'; // Loop through every area, displaying its name as a header. foreach ($context['profile_areas'] as $section) { echo ' '; } echo '
', $section['title'], '
'; // For every section of the area display it, and bold it if it's the current area. foreach ($section['areas'] as $i => $area) if ($i == $context['menu_item_selected']) echo ' ', $area, '
'; else echo ' ', $area, '
'; echo '
'; } // If no areas exist just open up a containing table. else { echo '
'; } // If an error occurred whilst trying to save previously, give the user a clue! if (!empty($context['post_errors'])) { echo '
', template_error_message(), '
'; } } // Template for closing off table started in profile_above. function template_profile_below() { global $context, $settings, $options; echo '
'; } // This template displays users details without any option to edit them. function template_summary() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt; // First do the containing table and table header. echo ' '; // Do the left hand column - where all the important user info is displayed. echo ' '; // Now print the second column where the members avatar/text is shown. echo ' '; // Finally, if applicable, span the bottom of the table with links to other useful member functions. echo '
  ', $txt['summary'], ' - ', $context['member']['name'], ' ', $txt[232], '
'; if (!empty($modSettings['titlesEnable']) && $context['member']['title'] != '') { echo ' '; } echo ' '; // If the person looking is allowed, they can check the members IP address and hostname. if ($context['can_see_ip']) { echo ' '; } // If karma enabled show the members karma. if ($modSettings['karmaMode'] == '1') echo ' '; elseif ($modSettings['karmaMode'] == '2') echo ' '; echo ' '; // Is this member requiring activation and/or banned? if (!empty($context['activate_message']) || !empty($context['member']['bans'])) { echo ' '; // If the person looking at the summary has permission, and the account isn't activated, give the viewer the ability to do it themselves. if (!empty($context['activate_message'])) echo ' '; // If the current member is banned, show a message and possibly a link to the ban. if (!empty($context['member']['bans'])) { echo ' '; } } // Messenger type information. echo ' '; if (!empty($modSettings['userLanguage'])) echo ' '; echo ' '; // Show the users signature. echo '
', $txt[68], ': ', $context['member']['name'], '
', $txt['title1'], ': ', $context['member']['title'], '
', $txt[86], ': ', $context['member']['posts'], ' (', $context['member']['posts_per_day'], ' ', $txt['posts_per_day'], ')
', $txt[87], ': ', (!empty($context['member']['group']) ? $context['member']['group'] : $context['member']['post_group']), '
', $txt[512], ': ', $context['member']['ip'], '
', $txt['hostname'], ':
', $context['member']['hostname'], '
', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' ', ($context['member']['karma']['good'] - $context['member']['karma']['bad']), '
', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' +', $context['member']['karma']['good'], '/-', $context['member']['karma']['bad'], '
', $txt[233], ': ', $context['member']['registered'], '
', $txt['lastLoggedIn'], ': ', $context['member']['last_login'], '

', $context['activate_message'], ' (', $context['activate_link_text'], ')
', $txt['user_is_banned'], ' [' . $txt['view_ban'] . ']

', $txt[513], ': ', $context['member']['icq']['link_text'], '
', $txt[603], ': ', $context['member']['aim']['link_text'], '
', $txt['MSN'], ': ', $context['member']['msn']['link_text'], '
', $txt[604], ': ', $context['member']['yim']['link_text'], '
', $txt[69], ': '; // Only show the email address if it's not hidden. if ($context['member']['email_public']) echo ' ', $context['member']['email'], ''; // ... Or if the one looking at the profile is an admin they can see it anyway. elseif (!$context['member']['hide_email']) echo ' ', $context['member']['email'], ''; else echo ' ', $txt[722], ''; // Some more information. echo '
', $txt[96], ': ', $context['member']['website']['title'], '
', $txt[113], ' ', $context['can_send_pm'] ? '' : '', $settings['use_image_buttons'] ? '' . $context['member']['online']['text'] . '' : $context['member']['online']['text'], $context['can_send_pm'] ? '' : '', $settings['use_image_buttons'] ? ' ' . $context['member']['online']['text'] . '' : '', ''; // Can they add this member as a buddy? if (!empty($context['can_have_buddy']) && !$context['user']['is_owner']) echo '   [', $txt['buddy_' . ($context['member']['is_buddy'] ? 'remove' : 'add')], ']'; echo '

', $txt[231], ': ', $context['member']['gender']['name'], '
', $txt[420], ': ', $context['member']['age'] . ($context['member']['today_is_birthday'] ? '   ' : ''), '
', $txt[227], ': ', $context['member']['location'], '
', $txt['local_time'], ': ', $context['member']['local_time'], '
', $txt['smf225'], ': ', $context['member']['language'], '

', $txt[85], ':
', $context['member']['signature'], '
', $context['member']['avatar']['image'], '

', $context['member']['blurb'], '
', $txt[597], ':
'; if (!$context['user']['is_owner'] && $context['can_send_pm']) echo ' ', $txt[688], '.

