of cookies
(SSI won\'t work well with this on.)
'; $txt['globalCookies'] = 'Use subdomain independent cookies
(turn off local cookies first!)
'; $txt['securityDisable'] = 'Disable administration security'; $txt['send_validation_onChange'] = 'Require reactivation after email change'; $txt['approveAccountDeletion'] = 'Require admin approval when member deletes account'; $txt['autoOptDatabase'] = 'Optimize tables every how many days?
(0 to disable.)
'; $txt['autoOptMaxOnline'] = 'Maximum users online when optimizing
(0 for no max.)
'; $txt['autoFixDatabase'] = 'Automatically fix broken tables'; $txt['allow_disableAnnounce'] = 'Allow users to disable announcements'; $txt['disallow_sendBody'] = 'Don\'t allow post text in notifications?'; $txt['modlog_enabled'] = 'Log moderation actions'; $txt['queryless_urls'] = 'Search engine friendly URLs
Apache only!
'; $txt['max_image_width'] = 'Max width of posted pictures (0 = disable)'; $txt['max_image_height'] = 'Max height of posted pictures (0 = disable)'; $txt['mail_type'] = 'Mail type'; $txt['mail_type_default'] = '(PHP default)'; $txt['smtp_host'] = 'SMTP server'; $txt['smtp_port'] = 'SMTP port'; $txt['smtp_username'] = 'SMTP username'; $txt['smtp_password'] = 'SMTP password'; $txt['enableReportPM'] = 'Enable reporting of personal messages'; $txt['max_pm_recipients'] = 'Maximum number of recipients allowed in a personal message.
(0 for no limit, admins are exempt)
'; $txt['pm_posts_verification'] = 'Post count under which users must enter code when sending personal messages.
(0 for no limit, admins are exempt)
'; $txt['pm_posts_per_hour'] = 'Number of personal messages a user may send in an hour.
(0 for no limit, moderators are exempt)
'; $txt['mods_cat_layout'] = 'Layout and Options'; $txt['compactTopicPagesEnable'] = 'Limit number of displayed page links'; $txt['smf235'] = 'Contiguous pages to display:'; $txt['smf236'] = 'to display'; $txt['todayMod'] = 'Enable "Today" feature'; $txt['smf290'] = 'Disabled'; $txt['smf291'] = 'Only Today'; $txt['smf292'] = 'Today & Yesterday'; $txt['topbottomEnable'] = 'Enable Go Up/Go Down buttons'; $txt['onlineEnable'] = 'Show online/offline in posts and PMs'; $txt['enableVBStyleLogin'] = 'Show a quick login on every page'; $txt['defaultMaxMembers'] = 'Members per page in member list'; $txt['timeLoadPageEnable'] = 'Display time taken to create every page'; $txt['disableHostnameLookup'] = 'Disable hostname lookups?'; $txt['who_enabled'] = 'Enable who\'s online list'; $txt['smf293'] = 'Karma'; $txt['karmaMode'] = 'Karma mode'; $txt['smf64'] = 'Disable karma|Enable karma total|Enable karma positive/negative'; $txt['karmaMinPosts'] = 'Set the minimum posts needed to modify karma'; $txt['karmaWaitTime'] = 'Set wait time in hours'; $txt['karmaTimeRestrictAdmins'] = 'Restrict administrators to wait time'; $txt['karmaLabel'] = 'Karma label'; $txt['karmaApplaudLabel'] = 'Karma applaud label'; $txt['karmaSmiteLabel'] = 'Karma smite label'; $txt['caching_information'] = '
Important! Read this first before enabling these features.

SMF supports caching through the use of accelerators. The currently supported accelerators include:
Caching will only work on your server if you have PHP compiled with one of the above optimizers, or have memcache available.

SMF performs caching at a variety of levels. The higher the level of caching enabled the more CPU time will be spent retrieving cached information. If caching is available on your machine it is recommended that you try caching at level 1 first.

Note that if you use memcached you need to provide the server details in the setting below. This should be entered as a comma separated list as shown in the example below:

Note that if no port is specified SMF will use port 11211. SMF will attempt to perform rough/random load balancing across the servers.

'; $txt['detected_no_caching'] = 'SMF has not been able to detect a compatible accelerator on your server.'; $txt['detected_APC'] = 'SMF has detected that your server has APC installed.'; $txt['detected_eAccelerator'] = 'SMF has detected that your server has eAccelerator installed.'; $txt['detected_MMCache'] = 'SMF has detected that your server has MMCache installed.'; $txt['detected_Zend'] = 'SMF has detected that your server has Zend installed.'; $txt['detected_Memcached'] = 'SMF has detected that your server has Memcached installed.'; $txt['cache_enable'] = 'Caching Level'; $txt['cache_off'] = 'No caching'; $txt['cache_level1'] = 'Level 1 Caching'; $txt['cache_level2'] = 'Level 2 Caching (Not Recommended)'; $txt['cache_level3'] = 'Level 3 Caching (Not Recommended)'; $txt['cache_memcached'] = 'Memcache settings'; ?>