'<', '>' => '>', '"' => '"')); $error_message = strtr($error_message, array('<br />' => '
', '<b>' => '', '</b>' => '', "\n" => '
')); // Add a file and line to the error message? (remember, $txt may not exist yet!!) if ($file != null) $error_message .= '
' . (isset($txt[1003]) ? $txt[1003] . ': ' : '') . $file; if ($line != null) $error_message .= '
' . (isset($txt[1004]) ? $txt[1004] . ': ' : '') . $line; // Just in case there's no ID_MEMBER or IP set yet. if (empty($ID_MEMBER)) $ID_MEMBER = 0; if (empty($user_info['ip'])) $user_info['ip'] = ''; // Don't log the session hash in the url twice, it's a waste. $query_string = empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '' : addslashes(htmlspecialchars('?' . preg_replace(array('~;sesc=[^&;]+~', '~' . session_name() . '=' . session_id() . '[&;]~'), array(';sesc', ''), $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))); // Just so we know what board error messages are from. if (isset($_POST['board']) && !isset($_GET['board'])) $query_string .= ($query_string == '' ? 'board=' : ';board=') . $_POST['board']; // Insert the error into the database. db_query(" INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}log_errors (ID_MEMBER, logTime, ip, url, message, session) VALUES ($ID_MEMBER, " . time() . ", SUBSTRING('$user_info[ip]', 1, 16), SUBSTRING('$query_string', 1, 65534), SUBSTRING('" . addslashes($error_message) . "', 1, 65534), '$sc')", false, false) or die($error_message); // Return the message to make things simpler. return $error_message; } // Database error! function db_error($db_string, $file, $line) { global $txt, $context, $sourcedir, $webmaster_email, $modSettings; global $forum_version, $db_connection, $db_last_error, $db_persist; global $db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_name, $db_show_debug; // This is the error message... $query_error = mysql_error($db_connection); $query_errno = mysql_errno($db_connection); // Error numbers: // 1016: Can't open file '....MYI' // 1030: Got error ??? from table handler. // 1034: Incorrect key file for table. // 1035: Old key file for table. // 1205: Lock wait timeout exceeded. // 1213: Deadlock found. // 2006: Server has gone away. // 2013: Lost connection to server during query. // Log the error. if ($query_errno != 1213 && $query_errno != 1205) log_error($txt[1001] . ': ' . $query_error, $file, $line); // Database error auto fixing ;). if (!isset($modSettings['autoFixDatabase']) || $modSettings['autoFixDatabase'] == '1') { // Force caching on, just for the error checking. $old_cache = @$modSettings['cache_enable']; $modSettings['cache_enable'] = '1'; if (($temp = cache_get_data('db_last_error', 600)) !== null) $db_last_error = max(@$db_last_error, $temp); if (@$db_last_error < time() - 3600 * 24 * 3) { // We know there's a problem... but what? Try to auto detect. if ($query_errno == 1030 && strpos($query_error, ' 127 ') !== false) { preg_match_all('~(?:[\n\r]|^)[^\']+?(?:FROM|JOIN|UPDATE|TABLE) ((?:[^\n\r(]+?(?:, )?)*)~s', $db_string, $matches); $fix_tables = array(); foreach ($matches[1] as $tables) { $tables = array_unique(explode(',', $tables)); foreach ($tables as $table) { // Now, it's still theoretically possible this could be an injection. So backtick it! if (trim($table) != '') $fix_tables[] = '`' . strtr(trim($table), array('`' => '')) . '`'; } } $fix_tables = array_unique($fix_tables); } // Table crashed. Let's try to fix it. elseif ($query_errno == 1016) { if (preg_match('~\'([^\.\']+)~', $query_error, $match) != 0) $fix_tables = array('`' . $match[1] . '`'); } // Indexes crashed. Should be easy to fix! elseif ($query_errno == 1034 || $query_errno == 1035) { preg_match('~\'([^\']+?)\'~', $query_error, $match); $fix_tables = array('`' . $match[1] . '`'); } } // Check for errors like 145... only fix it once every three days, and send an email. (can't use empty because it might not be set yet...) if (!empty($fix_tables)) { // Admin.php for updateSettingsFile(), Subs-Post.php for sendmail(). require_once($sourcedir . '/Admin.php'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php'); // Make a note of the REPAIR... cache_put_data('db_last_error', time(), 600); if (($temp = cache_get_data('db_last_error', 600)) === null) updateSettingsFile(array('db_last_error' => time())); // Attempt to find and repair the broken table. foreach ($fix_tables as $table) db_query(" REPAIR TABLE $table", false, false); // And send off an email! sendmail($webmaster_email, $txt[1001], $txt[1005]); $modSettings['cache_enable'] = $old_cache; // Try the query again...? $ret = db_query($db_string, false, false); if ($ret !== false) return $ret; } else $modSettings['cache_enable'] = $old_cache; // Check for the "lost connection" or "deadlock found" errors - and try it just one more time. if (in_array($query_errno, array(1205, 1213, 2006, 2013))) { if (in_array($query_errno, array(2006, 2013))) { if (empty($db_persist)) $db_connection = @mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd); else $db_connection = @mysql_pconnect($db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd); if (!$db_connection || !@mysql_select_db($db_name, $db_connection)) $db_connection = false; } if ($db_connection) { // Try a deadlock more than once more. for ($n = 0; $n < 4; $n++) { $ret = db_query($db_string, false, false); $new_errno = mysql_errno($db_connection); if ($ret !== false || in_array($new_errno, array(1205, 1213))) break; } // If it failed again, shucks to be you... we're not trying it over and over. if ($ret !== false) return $ret; } } // Are they out of space, perhaps? elseif ($query_errno == 1030 && (strpos($query_error, ' -1 ') !== false || strpos($query_error, ' 28 ') !== false || strpos($query_error, ' 12 ') !== false)) { if (!isset($txt)) $query_error .= ' - check database storage space.'; else { if (!isset($txt['mysql_error_space'])) loadLanguage('Errors'); $query_error .= !isset($txt['mysql_error_space']) ? ' - check database storage space.' : $txt['mysql_error_space']; } } } // Nothing's defined yet... just die with it. if (empty($context) || empty($txt)) die($query_error); // Show an error message, if possible. $context['error_title'] = $txt[1001]; if (allowedTo('admin_forum')) $context['error_message'] = nl2br($query_error) . '
