'gif', '2' => 'jpeg', '3' => 'png', '6' => 'bmp', '15' => 'wbmp' ); // Check to see if GD is installed and what version. $testGD = get_extension_funcs('gd'); // If GD is not installed, this function is pointless. if (empty($testGD)) return false; // Just making sure there is a non-zero member. if (empty($memID)) return false; // GD 2 maybe? $gd2 = in_array('imagecreatetruecolor', $testGD) && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor'); unset($testGD); require_once($sourcedir . '/ManageAttachments.php'); removeAttachments('a.ID_MEMBER = ' . $memID); $avatar_hash = empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? getAttachmentFilename($destName, false, true) : ''; db_query(" INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}attachments (ID_MEMBER, attachmentType, filename, file_hash, size) VALUES ($memID, " . (empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? '0' : '1') . ", '$destName', '" . (empty($avatar_hash) ? "" : "$avatar_hash") . "', 1)", __FILE__, __LINE__); $attachID = db_insert_id(); $destName = (empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] : $modSettings['custom_avatar_dir']) . '/' . $destName . '.tmp'; $success = false; $sizes = url_image_size($url); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php'); $fp = fopen($destName, 'wb'); if ($fp && substr($url, 0, 7) == 'http://') { $fileContents = fetch_web_data($url); // Though not an exhaustive list, better safe than sorry. if (preg_match('~(iframe|\\<\\?php|\\<\\?[\s=]|\\<%[\s=]|html|eval|body|script\W)~', $fileContents) === 1) { fclose($fp); return false; } fwrite($fp, $fileContents); fclose($fp); } elseif ($fp) { $fp2 = fopen($url, 'rb'); $prev_chunk = ''; while (!feof($fp2)) { $cur_chunk = fread($fp2, 8192); // Make sure nothing odd came through. if (preg_match('~(iframe|\\<\\?php|\\<\\?[\s=]|\\<%[\s=]|html|eval|body|script\W)~', $prev_chunk . $cur_chunk) === 1) { fclose($fp2); fclose($fp); unlink($destName); return false; } fwrite($fp, $cur_chunk); $prev_chunk = $cur_chunk; } fclose($fp2); fclose($fp); } // We can't get to the file. else $sizes = array(-1, -1, -1); // Gif? That might mean trouble if gif support is not available. if ($sizes[2] == 1 && !function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') && function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) { // Download it to the temporary file... use the special gif library... and save as png. if ($img = @gif_loadFile($destName) && gif_outputAsPng($img, $destName)) $sizes[2] = 3; } // A known and supported format? if (isset($default_formats[$sizes[2]]) && function_exists('imagecreatefrom' . $default_formats[$sizes[2]])) { $imagecreatefrom = 'imagecreatefrom' . $default_formats[$sizes[2]]; if ($src_img = @$imagecreatefrom($destName)) { resizeImage($src_img, $destName, imagesx($src_img), imagesy($src_img), $max_width, $max_height); $success = true; } } // Remove the .tmp extension. $destName = substr($destName, 0, -4); if ($success) { // Remove the .tmp extension from the attachment. if (rename($destName . '.tmp', empty($avatar_hash) ? $destName : $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $attachID . '_' . $avatar_hash)) { $destName = empty($avatar_hash) ? $destName : $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $attachID . '_' . $avatar_hash; list ($width, $height) = getimagesize($destName); // Write filesize in the database. db_query(" UPDATE {$db_prefix}attachments SET size = " . filesize($destName) . ", width = " . (int) $width . ", height = " . (int) $height . " WHERE ID_ATTACH = $attachID LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); return true; } else return false; } else { db_query(" DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}attachments WHERE ID_ATTACH = $attachID LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink($destName . '.tmp'); return false; } } function createThumbnail($source, $max_width, $max_height) { global $modSettings, $db_prefix, $gd2; $default_formats = array( '1' => 'gif', '2' => 'jpeg', '3' => 'png', '6' => 'bmp', '15' => 'wbmp' ); // Is GD installed....? $testGD = get_extension_funcs('gd'); // No GD? Resizing to nothing? Time to bail! if (empty($testGD) || (empty($max_width) && empty($max_height))) return false; // Do we have GD 2, even? $gd2 = in_array('imagecreatetruecolor', $testGD) && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor'); unset($testGD); $destName = $source . '_thumb.tmp'; // Ask for more memory: we need it for this, and it'll only happen once! @ini_set('memory_limit', '48M'); $success = false; $sizes = getimagesize($source); if (empty($sizes)) return false; // If we have to handle a gif, we might be able to... but maybe not :/. if ($sizes[2] == 1 && !function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') && function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) { // Try