' . $row['realName'] . ''; mysql_free_result($request); // If there are more than 32 admins show a more link and direct the admin to the memberlist with admin filter. if (count($context['administrators']) > 32) { // Quicker to get one too many than to count first... unset($context['administrators'][32]); $context['more_admins_link'] = '' . $txt['more'] . ''; } // Some stuff.... :P. $context['credits'] = ' Simple Machines wants to thank everyone who helped make SMF 1.1 what it is today; shaping and directing our project, all through the thick and the thin. It wouldn\'t have been possible without you.
This includes our users and especially Charter Members - thanks for installing and using our software as well as providing valuable feedback, bug reports, and opinions.
Project Managers: Amacythe, David Recordon, Joseph Fung, and Jeff Lewis.
Developers: Hendrik Jan "Compuart" Visser, Matt "Grudge" Wolf, Michael "Thantos" Miller, Theodore "Orstio" Hildebrandt, and Unknown W. "[Unknown]" Brackets
Support Specialists: Ben Scott, Michael "Oldiesmann" Eshom, Jan-Olof "Owdy" Eriksson, Aäron van Geffen, Alexandre "Ap2" Patenaude, Andrea Hubacher, Chris Cromer, [darksteel], dtm.exe, Nick "Fizzy" Dyer, Horseman, Huw Ayling-Miller, jerm, Justyne, kegobeer, Kindred, Matthew "Mattitude" Hall, Mediman, Metho, Omar Bazavilvazo, Pitti, redone, Tomer "Lamper" Dean, Tony, and xenovanis.
Mod Developers: snork13, Cristián "Anguz" Lávaque, Goosemoose, Jack.R.Abbit, James "Cheschire" Yarbro, Jesse "Gobalopper" Reid, Juan "JayBachatero" Hernandez, Kirby, vbgamer45, and winrules.
Documentation Writers: akabugeyes, eldacar, Gary M. "AwwLilMaggie" Gadsdon, Jerry, and Nave.
Language Coordinators: Daniel Diehl and Adam "Bostasp" Southall.
Graphic Designers: Bjoern "Bloc" Kristiansen, Alienine (Adrian), A.M.A, babylonking, BlackouT, Burpee, diplomat, Eren "forsakenlad" Yasarkurt, Hyper Piranha, Killer Possum, Mystica, Nico "aliencowfarm" Boer, Philip "Meriadoc" Renich and Tippmaster.
Site team: dschwab9 and Tim.
Marketing: Douglas "The Bear" Hazard, RickC and Trekkie101.
And for anyone we may have missed, thank you!
'; // Copyright? if (!empty($modSettings['copy_settings']) || !empty($modSettings['copyright_key'])) { if (empty($modSettings['copy_settings'])) $modSettings['copy_settings'] = 'a,0'; // Not done it yet... if (empty($_SESSION['copy_expire'])) { list ($key, $expires) = explode(',', $modSettings['copy_settings']); // Get the expired date. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php'); $return_data = fetch_web_data($url = 'http://www.simplemachines.org/smf/copyright/check_copyright.php?site=' . base64_encode($boardurl) . '&key=' . $key . '&version=' . base64_encode($forum_version)); // Get the expire date. $return_data = substr($return_data, strpos($return_data, 'STARTCOPY') + 9); $return_data = trim(substr($return_data, 0, strpos($return_data, 'ENDCOPY'))); if ($return_data != 'void') { list ($_SESSION['copy_expire'], $copyright_key) = explode('|', $return_data); $_SESSION['copy_key'] = $key; $copy_settings = $key . ',' . (int) $_SESSION['copy_expire']; updateSettings(array('copy_settings' => $copy_settings, 'copyright_key' => $copyright_key)); } else { $_SESSION['copy_expire'] = ''; db_query(" DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}settings WHERE variable = 'copy_settings' OR variable = 'copyright_key'", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } if (isset($_SESSION['copy_expire']) && $_SESSION['copy_expire'] > time()) { $context['copyright_expires'] = (int) (($_SESSION['copy_expire'] - time()) / 3600 / 24); $context['copyright_key'] = $_SESSION['copy_key']; } } // This makes it easier to get the latest news with your time format. $context['time_format'] = urlencode($user_info['time_format']); $context['current_versions'] = array( 'php' => array('title' => $txt['support_versions_php'], 'version' => PHP_VERSION), 'mysql' => array('title' => $txt['support_versions_mysql'], 'version' => ''), 'server' => array('title' => $txt['support_versions_server'], 'version' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']), ); $context['forum_version'] = $forum_version; // Is GD available? If it is, we should show version information for it too. if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $temp = gd_info(); $context['current_versions']['gd'] = array('title' => $txt['support_versions_gd'], 'version' => $temp['GD Version']); } $request = db_query(" SELECT VERSION()", __FILE__, __LINE__); list ($context['current_versions']['mysql']['version']) = mysql_fetch_row($request); mysql_free_result($request); // If we're using memcache we need the server info. if (empty($memcached) && function_exists('memcache_get') && isset($modSettings['cache_memcached']) && trim($modSettings['cache_memcached']) != '') get_memcached_server(); // Check to see if we have any accelerators installed... if (defined('MMCACHE_VERSION')) $context['current_versions']['mmcache'] = array('title' => 'Turck MMCache', 'version' => MMCACHE_VERSION); if (defined('EACCELERATOR_VERSION')) $context['current_versions']['eaccelerator'] = array('title' => 'eAccelerator', 'version' => EACCELERATOR_VERSION); if (isset($_PHPA)) $context['current_versions']['phpa'] = array('title' => 'ionCube PHP-Accelerator', 'version' => $_PHPA['VERSION']); if (extension_loaded('apc')) $context['current_versions']['apc'] = array('title' => 'Alternative PHP Cache', 'version' => phpversion('apc')); if (function_exists('memcache_set')) $context['current_versions']['memcache'] = array('title' => 'Memcached', 'version' => empty($memcached) ? '???' : memcache_get_version($memcached)); $context['can_admin'] = allowedTo('admin_forum'); $context['sub_template'] = isset($_GET['credits']) ? 