Blank a box to remove that word.';
$txt[207] = 'Reserved Names';
$txt[216] = 'Edit Your Forum Template';
$txt[222] = 'Server Settings';
$txt[338] = 'Send an email to the above email list';
$txt[341] = 'Set Reserved Names';
$txt[342] = 'One reserved word per line.';
$txt[347] = 'This page allows you to change the basic settings for your forum. Be very careful with these settings, as they may render the forum dysfunctional.';
$txt[348] = 'Maintenance Mode?';
$txt[350] = 'Forum Title';
$txt[351] = 'Forum URL';
$txt[352] = 'Cookie Name';
$txt[355] = 'Webmaster Email Address';
$txt[356] = 'SMF Directory';
$txt[360] = 'Sources Directory';
$txt[365] = 'Title BG Color';
$txt[366] = 'Title Text Color';
$txt[367] = 'Window BG Color';
$txt[368] = 'Window BG Color #2';
$txt[369] = 'Category BG Color';
$txt[370] = 'Table Border Color';
$txt[379] = 'Enable News?';
$txt[380] = 'Enable Guest Posting?';
$txt[388] = 'News Fader Title Color';
$txt[389] = 'News Fader News Color';
$txt[424] = 'SMF Admin Options';
$txt[426] = 'Members';
$txt[427] = 'Main';
$txt[428] = 'Configuration';
$txt[429] = 'Detailed Version Check';
$txt[495] = 'SMF File';
$txt[496] = 'SMF Package';
$txt[501] = 'Maintenance';
$txt[521] = 'Show buttons as images instead of text';
$txt[571] = 'Credits';
$txt[584] = 'Show and require agreement letter when registering';
$txt[608] = 'Delete Selected Members';
$txt[610] = 'Repair All Boards and Topics';
$txt[644] = 'This is your "' . $txt[208] . '". From here, you can edit settings, maintain your forum, view logs, install packages, manage themes, and many other things.
If you have any trouble, please look at the "Support & Credits" page. If the information there doesn\'t help you, feel free to
look to us for help with the problem.
You may also find answers to your questions or problems by clicking the
symbols for more information on the related functions.';
$txt[670] = 'Please place one news item per box. Some BBC tags, such as [b], [i] and [u] are allowed in your news, as well as smileys and HTML. Clear a news item\'s text box to remove it.';
$txt[684] = 'Forum Administrators';
$txt[699] = 'Reserved names will keep members from registering certain usernames or using these words in their displayed names. Choose the options you wish to use from the bottom before submitting.';
$txt[702] = 'Send activation email to new members upon registration?';
$txt[726] = 'Match whole name only. If unchecked, search within names.';
$txt[727] = 'Match case. If unchecked, search will be case insensitive.';
$txt[728] = 'Check username.';
$txt[729] = 'Check display name.';
$txt[735] = 'You can email anyone from this page. The email addresses of the selected membergroups should appear below, but you may remove or add any email addresses you wish. Be sure that each address is separated in this fashion: \'address1; address2\'.';
$txt[739] = 'Fading delay between items for the news fader';
$txt[740] = 'Show BBC Buttons on Posting and PM Send Pages?';
$txt['smf1'] = 'Failed to make backup of Settings.php - make sure Settings_bak.php exists and is writable.';
$txt['modSettings_title'] = 'Features and Options';
$txt['modSettings_info'] = 'Change or set options that control how this forum operates.';
$txt['smf5'] = 'Server on which the database resides:';
$txt['smf6'] = 'Database Username:';
$txt['smf7'] = 'Database Password:';
$txt['smf8'] = 'Database Name:';
$txt['smf11'] = 'Registration Agreement';
$txt['smf12'] = 'This agreement is shown when a user registers an account on this forum and has to be accepted before users can continue registration.';
$txt['smf54'] = 'Database Tables Prefix:';
$txt['smf55'] = 'Hold down the ctrl key to select multiple entries. Click the ' . $txt[17] . ' button when you are done.';
$txt['smf73'] = 'Listing of forum errors';
$txt['smf74'] = 'The following errors are fouling up your forum';
$txt['smf85'] = 'Would you like to fix these errors?';
$txt['smf86'] = 'Fixing forum errors';
$txt['smf92'] = 'All errors fixed! Please check on any categories, boards, or topics created to decide what to do with them.';
$txt['smf201'] = 'Attachments and Avatars';
$txt['smf202'] = 'From here you can administer the attached files on your system. You can delete attachments by size and by date from your system. Statistics on attachments are also displayed below.';
$txt['smf203'] = 'File Attachment Statistics';
$txt['smf204'] = 'Total Attachments';
$txt['smf205'] = 'Total Size of Attachment Directory';
$txt['smf206'] = 'Total Space Available in Attachment Directory';
$txt['smf207'] = 'File Attachment Options';
$txt['smf208'] = 'Attachment Log';
$txt['smf209'] = 'Remove attachments older than';