out a temporary file, if possible... if ($img = @gif_loadFile($source) && gif_outputAsPng($img, $destName)) if ($src_img = imagecreatefrompng($destName)) { resizeImage($src_img, $destName, imagesx($src_img), imagesy($src_img), $max_width, $max_height); $success = true; } } // Or is it one of the formats supported above? elseif (isset($default_formats[$sizes[2]]) && function_exists('imagecreatefrom' . $default_formats[$sizes[2]])) { $imagecreatefrom = 'imagecreatefrom' . $default_formats[$sizes[2]]; if ($src_img = @$imagecreatefrom($source)) { resizeImage($src_img, $destName, imagesx($src_img), imagesy($src_img), $max_width, $max_height); $success = true; } } // Okay, we're done with the temporary stuff. $destName = substr($destName, 0, -4); if ($success && @rename($destName . '.tmp', $destName)) return true; else { @unlink($destName . '.tmp'); @touch($destName); return false; } } function resizeImage($src_img, $destName, $src_width, $src_height, $max_width, $max_height) { global $gd2, $modSettings; // Determine whether to resize to max width or to max height (depending on the limits.) if (!empty($max_width) || !empty($max_height)) { if (!empty($max_width) && (empty($max_height) || $src_height * $max_width / $src_width <= $max_height)) { $dst_width = $max_width; $dst_height = floor($src_height * $max_width / $src_width); } elseif (!empty($max_height)) { $dst_width = floor($src_width * $max_height / $src_height); $dst_height = $max_height; } // Don't bother resizing if it's already smaller... if (!empty($dst_width) && !empty($dst_height) && ($dst_width < $src_width || $dst_height < $src_height)) { // (make a true color image, because it just looks better for resizing.) if ($gd2) { $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_width, $dst_height); if (!empty($modSettings['avatar_download_png'])) { imagealphablending($dst_img, false); if (function_exists('imagesavealpha')) imagesavealpha($dst_img, true); } } else $dst_img = imagecreate($dst_width, $dst_height); // Resize it! if ($gd2) imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dst_width, $dst_height, $src_width, $src_height); else imagecopyresamplebicubic($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dst_width, $dst_height, $src_width, $src_height); } else $dst_img = $src_img; } else $dst_img = $src_img; // Save it! if (!empty($modSettings['avatar_download_png'])) imagepng($dst_img, $destName); else imagejpeg($dst_img, $destName, 65); // Free the memory. imagedestroy($src_img); if ($dst_img != $src_img) imagedestroy($dst_img); } function imagecopyresamplebicubic($dst_img, $src_img, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h) { $palsize = imagecolorstotal($src_img); for ($i = 0; $i < $palsize; $i++) { $colors = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, $i); imagecolorallocate($dst_img, $colors['red'], $colors['green'], $colors['blue']); } $scaleX = ($src_w - 1) / $dst_w; $scaleY = ($src_h - 1) / $dst_h; $scaleX2 = (int) $scaleX / 2; $scaleY2 = (int) $scaleY / 2; for ($j = $src_y; $j < $dst_h; $j++) { $sY = (int) $j * $scaleY; $y13 = $sY + $scaleY2; for ($i = $src_x; $i < $dst_w; $i++) { $sX = (int) $i * $scaleX; $x34 = $sX + $scaleX2; $color1 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $sX, $y13)); $color2 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $sX, $sY)); $color3 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $x34, $y13)); $color4 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $x34, $sY)); $red = ($color1['red'] + $color2['red'] + $color3['red'] + $color4['red']) / 4; $green = ($color1['green'] + $color2['green'] + $color3['green'] + $color4['green']) / 4; $blue = ($color1['blue'] + $color2['blue'] + $color3['blue'] + $color4['blue']) / 4; $color = imagecolorresolve($dst_img, $red, $green, $blue); if ($color == -1) { if ($palsize++ < 256) imagecolorallocate($dst_img, $red, $green, $blue); $color = imagecolorclosest($dst_img, $red, $green, $blue); } imagesetpixel($dst_img, $i + $dst_x - $src_x, $j + $dst_y - $src_y, $color); } } } if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrombmp')) { function imagecreatefrombmp($filename) { global $gd2; $fp = fopen($filename, 'rb'); $errors = error_reporting(0); $header = unpack('vtype/Vsize/Vreserved/Voffset', fread($fp, 14)); $info = unpack('Vsize/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits/Vcompression/Vimagesize/Vxres/Vyres/Vncolor/Vcolorimportant', fread($fp, 40)); if ($header['type'] != 0x4D42) false; if ($gd2) $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($info['width'], $info['height']); else $dst_img = imagecreate($info['width'], $info['height']); $palette_size = $header['offset'] - 54; $info['ncolor'] = $palette_size / 4; $palette = array(); $palettedata = fread($fp, $palette_size); $n = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $palette_size; $j++) { $b = ord($palettedata{$j++}); $g = ord($palettedata{$j++}); $r = ord($palettedata{$j++}); $palette[$n++] = imagecolorallocate($dst_img, $r, $g, $b); } $scan_line_size = ($info['bits'] * $info['width'] + 7) >> 3; $scan_line_align = $scan_line_size & 3 ? 