'credits' : 'admin'; $context['page_title'] = isset($_GET['credits']) ? $txt['support_credits_title'] : $txt[208]; // The format of this array is: permission, action, title, description. $quick_admin_tasks = array( array('', 'admin;credits', 'support_credits_title', 'support_credits_info'), array('admin_forum', 'featuresettings', 'modSettings_title', 'modSettings_info'), array('admin_forum', 'maintain', 'maintain_title', 'maintain_info'), array('manage_permissions', 'permissions', 'edit_permissions', 'edit_permissions_info'), array('admin_forum', 'theme;sa=admin;sesc=' . $context['session_id'], 'theme_admin', 'theme_admin_info'), array('admin_forum', 'packages', 'package1', 'package_info'), array('manage_smileys', 'smileys', 'smileys_manage', 'smileys_manage_info'), array('moderate_forum', 'viewmembers', '5', 'member_center_info'), ); $context['quick_admin_tasks'] = array(); foreach ($quick_admin_tasks as $task) { if (!empty($task[0]) && !allowedTo($task[0])) continue; $context['quick_admin_tasks'][] = array( 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=' . $task[1], 'link' => '' . $txt[$task[2]] . '', 'title' => $txt[$task[2]], 'description' => $txt[$task[3]], 'is_last' => false ); } if (count($context['quick_admin_tasks']) % 2 == 1) { $context['quick_admin_tasks'][] = array( 'href' => '', 'link' => '', 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'is_last' => true ); $context['quick_admin_tasks'][count($context['quick_admin_tasks']) - 2]['is_last'] = true; } elseif (count($context['quick_admin_tasks']) != 0) { $context['quick_admin_tasks'][count($context['quick_admin_tasks']) - 1]['is_last'] = true; $context['quick_admin_tasks'][count($context['quick_admin_tasks']) - 2]['is_last'] = true; } } // Optimize the database's tables. function OptimizeTables() { global $db_name, $txt, $context, $scripturl; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); // Boldify "Maintain Forum". adminIndex('maintain_forum'); ignore_user_abort(true); // Start with no tables optimized. $opttab = 0; $context['page_title'] = $txt['smf281']; $context['sub_template'] = 'optimize'; // Get a list of tables, as well as how many there are. $result = db_query(" SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `$db_name`", false, false); $tables = array(); if (!$result) { $result = db_query(" SHOW TABLES FROM `$db_name`", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($table = mysql_fetch_row($result)) $tables[] = array('table_name' => $table[0]); mysql_free_result($result); } else { $i = 0; while ($table = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $tables[] = $table + array('table_name' => mysql_tablename($result, $i++)); mysql_free_result($result); } // If there aren't any tables then I believe that would mean the world has exploded... $context['num_tables'] = count($tables); if ($context['num_tables'] == 0) fatal_error('You appear to be running SMF in a flat file mode... fantastic!', false); // For each table.... $context['optimized_tables'] = array(); foreach ($tables as $table) { // Optimize the table! We use backticks here because it might be a custom table. $result = db_query(" OPTIMIZE TABLE `$table[table_name]`", __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); mysql_free_result($result); if (!isset($row['Msg_text']) || strpos($row['Msg_text'], 'already') === false || !isset($table['Data_free']) || $table['Data_free'] != 0) $context['optimized_tables'][] = array( 'name' => $table['table_name'], 'data_freed' => isset($table['Data_free']) ? $table['Data_free'] / 1024 : '??', ); } // Number of tables, etc.... $txt['smf282'] = sprintf($txt['smf282'], $context['num_tables']); $context['num_tables_optimized'] = count($context['optimized_tables']); updateSettings(array('autoOptLastOpt' => time())); } // Miscellaneous maintenance.. function Maintenance() { global $context, $txt, $db_prefix, $user_info, $db_character_set, $modSettings; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); adminIndex('maintain_forum'); if (isset($_GET['sa']) && $_GET['sa'] == 'logs') { // No one's online now.... MUHAHAHAHA :P. db_query(" DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}log_online", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Dump the banning logs. db_query(" DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}log_banned", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Start ID_ERROR back at 0 and dump the error log. db_query(" TRUNCATE {$db_prefix}log_errors", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Clear out the spam log. db_query(" DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}log_floodcontrol", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Clear out the karma actions. db_query(" DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}log_karma", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Last but not least, the search logs! db_query(" TRUNCATE {$db_prefix}log_search_topics", __FILE__, __LINE__); db_query(" TRUNCATE {$db_prefix}log_search_messages", __FILE__, __LINE__); db_query(" TRUNCATE {$db_prefix}log_search_results", __FILE__, __LINE__); updateSettings(array('search_pointer' => 0)); $context['maintenance_finished'] = true; } elseif (isset($_GET['sa']) && $_GET['sa'] == 'destroy') { // Oh noes! echo '', $context['forum_name'], ' deleted!
Oh my, you killed ', $context['forum_name'], '!
You lazy bum!