$txt['smf210'] = 'Remove attachments larger than';
$txt['smf213'] = 'Attachment Name';
$txt['smf214'] = 'File Size';
$txt['smf215'] = 'No maximum directory size is currently set';
$txt['smf216'] = '[attachment deleted by admin]';
$txt['smf217'] = 'Live from Simple Machines...';
$txt['smf219'] = 'Remove All';
$txt['smf250'] = 'Please select the Membergroup(s) you would like to send an email to.';
$txt['smf281'] = 'Optimize Database';
$txt['smf282'] = 'Your database contains %d tables.';
$txt['smf283'] = 'Attempting to optimize your database...';
$txt['smf284'] = 'Optimizing %1$s... %2$f kb optimized.';
$txt['smf285'] = 'All of the tables were already optimized.';
$txt['smf285b'] = 'It wasn\'t necessary to optimize any tables.';
$txt['smf286'] = ' table(s) optimized.';
$txt['smf310'] = 'has a non-existent member ID';
$txt['smf319'] = 'Admin must approve all new members';
$txt['smf320'] = 'Warning - agreement.txt is not writable, any changes you make will NOT be saved.';
$txt['dvc1'] = 'This shows you the versions of your installation\'s files versus those of the latest version. If any of these files are out of date, you should download and upgrade to the latest version at';
$txt['dvc_more'] = '(more detailed)';
$txt['lfyi'] = 'You are unable to connect to\'s latest news file.';
$txt['manage_calendar'] = 'Calendar';
$txt['manage_search'] = 'Search';
$txt['smileys_manage'] = 'Smileys and Message Icons';
$txt['smileys_manage_info'] = 'Install new smiley sets, add smileys to existing ones, or manage your message icons.';
$txt['package1'] = 'Packages';
$txt['package_info'] = 'Install new features or modify existing ones with this interface.';
$txt['theme_admin'] = 'Themes and Layout';
$txt['theme_admin_info'] = 'Setup and manage your themes and set or reset theme options.';
$txt['registration_center'] = 'Registration';
$txt['member_center_info'] = 'View the member list, search for members and manage not-yet-approved members and members who haven\'t activated their account yet.';
$txt['viewmembers_name'] = 'Username (display name)';
$txt['viewmembers_online'] = 'Last Online';
$txt['viewmembers_today'] = 'Today';
$txt['viewmembers_day_ago'] = 'day ago';
$txt['viewmembers_days_ago'] = 'days ago';
$txt['display_name'] = 'Display name';
$txt['email_address'] = 'Email Address';
$txt['ip_address'] = 'IP address';
$txt['member_id'] = 'ID';
$txt['security_wrong'] = 'Administration login attempt!' . "\n" .
'Referer: ' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : 'unknown') . "\n" .
'User agent: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n" .
'IP: ' . $GLOBALS['user_info']['ip'];
$txt['email_as_html'] = 'Send in HTML format. (with this you can put normal HTML in the email.)';
$txt['email_parsed_html'] = 'Add <br />s and s to this message.';
$txt['email_variables'] = 'In this message you can use a few "variables". Click here for more information.';
$txt['email_force'] = 'Send this to members even if they have chosen not to receive announcements.';
$txt['email_as_pms'] = 'Send this to these groups using personal messages.';
$txt['email_continue'] = 'Continue';
$txt['email_done'] = 'done.';
$txt['ban_title'] = 'Ban List';
$txt[724] = 'IP banning: (e.g. or 128.0.*.*) - one entry per line';
$txt[725] = 'Email banning: (e.g. - one entry per line';
$txt[7252] = 'User name banning: (e.g. l33tuser) - one entry per line';
$txt['ban_description'] = 'Here you can ban troublesome people either by IP, hostname, username, or email.';
$txt['ban_add_new'] = 'Add new ban';
$txt['ban_banned_entity'] = 'Banned entity';
$txt['ban_on_ip'] = 'Ban on IP (e.g. 192.168.10-20.*)';
$txt['ban_on_hostname'] = 'Ban on Hostname (e.g. *.mil)';
$txt['ban_on_email'] = 'Ban on Email Address (e.g. *';
$txt['ban_on_username'] = 'Ban on Username';
$txt['ban_notes'] = 'Notes';
$txt['ban_restriction'] = 'Restriction';
$txt['ban_full_ban'] = 'Full ban';
$txt['ban_partial_ban'] = 'Partial ban';
$txt['ban_cannot_post'] = 'Cannot post';
$txt['ban_cannot_register'] = 'Cannot register';
$txt['ban_cannot_login'] = 'Cannot login';
$txt['ban_add'] = 'Add';
$txt['ban_edit_list'] = 'Ban list';
$txt['ban_type'] = 'Ban Type';
$txt['ban_days'] = 'day(s)';
$txt['ban_will_expire_within'] = 'Ban will expire after';
$txt['ban_added'] = 'Added';
$txt['ban_expires'] = 'Expires';
$txt['ban_hits'] = 'Hits';
$txt['ban_actions'] = 'Actions';
$txt['ban_expiration'] = 'Expiration';
$txt['ban_reason_desc'] = 'Reason for ban, to be displayed to banned member.';
$txt['ban_notes_desc'] = 'Notes that may assist other staff members.';
$txt['ban_remove_selected'] = 'Remove selected';
// Escape any single quotes in here twice.. 'it\'s' -> 'it\\\'s'.