4 - ($scan_line_size & 3) : 0; for ($y = 0, $l = $info['height'] - 1; $y < $info['height']; $y++, $l--) { fseek($fp, $header['offset'] + ($scan_line_size + $scan_line_align) * $l); $scan_line = fread($fp, $scan_line_size); if (strlen($scan_line) < $scan_line_size) continue; if ($info['bits'] == 32) { $x = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $scan_line_size; $x++) { $b = ord($scan_line{$j++}); $g = ord($scan_line{$j++}); $r = ord($scan_line{$j++}); $j++; $color = imagecolorexact($dst_img, $r, $g, $b); if ($color == -1) { $color = imagecolorallocate($dst_img, $r, $g, $b); // Gah! Out of colors? Stupid GD 1... try anyhow. if ($color == -1) $color = imagecolorclosest($dst_img, $r, $g, $b); } imagesetpixel($dst_img, $x, $y, $color); } } elseif ($info['bits'] == 24) { $x = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $scan_line_size; $x++) { $b = ord($scan_line{$j++}); $g = ord($scan_line{$j++}); $r = ord($scan_line{$j++}); $color = imagecolorexact($dst_img, $r, $g, $b); if ($color == -1) { $color = imagecolorallocate($dst_img, $r, $g, $b); // Gah! Out of colors? Stupid GD 1... try anyhow. if ($color == -1) $color = imagecolorclosest($dst_img, $r, $g, $b); } imagesetpixel($dst_img, $x, $y, $color); } } elseif ($info['bits'] == 16) { $x = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $scan_line_size; $x++) { $b1 = ord($scan_line{$j++}); $b2 = ord($scan_line{$j++}); $word = $b2 * 256 + $b1; $b = (($word & 31) * 255) / 31; $g = ((($word >> 5) & 31) * 255) / 31; $r = ((($word >> 10) & 31) * 255) / 31; // Scale the image colors up properly. $color = imagecolorexact($dst_img, $r, $g, $b); if ($color == -1) { $color = imagecolorallocate($dst_img, $r, $g, $b); // Gah! Out of colors? Stupid GD 1... try anyhow. if ($color == -1) $color = imagecolorclosest($dst_img, $r, $g, $b); } imagesetpixel($dst_img, $x, $y, $color); } } elseif ($info['bits'] == 8) { $x = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $scan_line_size; $x++) imagesetpixel($dst_img, $x, $y, $palette[ord($scan_line{$j++})]); } elseif ($info['bits'] == 4) { $x = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $scan_line_size; $x++) { $byte = ord($scan_line{$j++}); imagesetpixel($dst_img, $x, $y, $palette[(int) ($byte / 16)]); if (++$x < $info['width']) imagesetpixel($dst_img, $x, $y, $palette[$byte & 15]); } } else { // Sorry, I'm just not going to do monochrome :P. } } fclose($fp); error_reporting($errors); return $dst_img; } } function gif_loadFile($lpszFileName, $iIndex = 0) { $gif = new gif_file(); if (!$gif->loadFile($lpszFileName, $iIndex)) return false; return $gif; } function gif_outputAsPng($gif, $lpszFileName, $background_color = -1) { if (!isset($gif) || @get_class($gif) != 'cgif' || !$gif->loaded || $lpszFileName == '') return false; $fd = $gif->get_png_data($background_color); if (strlen($fd) <= 0) return false; if (!($fh = @fopen($lpszFileName, 'wb'))) return false; @fwrite($fh, $fd, strlen($fd)); @fflush($fh); @fclose($fh); return true; } class gif_lzw_compression { var $MAX_LZW_BITS; var $Fresh, $CodeSize, $SetCodeSize, $MaxCode, $MaxCodeSize, $FirstCode, $OldCode; var $ClearCode, $EndCode, $Next, $Vals, $Stack, $sp, $Buf, $CurBit, $LastBit, $Done, $LastByte; function gif_lzw_compression() { $this->MAX_LZW_BITS = 12; unset($this->Next); unset($this->Vals); unset($this->Stack); unset($this->Buf); $this->Next = range(0, (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS) - 1); $this->Vals = range(0, (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS) - 1); $this->Stack = range(0, (1 << ($this->MAX_LZW_BITS + 1)) - 1); $this->Buf = range(0, 279); } function decompress($data, &$datLen) { $stLen = strlen($data); $datLen = 0; $ret = ''; $this->LZWCommand($data, true); while (($iIndex = $this->LZWCommand($data, false)) >= 0) $ret .= chr($iIndex); $datLen = $stLen - strlen($data); if ($iIndex != -2) return false; return $ret; } function LZWCommand(&$data, $bInit) { if ($bInit) { $this->SetCodeSize = ord($data{0}); $data = substr($data, 1); $this->CodeSize = $this->SetCodeSize + 1; $this->ClearCode = 1 << $this->SetCodeSize; $this->EndCode = $this->ClearCode + 1; $this->MaxCode = $this->ClearCode + 2; $this->MaxCodeSize = $this->ClearCode << 1; $this->GetCode($data, $bInit); $this->Fresh = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->ClearCode; $i++) { $this->Next[$i] = 0; $this->Vals[$i] = $i; } for (; $i < (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS); $i++) { $this->Next[$i] = 0; $this->Vals[$i] = 0; } $this->sp = 0; return 1; } if ($this->Fresh) { $this->Fresh = 0; do { $this->FirstCode = $this->GetCode($data, $bInit); $this->OldCode = $this->FirstCode; } while ($this->FirstCode == $this->ClearCode); return $this->FirstCode; } if ($this->sp > 0) { $this->sp--; return $this->Stack[$this->sp]; } while (($Code = $this->GetCode($data, $bInit)) >= 0) { if ($Code == $this->ClearCode) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->ClearCode; $i++) { $this->Next[$i] = 0; $this->Vals[$i] = $i; } for (; $i < (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS); $i++) { $this->Next[$i] = 0; $this->Vals[$i] = 0; } $this->CodeSize = $this->SetCodeSize + 1; $this->MaxCodeSize = $this->ClearCode << 1; $this->MaxCode = $this->ClearCode + 2; $this->sp = 0; $this->FirstCode = $this->GetCode($data, $bInit); $this->OldCode = $this->FirstCode; return $this->FirstCode; } if ($Code == $this->EndCode) return -2; $InCode = $Code; if ($Code >= $this->MaxCode) { $this->Stack[$this->sp] = $this->FirstCode; $this->sp++; $Code = $this->OldCode; } while ($Code >= $this->ClearCode) { $this->Stack[$this->sp] = $this->Vals[$Code]; $this->sp++; if ($Code == $this->Next[$Code]) // Circular table entry, big GIF Error! return -1; $Code = $this->Next[$Code]; } $this->FirstCode = $this->Vals[$Code]; $this->Stack[$this->sp] = $this->FirstCode; $this->sp++; if (($Code = $this->MaxCode) < (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS)) { $this->Next[$Code] = $this->OldCode; $this->Vals[$Code] = $this->FirstCode; $this->MaxCode++; if (($this->MaxCode >= $this->MaxCodeSize) && ($this->MaxCodeSize < (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS))) { $this->MaxCodeSize *= 2; $this->CodeSize++; } } $this->OldCode = $InCode; if ($this->sp > 0) { $this->sp--; return $this->Stack[$this->sp]; } } return $Code; } function GetCode(&$data, $bInit) { if ($bInit) { $this->CurBit = 0; $this->LastBit = 0; $this->Done = 0; $this->LastByte = 2; return 1; } if (($this->CurBit + $this->CodeSize) >= $this->LastBit) { if ($this->Done) { // Ran off the end of my bits... if ($this->CurBit >= $this->LastBit) return 0; return -1; } $this->Buf[0] = $this->Buf[$this->LastByte - 2]; $this->Buf[1] = $this->Buf[$this->LastByte - 1]; $count = ord($data{0}); $data = substr($data, 1); if ($count) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) $this->Buf[2 + $i] = ord($data{$i}); $data = substr($data, $count); } else $this->Done = 1; $this->LastByte = 2 + $count; $this->CurBit = ($this->CurBit - $this->LastBit) + 16; $this->LastBit = (2 + $count) << 3; } $iRet = 0; for ($i = $this->CurBit, $j = 0; $j < $this->CodeSize; $i++, $j++) $iRet |= (($this->Buf[intval($i / 8)] & (1 << ($i % 8))) != 0) << $j; $this->CurBit += $this->CodeSize; return $iRet; } } class gif_color_table { var $m_nColors; var $m_arColors; function gif_color_table() { unset($this->m_nColors); unset($this->m_arColors); } function load($lpData, $num) { $this->m_nColors = 0; $this->m_arColors = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $rgb = substr($lpData, $i * 3, 3); if (strlen($rgb) < 3) return false; $this->m_arColors[] = (ord($rgb{2}) << 16) + (ord($rgb{1}) << 8) + ord($rgb{0}); $this->m_nColors++; } return true; } function toString() { $ret = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->m_nColors; $i++) { $ret .= chr(($this->m_arColors[$i] & 0x000000FF)) . // R chr(($this->m_arColors[$i] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) . // G chr(($this->m_arColors[$i] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); // B } return $ret; } function colorIndex($rgb) { $rgb = intval($rgb) & 0xFFFFFF; $r1 = ($rgb & 0x0000FF); $g1 = ($rgb & 0x00FF00) >> 8; $b1 = ($rgb & 0xFF0000) >> 16; $idx = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->m_nColors; $i++) { $r2 = ($this->m_arColors[$i] & 0x000000FF); $g2 = ($this->m_arColors[$i] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; $b2 = ($this->m_arColors[$i] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; $d = abs($r2 - $r1) + abs($g2 - $g1) + abs($b2 - $b1); if (($idx == -1) || ($d < $dif)) { $idx = $i; $dif = $d; } } return $idx; } } class gif_file_header { var $m_lpVer; var $m_nWidth; var $m_nHeight; var $m_bGlobalClr; var $m_nColorRes; var $m_bSorted; var $m_nTableSize; var $m_nBgColor; var $m_nPixelRatio; var $m_colorTable; function gif_file_header() { unset($this->m_lpVer); unset($this->m_nWidth); unset($this->m_nHeight); unset($this->m_bGlobalClr); unset($this->m_nColorRes); unset($this->m_bSorted); unset($this->m_nTableSize); unset($this->m_nBgColor); unset($this->m_nPixelRatio); unset($this->m_colorTable); } function load($lpData, &$hdrLen) { $hdrLen = 0; $this->m_lpVer = substr($lpData, 0, 6); if (($this->m_lpVer != 'GIF87a') && ($this->m_lpVer != 'GIF89a')) return false; list ($this->m_nWidth, $this->m_nHeight) = array_values(unpack('v2', substr($lpData, 6, 4))); if (!$this->m_nWidth || !