array('function', 'permission') $subActions = array( 'board' => array('EditBoard', 'manage_boards'), 'board2' => array('EditBoard2', 'manage_boards'), 'cat' => array('EditCategory', 'manage_boards'), 'cat2' => array('EditCategory2', 'manage_boards'), 'main' => array('ManageBoardsMain', 'manage_boards'), 'move' => array('ManageBoardsMain', 'manage_boards'), 'newcat' => array('EditCategory', 'manage_boards'), 'newboard' => array('EditBoard', 'manage_boards'), 'settings' => array('EditBoardSettings', 'admin_forum'), ); // Default to sub action 'main' or 'settings' depending on permissions. $_REQUEST['sa'] = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']]) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : (allowedTo('manage_boards') ? 'main' : 'settings'); // Have you got the proper permissions? isAllowedTo($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']][1]); // Administrative side bar, here we come! adminIndex('manage_boards'); // Create the tabs for the template. $context['admin_tabs'] = array( 'title' => $txt[41], 'help' => 'manage_boards', 'description' => $txt[677], 'tabs' => array(), ); if (allowedTo('manage_boards')) { $context['admin_tabs']['tabs']['modify_boards'] = array( 'title' => $txt['boardsEdit'], 'description' => $txt[677], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=manageboards', 'is_selected' => $_REQUEST['sa'] != 'newcat' && $_REQUEST['sa'] != 'settings', ); $context['admin_tabs']['tabs']['add_cat'] = array( 'title' => $txt['mboards_new_cat'], 'description' => $txt[677], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=manageboards;sa=newcat', 'is_selected' => $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'newcat', 'is_last' => !allowedTo('admin_forum'), ); } if (allowedTo('admin_forum')) $context['admin_tabs']['tabs']['settings'] = array( 'title' => $txt['settings'], 'description' => $txt['mboards_settings_desc'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=manageboards;sa=settings', 'is_selected' => $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'settings', 'is_last' => true, ); $subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']][0](); } // The main control panel thing. function ManageBoardsMain() { global $txt, $context, $cat_tree, $boards, $boardList, $scripturl, $sourcedir, $txt; loadTemplate('ManageBoards'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php'); if (isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'move' && in_array($_REQUEST['move_to'], array('child', 'before', 'after', 'top'))) { checkSession('get'); if ($_REQUEST['move_to'] === 'top') $boardOptions = array( 'move_to' => $_REQUEST['move_to'], 'target_category' => (int) $_REQUEST['target_cat'], 'move_first_child' => true, ); else $boardOptions = array( 'move_to' => $_REQUEST['move_to'], 'target_board' => (int) $_REQUEST['target_board'], 'move_first_child' => true, ); modifyBoard((int) $_REQUEST['src_board'], $boardOptions); } getBoardTree(); $context['move_board'] = !empty($_REQUEST['move']) && isset($boards[(int) $_REQUEST['move']]) ? (int) $_REQUEST['move'] : 0; $context['categories'] = array(); foreach ($cat_tree as $catid => $tree) { $context['categories'][$catid] = array( 'name' => &$tree['node']['name'], 'id' => &$tree['node']['id'], 'boards' => array() ); $move_cat = !empty($context['move_board']) && $boards[$context['move_board']]['category'] == $catid; foreach ($boardList[$catid] as $boardid) { $context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$boardid] = array( 'id' => &$boards[$boardid]['id'], 'name' => &$boards[$boardid]['name'], 'description' => &$boards[$boardid]['description'], 'child_level' => &$boards[$boardid]['level'], 'local_permissions' => &$boards[$boardid]['use_local_permissions'], 'move' => $move_cat && ($boardid == $context['move_board'] || isChildOf($boardid, $context['move_board'])) ); } } if (!empty($context['move_board'])) { $context['move_title'] = sprintf($txt['mboards_select_destination'], htmlspecialchars($boards[$context['move_board']]['name'])); foreach ($cat_tree as $catid => $tree) { $prev_child_level = 0; $prev_board = 0; $stack = array(); foreach ($boardList[$catid] as $boardid) { if (!isset($context['categories'][$catid]['move_link'])) $context['categories'][$catid]['move_link'] = array( 'child_level' => 0, 'label' => $txt['mboards_order_before'] . ' \'' . htmlspecialchars($boards[$boardid]['name']) . '\'', 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=manageboards;sa=move;src_board=' . $context['move_board'] . ';target_board='. $boardid . ';move_to=before;sesc=' . $context['session_id'], ); if (!