', $section['title'], ' |
// For every area of this section show a link to that area (bold if it's currently selected.)
foreach ($section['areas'] as $i => $area)
// Is this the current area, or just some area?
if ($i == $context['admin_area'])
echo '
', $area, ' '; else echo ' ', $area, ' '; } echo ' |
'; // Print out all the items in this tab. foreach ($context['admin_tabs']['tabs'] as $tab) { if (!empty($tab['is_selected'])) { echo ' | ', $tab['title'], ' | '; } else echo ' | ', $tab['title'], ' | '; } // the end of tabs echo '
', $txt[208], ' | |
', $txt['hello_guest'], ' ', $context['user']['name'], '!
', $txt[644], '
'; // Show the user version information from their server. echo ' |
', $task['link'], '
', $task['description'], '
| ';
if ($row && !$task['is_last'])
echo '
', $txt['support_title'], ' |
', $txt['support_versions'], ': ', $txt['support_versions_forum'], ': ', $context['forum_version'], '', $context['can_admin'] ? ' ' . $txt['dvc_more'] . '' : '', ' ', $txt['support_versions_current'], ': ?? '; // Display all the variables we have server information for. foreach ($context['current_versions'] as $version) echo ' ', $version['title'], ': ', $version['version'], ' '; echo ' |
', $txt['support_latest'], ' |
', $txt['support_latest_fetch'], '
', $txt[571], ' |
', $context['credits'], ' |
', $txt[429], ' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
', $txt['dvc1'], ' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
', $txt['maintain_title'], ' - ', $txt['maintain_general'], ' |
', $txt['maintain_optimize'], ' ', $txt['maintain_version'], ' ', $txt['maintain_errors'], ' ', $txt['maintain_recount'], ' ', $txt['maintain_logs'], ' ', $context['convert_utf8'] ? ' ' . $txt['utf8_title'] . ' ' : '', $context['convert_entities'] ? ' ' . $txt['entity_convert_title'] . ' ' : '', ' |
', $txt['maintain_title'], ' - ', $txt['maintain_backup'], ' |
', $txt['maintain_title'], ' - ', $txt['maintain_old'], ' |
'; // Bit of javascript for showing which boards to prune in an otherwise hidden list. echo ' '; // The otherwise hidden "choose which boards to prune". echo ' |
', $txt['utf8_title'], ' |
', $txt['utf8_introduction'], ' |
', $txt['utf8_warning'], ' |
', $context['charset_about_detected'], isset($context['charset_warning']) ? ' ' . $context['charset_warning'] . '' : '', ' |
', $txt['entity_convert_title'], ' |
', $txt['entity_convert_introduction'], ' |
', $context['percent_done'], '%