$this->m_nHeight) return false; $b = ord(substr($lpData, 10, 1)); $this->m_bGlobalClr = ($b & 0x80) ? true : false; $this->m_nColorRes = ($b & 0x70) >> 4; $this->m_bSorted = ($b & 0x08) ? true : false; $this->m_nTableSize = 2 << ($b & 0x07); $this->m_nBgColor = ord(substr($lpData, 11, 1)); $this->m_nPixelRatio = ord(substr($lpData, 12, 1)); $hdrLen = 13; if ($this->m_bGlobalClr) { $this->m_colorTable = new gif_color_table(); if (!$this->m_colorTable->load(substr($lpData, $hdrLen), $this->m_nTableSize)) return false; $hdrLen += 3 * $this->m_nTableSize; } return true; } } class gif_image_header { var $m_nLeft; var $m_nTop; var $m_nWidth; var $m_nHeight; var $m_bLocalClr; var $m_bInterlace; var $m_bSorted; var $m_nTableSize; var $m_colorTable; function gif_image_header() { unset($this->m_nLeft); unset($this->m_nTop); unset($this->m_nWidth); unset($this->m_nHeight); unset($this->m_bLocalClr); unset($this->m_bInterlace); unset($this->m_bSorted); unset($this->m_nTableSize); unset($this->m_colorTable); } function load($lpData, &$hdrLen) { $hdrLen = 0; // Get the width/height/etc. from the header. list ($this->m_nLeft, $this->m_nTop, $this->m_nWidth, $this->m_nHeight) = array_values(unpack('v4', substr($lpData, 0, 8))); if (!$this->m_nWidth || !$this->m_nHeight) return false; $b = ord($lpData{8}); $this->m_bLocalClr = ($b & 0x80) ? true : false; $this->m_bInterlace = ($b & 0x40) ? true : false; $this->m_bSorted = ($b & 0x20) ? true : false; $this->m_nTableSize = 2 << ($b & 0x07); $hdrLen = 9; if ($this->m_bLocalClr) { $this->m_colorTable = new gif_color_table(); if (!$this->m_colorTable->load(substr($lpData, $hdrLen), $this->m_nTableSize)) return false; $hdrLen += 3 * $this->m_nTableSize; } return true; } } class gif_image { var $m_disp; var $m_bUser; var $m_bTrans; var $m_nDelay; var $m_nTrans; var $m_lpComm; var $m_gih; var $m_data; var $m_lzw; function gif_image() { unset($this->m_disp); unset($this->m_bUser); unset($this->m_nDelay); unset($this->m_nTrans); unset($this->m_lpComm); unset($this->m_data); $this->m_gih = new gif_image_header(); $this->m_lzw = new gif_lzw_compression(); } function load($data, &$datLen) { $datLen = 0; while (true) { $b = ord($data{0}); $data = substr($data, 1); $datLen++; switch ($b) { // Extension... case 0x21: if (!$this->skipExt($data, $len = 0)) return false; $datLen += $len; break; // Image... case 0x2C: // Load the header and color table. if (!$this->m_gih->load($data, $len = 0)) return false; $data = substr($data, $len); $datLen += $len; // Decompress the data, and ride on home ;). if (!($this->m_data = $this->m_lzw->decompress($data, $len = 0))) return false; $data = substr($data, $len); $datLen += $len; if ($this->m_gih->m_bInterlace) $this->deInterlace(); return true; case 0x3B: // EOF default: return false; } } return false; } function skipExt(&$data, &$extLen) { $extLen = 0; $b = ord($data{0}); $data = substr($data, 1); $extLen++; switch ($b) { // Graphic Control... case 0xF9: $b = ord($data{1}); $this->m_disp = ($b & 0x1C) >> 2; $this->m_bUser = ($b & 0x02) ? true : false; $this->m_bTrans = ($b & 0x01) ? true : false; list ($this->m_nDelay) = array_values(unpack('v', substr($data, 2, 2))); $this->m_nTrans = ord($data{4}); break; // Comment... case 0xFE: $this->m_lpComm = substr($data, 1, ord($data{0})); break; // Plain text... case 0x01: break; // Application... case 0xFF: break; } // Skip default as defs may change. $b = ord($data{0}); $data = substr($data, 1); $extLen++; while ($b > 0) { $data = substr($data, $b); $extLen += $b; $b = ord($data{0}); $data = substr($data, 1); $extLen++; } return true; } function deInterlace() { $data = $this->m_data; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { switch ($i) { case 0: $s = 8; $y = 0; break; case 1: $s = 8; $y = 4; break; case 2: $s = 4; $y = 2; break; case 3: $s = 2; $y = 1; break; } for (; $y < $this->m_gih->m_nHeight; $y += $s) { $lne = substr($this->m_data, 0, $this->m_gih->m_nWidth); $this->m_data = substr($this->m_data, $this->m_gih->m_nWidth); $data = substr($data, 0, $y * $this->m_gih->m_nWidth) . $lne . substr($data, ($y + 1) * $this->m_gih->m_nWidth); } } $this->m_data = $data; } } class gif_file { var $header; var $image; var $data = ''; var $loaded = false; function gif_file() { $this->header = new gif_file_header(); $this->image = new gif_image(); } function loadFile($filename, $iIndex) { if ($iIndex < 0) return false; $this->data = @file_get_contents($filename); if ($this->data === false) return false; // Tell the header to load up.... if (!$this->header->load($this->data, $len = 0)) return false; $this->data = substr($this->data, $len); // Keep reading (at least once) so we get to the actual image we're looking for. for ($j = 0; $j <= $iIndex; $j++) { if (!$this->image->load($this->data, $imgLen = 0)) return false; $this->data = substr($this->data, $imgLen); } $this->loaded = true; return true; } function get_png_data($background_color) { if (!