$txt['ban_remove_selected_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove the selected bans?';
$txt['ban_modify'] = 'Modify';
$txt['ban_name'] = 'Ban name';
// Escape any single quotes in here twice.. 'it\'s' -> 'it\\\'s'.
$txt['ban_name_empty'] = 'The name of the ban was left empty';
$txt['ban_name_exists'] = 'The name of this ban already exists. Please chose a different name.';
$txt['ban_edit'] = 'Edit ban';
$txt['ban_add_notes'] = 'Note: after creating the above ban, you can add additional entries that trigger the ban, like IP addresses, hostnames and email addresses.';
$txt['ban_expired'] = 'Expired / disabled';
// Escape any single quotes in here twice.. 'it\'s' -> 'it\\\'s'.
$txt['ban_restriction_empty'] = 'No restriction selected.';
$txt['ban_triggers'] = 'Triggers';
$txt['ban_add_trigger'] = 'Add ban trigger';
$txt['ban_add_trigger_submit'] = 'Add';
$txt['ban_edit_trigger'] = 'Modify';
$txt['ban_edit_trigger_title'] = 'Edit ban trigger';
$txt['ban_edit_trigger_submit'] = 'Modify';
$txt['ban_remove_selected_triggers'] = 'Remove selected ban triggers';
// Escape any single quotes in here twice.. 'it\'s' -> 'it\\\'s'.
$txt['ban_remove_selected_triggers_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove the selected ban triggers?';
$txt['ban_trigger_browse'] = 'Browse ban triggers';
$txt['ban_trigger_browse_description'] = 'This screen shows all banned entities grouped by IP address, hostname, email address and username.';
$txt['ban_log'] = 'Ban log';
$txt['ban_log_description'] = 'The ban log shows all attempts to enter the forum by banned users (\'full ban\' and \'cannot register\' ban only).';
$txt['ban_log_no_entries'] = 'No ban log entries';
$txt['ban_log_ip'] = 'IP';
$txt['ban_log_email'] = 'Email address';
$txt['ban_log_member'] = 'Member';
$txt['ban_log_date'] = 'Date';
$txt['ban_log_remove_all'] = 'Remove all';
$txt['ban_log_remove_all_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all ban log entries?';
$txt['ban_log_remove_selected'] = 'Remove selected';
$txt['ban_log_remove_selected_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all selected ban log entries?';
$txt['ban_no_triggers'] = 'No ban triggers';
$txt['apply_filter'] = 'Apply Filter';
$txt['applying_filter'] = 'Applying Filter';
$txt['filter_only_member'] = 'Only show the error messages of this member';
$txt['filter_only_ip'] = 'Only show the error messages of this IP address';
$txt['filter_only_session'] = 'Only show the error messages of this session';
$txt['filter_only_url'] = 'Only show the error messages of this URL';
$txt['filter_only_message'] = 'Only show the errors with the same message';
$txt['session'] = 'Session';
$txt['error_url'] = 'URL of page causing the error';
$txt['error_message'] = 'Error message';
$txt['clear_filter'] = 'Clear filter';
$txt['remove_selection'] = 'Remove Selection';
$txt['remove_filtered_results'] = 'Remove All Filtered Results';
$txt['sure_about_errorlog_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove all error messages?';
$txt['reverse_direction'] = 'Reverse chronological order of list';
$txt['settings_not_writable'] = 'These settings cannot be changed because Settings.php is read only.';
$txt['maintain_title'] = 'Forum Maintenance';
$txt['maintain_info'] = 'Optimize tables, make backups, check for errors, and prune boards with these tools.';
$txt['maintain_done'] = 'Maintenance Completed.';
$txt['maintain_no_errors'] = 'Congratulations, no errors found! Thanks for checking.';
$txt['maintain_general'] = 'General Maintenance';
$txt['maintain_recount'] = 'Recount all forum totals and statistics.';
$txt['maintain_errors'] = 'Find and repair any errors.';
$txt['maintain_logs'] = 'Empty out unimportant logs.';
$txt['maintain_optimize'] = 'Optimize all tables to improve performance.';
$txt['maintain_version'] = 'Check all files against current versions.';
$txt['maintain_return'] = 'Back to Forum Maintenance';
$txt['maintain_backup'] = 'Backup Database';
$txt['maintain_backup_struct'] = 'Save the table structure.';
$txt['maintain_backup_data'] = 'Save the table data. (the important stuff.)';
$txt['maintain_backup_gz'] = 'Compress the file with gzip.';
$txt['maintain_backup_save'] = 'Download';
$txt['maintain_old'] = 'Remove Old Posts';
$txt['maintain_old_since_days1'] = 'Remove all topics not posted in for ';
$txt['maintain_old_since_days2'] = ' days, which are:';
$txt['maintain_old_nothing_else'] = 'Any sort of topic.';
$txt['maintain_old_are_moved'] = 'Moved topic notices.';
$txt['maintain_old_are_locked'] = 'Locked.';