'; obExit(false); } else $context['maintenance_finished'] = isset($_GET['done']); // Grab some boards maintenance can be done on. $result = db_query(" SELECT b.ID_BOARD, b.name, b.childLevel, c.name AS catName, c.ID_CAT FROM {$db_prefix}boards AS b LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}categories AS c ON (c.ID_CAT = b.ID_CAT) WHERE $user_info[query_see_board]", __FILE__, __LINE__); $context['categories'] = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (!isset($context['categories'][$row['ID_CAT']])) $context['categories'][$row['ID_CAT']] = array( 'name' => $row['catName'], 'boards' => array() ); $context['categories'][$row['ID_CAT']]['boards'][] = array( 'id' => $row['ID_BOARD'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'child_level' => $row['childLevel'] ); } mysql_free_result($result); $context['convert_utf8'] = (!isset($db_character_set) || $db_character_set !== 'utf8' || empty($modSettings['global_character_set']) || $modSettings['global_character_set'] !== 'UTF-8') && version_compare('4.1.2', preg_replace('~\-.+?$~', '', mysql_get_server_info())) <= 0; $context['convert_entities'] = isset($db_character_set, $modSettings['global_character_set']) && $db_character_set === 'utf8' && $modSettings['global_character_set'] === 'UTF-8'; $context['sub_template'] = 'maintain'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['maintain_title']; } // Recount all the important board totals. function AdminBoardRecount() { global $txt, $db_prefix, $context, $scripturl, $modSettings, $time_start; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); // Select it on the left. adminIndex('maintain_forum'); $context['page_title'] = $txt['not_done_title']; $context['continue_post_data'] = ''; $context['continue_countdown'] = '3'; $context['sub_template'] = 'not_done'; // Try for as much time as possible. @set_time_limit(600); // Step the number of topics at a time so things don't time out... $request = db_query(" SELECT MAX(ID_TOPIC) FROM {$db_prefix}topics", __FILE__, __LINE__); list ($max_topics) = mysql_fetch_row($request); mysql_free_result($request); $increment = min(ceil($max_topics / 4), 2000); if (empty($_REQUEST['start'])) $_REQUEST['start'] = 0; $total_steps = 5; // Get each topic with a wrong reply count and fix it - let's just do some at a time, though. if (empty($_REQUEST['step'])) { $_REQUEST['step'] = 0; while ($_REQUEST['start'] < $max_topics) { $request = db_query(" SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ t.ID_TOPIC, t.numReplies, COUNT(*) - 1 AS realNumReplies FROM ({$db_prefix}topics AS t, {$db_prefix}messages AS m) WHERE m.ID_TOPIC = t.ID_TOPIC AND t.ID_TOPIC > " . ($_REQUEST['start']) . " AND t.ID_TOPIC <= " . ($_REQUEST['start'] + $increment) . " GROUP BY t.ID_TOPIC HAVING realNumReplies != numReplies", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) db_query(" UPDATE {$db_prefix}topics SET numReplies = $row[realNumReplies] WHERE ID_TOPIC = $row[ID_TOPIC] LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); mysql_free_result($request); $_REQUEST['start'] += $increment; if (array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $time_start)) > 3) { $context['continue_get_data'] = '?action=boardrecount;step=0;start=' . $_REQUEST['start']; $context['continue_percent'] = round((100 * $_REQUEST['start'] / $max_topics) / $total_steps); return; } } $_REQUEST['start'] = 0; } // Update the post and topic count of each board. if ($_REQUEST['step'] <= 1) { if (empty($_REQUEST['start'])) db_query(" UPDATE {$db_prefix}boards SET numPosts = 0, numTopics = 0", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($_REQUEST['start'] < $max_topics) { $request = db_query(" SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ t.ID_BOARD, COUNT(*) AS realNumPosts, COUNT(DISTINCT t.ID_TOPIC) AS realNumTopics FROM ({$db_prefix}topics AS t, {$db_prefix}messages AS m) WHERE m.ID_TOPIC = t.ID_TOPIC AND m.ID_TOPIC > " . ($_REQUEST['start']) . " AND m.ID_TOPIC <= " . ($_REQUEST['start'] + $increment) . " GROUP BY t.ID_BOARD", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) db_query(" UPDATE {$db_prefix}boards SET numPosts = numPosts + $row[realNumPosts], numTopics = numTopics + $row[realNumTopics] WHERE ID_BOARD = $row[ID_BOARD] LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); mysql_free_result($request); $_REQUEST['start'] += $increment; if (array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $time_start)) > 3) { $context['continue_get_data'] = '?action=boardrecount;step=1;start=' . $_REQUEST['start']; $context['continue_percent'] = round((100 + 100 * $_REQUEST['start'] / $max_topics) / $total_steps); return; } } $_REQUEST['start'] = 0; } // Get all members with wrong number of personal messages. if ($_REQUEST['step'] <= 2) { $request = db_query(" SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ mem.ID_MEMBER, COUNT(pmr.ID_PM) AS realNum, mem.instantMessages FROM {$db_prefix}members AS mem LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}pm_recipients AS pmr ON (mem.ID_MEMBER = pmr.ID_MEMBER AND pmr.deleted = 0) GROUP BY mem.ID_MEMBER HAVING realNum != instantMessages", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) updateMemberData($row['ID_MEMBER'], array('instantMessages' => $row['realNum'])); mysql_free_result($request); $request = db_query(" SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ mem.ID_MEMBER, COUNT(pmr.ID_PM) AS realNum, mem.unreadMessages FROM {$db_prefix}members AS mem LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}pm_recipients AS pmr ON (mem.ID_MEMBER = pmr.ID_MEMBER AND pmr.deleted = 0 AND pmr.is_read = 0) GROUP BY mem.ID_MEMBER