$this->loaded) return false; // Prepare the color table. if ($this->image->m_gih->m_bLocalClr) { $colors = $this->image->m_gih->m_nTableSize; $pal = $this->image->m_gih->m_colorTable->toString(); if ($background_color != -1) $background_color = $this->image->m_gih->m_colorTable->colorIndex($background_color); } elseif ($this->header->m_bGlobalClr) { $colors = $this->header->m_nTableSize; $pal = $this->header->m_colorTable->toString(); if ($background_color != -1) $background_color = $this->header->m_colorTable->colorIndex($background_color); } else { $colors = 0; $background_color = -1; } if ($background_color == -1) $background_color = $this->header->m_nBgColor; $data = &$this->image->m_data; $header = &$this->image->m_gih; $i = 0; $bmp = ''; // Prepare the bitmap itself. for ($y = 0; $y < $this->header->m_nHeight; $y++) { $bmp .= "\x00"; for ($x = 0; $x < $this->header->m_nWidth; $x++, $i++) { // Is this in the proper range? If so, get the specific pixel data... if ($x >= $header->m_nLeft && $y >= $header->m_nTop && $x < ($header->m_nLeft + $header->m_nWidth) && $y < ($header->m_nTop + $header->m_nHeight)) $bmp .= $data{$i}; // Otherwise, this is background... else $bmp .= chr($background_color); } } $bmp = gzcompress($bmp, 9); // Output the basic signature first of all. $out = "\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A"; // Now, we want the header... $out .= "\x00\x00\x00\x0D"; $tmp = 'IHDR' . pack('N', (int) $this->header->m_nWidth) . pack('N', (int) $this->header->m_nHeight) . "\x08\x03\x00\x00\x00"; $out .= $tmp . pack('N', smf_crc32($tmp)); // The palette, assuming we have one to speak of... if ($colors > 0) { $out .= pack('N', (int) $colors * 3); $tmp = 'PLTE' . $pal; $out .= $tmp . pack('N', smf_crc32($tmp)); } // Do we have any transparency we want to make available? if ($this->image->m_bTrans && $colors > 0) { $out .= pack('N', (int) $colors); $tmp = 'tRNS'; // Stick each color on - full transparency or none. for ($i = 0; $i < $colors; $i++) $tmp .= $i == $this->image->m_nTrans ? "\x00" : "\xFF"; $out .= $tmp . pack('N', smf_crc32($tmp)); } // Here's the data itself! $out .= pack('N', strlen($bmp)); $tmp = 'IDAT' . $bmp; $out .= $tmp . pack('N', smf_crc32($tmp)); // EOF marker... $out .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xAE\x42\x60\x82"; return $out; } } // Create the image for the visual verification code. function showCodeImage($code) { global $settings, $user_info, $modSettings; // What type are we going to be doing? $imageType = empty($modSettings['disable_visual_verification']) ? 0 : $modSettings['disable_visual_verification']; // Special case to allow the admin center to show samples. if ($user_info['is_admin'] && isset($_GET['type'])) $imageType = (int) $_GET['type']; // Just incase PM is on, reg is off. elseif ($imageType == 1) $imageType = 0; // Some quick references for what we do. // Do we show no, low or high noise? $noiseType = $imageType == 0 ? 'low' : ($imageType == 4 ? 'high' : 'none'); // Can we have more than one font in use? $varyFonts = $imageType == 4 ? true : false; // Just a plain white background? $simpleBGColor = $imageType != 4 ? true : false; // Plain black foreground? $simpleFGColor = $imageType == 1 ? true : false; // High much to rotate each character. $rotationType = $imageType == 2 ? 'none' : ($imageType != 4 ? 'high' : 'low'); // Do we show some characters inversed? $showReverseChars = $imageType == 4 ? true : false; // Special case for not showing any characters. $disableChars = $imageType == 1 ? true : false; // What do we do with the font colours. Are they one color, close to one color or random? $fontColorType = $imageType == 2 ? 'plain' : ($imageType == 4 ? 'random' : 'cyclic'); // Are the fonts random sizes? $fontSizeRandom = $imageType == 4 ? true : false; // How much space between characters? $fontHorSpace = $imageType == 4 ? 'high' : ($imageType == 2 ? 'medium' : 'minus'); // Where do characters sit on the image? (Fixed position or random/very random) $fontVerPos = $imageType == 2 ? 'fixed' : ($imageType == 4 ? 'vrandom' : 'random'); // Make font semi-transparent? $fontTrans = $imageType == 3 || $imageType == 0 ? true : false; // Give the image a border? $hasBorder = $simpleBGColor; // Is this GD2? Needed for pixel size. $testGD = get_extension_funcs('gd'); $gd2 = in_array('imagecreatetruecolor', $testGD) && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor'); unset($testGD); // The amount of pixels inbetween characters. $character_spacing = 1; // What color is the background - generally white unless we're on "hard". if ($simpleBGColor) $background_color = array(255, 255, 255); else $background_color = isset($settings['verification_background']) ? $settings['verification_background'] : array(236, 237, 243); // The color of the characters shown (red, green, blue). if ($simpleFGColor) $foreground_color = array(0, 0, 0); else { $foreground_color = array(64, 101, 136); // Has the theme author requested a custom color? if (isset($settings['verification_foreground'])) $foreground_color = $settings['verification_foreground']; } if (!is_dir($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts')) return false; // Get a list of the available fonts. $font_dir = dir($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts'); $font_list = array(); $ttfont_list = array(); while ($entry = $font_dir->read()) { if (preg_match('~^(.