&$txt['displayedValue']), &$txt['descriptionOfTheOption'], 'OptionalReferenceToHelpAdmin'), Note that just saying array('first', 'second') will put 0 in the SQL for 'first'. * A password input box. Used for passwords, no less! ie. array('password', 'nameInModSettingsAndSQL', 'OptionalInputBoxWidth', &$txt['descriptionOfTheOption'], 'OptionalReferenceToHelpAdmin'), For each option: type (see above), variable name, size/possible values, description, helptext. OR make type 'rule' for an empty string for a horizontal rule. OR make type 'heading' with a string for a titled section. */ // This function passes control through to the relevant tab. function ModifyFeatureSettings() { global $context, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings, $sourcedir; // You need to be an admin to edit settings! isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); // All the admin bar, to make it right. adminIndex('edit_mods_settings'); loadLanguage('Help'); loadLanguage('ModSettings'); // Will need the utility functions from here. require_once($sourcedir . '/ManageServer.php'); $context['page_title'] = $txt['modSettings_title']; $context['sub_template'] = 'show_settings'; $subActions = array( 'basic' => 'ModifyBasicSettings', 'layout' => 'ModifyLayoutSettings', 'karma' => 'ModifyKarmaSettings', ); // By default do the basic settings. $_REQUEST['sa'] = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']]) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : 'basic'; $context['sub_action'] = $_REQUEST['sa']; // Load up all the tabs... $context['admin_tabs'] = array( 'title' => &$txt['modSettings_title'], 'help' => 'modsettings', 'description' => $txt['smf3'], 'tabs' => array( 'basic' => array( 'title' => $txt['mods_cat_features'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=basic;sesc=' . $context['session_id'], ), 'layout' => array( 'title' => $txt['mods_cat_layout'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=layout;sesc=' . $context['session_id'], ), 'karma' => array( 'title' => $txt['smf293'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=karma;sesc=' . $context['session_id'], 'is_last' => true, ), ), ); // Select the right tab based on the sub action. if (isset($context['admin_tabs']['tabs'][$context['sub_action']])) $context['admin_tabs']['tabs'][$context['sub_action']]['is_selected'] = true; // Call the right function for this sub-acton. $subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']](); } // This function basically just redirects to the right save function. function ModifyFeatureSettings2() { global $context, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings, $sourcedir; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); loadLanguage('ModSettings'); // Quick session check... checkSession(); require_once($sourcedir . '/ManageServer.php'); $subActions = array( 'basic' => 'ModifyBasicSettings', 'layout' => 'ModifyLayoutSettings', 'karma' => 'ModifyKarmaSettings', ); // Default to core (I assume) $_REQUEST['sa'] = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']]) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : 'basic'; // Actually call the saving function. $subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']](); } function ModifyBasicSettings() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $settings, $sc, $modSettings; $config_vars = array( // Big Options... polls, sticky, bbc.... array('select', 'pollMode', array(&$txt['smf34'], &$txt['smf32'], &$txt['smf33'])), '', // Basic stuff, user languages, titles, flash, permissions... array('check', 'allow_guestAccess'), array('check', 'userLanguage'), array('check', 'allow_editDisplayName'), array('check', 'allow_hideOnline'), array('check', 'allow_hideEmail'), array('check', 'guest_hideContacts'), array('check', 'titlesEnable'), array('check', 'enable_buddylist'), array('text', 'default_personalText'), array('int', 'max_signatureLength'), '', // Stats, compression, cookies.... server type stuff. array('text', 'time_format'), array('select', 'number_format', array('1234.00' => '1234.00', '1,234.00' => '1,234.00', '1.234,00' => '1.234,00', '1 234,00' => '1 234,00', '1234,00' => '1234,00')), array('float', 'time_offset'), array('int', 'failed_login_threshold'), array('int', 'lastActive'), array('check', 'trackStats'), array('check', 'hitStats'), array('check', 'enableErrorLogging'), array('check', 'securityDisable'), '', // Reactive on email, and approve on delete array('check', 'send_validation_onChange'), array('check', 'approveAccountDeletion'), '', // Option-ish things... miscellaneous sorta. array('check', 'allow_disableAnnounce'), array('check', 'disallow_sendBody'), array('check', 'modlog_enabled'), array('check', 'queryless_urls'), '', // Width/Height image reduction. array('int', 'max_image_width'), array('int', 'max_image_height'), '', // Reporting of personal messages? array('check', 'enableReportPM'), ); // Saving? if (isset($_GET['save'])) { // Fix PM settings. $_POST['pm_spam_settings'] = (int) $_POST['max_pm_recipients'] . ',' . (int) $_POST['pm_posts_verification'] . ',' . (int) $_POST['pm_posts_per_hour']; $save_vars = $config_vars; $save_vars[] = array('text', 'pm_spam_settings'); saveDBSettings($save_vars); writeLog(); redirectexit('action=featuresettings;sa=basic'); } // Hack for PM spam settings. list ($modSettings['max_pm_recipients'], $modSettings['pm_posts_verification'], $modSettings['pm_posts_per_hour']) = explode(',', $modSettings['pm_spam_settings']); $config_vars[] = array('int', 'max_pm_recipients'); $config_vars[] = array('int', 'pm_posts_verification'); $config_vars[] = array('int', 'pm_posts_per_hour'); $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings2;save;sa=basic'; $context['settings_title'] = $txt['mods_cat_features']; prepareDBSettingContext($config_vars); } function ModifyLayoutSettings() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $settings, $sc; $config_vars = array( // Compact pages? array('check', 'compactTopicPagesEnable'), array('int', 'compactTopicPagesContiguous', null, $txt['smf235'] . '
' . str_replace(' ', ' ', '"3" ' . $txt['smf236'] . ': 1 ... 4 [5] 6 ... 9') . '
' . str_replace(' ', ' ', '"5" ' . $txt['smf236'] . ': 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 9') . '
'), '', // Stuff that just is everywhere - today, search, online, etc. array('select', 'todayMod', array(&$txt['smf290'], &$txt['smf291'], &$txt['smf292'])), array('check', 'topbottomEnable'), array('check', 'onlineEnable'), array('check', 'enableVBStyleLogin'), '', // Pagination stuff. array('int', 'defaultMaxMembers'), '', // This is like debugging sorta. array('check', 'timeLoadPageEnable'), array('check', 'disableHostnameLookup'), '', // Who's online. array('check', 'who_enabled'), ); // Saving? if (isset($_GET['save'])) { saveDBSettings($config_vars); redirectexit('action=featuresettings;sa=layout'); loadUserSettings(); writeLog(); } $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings2;save;sa=layout'; $context['settings_title'] = $txt['mods_cat_layout']; prepareDBSettingContext($config_vars); } function ModifyKarmaSettings() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $settings, $sc; $config_vars = array( // Karma - On or off? array('select', 'karmaMode', explode('|', $txt['smf64'])), '', // Who can do it.... and who is restricted by time limits? array('int', 'karmaMinPosts'), array('float', 'karmaWaitTime'), array('check', 'karmaTimeRestrictAdmins'), '', // What does it look like? [smite]? array('text', 'karmaLabel'), array('text', 'karmaApplaudLabel'), array('text', 'karmaSmiteLabel'), ); // Saving? if (isset($_GET['save'])) { saveDBSettings($config_vars); redirectexit('action=featuresettings;sa=karma'); } $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings2;save;sa=karma'; $context['settings_title'] = $txt['smf293']; prepareDBSettingContext($config_vars); } ?>