' . $txt[1003] . ': ' . $file . '
' . $txt[1004] . ': ' . $line; else $context['error_message'] = $txt[1002]; // A database error is often the sign of a database in need of updgrade. Check forum versions, and if not identical suggest an upgrade... (not for Demo/CVS versions!) if (allowedTo('admin_forum') && !empty($forum_version) && $forum_version != 'SMF ' . @$modSettings['smfVersion'] && strpos($forum_version, 'Demo') === false && strpos($forum_version, 'CVS') === false) $context['error_message'] .= '

' . $txt['database_error_versions']; if (allowedTo('admin_forum') && isset($db_show_debug) && $db_show_debug === true) { $context['error_message'] .= '

' . nl2br($db_string); } // It's already been logged... don't log it again. fatal_error($context['error_message'], false); } // An irrecoverable error. function fatal_error($error, $log = true) { global $txt, $context, $modSettings; // We don't have $txt yet, but that's okay... if (empty($txt)) die($error); // Log the error and set up the template. if (!isset($context['error_title'])) { $context['error_title'] = $txt[106]; $context['error_message'] = $log || (!empty($modSettings['enableErrorLogging']) && $modSettings['enableErrorLogging'] == 2) ? log_error($error) : $error; } // If there's not a page title yet, set one. if (!isset($context['page_title'])) $context['page_title'] = $context['error_title']; // Display the error message - wireless? if (WIRELESS) $context['sub_template'] = WIRELESS_PROTOCOL . '_error'; // Load the template and set the sub template. else { loadTemplate('Errors'); $context['sub_template'] = 'fatal_error'; } // We want whatever for the header, and a footer. (footer includes sub template!) obExit(null, true); /* DO NOT IGNORE: If you are creating a bridge to SMF or modifying this function, you MUST make ABSOLUTELY SURE that this function quits and DOES NOT RETURN TO NORMAL PROGRAM FLOW. Otherwise, security error messages will not be shown, and your forum will be in a very easily hackable state. */ trigger_error('Hacking attempt...', E_USER_ERROR); } // A fatal error with a message stored in the language file. function fatal_lang_error($error, $log = true, $sprintf = array()) { global $txt; // Load the language file... loadLanguage('Errors'); // Are we formatting anything? if (empty($sprintf)) fatal_error($txt[$error], $log); else fatal_error(vsprintf($txt[$error], $sprintf), $log); } // Handler for standard error messages. function error_handler($error_level, $error_string, $file, $line) { global $settings, $modSettings, $db_show_debug; // Ignore errors if we're ignoring them or they are strict notices from PHP 5 (which cannot be solved without breaking PHP 4.) if (error_reporting() == 0 || (defined('E_STRICT') && $error_level == E_STRICT && (empty($modSettings['enableErrorLogging']) || $modSettings['enableErrorLogging'] != 2))) return; if (strpos($file, 'eval()') !== false && !empty($settings['current_include_filename'])) { if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) { $array = debug_backtrace(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { if ($array[$i]['function'] != 'loadSubTemplate') continue; // This is a bug in PHP, with eval, it seems! if (empty($array[$i]['args'])) $i++; break; } if (isset($array[$i]) && !empty($array[$i]['args'])) $file = realpath($settings['current_include_filename']) . ' (' . $array[$i]['args'][0] . ' sub template - eval?)'; else $file = realpath($settings['current_include_filename']) . ' (eval?)'; } else $file = realpath($settings['current_include_filename']) . ' (eval?)'; } if (isset($db_show_debug) && $db_show_debug === true) { // Commonly, undefined indexes will occur inside attributes; try to show them anyway! if ($error_level % 255 != E_ERROR) { $temporary = ob_get_contents(); if (substr($temporary, -2) == '="') echo '"'; } // Debugging! This should look like a PHP error message. echo '
', $error_level % 255 == E_ERROR ? 'Error' : ($error_level % 255 == E_WARNING ? 'Warning' : 'Notice'), ': ', $error_string, ' in ', $file, ' on line ', $line, '
'; } $message = log_error($error_level . ': ' . $error_string, $file, $line); // Dying on these errors only causes MORE problems (blank pages!) if ($file == 'Unknown') return; // If this is an E_ERROR or E_USER_ERROR.... die. Violently so. if ($error_level % 255 == E_ERROR) obExit(false); else return; // If this is an E_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR, E_WARNING, or E_USER_WARNING.... die. Violently so. if ($error_level % 255 == E_ERROR || $error_level % 255 == E_WARNING) fatal_error(allowedTo('admin_forum') ? $message : $error_string, false); // We should NEVER get to this point. Any fatal error MUST quit, or very bad things can happen. if ($error_level % 255 == E_ERROR) die('Hacking attempt...'); } // Just wrap it so we don't take up time and space here in Errors.php. function db_fatal_error($loadavg = false) { global $sourcedir; // Just load the other file and run it. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Auth.php'); show_db_error($loadavg); // Since we use "or db_fatal_error();" this is needed... return false; } ?>