+)\.gdf$~', $entry, $matches) === 1) $font_list[] = $entry; elseif (preg_match('~^(.+)\.ttf$~', $entry, $matches) === 1) $ttfont_list[] = $entry; } if (empty($font_list)) return false; // For non-hard things don't even change fonts. if (!$varyFonts) { $font_list = array($font_list[0]); // Try use Screenge if we can - it looks good! if (in_array('Screenge.ttf', $ttfont_list)) $ttfont_list = array('Screenge.ttf'); else $ttfont_list = empty($ttfont_list) ? array() : array($ttfont_list[0]); } // Create a list of characters to be shown. $characters = array(); $loaded_fonts = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); $i++) { $characters[$i] = array( 'id' => $code{$i}, 'font' => array_rand($font_list), ); $loaded_fonts[$characters[$i]['font']] = null; } // Load all fonts and determine the maximum font height. foreach ($loaded_fonts as $font_index => $dummy) $loaded_fonts[$font_index] = imageloadfont($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts/' . $font_list[$font_index]); // Determine the dimensions of each character. $total_width = $character_spacing * strlen($code) + 20; $max_height = 0; foreach ($characters as $char_index => $character) { $characters[$char_index]['width'] = imagefontwidth($loaded_fonts[$character['font']]); $characters[$char_index]['height'] = imagefontheight($loaded_fonts[$character['font']]); $max_height = max($characters[$char_index]['height'] + 5, $max_height); $total_width += $characters[$char_index]['width']; } // Create an image. $code_image = $gd2 ? imagecreatetruecolor($total_width, $max_height) : imagecreate($total_width, $max_height); // Draw the background. $bg_color = imagecolorallocate($code_image, $background_color[0], $background_color[1], $background_color[2]); imagefilledrectangle($code_image, 0, 0, $total_width - 1, $max_height - 1, $bg_color); // Randomize the foreground color a little. for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) $foreground_color[$i] = mt_rand(max($foreground_color[$i] - 3, 0), min($foreground_color[$i] + 3, 255)); $fg_color = imagecolorallocate($code_image, $foreground_color[0], $foreground_color[1], $foreground_color[2]); // Color for the dots. for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) $dotbgcolor[$i] = $background_color[$i] < $foreground_color[$i] ? mt_rand(0, max($foreground_color[$i] - 20, 0)) : mt_rand(min($foreground_color[$i] + 20, 255), 255); $randomness_color = imagecolorallocate($code_image, $dotbgcolor[0], $dotbgcolor[1], $dotbgcolor[2]); // Fill in the characters. if (!$disableChars) { $cur_x = 0; foreach ($characters as $char_index => $character) { // Can we use true type fonts? $can_do_ttf = function_exists('imagettftext'); // How much rotation will we give? if ($rotationType == 'none') $angle = 0; else $angle = mt_rand(-100, 100) / ($rotationType == 'high' ? 6 : 10); // What colour shall we do it? if ($fontColorType == 'cyclic') { // Here we'll pick from a set of acceptance types. $colours = array( array(10, 120, 95), array(46, 81, 29), array(4, 22, 154), array(131, 9, 130), array(0, 0, 0), array(143, 39, 31), ); if (!isset($last_index)) $last_index = -1; $new_index = $last_index; while ($last_index == $new_index) $new_index = mt_rand(0, count($colours) - 1); $char_fg_color = $colours[$new_index]; $last_index = $new_index; } elseif ($fontColorType == 'random') $char_fg_color = array(mt_rand(max($foreground_color[0] - 2, 0), $foreground_color[0]), mt_rand(max($foreground_color[1] - 2, 0), $foreground_color[1]), mt_rand(max($foreground_color[2] - 2, 0), $foreground_color[2])); else $char_fg_color = array($foreground_color[0], $foreground_color[1], $foreground_color[2]); if (!empty($can_do_ttf)) { // GD2 handles font size differently. if ($fontSizeRandom) $font_size = $gd2 ? mt_rand(17, 19) : mt_rand(18, 25); else $font_size = $gd2 ? 