'; echo ' ', $txt[460], ' ', $txt[461], '.
', $txt['statPanel_show'], '.

'; } // Template for showing all the posts of the user, in chronological order. function template_showPosts() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt; echo ' '; // Only show posts if they have made some! if (!empty($context['posts'])) { // Page numbers. echo '
  ', $txt['showPosts'], '
', $txt[139], ': ', $context['page_index'], '
'; // Button shortcuts $quote_button = create_button('quote.gif', 145, 'smf240', 'align="middle"'); $reply_button = create_button('reply_sm.gif', 146, 146, 'align="middle"'); $remove_button = create_button('delete.gif', 121, 31, 'align="middle"'); $notify_button = create_button('notify_sm.gif', 131, 125, 'align="middle"'); // For every post to be displayed, give it its own subtable, and show the important details of the post. foreach ($context['posts'] as $post) { echo '
', $post['counter'], '  ', $post['category']['name'], ' / ', $post['board']['name'], ' / ', $post['subject'], ' ', $txt[30], ': ', $post['time'], '
', $post['body'], '
'; if ($post['can_delete']) echo ' ', $remove_button, ''; if ($post['can_delete'] && ($post['can_mark_notify'] || $post['can_reply'])) echo ' ', $context['menu_separator']; if ($post['can_reply']) echo ' ', $reply_button, '', $context['menu_separator'], ' ', $quote_button, ''; if ($post['can_reply'] && $post['can_mark_notify']) echo ' ', $context['menu_separator']; if ($post['can_mark_notify']) echo ' ' . $notify_button . ''; echo '
'; } // Show more page numbers. echo '
', $txt[139], ': ', $context['page_index'], '
'; } // No posts? Just end the table with a informative message. else echo ' ', $txt[170], ' '; } // Template for showing all the buddies of the current user. function template_editBuddies() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt; echo ' '; // If they don't have any buddies don't list them! if (empty($context['buddies'])) echo ' '; // Now loop through each buddy showing info on each. $alternate = false; foreach ($context['buddies'] as $buddy) { echo ' '; $alternate = !$alternate; } echo '
  ', $txt['editBuddies'], '
', $txt[68], ' ', $txt['online8'], ' ', $txt[69], ' ', $txt[513], ' ', $txt[603], ' ', $txt[604], ' ', $txt['MSN'], '
', $txt['no_buddies'], '
', $buddy['link'], ' ', $buddy['online']['label'], ' ', ($buddy['hide_email'] ? '' : '' . $txt[69] . ''), ' ', $buddy['icq']['link'], ' ', $buddy['aim']['link'], ' ', $buddy['yim']['link'], ' ', $buddy['msn']['link'], ' ', $txt['buddy_remove'], '
'; // Add a new buddy? echo '
', $txt['buddy_add'], '
', $txt['who_member'], ': ', $txt['find_members'], '
'; } // This template shows an admin information on a users IP addresses used and errors attributed to them. function template_trackUser() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt; // The first table shows IP information about the user. echo '
'; // The last IP the user used. echo ' '; // Lists of IP addresses used in messages / error messages. echo ' '; // List any members that have used the same IP addresses as the current member. echo '
', $txt['view_ips_by'], ' ', $context['member']['name'], '
', $txt['most_recent_ip'], ': ', $context['last_ip'], '
', $txt['ips_in_messages'], ': ', (count($context['ips']) > 0 ? implode(', ', $context['ips']) : '(' . $txt['none'] . ')'), '
', $txt['ips_in_errors'], ': ', (count($context['error_ips']) > 0 ? implode(', ', $context['error_ips']) : '(' . $txt['none'] . ')'), '
', $txt['members_in_range'], ': ', (count($context['members_in_range']) > 0 ? implode(', ', $context['members_in_range']) : '(' . $txt['none'] . ')'), '