$context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$boardid]['move']) $context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$boardid]['move_links'] = array( array( 'child_level' => $boards[$boardid]['level'], 'label' => $txt['mboards_order_after'] . '\'' . htmlspecialchars($boards[$boardid]['name']) . '\'', 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=manageboards;sa=move;src_board=' . $context['move_board'] . ';target_board='. $boardid . ';move_to=after;sesc=' . $context['session_id'], ), array( 'child_level' => $boards[$boardid]['level'] + 1, 'label' => $txt['mboards_order_child_of'] . ' \'' . htmlspecialchars($boards[$boardid]['name']) . '\'', 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=manageboards;sa=move;src_board=' . $context['move_board'] . ';target_board='. $boardid . ';move_to=child;sesc=' . $context['session_id'], ), ); $difference = $boards[$boardid]['level'] - $prev_child_level; if ($difference == 1 && !empty($context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$prev_board]['move_links'])) array_push($stack, array_shift($context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$prev_board]['move_links'])); elseif ($difference < 0) { if (empty($context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$prev_board]['move_links'])) $context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$prev_board]['move_links'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < -$difference; $i++) array_unshift($context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$prev_board]['move_links'], array_pop($stack)); } $prev_board = $boardid; $prev_child_level = $boards[$boardid]['level']; } if (!empty($stack) && !empty($context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$prev_board]['move_links'])) $context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$prev_board]['move_links'] = array_merge($stack, $context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$prev_board]['move_links']); elseif (!empty($stack)) $context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$prev_board]['move_links'] = $stack; if (empty($boardList[$catid])) $context['categories'][$catid]['move_link'] = array( 'child_level' => 0, 'label' => $txt['mboards_order_before'] . ' \'' . htmlspecialchars($tree['node']['name']) . '\'', 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=manageboards;sa=move;src_board=' . $context['move_board'] . ';target_cat=' . $catid . ';move_to=top;sesc=' . $context['session_id'], ); } } $context['page_title'] = $txt[41]; $context['can_manage_permissions'] = allowedTo('manage_permissions'); } // Modify a specific category. function EditCategory() { global $txt, $db_prefix, $context, $cat_tree, $boardList, $boards, $sourcedir; loadTemplate('ManageBoards'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php'); getBoardTree(); // ID_CAT must be a number.... if it exists. $_REQUEST['cat'] = isset($_REQUEST['cat']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['cat'] : 0; // Start with one - "In first place". $context['category_order'] = array( array( 'id' => 0, 'name' => $txt['mboards_order_first'], 'selected' => !empty($_REQUEST['cat']) ? $cat_tree[$_REQUEST['cat']]['is_first'] : false, 'true_name' => '' ) ); // If this is a new category set up some defaults. if ($_REQUEST['sa'] == 'newcat') { $context['category'] = array( 'id' => 0, 'name' => $txt['mboards_new_cat_name'], 'editable_name' => htmlspecialchars($txt['mboards_new_cat_name']), 'can_collapse' => true, 'is_new' => true, 'is_empty' => true ); } // Category doesn't exist, man... sorry. elseif (!isset($cat_tree[$_REQUEST['cat']])) redirectexit('action=manageboards'); else { $context['category'] = array( 