'; foreach ($context['columns'] as $column) { echo ' '; } if ($context['can_delete_members']) echo ' '; else echo ' '; echo ' '; if (empty($context['members'])) echo ' '; else { foreach ($context['members'] as $member) { echo ' '; if ($context['can_delete_members']) echo ' '; else echo ' '; echo ' '; } echo ' '; } echo '
', $txt[139], ': ', $context['page_index'], '
'; if ($column['selected']) echo $column['label'], ' '; else echo $column['label']; echo '
(', $txt['search_no_results'], ')
', $member['id'], ' ', $member['username'], ' ', $member['name'], ' ', $member['email'], ' ', $member['ip'], ' ', $member['last_active'], ' ', $member['posts'], '
', $context['can_delete_members'] ? ' ' : '', ' ', $context['sort_direction'] == 'up' ? ' ' : '', '
'; } function template_search_members() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt; echo '
', $txt['search_for'], ':
(', $txt['wild_cards_allowed'], ')
', $txt['member_id'], ': ', $txt[35], ':
', $txt['age'], ': ', $txt['email_address'], ':
', $txt[26], ': ', $txt[96], ':
', $txt[233], ': ', $txt['date_format'], ' ', $txt[227], ':
', $txt['viewmembers_online'], ': ', $txt['date_format'], ' ', $txt['ip_address'], ':
', $txt[231], ':       ', $txt['messenger_address'], ':
', $txt['activation_status'], ':   
', $txt['member_part_of_these_membergroups'], ':
'; foreach ($context['membergroups'] as $membergroup) echo ' '; echo '
', $txt['membergroups'], ' ', $txt['primary'], ' ', $txt['additional'], '
', $membergroup['name'], ' ', $membergroup['can_be_additional'] ? '' : '', '
', $txt[737], '
'; foreach ($context['postgroups'] as $postgroup) echo ' '; echo '
', $txt['membergroups_postgroups'], '
', $postgroup['name'], '
', $txt[737], '
'; } function template_admin_browse() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings; echo '
'; foreach ($context['columns'] as $column) { echo ' '; } echo ' '; if (empty($context['members'])) echo ' '; else { foreach ($context['members'] as $member) echo ' '; echo ' '; } echo '
', $txt[139], ': ', $context['page_index'], '
'; if ($column['selected']) echo $column['label'], ' '; else echo $column['label']; echo '
', $context['browse_type'] == 'approve' ? $txt['admin_browse_no_members_approval'] : $txt['admin_browse_no_members_activate'], '
', $member['id'], ' ', $member['username'], ' ', $member['email'], ' ', $member['ip'], ' ', $member['dateRegistered'], '
'; // Is there any need to show filters? if (!empty($context['available_filters']) && count($context['available_filters']) > 1) { echo ' ', $txt['admin_browse_filter_by'], ': '; } // What about if we only have one filter, but it's not the "standard" filter - show them what they are looking at. if (!empty($context['show_filter']) && !empty($context['available_filters'])) echo ' ', $txt['admin_browse_filter_show'], ': ', $context['available_filters'][0]['desc'], ''; echo ' ', $context['sort_direction'] == 'up' ? ' ' : '', '
', $txt[139], ': ', $context['page_index'], '
'; // If we have lots of outstanding members try and make the admin's life easier. if ($context['num_members'] > 20) { echo '
', $txt['admin_browse_outstanding'], '
', $txt['admin_browse_outstanding_days_1'], ': ', $txt['admin_browse_outstanding_days_2'], '.
', $txt['admin_browse_outstanding_perform'], ':
', $context['sort_direction'] == 'up' ? ' ' : '', '
'; } } ?>