'; // The second table lists all the error messages the user has caused/received. echo '
'; // If there arn't any messages just give a message stating this. if (empty($context['error_messages'])) echo ' '; // Otherwise print every error message out. else // For every error message print the IP address that caused it, the message displayed and the date it occurred. foreach ($context['error_messages'] as $error) echo ' '; echo '
', $txt['errors_by'], ' ', $context['member']['name'], '
', $txt['errors_desc'], '
', $txt[139], ': ', $context['page_index'], '
', $txt['ip_address'], ' ', $txt[72], ' ', $txt[317], '
', $txt['no_errors_from_user'], '
', $error['ip'], ' ', $error['message'], '
', $error['url'], '
', $error['time'], '
'; } // The template for trackIP, allowing the admin to see where/who a certain IP has been used. function template_trackIP() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt; // This function always defaults to the last IP used by a member but can be set to track any IP. echo '
'; // The first table in the template gives an input box to allow the admin to enter another IP to track. echo '
', $txt['trackIP'], '
', $txt['enter_ip'], ':    

'; // The table inbetween the first and second table shows links to the whois server for every region. if ($context['single_ip']) { echo '
', $txt['whois_title'], ' ', $context['ip'], '
'; foreach ($context['whois_servers'] as $server) echo ' ', $server['name'], '
'; echo '

'; } // The second table lists all the members who have been logged as using this IP address. echo '
'; if (empty($context['ips'])) echo ' '; else // Loop through each of the members and display them. foreach ($context['ips'] as $ip => $memberlist) echo ' '; echo '
', $txt['members_from_ip'], ' ', $context['ip'], '
', $txt['ip_address'], ' ', $txt['display_name'], '
', $txt['no_members_from_ip'], '
', $ip, ' ', implode(', ', $memberlist), '

'; // The third table in the template displays a list of all the messages sent using this IP (can be quite long). echo '
'; // No message means nothing to do! if (empty($context['messages'])) echo ' '; else // For every message print the IP, member who posts it, subject (with link) and date posted. foreach ($context['messages'] as $message) echo ' '; echo '
', $txt['messages_from_ip'], ' ', $context['ip'], '
', $txt['messages_from_ip_desc'], '
', $txt[139], ': ', $context['message_page_index'], '
', $txt['ip_address'], ' ', $txt['rtm8'], ' ', $txt[319], ' ', $txt[317], '
', $txt['no_messages_from_ip'], '
', $message['ip'], ' ', $message['member']['link'], ' ', $message['subject'], ' ', $message['time'], '

'; // The final table in the template lists all the error messages caused/received by anyone using this IP address. echo '
'; if (empty($context['error_messages'])) echo ' '; else // For each error print IP address, member, message received and date caused. foreach ($context['error_messages'] as $error) echo ' '; echo '
', $txt['errors_from_ip'], ' ', $context['ip'], '
', $txt['errors_from_ip_desc'], '
', $txt[139], ': ', $context['error_page_index'], '
', $txt['ip_address'], ' ', $txt['display_name'], ' ', $txt[72], ' ', $txt[317], '
', $txt['no_errors_from_ip'], '
', $error['ip'], ' ', $error['member']['link'], ' ', $error['message'], '
', $error['url'], '
', $error['error_time'], '
'; } function template_showPermissions() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt; echo ' '; if ($context['member']['has_all_permissions']) { echo ' '; } else { if (!empty($context['no_access_boards'])) { echo ' '; } // General Permissions section. echo ' '; if (!empty($context['member']['permissions']['general'])) { echo ' '; foreach ($context['member']['permissions']['general'] as $permission) { echo ' '; } } else echo ' '; // Board permission section. echo ' '; if (!empty($context['member']['permissions']['board'])) { echo ' '; foreach ($context['member']['permissions']['board'] as $permission) { echo ' '; } } else echo ' '; } echo '
  ', $txt['showPermissions'], '
', $txt['showPermissions_all'], '
', $txt['showPermissions_restricted_boards'], '
', $txt['showPermissions_restricted_boards_desc'], ':
'; foreach ($context['no_access_boards'] as $no_access_board) echo ' ', $no_access_board['name'], '', $no_access_board['is_last'] ? '' : ', '; echo '
', $txt['showPermissions_general'], '
', $txt['showPermissions_permission'], '
', $permission['is_denied'] ? '' . $permission['id'] . '' : $permission['id'], '
', $permission['name'], '
'; if ($permission['is_denied']) echo ' ', $txt['showPermissions_denied'], ': ', implode(', ', $permission['groups']['denied']); else echo ' ', $txt['showPermissions_given'], ': ', implode(', ', $permission['groups']['allowed']); echo '
', $txt['showPermissions_none_general'], '
', $txt['showPermissions_select'], ':
', $txt['showPermissions_permission'], '
', $permission['is_denied'] ? '' . $permission['id'] . '' : $permission['id'], '
', $permission['name'], '
'; if ($permission['is_denied']) { echo ' ', $txt['showPermissions_denied'], ': ', implode(', ', $permission['groups']['denied']), '
'; } else { echo ' ', $txt['showPermissions_given'], ': ', implode(', ', $permission['groups']['allowed']), '
'; } echo '
', $txt['showPermissions_none_board'], '