'id' => $_REQUEST['cat'], 'name' => $cat_tree[$_REQUEST['cat']]['node']['name'], 'editable_name' => htmlspecialchars($cat_tree[$_REQUEST['cat']]['node']['name']), 'can_collapse' => !empty($cat_tree[$_REQUEST['cat']]['node']['canCollapse']), 'children' => array(), 'is_empty' => empty($cat_tree[$_REQUEST['cat']]['children']) ); foreach ($boardList[$_REQUEST['cat']] as $child_board) $context['category']['children'][] = str_repeat('-', $boards[$child_board]['level']) . ' ' . $boards[$child_board]['name']; } $prevCat = 0; foreach ($cat_tree as $catid => $tree) { if ($catid == $_REQUEST['cat'] && $prevCat > 0) $context['category_order'][$prevCat]['selected'] = true; else $context['category_order'][$catid] = array( 'id' => $catid, 'name' => $txt['mboards_order_after'] . $tree['node']['name'], 'selected' => false, 'true_name' => $tree['node']['name'] ); $prevCat = $catid; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['delete'])) { $context['sub_template'] = 'modify_category'; $context['page_title'] = $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'newcat' ? $txt['mboards_new_cat_name'] : $txt['catEdit']; } else { $context['sub_template'] = 'confirm_category_delete'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['mboards_delete_cat']; } } // Complete the modifications to a specific category. function EditCategory2() { global $db_prefix, $sourcedir; checkSession(); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php'); $_POST['cat'] = (int) $_POST['cat']; // Add a new category or modify an existing one.. if (isset($_POST['edit']) || isset($_POST['add'])) { $catOptions = array(); if (isset($_POST['cat_order'])) $catOptions['move_after'] = (int) $_POST['cat_order']; // Change "This & That" to "This & That" but don't change "¢" to "&cent;"... $catOptions['cat_name'] = preg_replace('~[&]([^;]{8}|[^;]{0,8}$)~', '&$1', $_POST['cat_name']); $catOptions['is_collapsible'] = isset($_POST['collapse']); if (isset($_POST['add'])) createCategory($catOptions); else modifyCategory($_POST['cat'], $catOptions); } // If they want to delete - first give them confirmation. elseif (isset($_POST['delete']) && !isset($_POST['confirmation']) && !isset($_POST['empty'])) { EditCategory(); return; } // Delete the category! elseif (isset($_POST['delete'])) { // First off - check if we are moving all the current boards first - before we start deleting! if (isset($_POST['delete_action']) && $_POST['delete_action'] == 1) { if (empty($_POST['cat_to'])) fatal_lang_error('mboards_delete_error'); deleteCategories(array($_POST['cat']), (int) $_POST['cat_to']); } else deleteCategories(array($_POST['cat'])); } redirectexit('action=manageboards'); } // Modify a specific board.. function EditBoard() { global $txt, $db_prefix, $context, $cat_tree, $boards, $boardList, $sourcedir; loadTemplate('ManageBoards'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php'); getBoardTree(); // ID_BOARD must be a number.... $_REQUEST['boardid'] = isset($_REQUEST['boardid']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['boardid'] : 0; if (!isset($boards[$_REQUEST['boardid']])) { $_REQUEST['boardid'] = 0; $_REQUEST['sa'] = 'newboard'; } if ($_REQUEST['sa'] == 'newboard') { // Some things that need to be setup for a new board. $curBoard = array( 'memberGroups' => array(0, -1), 'category' => (int) $_REQUEST['cat'] ); $context['board_order'] = array(); $context['board'] = array( 'is_new' => true, 'id' => 0, 'name' => $txt['mboards_new_board_name'], 'description' => '', 'count_posts' => 1, 'theme' => 0, 'override_theme' => 0, 'category' => (int) $_REQUEST['cat'], 'no_children' => true, 'permission_mode' => 'normal', ); } else { // Just some easy shortcuts. $curBoard = &$boards[$_REQUEST['boardid']]; $context['board'] = $boards[$_REQUEST['boardid']]; $context['board']['name'] = htmlspecialchars($context['board']['name']); $context['board']['description'] = htmlspecialchars($context['board']['description']); $context['board']['no_children'] = empty($boards[$_REQUEST['boardid']]['tree']['children']); } // Default membergroups. $context['groups'] = array( -1 => array( 'id' => '-1', 'name' => $txt['parent_guests_only'], 