18 : 24; // Work out the sizes - also fix the character width cause TTF not quite so wide! $font_x = $fontHorSpace == 'minus' && $cur_x > 0 ? $cur_x - 3 : $cur_x + 5; $font_y = $max_height - ($fontVerPos == 'vrandom' ? mt_rand(2, 8) : ($fontVerPos == 'random' ? mt_rand(3, 5) : 5)); // What font face? if (!empty($ttfont_list)) $fontface = $settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts/' . $ttfont_list[mt_rand(0, count($ttfont_list) - 1)]; // What color are we to do it in? $is_reverse = $showReverseChars ? mt_rand(0, 1) : false; $char_color = function_exists('imagecolorallocatealpha') && $fontTrans ? imagecolorallocatealpha($code_image, $char_fg_color[0], $char_fg_color[1], $char_fg_color[2], 50) : imagecolorallocate($code_image, $char_fg_color[0], $char_fg_color[1], $char_fg_color[2]); $fontcord = @imagettftext($code_image, $font_size, $angle, $font_x, $font_y, $char_color, $fontface, $character['id']); if (empty($fontcord)) $can_do_ttf = false; elseif ($is_reverse) { imagefilledpolygon($code_image, $fontcord, 4, $fg_color); // Put the character back! imagettftext($code_image, $font_size, $angle, $font_x, $font_y, $randomness_color, $fontface, $character['id']); } if ($can_do_ttf) $cur_x = max($fontcord[2], $fontcord[4]) + ($angle == 0 ? 0 : 3); } if (!$can_do_ttf) { // Rotating the characters a little... if (function_exists('imagerotate')) { $char_image = function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor') ? imagecreatetruecolor($character['width'], $character['height']) : imagecreate($character['width'], $character['height']); $char_bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($char_image, $background_color[0], $background_color[1], $background_color[2]); imagefilledrectangle($char_image, 0, 0, $character['width'] - 1, $character['height'] - 1, $char_bgcolor); imagechar($char_image, $loaded_fonts[$character['font']], 0, 0, $character['id'], imagecolorallocate($char_image, $char_fg_color[0], $char_fg_color[1], $char_fg_color[2])); $rotated_char = imagerotate($char_image, mt_rand(-100, 100) / 10, $char_bgcolor); imagecopy($code_image, $rotated_char, $cur_x, 0, 0, 0, $character['width'], $character['height']); imagedestroy($rotated_char); imagedestroy($char_image); } // Sorry, no rotation available. else imagechar($code_image, $loaded_fonts[$character['font']], $cur_x, floor(($max_height - $character['height']) / 2), $character['id'], imagecolorallocate($code_image, $char_fg_color[0], $char_fg_color[1], $char_fg_color[2])); $cur_x += $character['width'] + $character_spacing; } } } // If disabled just show a cross. else { imageline($code_image, 0, 0, $total_width, $max_height, $fg_color); imageline($code_image, 0, $max_height, $total_width, 0, $fg_color); } // Make the background color transparent on the hard image. if (!$simpleBGColor) imagecolortransparent($code_image, $bg_color); if ($hasBorder) imagerectangle($code_image, 0, 0, $total_width - 1, $max_height - 1, $fg_color); // Add some noise to the background? if ($noiseType != 'none') { for ($i = mt_rand(0, 2); $i < $max_height; $i += mt_rand(1, 2)) for ($j = mt_rand(0, 10); $j < $total_width; $j += mt_rand(1, 15)) imagesetpixel($code_image, $j, $i, mt_rand(0, 1) ? $fg_color : $randomness_color); // Put in some lines too? if ($noiseType == 'high') { $num_lines = 2; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_lines; $i++) { if (mt_rand(0, 1)) { $x1 = mt_rand(0, $total_width); $x2 = mt_rand(0, $total_width); $y1 = 0; $y2 = $max_height; } else { $y1 = mt_rand(0, $max_height); $y2 = mt_rand(0, $max_height); $x1 = 0; $x2 = $total_width; } imageline($code_image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, mt_rand(0, 1) ? $fg_color : $randomness_color); } } } // Show the image. if (function_exists('imagegif')) { header('Content-type: image/gif'); imagegif($code_image); } else { header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($code_image); } // Bail out. imagedestroy($code_image); die(); } // Create a letter for the visual verification code. function showLetterImage($letter) { global $settings; if (!is_dir($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts')) return false; // Get a list of the available font directories. $font_dir = dir($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts'); $font_list = array(); while ($entry = $font_dir->read()) if ($entry{0} !== '.' && is_dir($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts/' . $entry) && file_exists($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts/' . $entry . '.gdf')) $font_list[] = $entry; if (empty($font_list)) return false; // Pick a random font. $random_font = $font_list[array_rand($font_list)]; // Check if the given letter exists. if (!file_exists($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts/' . $random_font . '/' . $letter . '.gif')) return false; // Include it! header('Content-type: image/gif'); include($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts/' . $random_font . '/' . $letter . '.gif'); // Nothing more to come. die(); } // crc32 doesn't work as expected on 64-bit functions - make our own. // http://www.php.net/crc32#79567 if (!function_exists('smf_crc32')) { function smf_crc32($number) { $crc = crc32($number); if($crc & 0x80000000){ $crc ^= 0xffffffff; $crc += 1; $crc = -$crc; } return $crc; } } ?>