'; } // Template for user statistics, showing graphs and the like. function template_statPanel() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt; echo ' '; // First, show a few text statistics such as post/topic count. echo ' '; // This next section draws a graph showing what times of day they post the most. echo ' '; // The final section is two columns with the most popular boards by posts and activity (activity = users posts / total posts). echo '
  ', $txt['statPanel_generalStats'], ' - ', $context['member']['name'], '
', $txt['statPanel_total_time_online'], ': ', $context['time_logged_in'], '
', $txt['statPanel_total_posts'], ': ', $context['num_posts'], ' ', $txt['statPanel_posts'], '
', $txt['statPanel_total_topics'], ': ', $context['num_topics'], ' ', $txt['statPanel_topics'], '
', $txt['statPanel_users_polls'], ': ', $context['num_polls'], ' ', $txt['statPanel_polls'], '
', $txt['statPanel_users_votes'], ': ', $context['num_votes'], ' ', $txt['statPanel_votes'], '
', $txt['statPanel_activityTime'], '
'; // If they haven't post at all, don't draw the graph. if (empty($context['posts_by_time'])) echo ' '; // Otherwise do! else { echo ' '; // Loops through each hour drawing the bar to the correct height. foreach ($context['posts_by_time'] as $time_of_day) echo ' '; echo ' '; // The labels. foreach ($context['posts_by_time'] as $time_of_day) echo ' '; echo ' '; } echo '
', $txt['statPanel_noPosts'], '
', $time_of_day['hour'], '
', $txt['statPanel_timeOfDay'], '
', $txt['statPanel_topBoards'], ' ', $txt['statPanel_topBoardsActivity'], '
'; if (empty($context['popular_boards'])) echo ' '; else { // Draw a bar for every board. foreach ($context['popular_boards'] as $board) { echo ' '; } } echo '
', $txt['statPanel_noPosts'], '
', $board['link'], ' ', $board['posts'] > 0 ? '' : ' ', ' ', empty($context['hide_num_posts']) ? $board['posts'] : '', '
'; if (empty($context['board_activity'])) echo ' '; else { // Draw a bar for every board. foreach ($context['board_activity'] as $activity) { echo ' '; } } echo '
', $txt['statPanel_noPosts'], '
', $activity['link'], ' ', $activity['percent'] > 0 ? '' : ' ', ' ', $activity['percent'], '%
'; } // Template for changing user account information. function template_account() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt; // Javascript for checking if password has been entered / taking admin powers away from themselves. echo ' '; // The main containing header. echo '
'; // Display Name, language and date user registered. echo '
   ', $txt[79], '
', $txt['account_info'], '
'; // Only show these settings if you're allowed to edit the account itself (not just the membergroups). if ($context['allow_edit_account']) { if ($context['user']['is_admin'] && !empty($context['allow_edit_username'])) echo ' '; else echo ' '; echo ' '; // Allow the administrator to change the date they registered on and their post count. if ($context['user']['is_admin']) echo ' '; // Only display if admin has enabled "user selectable language". if (!empty($modSettings['userLanguage']) && count($context['languages']) > 1) { echo ' '; } } // Only display member group information/editing with the proper permissions. if ($context['allow_edit_membergroups']) { echo ' '; } // Show this part if you're not only here for assigning membergroups. if ($context['allow_edit_account']) { // Show email address box. echo ' '; // If the user is allowed to hide their email address from the public give them the option to here. if ($context['allow_hide_email']) { echo ' '; } // Option to show online status - if they are allowed to. if ($context['allow_hide_online']) { echo ' '; } // Show boxes so that the user may change his or her password. echo ' '; // This section allows the user to enter secret question/answer so they can reset a forgotten password. echo ' '; } // Show the standard "Save Settings" profile button. template_profile_save(); echo '
', $txt['username_warning'], '
', $txt[35], ':
', $txt[35], ': ', $context['user']['is_admin'] ? ' ' : '', ' ', $context['member']['username'], '
', $txt[68], ':
', $txt[518], '
', ($context['allow_edit_name'] ? '' : $context['member']['name']), '
', $txt[233], ':
', $txt[86], ':
', $txt[349], ':