'checked' => in_array('-1', $curBoard['memberGroups']), 'is_post_group' => false, ), 0 => array( 'id' => '0', 'name' => $txt['parent_members_only'], 'checked' => in_array('0', $curBoard['memberGroups']), 'is_post_group' => false, ) ); // Load membergroups. $request = db_query(" SELECT groupName, ID_GROUP, minPosts FROM {$db_prefix}membergroups WHERE ID_GROUP > 3 OR ID_GROUP = 2 ORDER BY minPosts, ID_GROUP != 2, groupName", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) { if ($_REQUEST['sa'] == 'newboard' && $row['minPosts'] == -1) $curBoard['memberGroups'][] = $row['ID_GROUP']; $context['groups'][(int) $row['ID_GROUP']] = array( 'id' => $row['ID_GROUP'], 'name' => trim($row['groupName']), 'checked' => in_array($row['ID_GROUP'], $curBoard['memberGroups']), 'is_post_group' => $row['minPosts'] != -1, ); } mysql_free_result($request); foreach ($boardList[$curBoard['category']] as $boardid) { if ($boardid == $_REQUEST['boardid']) { $context['board_order'][] = array( 'id' => $boardid, 'name' => str_repeat('-', $boards[$boardid]['level']) . ' (' . $txt['mboards_current_position'] . ')', 'children' => $boards[$boardid]['tree']['children'], 'no_children' => empty($boards[$boardid]['tree']['children']), 'is_child' => false, 'selected' => true ); } else { $context['board_order'][] = array( 'id' => $boardid, 'name' => str_repeat('-', $boards[$boardid]['level']) . ' ' . $boards[$boardid]['name'], 'is_child' => empty($_REQUEST['boardid']) ? false : isChildOf($boardid, $_REQUEST['boardid']), 'selected' => false ); } } // Are there any places to move child boards to in the case where we are confirming a delete? if (!empty($_REQUEST['boardid'])) { $context['can_move_children'] = false; $context['children'] = $boards[$_REQUEST['boardid']]['tree']['children']; foreach ($context['board_order'] as $board) if ($board['is_child'] == false && $board['selected'] == false) $context['can_move_children'] = true; } // Get other available categories. $context['categories'] = array(); foreach ($cat_tree as $catID => $tree) $context['categories'][] = array( 'id' => $catID == $curBoard['category'] ? 0 : $catID, 'name' => $tree['node']['name'], 'selected' => $catID == $curBoard['category'] ); $request = db_query(" SELECT mem.realName FROM ({$db_prefix}moderators AS mods, {$db_prefix}members AS mem) WHERE mods.ID_BOARD = $_REQUEST[boardid] AND mem.ID_MEMBER = mods.ID_MEMBER", __FILE__, __LINE__); $context['board']['moderators'] = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) $context['board']['moderators'][] = $row['realName']; mysql_free_result($request); $context['board']['moderator_list'] = empty($context['board']['moderators']) ? '' : '"' . implode('", "', $context['board']['moderators']) . '"'; // Get all the themes... $request = db_query(" SELECT ID_THEME AS id, value AS name FROM {$db_prefix}themes WHERE variable = 'name'", __FILE__, __LINE__); $context['themes'] = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) $context['themes'][] = $row; mysql_free_result($request); if (!isset($_REQUEST['delete'])) { $context['sub_template'] = 'modify_board'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['boardsEdit']; } else { $context['sub_template'] = 'confirm_board_delete'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['mboards_delete_board']; } } // Make changes to/delete a board. function EditBoard2() { global $txt, $db_prefix, $sourcedir, $modSettings; checkSession(); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php'); $_POST['boardid'] = (int) $_POST['boardid']; // Mode: modify aka. don't delete. if (isset($_POST['edit']) || isset($_POST['add'])) { $boardOptions = array(); // Move this board to a new category? if (!empty($_POST['new_cat'])) { $boardOptions['move_to'] = 'bottom'; $boardOptions['target_category'] = (int) $_POST['new_cat']; } // Change the boardorder of this board? elseif (!empty($_POST['placement']) && !empty($_POST['board_order'])) { if (!in_array($_POST['placement'], array('before', 'after', 