HAVING realNum != unreadMessages", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) updateMemberData($row['ID_MEMBER'], array('unreadMessages' => $row['realNum'])); mysql_free_result($request); if (array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $time_start)) > 3) { $context['continue_get_data'] = '?action=boardrecount;step=2;start=0'; $context['continue_percent'] = round(300 / $total_steps); return; } } // Any messages pointing to the wrong board? if ($_REQUEST['step'] <= 3) { while ($_REQUEST['start'] < $modSettings['maxMsgID']) { $request = db_query(" SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ t.ID_BOARD, m.ID_MSG FROM ({$db_prefix}messages AS m, {$db_prefix}topics AS t) WHERE t.ID_TOPIC = m.ID_TOPIC AND m.ID_MSG > $_REQUEST[start] AND m.ID_MSG <= " . ($_REQUEST['start'] + $increment) . " AND m.ID_BOARD != t.ID_BOARD", __FILE__, __LINE__); $boards = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) $boards[$row['ID_BOARD']][] = $row['ID_MSG']; mysql_free_result($request); foreach ($boards as $board_id => $messages) db_query(" UPDATE {$db_prefix}messages SET ID_BOARD = $board_id WHERE ID_MSG IN (" . implode(', ', $messages) . ") LIMIT " . count($messages), __FILE__, __LINE__); $_REQUEST['start'] += $increment; if (array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $time_start)) > 3) { $context['continue_get_data'] = '?action=boardrecount;step=3;start=' . $_REQUEST['start']; $context['continue_percent'] = round((300 + 100 * $_REQUEST['start'] / $modSettings['maxMsgID']) / $total_steps); return; } } $_REQUEST['start'] = 0; } // Update the latest message of each board. $request = db_query(" SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ b.ID_BOARD, b.ID_PARENT, b.ID_LAST_MSG, MAX(m.ID_MSG) AS localLastMsg, b.childLevel FROM ({$db_prefix}boards AS b, {$db_prefix}messages AS m) WHERE b.ID_BOARD = m.ID_BOARD GROUP BY ID_BOARD", __FILE__, __LINE__); $resort_me = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) $resort_me[$row['childLevel']][] = $row; mysql_free_result($request); krsort($resort_me); $lastMsg = array(); foreach ($resort_me as $rows) foreach ($rows as $row) { // The latest message is the latest of the current board and its children. if (isset($lastMsg[$row['ID_BOARD']])) $curLastMsg = max($row['localLastMsg'], $lastMsg[$row['ID_BOARD']]); else $curLastMsg = $row['localLastMsg']; // If what is and what should be the latest message differ, an update is necessary. if ($curLastMsg != $row['ID_LAST_MSG']) db_query(" UPDATE {$db_prefix}boards SET ID_LAST_MSG = $curLastMsg WHERE ID_BOARD = $row[ID_BOARD] LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Parent boards inherit the latest message of their children. if (isset($lastMsg[$row['ID_PARENT']])) $lastMsg[$row['ID_PARENT']] = max($row['localLastMsg'], $lastMsg[$row['ID_PARENT']]); else $lastMsg[$row['ID_PARENT']] = $row['localLastMsg']; } // Update all the basic statistics. updateStats('member'); updateStats('message'); updateStats('topic'); redirectexit('action=maintain;done'); } // Perform a detailed version check. A very good thing ;). function VersionDetail() { global $forum_version; global $txt, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $context, $settings; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); // Set up the sidebar for version checking. adminIndex('view_versions'); $context['file_versions'] = array(); $context['default_template_versions'] = array(); $context['template_versions'] = array(); $context['default_language_versions'] = array(); // Find the version in SSI.php's file header. $fp = fopen($boarddir . '/SSI.php', 'rb'); $header = fread($fp, 4096); fclose($fp); // The comment looks rougly like... that. if (preg_match('~\*\s*Software\s+Version:\s+SMF\s+(.+?)[\s]{2}~i', $header, $match) == 1) $context['file_versions']['SSI.php'] = $match[1]; // Not found! This is bad. else $context['file_versions']['SSI.php'] = '??'; // Load all the files in the Sources directory, except this file and the redirect. $Sources_dir = dir($sourcedir); while ($entry = $Sources_dir->read()) if (substr($entry, -4) == '.php' && !is_dir($sourcedir . '/' . $entry) && $entry != 'index.php') { // Read the first 4k from the file.... enough for the header. $fp = fopen($sourcedir . '/' . $entry, 'rb'); $header = fread($fp, 4096); fclose($fp); // Look for the version comment in the file header. if (preg_match('~\*\s*Software\s+Version:\s+SMF\s+(.+?)[\s]{2}~i', $header, $match) == 1) $context['file_versions'][$entry] = $match[1]; // It wasn't found, but the file was... show a '??'. else $context['file_versions'][$entry] = '??'; } $Sources_dir->close(); // Load all the files in the default template directory - and the current theme if applicable. $directories = array('default_template_versions' => $settings['default_theme_dir']); if ($settings['theme_id'] != 1) $directories += array('template_versions' => $settings['theme_dir']); foreach ($directories as $type => $dirname) { $This_dir = dir($dirname); while ($entry = $This_dir->read()) if (substr($entry, -12) == 'template.php' && !is_dir($dirname . '/' . $entry)) { // Read the first 768 bytes from the file.... enough for the header. $fp = fopen($dirname . '/' . $entry, 'rb'); $header = fread($fp, 768); fclose($fp); // Look for the version comment in the file header. if (preg_match('~(?://|/\*)\s*Version:\s+(.+?);\s*' . preg_quote(basename($entry, '.template.php'), '~') . '(?:[\s]{2}|\*/)~i', $header, $match) == 1) $context[$type][$entry] = $match[1]; // It wasn't found, but the file was... show a '??'