', $txt['primary_membergroup'], ':
', $txt['additional_membergroups'], ':
'; // For each membergroup show a checkbox so members can be assigned to more than one group. foreach ($context['member_groups'] as $member_group) if ($member_group['can_be_additional']) echo '
'; echo '

', $txt[69], ':
', $txt[679], '
', $txt[721], '
', $txt['show_online'], '

', $txt[81], ':
', $txt[596], '
', $txt[82], ':

', $txt['pswd1'], ':
', $txt['secret_desc'], '
', $txt['pswd2'], ':
', $txt['secret_desc2'], '
', $txt['secret_why_blank'], '
'; } // Template for forum specific options - avatar, signature etc. function template_forumProfile() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt; // The main containing header. echo '
   ', $txt[79], '
', $txt['forumProfile_info'], '
'; // This is the avatar selection table that is only displayed if avatars are enabled! if (!empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_server_stored']) || !empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_upload']) || !empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_external'])) { // If users are allowed to choose avatars stored on the server show selection boxes to choice them from. if (!empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_server_stored'])) { echo ' '; } // If the user can link to an off server avatar, show them a box to input the address. if (!empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_external'])) { echo ' '; } // If the user is able to upload avatars to the server show them an upload box. if (!empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_upload'])) echo ' '; } // Personal text... echo ' '; // Gender, birthdate and location. echo ' '; // All the messenger type contact info. echo ' '; // Input box for custom titles, if they can edit it... if (!empty($modSettings['titlesEnable']) && $context['allow_edit_title']) echo ' '; // Show the signature box. echo ' '; // Website details. echo ' '; // If karma is enabled let the admin edit it... if ($context['user']['is_admin'] && !empty($modSettings['karmaMode'])) { echo ' '; } // Show the standard "Save Settings" profile button. template_profile_save(); echo '
Do Nothing
', $txt[474], '
', ($context['member']['avatar']['ID_ATTACH'] > 0 ? '

' : ''), '
', $txt[228], ':

', $txt[563], ':
', $txt[566], ' - ', $txt[564], ' - ', $txt[565], '
- -
', $txt[227], ':
', $txt[231], ':

', $txt[513], ':
', $txt[600], '
', $txt[603], ':
', $txt[601], '
', $txt['MSN'], ':
', $txt['smf237'], '.
', $txt[604], ':
', $txt[602], '

' . $txt['title1'] . ':
', $txt[85], ':
', $txt[606], '

'; if ($context['show_spellchecking']) echo ' '; echo '

'; // If there is a limit at all! if (!empty($context['max_signature_length'])) echo ' ', $txt[664], ' ', $context['max_signature_length'], ''; // Load the spell checker? if ($context['show_spellchecking']) echo ' '; // Some javascript used to count how many characters have been used so far in the signature. echo '

', $txt[83], ':
', $txt[598], '
', $txt[84], ':
', $txt[599], '

', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' ', $modSettings['karmaApplaudLabel'], ' ', $modSettings['karmaSmiteLabel'], '
(', $txt[94], ': ', ($context['member']['karma']['good'] - $context['member']['karma']['bad']), ')
'; /* If the user is allowed to choose avatars stored on the server, the below javascript is used to update the file listing of avatars as the user changes catergory. It also updates the preview image as they choose different files on the select box. */ if (!empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_server_stored'])) echo ' '; echo '
'; if ($context['show_spellchecking']) echo '
'; } // Template for showing theme settings. Note: template_options() actually adds the theme specific options. function template_theme() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt; echo ' '; // The main containing header. echo '
   ', $txt[79], '
', $txt['theme_info'], '
'; // Are they allowed to change their theme? // !!! Change to permission? if ($modSettings['theme_allow'] || $context['user']['is_admin']) { echo ' '; } // Are multiple smiley sets enabled? if (!empty($modSettings['smiley_sets_enable'])) { echo ' '; } if ($modSettings['theme_allow'] || $context['user']['is_admin'] || !empty($modSettings['smiley_sets_enable'])) echo ' '; // Allow the user to change the way the time is displayed. echo ' '; echo ' '; // Show the standard "Save Settings" profile button. template_profile_save(); echo '
', $txt['theme1a'], ': ', $context['member']['theme']['name'], ' ', $txt['theme1b'], '
', $txt['smileys_current'], ': :)