$txt['maintain_old_are_not_stickied'] = 'But don\'t count stickied topics.';
$txt['maintain_old_all'] = 'All Boards';
$txt['maintain_old_choose'] = 'Choose Specific Boards';
$txt['maintain_old_remove'] = 'Remove now';
$txt['maintain_old_confirm'] = 'Are you really sure you want to delete old posts now?\\n\\nThis cannot be undone!';
$txt['db_error_send'] = 'Send emails on MySQL connection error';
$txt['db_persist'] = 'Use a persistent connection';
$txt['default_language'] = 'Default Forum Language';
$txt['maintenance1'] = 'Subject for display:';
$txt['maintenance2'] = 'Message for display:';
$txt['errlog1'] = 'Forum Error Log';
$txt['errlog2'] = 'The error log tracks every error encountered by your forum. To delete any errors from the database, mark the checkbox, and click the ' . $txt[31] . ' button at the bottom of the page.';
$txt['theme4'] = 'Theme Settings';
$txt['theme_current_settings'] = 'Current Theme';
$txt['repair_zero_ids'] = 'Found topics and/or messages with topic or message IDs of 0.';
$txt['repair_missing_topics'] = 'Message #%d is in non-existent topic #%d.';
$txt['repair_missing_messages'] = 'Topic #%d contains no (actual) messages.';
$txt['repair_stats_topics_1'] = 'Topic #%d has the first message ID %d, which is incorrect.';
$txt['repair_stats_topics_2'] = 'Topic #%d has the last message ID %d, which is incorrect.';
$txt['repair_stats_topics_3'] = 'Topic #%d has the wrong number of replies, %d.';
$txt['repair_missing_boards'] = 'Topic #%d is in board #%d, which is missing.';
$txt['repair_missing_categories'] = 'Board #%d is in category #%d, which is missing.';
$txt['repair_missing_posters'] = 'Message #%d was posted by member #%d, who is now missing.';
$txt['repair_missing_parents'] = 'Board #%d is a child of board #%d, which is missing.';
$txt['repair_missing_polls'] = 'Topic #%d is tied to non-existent poll #%d.';
$txt['repair_missing_calendar_topics'] = 'Event #%d is tied to topic #%d, which is missing.';
$txt['repair_missing_log_topics'] = 'Topic #%d is marked as read for one or more people, but does not exist.';
$txt['repair_missing_log_topics_members'] = 'Member #%d has marked one or more topics as read, but does not exist.';
$txt['repair_missing_log_boards'] = 'Board #%d is marked as read for one or more people, but does not exist.';
$txt['repair_missing_log_boards_members'] = 'Member #%d has marked one or more boards as read, but does not exist.';
$txt['repair_missing_log_mark_read'] = 'Board #%d is marked as read for one or more people, but does not exist.';
$txt['repair_missing_log_mark_read_members'] = 'Member #%d has marked one or more boards as read, but does not exist.';
$txt['repair_missing_pms'] = 'Personal message #%d has been sent to one or more people, but does not exist.';
$txt['repair_missing_recipients'] = 'Member #%d has received one or more personal messages, but does not exist.';
$txt['repair_missing_senders'] = 'Personal message #%d was sent by member #%d, who does not exist.';
$txt['repair_missing_notify_members'] = 'Notifications have been requested by member #%d, who does not exist.';
$txt['repair_missing_cached_subject'] = 'The subject of topic #%d is currently not stored in the subject cache.';
$txt['repair_missing_topic_for_cache'] = 'Cached word \'%s\' is linked to a non-existent topic.';
$txt['repair_missing_log_poll_member'] = 'Poll #%1$d has been given a vote from member #%2$d , who is now missing.';
$txt['repair_missing_log_poll_vote'] = 'A vote was cast by member #%1$d on a non-existent poll #%2$d.';
$txt['repair_missing_thumbnail_parent'] = 'A thumbnail exists called %s, but it doesn\'t have a parent.';
$txt['dvc_your'] = 'Your Version';
$txt['dvc_current'] = 'Current Version';
$txt['dvc_sources'] = 'Sources';
$txt['dvc_default'] = 'Default Templates';
$txt['dvc_templates'] = 'Current Templates';
$txt['dvc_languages'] = 'Language Files';
$txt['modlog_view'] = 'Moderation Log';
$txt['modlog_date'] = 'Date';
$txt['modlog_member'] = 'Member';
$txt['modlog_position'] = 'Position';
$txt['modlog_action'] = 'Action';
$txt['modlog_ip'] = 'IP';
$txt['modlog_search_result'] = 'Search Results';
$txt['modlog_total_entries'] = 'Total Entries';
$txt['modlog_ac_banned'] = 'Banned';
$txt['modlog_ac_locked'] = 'Locked';
$txt['modlog_ac_stickied'] = 'Stickied';
$txt['modlog_ac_deleted'] = 'Deleted';
$txt['modlog_ac_deleted_member'] = 'Deleted Member';
$txt['modlog_ac_removed'] = 'Removed';
$txt['modlog_ac_modified'] = 'Modified';
$txt['modlog_ac_merged'] = 'Merged';
$txt['modlog_ac_split'] = 'Split';
$txt['modlog_ac_moved'] = 'Moved';
$txt['modlog_ac_profile'] = 'Profile Edit';