. else $context[$type][$entry] = '??'; } $This_dir->close(); } // Load up all the files in the default language directory and sort by language. $lang_dir = $settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages'; $This_dir = dir($lang_dir); while ($entry = $This_dir->read()) if (substr($entry, -4) == '.php' && $entry != 'index.php' && !is_dir($lang_dir . '/' . $entry)) { // Read the first 768 bytes from the file.... enough for the header. $fp = fopen($lang_dir . '/' . $entry, 'rb'); $header = fread($fp, 768); fclose($fp); // Split the file name off into useful bits. list ($name, $language) = explode('.', $entry); // Look for the version comment in the file header. if (preg_match('~(?://|/\*)\s*Version:\s+(.+?);\s*' . preg_quote($name, '~') . '(?:[\s]{2}|\*/)~i', $header, $match) == 1) $context['default_language_versions'][$language][$name] = $match[1]; // It wasn't found, but the file was... show a '??'. else $context['default_language_versions'][$language][$name] = '??'; } $This_dir->close(); // Sort the file versions by filename. ksort($context['file_versions']); ksort($context['default_template_versions']); ksort($context['template_versions']); ksort($context['default_language_versions']); // For languages sort each language too. foreach ($context['default_language_versions'] as $key => $dummy) ksort($context['default_language_versions'][$key]); $context['default_known_languages'] = array_keys($context['default_language_versions']); // Make it easier to manage for the template. $context['forum_version'] = $forum_version; $context['sub_template'] = 'view_versions'; $context['page_title'] = $txt[429]; } // Allow users to remove their copyright. function ManageCopyright() { global $forum_version, $txt, $sourcedir, $context, $boardurl, $modSettings; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); if (isset($_POST['copy_code'])) { checkSession('post'); $_POST['copy_code'] = urlencode($_POST['copy_code']); // Check the actual code. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php'); $return_data = fetch_web_data('http://www.simplemachines.org/smf/copyright/check_copyright.php?site=' . base64_encode($boardurl) . '&key=' . $_POST['copy_code'] . '&version=' . base64_encode($forum_version)); // Get the data back $return_data = substr($return_data, strpos($return_data, 'STARTCOPY') + 9); $return_data = trim(substr($return_data, 0, strpos($return_data, 'ENDCOPY'))); if ($return_data != 'void') { list ($_SESSION['copy_expire'], $copyright_key) = explode('|', $return_data); $_SESSION['copy_key'] = $_POST['copy_code']; $copy_settings = $_POST['copy_code'] . ',' . (int) $_SESSION['copy_expire']; updateSettings(array('copy_settings' => $copy_settings, 'copyright_key' => $copyright_key)); redirectexit('action=admin'); } else { fatal_lang_error('copyright_failed'); } } adminIndex('index'); $context['sub_template'] = 'manage_copyright'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['copyright_removal']; } // Clean up the permissions one way or another. function CleanupPermissions() { global $boarddir, $sourcedir, $scripturl, $package_ftp, $modSettings; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); umask(0); loadTemplate('Packages'); loadLanguage('Packages'); if (!isset($_REQUEST['perm_type']) || !in_array($_REQUEST['perm_type'], array('free', 'restrictive', 'standard'))) $_REQUEST['perm_type'] = 'free'; checkSession(); // FTP to the rescue! require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php'); packageRequireFTP($scripturl . '?action=cleanperms;perm_type=' . $_REQUEST['perm_type']); // The files that should be chmod'd are here - add any if you add any files with a modification. $special_files = array(); $special_files['restrictive'] = array( '/attachments', '/custom_avatar_dir', '/Settings.php', '/Settings_bak.php', ); $special_files['standard'] = array( '/attachments', '/avatars', '/custom_avatar_dir', '/Packages', '/Packages/installed.list', '/Smileys', '/Themes', '/agreement.txt', '/Settings.php', '/Settings_bak.php', ); @chmod($boarddir . '/Settings.php', 0755); if (isset($package_ftp)) $package_ftp->chmod(strtr($boarddir . '/Settings.php', array($_SESSION['pack_ftp']['root'] => '')), 0755); // If the owner of PHP is not nobody, this should probably pass through - in which case 755 is better than 777. if ((!function_exists('is_executable') || is_executable($boarddir . '/Settings.php')) && is_writable($boarddir . '/Settings.php')) $suexec_fix = 0755; else $suexec_fix = 0777; @chmod($boarddir, $_REQUEST['perm_type'] == 'free' ? $suexec_fix : 0755); if (isset($package_ftp)) $package_ftp->chmod(strtr($boarddir . '/.', array($_SESSION['pack_ftp']['root'] => '')), $_REQUEST['perm_type'] == 'free' ? $suexec_fix : 0755); $dirs = array('' => $boarddir); if (substr($sourcedir, 0, strlen($boarddir)) != $boarddir) $dirs['/Sources'] = $sourcedir; if (substr($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'], 0, strlen($boarddir)) != $boarddir) $dirs['/attachments'] = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']; if (substr($modSettings['smileys_dir'], 0, strlen($boarddir)) != $boarddir) $dirs['/Smileys'] = $modSettings['smileys_dir']; if (substr($modSettings['avatar_directory'], 0, strlen($boarddir)) != $boarddir) $dirs['/avatars'] = $modSettings['avatar_directory']; if (isset($modSettings['custom_avatar_dir']) && substr($modSettings['custom_avatar_dir'], 0, strlen($boarddir)) != $boarddir) $dirs['/custom_avatar_dir'] = $modSettings['custom_avatar_dir']; $done_dirs = array(); while (count($dirs) > 0) { // The alias is what we know it as. The attachments directory *could* be named "uploads". $temp = array_keys($dirs); $alias = $temp[0]; // The actual full filename... $dirname = $dirs[$alias]; unset($dirs[$alias]); $dir = dir($dirname); if (!