If you wish to restore your account, please check the "Reactivate my account" box, and login again.'; $txt['undelete_account'] = 'Reactivate my account'; $txt['change_email_success'] = 'Your email address has been changed, and a new activation email has been sent to it.'; $txt['resend_email_success'] = 'A new activation email has successfully been sent.'; // Use numeric entities in the below three strings. $txt['change_password'] = 'New Password Details'; $txt['change_password_1'] = 'Your login details at'; $txt['change_password_2'] = 'have been changed and your password reset. Below are your new login details.'; $txt['maintenance3'] = 'This board is in Maintenance Mode.'; // These two are used as a javascript alert; please use international characters directly, not as entities. $txt['register_agree'] = 'Please read and accept the agreement before registering.'; $txt['register_passwords_differ_js'] = 'The two passwords you entered are not the same!'; $txt['approval_after_registration'] = 'Thank you for registering. The admin must approve your registration before you may begin to use your account, you will receive an email shortly advising you of the admins decision.'; $txt['admin_settings_desc'] = 'Here you can change a variety of settings related to registration of new members.'; $txt['admin_setting_registration_method'] = 'Method of registration employed for new members'; $txt['admin_setting_registration_disabled'] = 'Registration Disabled'; $txt['admin_setting_registration_standard'] = 'Immediate Registration'; $txt['admin_setting_registration_activate'] = 'Member Activation'; $txt['admin_setting_registration_approval'] = 'Member Approval'; $txt['admin_setting_notify_new_registration'] = 'Notify administrators when a new member joins'; $txt['admin_setting_send_welcomeEmail'] = 'Send welcome email to new members'; $txt['admin_setting_password_strength'] = 'Required strength for user passwords'; $txt['admin_setting_password_strength_low'] = 'Low - 4 character minimum'; $txt['admin_setting_password_strength_medium'] = 'Medium - cannot contain username'; $txt['admin_setting_password_strength_high'] = 'High - mixture of different characters'; $txt['admin_setting_image_verification_type'] = 'Complexity of visual verification image'; $txt['admin_setting_image_verification_type_desc'] = 'The more complex the image the harder it is for bots to bypass'; $txt['admin_setting_image_verification_off'] = 'Disabled'; $txt['admin_setting_image_verification_vsimple'] = 'Very Simple - Plain text on image'; $txt['admin_setting_image_verification_simple'] = 'Simple - Overlapping colored letters, no noise'; $txt['admin_setting_image_verification_medium'] = 'Medium - Overlapping colored letters, with noise'; $txt['admin_setting_image_verification_high'] = 'High - Angled letters, considerable noise'; $txt['admin_setting_image_verification_sample'] = 'Sample'; $txt['admin_setting_image_verification_nogd'] = 'Note: as this server does not have the GD library installed the different complexity settings will have no effect.'; $txt['admin_setting_coppaAge'] = 'Age below which to apply registration restrictions'; $txt['admin_setting_coppaAge_desc'] = '(Set to 0 to disable)'; $txt['admin_setting_coppaType'] = 'Action to take when a user below minimum age registers'; $txt['admin_setting_coppaType_reject'] = 'Reject their registration'; $txt['admin_setting_coppaType_approval'] = 'Require parent/guardian approval'; $txt['admin_setting_coppaPost'] = 'Postal address to which approval forms should be sent'; $txt['admin_setting_coppaPost_desc'] = 'Only applies if age restriction is in place'; $txt['admin_setting_coppaFax'] = 'Fax number to which approval forms should be faxed'; $txt['admin_setting_coppaPhone'] = 'Contact number for parents to contact with age restriction queries'; $txt['admin_setting_coppa_require_contact'] = 'You must enter either a postal or fax contact if parent/guardian approval is required.'; $txt['admin_register'] = 'Registration of new member'; $txt['admin_register_desc'] = 'From here you can register new members into the forum, and if desired, email them their details.'; $txt['admin_register_username'] = 'New Username'; $txt['admin_register_email'] = 'Email Address'; $txt['admin_register_password'] = 'Password'; $txt['admin_register_username_desc'] = 'Username for the new member'; $txt['admin_register_email_desc'] = 'Email address of the member'; $txt['admin_register_password_desc'] = 'Password for new member'; $txt['admin_register_email_detail'] = 'Email new password to user'; $txt['admin_register_email_detail_desc'] = 'Email address required even if unchecked'; $txt['admin_register_email_activate'] = 'Require user to activate the account'; $txt['admin_register_group'] = 'Primary Membergroup'; $txt['admin_register_group_desc'] = 'Primary membergroup new member will belong to'; $txt['admin_register_group_none'] = '(no primary membergroup)'; $txt['admin_register_done'] = 'Member %s has been registered successfully!'; $txt['admin_browse_register_new'] = 'Register new member'; // Use numeric entities in the below three strings. $txt['admin_notify_subject'] = 'A new member has joined'; $txt['admin_notify_profile'] = '%s has just signed up as a new member of your forum. Click the link below to view their profile.'; $txt['admin_notify_approval'] = 'Before this member can begin posting they must first have their account approved. Click the link below to go to the approval screen.'; $txt['coppa_title'] = 'Age Restricted Forum'; $txt['coppa_after_registration'] = 'Thank you for registering with ' . $context['forum_name'] . '.

Because you fall under the age of {MINIMUM_AGE}, it is a legal requirement to obtain your parent or guardian\'s permission before you may begin to use your account. To arrange for account activation please print off the form below:'; $txt['coppa_form_link_popup'] = 'Load Form In New Window'; $txt['coppa_form_link_download'] = 'Download Form as Text File'; $txt['coppa_send_to_one_option'] = 'Then arrange for your parent/guardian to send the completed form by:'; $txt['coppa_send_to_two_options'] = 'Then arrange for your parent/guardian to send the completed form by either:'; $txt['coppa_send_by_post'] = 'Post, to the following address:'; $txt['coppa_send_by_fax'] = 'Fax, to the following number:'; $txt['coppa_send_by_phone'] = 'Alternatively, arrange for them to phone the administrator at {PHONE_NUMBER}.'; $txt['coppa_form_title'] = 'Permission form for registration at ' . $context['forum_name']; $txt['coppa_form_address'] = 'Address'; $txt['coppa_form_date'] = 'Date'; $txt['coppa_form_body'] = 'I {PARENT_NAME},

Give permission for {CHILD_NAME} (child name) to become a fully registered member of the forum: ' . $context['forum_name'] . ', with the username: {USER_NAME}.

I understand that certain personal information entered by {USER_NAME} may be shown to other users of the forum.

{PARENT_NAME} (Parent/Guardian).'; $txt['visual_verification_label'] = 'Visual verification'; $txt['visual_verification_description'] = 'Type the letters shown in the picture'; $txt['visual_verification_sound'] = 'Listen to the letters'; $txt['visual_verification_sound_again'] = 'Play again'; $txt['visual_verification_sound_close'] = 'Close window'; $txt['visual_verification_request_new'] = 'Request another image'; $txt['visual_verification_sound_direct'] = 'Having problems hearing this? Try a direct link to it.'; ?>