$txt['modlog_ac_pruned'] = 'Pruned Board';
$txt['modlog_ac_news'] = 'Edited News';
$txt['modlog_enter_comment'] = 'Enter Moderation Comment';
$txt['modlog_moderation_log'] = 'Moderation Log';
$txt['modlog_moderation_log_desc'] = 'Below is a list of all the moderation actions that have been carried out by moderators of the forum.
Please note: Entries cannot be removed from this log until they are at least twenty-four hours old.';
$txt['modlog_no_entries_found'] = 'No entries found';
$txt['modlog_remove'] = 'Remove';
$txt['modlog_removeall'] = 'Remove All';
$txt['modlog_go'] = 'Go';
$txt['modlog_add'] = 'Add';
$txt['modlog_search'] = 'Quick Search';
$txt['modlog_by'] = 'By';
$txt['smileys_default_set_for_theme'] = 'Select default smiley set for this theme';
$txt['smileys_no_default'] = '(use global default smiley set)';
$txt['censor_test'] = 'Test Censored Words';
$txt['censor_test_save'] = 'Test';
$txt['censor_case'] = 'Ignore case when censoring';
$txt['smf231'] = 'Check only whole words';
$txt['admin_confirm_password'] = '(confirm)';
$txt['date_format'] = '(YYYY-MM-DD)';
$txt['undefined_gender'] = 'Undefined';
$txt['age'] = 'User age';
$txt['activation_status'] = 'Activation Status';
$txt['activated'] = 'Activated';
$txt['not_activated'] = 'Not activated';
$txt['primary'] = 'Primary';
$txt['additional'] = 'Additional';
$txt['messenger_address'] = 'Messenger Address';
$txt['wild_cards_allowed'] = 'wildcard characters * and ? are allowed';
$txt['search_for'] = 'Search for';
$txt['member_part_of_these_membergroups'] = 'Member is part of these membergroups';
$txt['membergroups'] = 'Membergroups';
$txt['confirm_delete_members'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected members?';
$txt['support_credits_title'] = 'Support and Credits';
$txt['support_credits_info'] = 'Get support on common issues and version information to give if you have problems.';
$txt['support_title'] = 'Support Information';
$txt['support_versions_current'] = 'Current SMF version';
$txt['support_versions_forum'] = 'Forum version';
$txt['support_versions_php'] = 'PHP version';
$txt['support_versions_mysql'] = 'MySQL version';
$txt['support_versions_server'] = 'Server version';
$txt['support_versions_gd'] = 'GD version';
$txt['support_versions'] = 'Version Information';
$txt['support_latest'] = 'Common Support & Issues';
$txt['support_latest_fetch'] = 'Retrieving support information...';
$txt['edit_permissions'] = 'Permissions';
$txt['edit_permissions_info'] = 'Change restrictions and available features globally or to specific boards.';
$txt['membergroups_members'] = 'Regular Members';
$txt['membergroups_guests'] = 'Guests';
$txt['membergroups_guests_na'] = 'n/a';
$txt['membergroups_name'] = 'Name';
$txt['membergroups_stars'] = 'Stars';
$txt['membergroups_members_top'] = 'Members';
$txt['membergroups_add_group'] = 'Add group';
$txt['membergroups_permissions'] = 'Permissions';
$txt['permitgroups_restrict'] = 'Restrictive';
$txt['permitgroups_standard'] = 'Standard';
$txt['permitgroups_moderator'] = 'Moderator';
$txt['permitgroups_maintenance'] = 'Maintenance';
$txt['permitgroups_inherit'] = 'Inherit';
$txt['confirm_delete_attachments_all'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all attachments?';
$txt['confirm_delete_attachments'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected attachments?';
$txt['attachment_manager_browse_files'] = 'Browse Files';
$txt['attachment_manager_repair'] = 'Maintain';
$txt['attachment_manager_avatars'] = 'Avatars';
$txt['attachment_manager_attachments'] = 'Attachments';
$txt['attachment_manager_thumbs'] = 'Thumbnails';
$txt['attachment_manager_last_active'] = 'Last Active';
$txt['attachment_manager_member'] = 'Member';
$txt['attachment_manager_avatars_older'] = 'Remove avatars from members not active for more than';
$txt['attachment_manager_total_avatars'] = 'Total Avatars';
$txt['attachment_manager_settings'] = 'Attachment Settings';
$txt['attachment_manager_avatar_settings'] = 'Avatar Settings';
$txt['attachment_manager_browse'] = 'Browse files';
$txt['attachment_manager_maintenance'] = 'File maintenance';
$txt['attachment_manager_save'] = 'Save';
$txt['attachment_mode'] = 'Attachments mode';
$txt['attachment_mode_deactivate'] = 'Disable attachments';
$txt['attachment_mode_enable_all'] = 'Enable all attachments';
$txt['attachment_mode_disable_new'] = 'Disable new attachments';
$txt['attachmentCheckExtensions'] = 'Check attachment\'s extension';
$txt['attachmentExtensions'] = 'Allowed attachment extensions';
$txt['attachmentShowImages'] = 'Display image attachments as pictures under post';