$dir) continue; while ($entry = $dir->read()) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') continue; // Figure out the filenames to chmod with... $filename = $dirname . '/' . $entry; $ftp_file = strtr($filename, array($_SESSION['pack_ftp']['root'] => '')); // Is this one we want writable? if ($_REQUEST['perm_type'] == 'free' || in_array($alias . '/' . $entry, $special_files[$_REQUEST['perm_type']])) { @chmod($filename, $suexec_fix); if (isset($package_ftp)) $package_ftp->chmod($ftp_file, $suexec_fix); } // Not writable, just executable... yes? else { @chmod($filename, 0755); if (isset($package_ftp)) $package_ftp->chmod($ftp_file, 0755); } // Directories get added to the todo list. if (@is_dir($filename) && !in_array($filename, $done_dirs)) $dirs[$alias . '/' . $entry] = $filename; } $done_dirs[] = $dirname; } redirectexit('action=packages;sa=options'); } // Update the Settings.php file. function updateSettingsFile($config_vars) { global $boarddir; // Load the file. Break it up based on \r or \n, and then clean out extra characters. $settingsArray = file_get_contents($boarddir . '/Settings.php'); if (strpos($settingsArray, "\n") !== false) $settingsArray = explode("\n", $settingsArray); elseif (strpos($settingsArray, "\r") !== false) $settingsArray = explode("\r", $settingsArray); else return; // Make sure we got a good file. if (count($config_vars) == 1 && isset($config_vars['db_last_error'])) { $temp = trim(implode("\n", $settingsArray)); if (substr($temp, 0, 5) != '') return; if (strpos($temp, 'sourcedir') === false || strpos($temp, 'boarddir') === false || strpos($temp, 'cookiename') === false) return; } // Presumably, the file has to have stuff in it for this function to be called :P. if (count($settingsArray) < 10) return; foreach ($settingsArray as $k => $dummy) $settingsArray[$k] = strtr($dummy, array("\r" => '')) . "\n"; for ($i = 0, $n = count($settingsArray); $i < $n; $i++) { // Don't trim or bother with it if it's not a variable. if (substr($settingsArray[$i], 0, 1) != '$') continue; $settingsArray[$i] = trim($settingsArray[$i]) . "\n"; // Look through the variables to set.... foreach ($config_vars as $var => $val) { if (strncasecmp($settingsArray[$i], '$' . $var, 1 + strlen($var)) == 0) { $comment = strstr(substr($settingsArray[$i], strpos($settingsArray[$i], ';')), '#'); $settingsArray[$i] = '$' . $var . ' = ' . $val . ';' . ($comment == '' ? '' : "\t\t" . rtrim($comment)) . "\n"; // This one's been 'used', so to speak. unset($config_vars[$var]); } } if (substr(trim($settingsArray[$i]), 0, 2) == '?' . '>') $end = $i; } // This should never happen, but apparently it is happening. if (empty($end) || $end < 10) $end = count($settingsArray) - 1; // Still more? Add them at the end. if (!empty($config_vars)) { if (trim($settingsArray[$end]) == '?' . '>') $settingsArray[$end++] = ''; else $end++; foreach ($config_vars as $var => $val) $settingsArray[$end++] = '$' . $var . ' = ' . $val . ';' . "\n"; $settingsArray[$end] = '?' . '>'; } else $settingsArray[$end] = trim($settingsArray[$end]); // Sanity error checking: the file needs to be at least 12 lines. if (count($settingsArray) < 12) return; // Blank out the file - done to fix a oddity with some servers. $fp = @fopen($boarddir . '/Settings.php', 'w'); // Is it even writable, though? if ($fp) { fclose($fp); $fp = fopen($boarddir . '/Settings.php', 'r+'); foreach ($settingsArray as $line) fwrite($fp, strtr($line, "\r", '')); fclose($fp); } } // Convert both data and database tables to UTF-8 character set. function ConvertUtf8() { global $scripturl, $context, $txt, $language, $db_prefix, $db_character_set; global $modSettings, $user_info, $sourcedir; // Show me your badge! isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); // The character sets used in SMF's language files with their db equivalent. $charsets = array( // Chinese-traditional. 'big5' => 'big5', // Chinese-simplified. 'gbk' => 'gbk', // West European. 'ISO-8859-1' => 'latin1', // Romanian. 'ISO-8859-2' => 'latin2', // Turkish. 'ISO-8859-9' => 'latin5', // Thai. 'tis-620' => 'tis620', // Persian, Chinese, etc. 'UTF-8' => 'utf8', // Russian. 'windows-1251' => 'cp1251', // Greek. 'windows-1253' => 'utf8', // Hebrew. 'windows-1255' => 'utf8', // Arabic. 'windows-1256' => 'cp1256', ); // Get a list of character sets supported by your MySQL server. $request = db_query(" SHOW CHARACTER SET", __FILE__, __LINE__); $db_charsets = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) $db_charsets[] = $row['Charset']; // Character sets supported by both MySQL and SMF's language files. $charsets = array_intersect($charsets, $db_charsets); // This is for the first screen telling backups is good. if (!isset($_POST['proceed'])) { adminIndex('maintain_forum'); // Character set conversions are only supported as of MySQL 4.1.2. if (version_compare('4.1.2', preg_replace('~\-.+?