', $txt[486], ':
', $txt[119], ' ', $txt[479], '

', $txt[371], ':
', $txt[519], '
', $txt['timeoffset_autodetect'], '
', $txt[741], ': ', $context['current_forum_time'], '

'; if ($settings['allow_no_censored']) echo ' '; echo '
'; } function template_notification() { global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings; // The main containing header. echo '
   ', $txt[79], '
', $txt['notification_info'], '
'; // Allow notification on announcements to be disabled? if (!empty($modSettings['allow_disableAnnounce'])) echo '
'; // More notification options. echo '

'; if (empty($modSettings['disallow_sendBody'])) echo '
'; echo '

', $txt['notifications_topics'], '
'; if (!empty($context['topic_notifications'])) { echo ' '; foreach ($context['topic_notifications'] as $topic) { echo ' '; } echo ' '; } else echo ' '; echo '
' . $txt[70] . ' ' . $txt[109] . '
', $topic['link']; if ($topic['new']) echo ' ', $txt[302], ''; echo '
' . $txt['smf88'] . ' ' . $topic['board']['link'] . '
' . $topic['poster']['link'] . '
', $txt[139], ': ', $context['page_index'], '
', $txt['notifications_topics_none'], '

', $txt['notifications_topics_howto'], '

', $txt['notifications_boards'], '
'; if (!empty($context['board_notifications'])) { echo ' '; foreach ($context['board_notifications'] as $board) { echo ' '; } echo ' '; } else echo ' '; echo '
' . $txt['smf82'] . '
', $board['link']; if ($board['new']) echo ' ', $txt[302], ''; echo '
', $txt['notifications_boards_none'], '

', $txt['notifications_boards_howto'], '

'; } // Template for options related to personal messages. function template_pmprefs() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt; // The main containing header. echo '
   ', $txt[79], '
', $txt['pmprefs_info'], '
'; // A text box for the user to input usernames of everyone they want to ignore personal messages from. echo ' '; // Extra options available to the user for personal messages. echo ' '; // Show the standard "Save Settings" profile button. template_profile_save(); echo '
', $txt[325], ':

'; } // Template to show for deleting a users account - now with added delete post capability! function template_deleteAccount() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt, $scripturl; // The main containing header. echo '
'; // If deleting another account give them a lovely info box. if (!$context['user']['is_owner']) echo ' '; echo '
   ', $txt['deleteAccount'], '
', $txt['deleteAccount_desc'], '
'; } // Otherwise an admin doesn't need to enter a password - but they still get a warning - plus the option to delete lovely posts! else { echo '
', $txt['deleteAccount_warning'], '
'; // Only actually give these options if they are kind of important. if ($context['can_delete_posts']) echo ' '; echo ' '; } echo '
'; // If they are deleting their account AND the admin needs to approve it - give them another piece of info ;) if ($context['needs_approval']) echo '
', $txt['deleteAccount_approval'], '

'; // If the user is deleting their own account warn them first - and require a password! if ($context['user']['is_owner']) { echo ' ', $txt['own_profile_confirm'], '

', $txt['smf241'], ':     
', $txt['deleteAccount_posts'], ':
'; } // Template for the password box/save button stuck at the bottom of every profile page. function template_profile_save() { global $context, $settings, $options, $txt; echo '
'; // Only show the password box if it's actually needed. if ($context['user']['is_owner'] && $context['require_password']) echo ' ', $txt['smf241'], ':
', $txt['smf244'], '
'; else echo ' '; echo ' '; } // Small template for showing an error message upon a save problem in the profile. function template_error_message() { global $context, $txt; echo '
', $txt['profile_errors_occurred'], ':
'; } ?>