$txt['attachmentEncryptFilenames'] = 'Encrypt stored filenames';
$txt['attachmentUploadDir'] = 'Attachments directory';
$txt['attachmentDirSizeLimit'] = 'Max attachment folder space';
$txt['attachmentPostLimit'] = 'Max attachment size per post';
$txt['attachmentSizeLimit'] = 'Max size per attachment';
$txt['attachmentNumPerPostLimit'] = 'Max number of attachments per post';
$txt['attachmentThumbnails'] = 'Resize images when showing under posts';
$txt['attachmentThumbWidth'] = 'Maximum width of thumbnails';
$txt['attachmentThumbHeight'] = 'Maximum height of thumbnails';
$txt['mods_cat_avatars'] = 'Avatars';
$txt['avatar_directory'] = 'Avatars directory';
$txt['avatar_url'] = 'Avatars URL';
$txt['avatar_dimension_note'] = '(0 = no limit)';
$txt['avatar_max_width_external'] = 'Maximum width external avatar';
$txt['avatar_max_height_external'] = 'Maximum height external avatar';
$txt['avatar_action_too_large'] = 'If the avatar is too large...';
$txt['option_refuse'] = 'Refuse it';
$txt['option_html_resize'] = 'Let the HTML resize it';
$txt['option_js_resize'] = 'Resize it with JavaScript';
$txt['option_download_and_resize'] = 'Download and resize it (requires GD module)';
$txt['avatar_max_width_upload'] = 'Maximum width of uploaded avatar';
$txt['avatar_max_height_upload'] = 'Maximum height of uploaded avatar';
$txt['avatar_resize_upload'] = 'Resize oversized large avatars';
$txt['avatar_resize_upload_note'] = '(requires GD module)';
$txt['avatar_download_png'] = 'Use PNG for resized avatars?';
$txt['avatar_gd_warning'] = 'The GD module is currently not installed. Some avatar features are disabled.';
$txt['avatar_external'] = 'External avatars';
$txt['avatar_upload'] = 'Uploadable avatars';
$txt['avatar_server_stored'] = 'Server-stored avatars';
$txt['avatar_server_stored_groups'] = 'Membergroups allowed to select a server stored avatar';
$txt['avatar_upload_groups'] = 'Membergroups allowed to upload an avatar to the server';
$txt['avatar_external_url_groups'] = 'Membergroups allowed to select an external URL';
$txt['avatar_select_permission'] = 'Select permissions for each group';
$txt['avatar_download_external'] = 'Download avatar at given URL';
$txt['custom_avatar_enabled'] = 'Upload avatars to...';
$txt['option_attachment_dir'] = 'Attachment directory';
$txt['option_specified_dir'] = 'Specific directory...';
$txt['custom_avatar_dir'] = 'Upload directory';
$txt['custom_avatar_dir_desc'] = 'This should not be the same as the server-stored directory.';
$txt['custom_avatar_url'] = 'Upload URL';
$txt['repair_attachments'] = 'Maintain Attachments';
$txt['repair_attachments_complete'] = 'Maintenance Complete';
$txt['repair_attachments_complete_desc'] = 'All selected errors have now been corrected';
$txt['repair_attachments_no_errors'] = 'No errors were found!';
$txt['repair_attachments_error_desc'] = 'The follow errors were found during maintenance. Check the box next to the errors you wish to fix and hit continue.';
$txt['repair_attachments_continue'] = 'Continue';
$txt['repair_attachments_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$txt['attach_repair_missing_thumbnail_parent'] = '%d thumbnails are missing a parent attachment';
$txt['attach_repair_parent_missing_thumbnail'] = '%d parents are flagged as having thumbnails but don\'t';
$txt['attach_repair_file_missing_on_disk'] = '%d attachments/avatars have an entry but no longer exist on disk';
$txt['attach_repair_file_wrong_size'] = '%d attachments/avatars are being reported as the wrong filesize';
$txt['attach_repair_file_size_of_zero'] = '%d attachments/avatars have a size of zero on disk. (These will be deleted)';
$txt['attach_repair_attachment_no_msg'] = '%d attachments no longer have a message associated with them';
$txt['attach_repair_avatar_no_member'] = '%d avatars no longer have a member associated with them';
$txt['news_title'] = 'News and newsletters';
$txt['news_settings_desc'] = 'Here you can change the settings and permissions related to news and newsletters.';
$txt['news_settings_submit'] = 'Save';
$txt['news_mailing_desc'] = 'From this menu you can send messages to all members who\'ve registered and entered their email addresses. You may edit the distribution list, or send messages to all. Useful for important update/news information.';
$txt['groups_edit_news'] = 'Groups allowed to edit news items';
$txt['groups_send_mail'] = 'Groups allowed to send out forum newsletters';
$txt['xmlnews_enable'] = 'Enable XML/RSS news';
$txt['xmlnews_maxlen'] = 'Maximum post length:(0 to disable, bad idea.)