$~', '', mysql_get_server_info())) > 0) fatal_lang_error('utf8_db_version_too_low'); // Use the messages.body column as indicator for the database charset. $request = db_query(" SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM {$db_prefix}messages LIKE 'body'", __FILE__, __LINE__); $column_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($request); mysql_free_result($request); // A collation looks like latin1_swedish. We only need the character set. list($context['database_charset']) = explode('_', $column_info['Collation']); $context['database_charset'] = in_array($context['database_charset'], $charsets) ? array_search($context['database_charset'], $charsets) : $context['database_charset']; // No need to convert to UTF-8 if it already is. if ($db_character_set === 'utf8' && !empty($modSettings['global_character_set']) && $modSettings['global_character_set'] === 'UTF-8') fatal_lang_error('utf8_already_utf8'); // Grab the character set from the default language file. loadLanguage('index', $language, true); $context['charset_detected'] = $txt['lang_character_set']; $context['charset_about_detected'] = sprintf($txt['utf8_detected_charset'], $language, $context['charset_detected']); // Go back to your own language. loadLanguage('index', $user_info['language'], true); // Show a warning if the character set seems not to be supported. if (!isset($charsets[strtr(strtolower($context['charset_detected']), array('utf' => 'UTF', 'iso' => 'ISO'))])) { $context['charset_warning'] = sprintf($txt['utf8_charset_not_supported'], $txt['lang_character_set']); // Default to ISO-8859-1. $context['charset_detected'] = 'ISO-8859-1'; } $context['charset_list'] = array_keys($charsets); $context['page_title'] = $txt['utf8_title']; $context['sub_template'] = 'convert_utf8'; return; } // After this point we're starting the conversion. But first: session check. checkSession(); // Translation table for the character sets not native for MySQL. $translation_tables = array( 'windows-1255' => array( '0x81' => '\'\'', '0x8A' => '\'\'', '0x8C' => '\'\'', '0x8D' => '\'\'', '0x8E' => '\'\'', '0x8F' => '\'\'', '0x90' => '\'\'', '0x9A' => '\'\'', '0x9C' => '\'\'', '0x9D' => '\'\'', '0x9E' => '\'\'', '0x9F' => '\'\'', '0xCA' => '\'\'', '0xD9' => '\'\'', '0xDA' => '\'\'', '0xDB' => '\'\'', '0xDC' => '\'\'', '0xDD' => '\'\'', '0xDE' => '\'\'', '0xDF' => '\'\'', '0xFB' => '\'\'', '0xFC' => '\'\'', '0xFF' => '\'\'', '0xC2' => '0xFF', '0x80' => '0xFC', '0xE2' => '0xFB', '0xA0' => '0xC2A0', '0xA1' => '0xC2A1', '0xA2' => '0xC2A2', '0xA3' => '0xC2A3', '0xA5' => '0xC2A5', '0xA6' => '0xC2A6', '0xA7' => '0xC2A7', '0xA8' => '0xC2A8', '0xA9' => '0xC2A9', '0xAB' => '0xC2AB', '0xAC' => '0xC2AC', '0xAD' => '0xC2AD', '0xAE' => '0xC2AE', '0xAF' => '0xC2AF', '0xB0' => '0xC2B0', '0xB1' => '0xC2B1', '0xB2' => '0xC2B2', '0xB3' => '0xC2B3', '0xB4' => '0xC2B4', '0xB5' => '0xC2B5', '0xB6' => '0xC2B6', '0xB7' => '0xC2B7', '0xB8' => '0xC2B8', '0xB9' => '0xC2B9', '0xBB' => '0xC2BB', '0xBC' => '0xC2BC', '0xBD' => '0xC2BD', '0xBE' => '0xC2BE', '0xBF' => '0xC2BF', '0xD7' => '0xD7B3', '0xD1' => '0xD781', '0xD4' => '0xD7B0', '0xD5' => '0xD7B1', '0xD6' => '0xD7B2', '0xE0' => '0xD790', '0xEA' => '0xD79A', '0xEC' => '0xD79C', '0xED' => '0xD79D', '0xEE' => '0xD79E', '0xEF' => '0xD79F', '0xF0' => '0xD7A0', '0xF1' => '0xD7A1', '0xF2' => '0xD7A2', '0xF3' => '0xD7A3', '0xF5' => '0xD7A5', '0xF6' => '0xD7A6', '0xF7' => '0xD7A7', '0xF8' => '0xD7A8', '0xF9' => '0xD7A9', '0x82' => '0xE2809A', '0x84' => '0xE2809E', '0x85' => '0xE280A6', '0x86' => '0xE280A0', '0x87' => '0xE280A1', '0x89' => '0xE280B0', '0x8B' => '0xE280B9', '0x93' => '0xE2809C', '0x94' => '0xE2809D', '0x95' => '0xE280A2', '0x97' => '0xE28094', '0x99' => '0xE284A2', '0xC0' => '0xD6B0', '0xC1' => '0xD6B1', '0xC3' => '0xD6B3', '0xC4' => '0xD6B4', '0xC5' => '0xD6B5', '0xC6' => '0xD6B6', '0xC7' => '0xD6B7', '0xC8' => '0xD6B8', '0xC9' => '0xD6B9', '0xCB' => '0xD6BB', '0xCC' => '0xD6BC', '0xCD' => '0xD6BD', '0xCE' => '0xD6BE', '0xCF' => '0xD6BF', '0xD0' => '0xD780', '0xD2' => '0xD782', '0xE3' => '0xD793', '0xE4' => '0xD794', '0xE5' => '0xD795', '0xE7' => '0xD797', '0xE9' => '0xD799', '0xFD' => '0xE2808E', '0xFE' => '0xE2808F', '0x92' => '0xE28099', '0x83' => '0xC692', '0xD3' => '0xD783', '0x88' => '0xCB86', '0x98' => '0xCB9C', '0x91' => '0xE28098', '0x96' => '0xE28093', '0xBA' => '0xC3B7', '0x9B' => '0xE280BA', '0xAA' => '0xC397', '0xA4' => '0xE282AA', '0xE1' => '0xD791', '0xE6' => '0xD796', '0xE8' => '0xD798', '0xEB' => '0xD79B', '0xF4' => '0xD7A4', '0xFA' => '0xD7AA', '0xFF' => '0xD6B2', '0xFC' => '0xE282AC', '0xFB' => '0xD792', ), 'windows-1253' => array( '0x81' => "''", '0x88' => "''", '0x8A' => "''", '0x8C' => "''", '0x8D' => "''", '0x8E' => "''", '0x8F' => "''", '0x90' => "''", '0x98' => "''", '0x9A' => "''", '0x9C' => "''", '0x9D' => "''", '0x9E' => "''", '0x9F' => "''", '0xAA' => "''", '0xD2' => "''", '0xFF' => "''", '0xCE' => '0xCE9E', '0xB8' => '0xCE88', '0xBA' => '0xCE8A', '0xBC' => '0xCE8C', '0xBE' => '0xCE8E', '0xBF' => '0xCE8F', '0xC0' => '0xCE90', '0xC8' => '0xCE98', '0xCA' => '0xCE9A', '0xCC' => '0xCE9C', '0xCD' => '0xCE9D', '0xCF' => '0xCE9F', '0xDA' => '0xCEAA', '0xE8' => '0xCEB8', '0xEA' => '0xCEBA', '0xEC' => '0xCEBC', '0xEE' => '0xCEBE', '0xEF' => '0xCEBF', '0xC2' => '0xFF', '0xBD' => '0xC2BD', '0xED' => '0xCEBD', '0xB2' => '0xC2B2', '0xA0' => '0xC2A0', '0xA3' => '0xC2A3', '0xA4' => '0xC2A4', '0xA5' => '0xC2A5', '0xA6' => '0xC2A6', '0xA7' => '0xC2A7', '0xA8' => '0xC2A8', '0xA9' => '0xC2A9', '0xAB' => '0xC2AB', '0xAC' => '0xC2AC', '0xAD' => '0xC2AD', '0xAE' => '0xC2AE', '0xB0' => '0xC2B0', '0xB1' => '0xC2B1', '0xB3' => '0xC2B3', '0xB5' => '0xC2B5', '0xB6' => '0xC2B6', '0xB7' => '0xC2B7', '0xBB' => '0xC2BB', '0xE2' => '0xCEB2', '0x80' => '0xD2', '0x82' => '0xE2809A', '0x84' => '0xE2809E', '0x85' => '0xE280A6', '0x86' => '0xE280A0', '0xA1' => '0xCE85', '0xA2' => '0xCE86', '0x87' => '0xE280A1', '0x89' => '0xE280B0', '0xB9' => '0xCE89', '0x8B' => '0xE280B9', '0x91' => '0xE28098', '0x99' => '0xE284A2', '0x92' => '0xE28099', '0x93' => '0xE2809C', '0x94' => '0xE2809D', '0x95' => '0xE280A2', '0x96' => '0xE28093', '0x97' => '0xE28094', '0x9B' => '0xE280BA', '0xAF' => '0xE28095', '0xB4' => '0xCE84', '0xC1' => '0xCE91', '0xC3' => '0xCE93', '0xC4' => '0xCE94', '0xC5' => '0xCE95', '0xC6' => '0xCE96', '0x83' => '0xC692', '0xC7' => '0xCE97', '0xC9' => '0xCE99', '0xCB' => '0xCE9B', '0xD0' => '0xCEA0', '0xD1' => '0xCEA1', '0xD3' => '0xCEA3', '0xD4' => '0xCEA4', '0xD5' => '0xCEA5', '0xD6' => '0xCEA6', '0xD7' => '0xCEA7', '0xD8' => '0xCEA8', '0xD9' => '0xCEA9', '0xDB' => '0xCEAB', '0xDC' => '0xCEAC', '0xDD' => '0xCEAD', '0xDE' => '0xCEAE', '0xDF' => '0xCEAF', '0xE0' => '0xCEB0', '0xE1' => '0xCEB1', '0xE3' => '0xCEB3', '0xE4' => '0xCEB4', '0xE5' => '0xCEB5', '0xE6' => '0xCEB6', '0xE7' => '0xCEB7', '0xE9' => '0xCEB9', '0xEB' => '0xCEBB', '0xF0' => '0xCF80', '0xF1' => '0xCF81', '0xF2' => '0xCF82', '0xF3' => '0xCF83', '0xF4' => '0xCF84', '0xF5' => '0xCF85', '0xF6' => '0xCF86', '0xF7' => '0xCF87', '0xF8' => '0xCF88', '0xF9' => '0xCF89', '0xFA' => '0xCF8A', '0xFB' => '0xCF8B', '0xFC' => '0xCF8C', '0xFD' => '0xCF8D', '0xFE' => '0xCF8E', '0xFF' => '0xCE92', '0xD2' => '0xE282AC', ), ); // Make