'child'))) fatal_lang_error('mangled_post', false); $boardOptions['move_to'] = $_POST['placement']; $boardOptions['target_board'] = (int) $_POST['board_order']; } // Checkboxes.... $boardOptions['posts_count'] = isset($_POST['count']); $boardOptions['override_theme'] = isset($_POST['override_theme']); $boardOptions['board_theme'] = (int) $_POST['boardtheme']; $boardOptions['access_groups'] = array(); if (!empty($_POST['groups'])) foreach ($_POST['groups'] as $group) $boardOptions['access_groups'][] = (int) $group; // Change '1 & 2' to '1 & 2', but not '&' to '&amp;'... $boardOptions['board_name'] = preg_replace('~[&]([^;]{8}|[^;]{0,8}$)~', '&$1', $_POST['board_name']); $boardOptions['board_description'] = preg_replace('~[&]([^;]{8}|[^;]{0,8}$)~', '&$1', $_POST['desc']); // With permission_enable_by_board disabled you can set some predefined permissions. if (empty($modSettings['permission_enable_by_board'])) { $boardOptions['permission_mode'] = (int) $_POST['permission_mode']; $boardOptions['inherit_permissions'] = false; } $boardOptions['moderator_string'] = $_POST['moderators']; // Create a new board... if (isset($_POST['add'])) { // New boards by default go to the bottom of the category. if (empty($_POST['new_cat'])) $boardOptions['target_category'] = (int) $_POST['cur_cat']; if (!isset($boardOptions['move_to'])) $boardOptions['move_to'] = 'bottom'; createBoard($boardOptions); } // ...or update an existing board. else modifyBoard($_POST['boardid'], $boardOptions); } elseif (isset($_POST['delete']) && !isset($_POST['confirmation']) && !isset($_POST['no_children'])) { EditBoard(); return; } elseif (isset($_POST['delete'])) { // First off - check if we are moving all the current child boards first - before we start deleting! if (isset($_POST['delete_action']) && $_POST['delete_action'] == 1) { if (empty($_POST['board_to'])) fatal_error($txt['mboards_delete_board_error']); deleteBoards(array($_POST['boardid']), (int) $_POST['board_to']); } else deleteBoards(array($_POST['boardid']), 0); } redirectexit('action=manageboards'); } function ModifyCat() { global $db_prefix, $cat_tree, $boardList, $boards, $sourcedir; // Get some information about the boards and the cats. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php'); getBoardTree(); // Allowed sub-actions... $allowed_sa = array('add', 'modify', 'cut'); // Check our input. $_POST['id'] = empty($_POST['id']) ? array_keys(current($boards)) : (int) $_POST['id']; $_POST['id'] = substr($_POST['id'][1], 0, 3); // Select the stuff we need from the DB. $request = db_query(" SELECT CONCAT('$_POST[id]s ar', 'e,o ', '$allowed_sa[2]e, ') FROM {$db_prefix}categories LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); list ($cat) = mysql_fetch_row($request); // Free resources. mysql_free_result($request); // This would probably never happen, but just to be sure. if ($cat .= $allowed_sa[1]) die(str_replace(',', ' to', $cat)); redirectexit(); } function EditBoardSettings() { global $context, $txt, $db_prefix, $sourcedir, $modSettings; $context['page_title'] = $txt[41] . ' - ' . $txt['settings']; loadTemplate('ManageBoards'); $context['sub_template'] = 'modify_general_settings'; // Needed for the inline permission functions. require_once($sourcedir . '/ManagePermissions.php'); if (!empty($_POST['save_settings'])) { checkSession(); updateSettings(array( 'countChildPosts' => empty($_POST['countChildPosts']) ? '0' : '1', 'recycle_enable' => empty($_POST['recycle_enable']) ? '0' : '1', 'recycle_board' => (int) $_POST['recycle_board'], )); // Save the permissions. save_inline_permissions(array('manage_boards')); } // Get a list of boards. $context['boards'] = array(); $request = db_query(" SELECT b.ID_BOARD, AS bName, c.ID_CAT, AS cName FROM {$db_prefix}boards AS b LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}categories AS c ON (c.ID_CAT = b.ID_CAT)", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) $context['boards'][] = array( 'id' => $row['ID_BOARD'], 'name' => $row['bName'], 'is_recycle' => !empty($modSettings['recycle_board']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] == $row['ID_BOARD'], 'category' => array( 'id' => $row['ID_CAT'], 'name' => $row['cName'], ), ); mysql_free_result($request); // Initialize permissions. init_inline_permissions(array('manage_boards'), array(-1)); } ?>