$txt['editnews_clickadd'] = 'Click here to add another item.';
$txt['editnews_remove_selected'] = 'Remove selected';
$txt['editnews_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected news items?';
$txt['censor_clickadd'] = 'Click here to add another word.';
$txt['layout_controls'] = 'Forum';
$txt['generate_reports'] = 'Generate Reports';
$txt['permission_mode_normal'] = 'Normal';
$txt['permission_mode_no_polls'] = 'No polls';
$txt['permission_mode_reply_only'] = 'Reply only';
$txt['permission_mode_read_only'] = 'Read only';
$txt['update_available'] = 'Update Available!';
$txt['update_message'] = 'You\'re using an outdated version of SMF, which contains some bugs which have since been fixed.
It is recommended that you update your forum to the latest version as soon as possible. It only takes a minute!';
$txt['salvaged_category_name'] = 'Salvage Area';
$txt['salvaged_category_error'] = 'Unable to create Salvage Area category!';
$txt['salvaged_board_name'] = 'Salvaged Topics';
$txt['salvaged_board_description'] = 'Topics created for messages with non-existent topics';
$txt['salvaged_board_error'] = 'Unable to create Salvaged Topics board!';
$txt['manageposts'] = 'Posts and Topics';
$txt['manageposts_title'] = 'Manage Posts and Topics';
$txt['manageposts_description'] = 'Here you can manage all settings related to topics and posts.';
$txt['manageposts_seconds'] = 'seconds';
$txt['manageposts_minutes'] = 'minutes';
$txt['manageposts_characters'] = 'characters';
$txt['manageposts_days'] = 'days';
$txt['manageposts_posts'] = 'posts';
$txt['manageposts_topics'] = 'topics';
$txt['manageposts_settings'] = 'Post Settings';
$txt['manageposts_settings_description'] = 'Here you can set everything related to posts and posting.';
$txt['manageposts_settings_submit'] = 'Save';
$txt['manageposts_bbc_settings'] = 'Bulletin Board Code';
$txt['manageposts_bbc_settings_description'] = 'Bulletin board code can be used to add markup to forum messages. For example, to highlight the word \'house\' you can type [b]house[/b]. All Bulletin board code tags are surrounded by square brackets (\'[\' and \']\').';
$txt['manageposts_bbc_settings_title'] = 'Bulletin Board Code Settings';
$txt['manageposts_bbc_settings_submit'] = 'Save';
$txt['manageposts_topic_settings'] = 'Topic Settings';
$txt['manageposts_topic_settings_description'] = 'Here you can set all settings involving topics.';
$txt['manageposts_topic_settings_submit'] = 'Save';
$txt['removeNestedQuotes'] = 'Remove nested quotes when posting';
$txt['enableEmbeddedFlash'] = 'Embed flash into posts';
$txt['enableEmbeddedFlash_warning'] = 'may be a security risk!';
$txt['enableSpellChecking'] = 'Enable spell checking';
$txt['enableSpellChecking_warning'] = 'this does not work on all servers!';
$txt['max_messageLength'] = 'Maximum allowed post size';
$txt['max_messageLength_zero'] = '0 for no max.';
$txt['fixLongWords'] = 'Break up words with more letters than';
$txt['fixLongWords_zero'] = '0 to disable';
$txt['topicSummaryPosts'] = 'Posts to show on topic summary';
$txt['spamWaitTime'] = 'Time required between posts from the same IP';
$txt['edit_wait_time'] = 'Courtesy edit wait time';
$txt['edit_disable_time'] = 'Maximum time after posting to allow edit';
$txt['edit_disable_time_zero'] = '0 to disable';
$txt['enableBBC'] = 'Enable bulletin board code (BBC)';
$txt['enablePostHTML'] = 'Enable basic HTML in posts';
$txt['autoLinkUrls'] = 'Automatically link posted URLs';
$txt['bbcTagsToUse'] = 'Enabled BBC tags';
$txt['bbcTagsToUse_select'] = 'Select the tags allowed to be used';
$txt['bbcTagsToUse_select_all'] = 'Select all tags';
$txt['enableStickyTopics'] = 'Enable sticky topics';
$txt['enableParticipation'] = 'Enable participation icons';
$txt['oldTopicDays'] = 'Time before topic is warned as old on reply';
$txt['oldTopicDays_zero'] = '0 to disable';
$txt['defaultMaxTopics'] = 'Number of topics per page in the message index';
$txt['defaultMaxMessages'] = 'Number of posts per page in a topic page';
$txt['hotTopicPosts'] = 'Number of posts for a hot topic';
$txt['hotTopicVeryPosts'] = 'Number of posts for a very hot topic';
$txt['enableAllMessages'] = 'Max topic size to show "All" posts';
$txt['enableAllMessages_zero'] = '0 to never show "All"';
$txt['enablePreviousNext'] = 'Enable previous/next topic links';
$txt['not_done_title'] = 'Not done yet!';
$txt['not_done_reason'] = 'To avoid overloading your server, the process has been temporarily paused. It should automatically continue in a few seconds. If it doesn\'t, please click continue below.';
$txt['not_done_continue'] = 'Continue';
$txt['core_configuration'] = 'Core Configuration';
$txt['other_configuration'] = 'Feature Configuration';
$txt['caching_settings'] = 'Caching';
$txt['utf8_title'] = 'Convert the database and data to UTF-8';
$txt['utf8_introduction'] = 'UTF-8 is an international character set covering nearly all languages around the world. Converting your database and data to UTF-8 can make it easier to support multiple languages on the same board. It also can enhance search and sorting capabilities for languages with non-latin characters.';
$txt['utf8_warning'] = 'If you want to convert your data and database to UTF-8, be aware of the following:
- Converting character sets might be harmful for your data! Make sure you have backed up your database before converting.
- Because UTF-8 is a richer character set than most other character sets, there\'s no way back, unless by restoring your database to before the conversion.
- After converting your data and database to UTF-8, you will need UTF-8 compatible language files.
$txt['utf8_charset_not_supported'] = 'Conversion from %s to UTF-8 is not supported.';
$txt['utf8_detected_charset'] = 'Based on your default language file (\'%1$s\'), the character set of your data would most likely be \'%2$s\'.';
$txt['utf8_already_utf8'] = 'Your database and data already seem to be configured as UTF-8 data. No conversion is needed.';
$txt['utf8_source_charset'] = 'Data character set';
$txt['utf8_proceed'] = 'Proceed';
$txt['utf8_database_charset'] = 'Database character set';
$txt['utf8_target_charset'] = 'Convert data and database to';
$txt['utf8_utf8'] = 'UTF-8';
$txt['utf8_db_version_too_low'] = 'The version of MySQL that your database server is using is not high enough to support UTF-8 properly. A minimum version of 4.1.2 is required.';
$txt['entity_convert_title'] = 'Convert HTML-entities to UTF-8 characters';
$txt['entity_convert_only_utf8'] = 'The database needs to be in UTF-8 format before HTML-entities can be converted to UTF-8';
$txt['entity_convert_introduction'] = 'This function will convert all characters that are stored in the database as HTML-entities to UTF-8 characters. This is especially useful when you have just converted your forum from a character set like ISO-8859-1 while non-latin characters were used on the forum. The browser then sends all characters as HTML-entities. For example, the HTML-entity α represents the greek letter α (alpha). Converting entities to UTF-8 will improve searching and sorting of text and reduce storage size.';
$txt['entity_convert_proceed'] = 'Proceed';
$txt['copyright_ends_in'] = 'Your subscription to remove the SMF copyright notice ends in %1$s days.';
$txt['copyright_click_renew'] = 'Click here to renew';
$txt['copyright_removal'] = 'Copyright Removal';
$txt['copyright_removal_desc'] = 'In order to remove the copyright from your SMF installation you will need the code purchased from the Simple Machines website. If you have not yet purchased a code please click here. Once the code has been entered and verified the copyright will be hidden until your subscription expires. The time remaining will be shown on the admin center.';
$txt['copyright_code'] = 'Copyright Code';
$txt['copyright_failed'] = 'Sorry - but the code you entered is incorrect. Please ensure that your forum URL matches that entered when purchasing the subscription.';
$txt['copyright_proceed'] = 'Proceed';