some preparations. if (isset($translation_tables[$_POST['src_charset']])) { $replace = '%field%'; foreach ($translation_tables[$_POST['src_charset']] as $from => $to) $replace = "REPLACE($replace, $from, $to)"; } // Grab a list of tables. if (preg_match('~^`(.+?)`\.(.+?)$~', $db_prefix, $match) === 1) $queryTables = db_query(" SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" . strtr($match[1], array('`' => '')) . "` LIKE '" . str_replace('_', '\_', $match[2]) . "%'", __FILE__, __LINE__); else $queryTables = db_query(" SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . str_replace('_', '\_', $db_prefix) . "%'", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($table_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryTables)) { // Just to make sure it doesn't time out. if (function_exists('apache_reset_timeout')) apache_reset_timeout(); $table_charsets = array(); // Loop through each column. $queryColumns = db_query(" SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM $table_info[Name]", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($column_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryColumns)) { // Only text'ish columns have a character set and need converting. if (strpos($column_info['Type'], 'text') !== false || strpos($column_info['Type'], 'char') !== false) { $collation = empty($column_info['Collation']) || $column_info['Collation'] === 'NULL' ? $table_info['Collation'] : $column_info['Collation']; if (!empty($collation) && $collation !== 'NULL') { list($charset) = explode('_', $collation); if (!isset($table_charsets[$charset])) $table_charsets[$charset] = array(); $table_charsets[$charset][] = $column_info; } } } mysql_free_result($queryColumns); // Only change the column if the data doesn't match the current charset. if ((count($table_charsets) === 1 && key($table_charsets) !== $charsets[$_POST['src_charset']]) || count($table_charsets) > 1) { $updates_blob = ''; $updates_text = ''; foreach ($table_charsets as $charset => $columns) { if ($charset !== $charsets[$_POST['src_charset']]) { foreach ($columns as $column) { $updates_blob .= " CHANGE COLUMN $column[Field] $column[Field] " . strtr($column['Type'], array('text' => 'blob', 'char' => 'binary')) . ($column['Null'] === 'YES' ? ' NULL' : ' NOT NULL') . (strpos($column['Type'], 'char') === false ? '' : " default '$column[Default]'") . ','; $updates_text .= " CHANGE COLUMN $column[Field] $column[Field] $column[Type] CHARACTER SET " . $charsets[$_POST['src_charset']] . ($column['Null'] === 'YES' ? '' : ' NOT NULL') . (strpos($column['Type'], 'char') === false ? '' : " default '$column[Default]'") . ','; } } } // Change the columns to binary form. db_query(" ALTER TABLE $table_info[Name]" . substr($updates_blob, 0, -1), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Convert the character set if MySQL has no native support for it. if (isset($translation_tables[$_POST['src_charset']])) { $update = ''; foreach ($table_charsets as $charset => $columns) foreach ($columns as $column) $update .= " $column[Field] = " . strtr($replace, array('%field%' => $column['Field'])) . ','; db_query(" UPDATE $table_info[Name] SET " . substr($update, 0, -1), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Change the columns back, but with the proper character set. db_query(" ALTER TABLE $table_info[Name]" . substr($updates_text, 0, -1), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Now do the actual conversion (if still needed). if ($charsets[$_POST['src_charset']] !== 'utf8') db_query(" ALTER TABLE $table_info[Name] CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8", __FILE__, __LINE__); } mysql_free_result($queryTables); // Let the settings know we have a new character set. updateSettings(array('global_character_set' => 'UTF-8')); updateSettingsFile(array('db_character_set' => '\'utf8\'')); // The conversion might have messed up some serialized strings. Fix them! require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Charset.php'); fix_serialized_columns(); redirectExit('action=maintain'); } // Convert HTML-entities to their UTF-8 character equivalents. function ConvertEntities() { global $db_prefix, $db_character_set, $modSettings, $context, $sourcedir; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); // Show the maintenance highlighted on the admin bar. adminIndex('maintain_forum'); // Check to see if UTF-8 is currently the default character set. if ($modSettings['global_character_set'] !== 'UTF-8' || !isset($db_character_set) || $db_character_set !== 'utf8') fatal_lang_error('entity_convert_only_utf8'); // Select the sub template from the Admin template. $context['sub_template'] = 'convert_entities'; // Some starting values. $context['table'] = empty($_REQUEST['table']) ? 0 : (int) $_REQUEST['table']; $context['start'] = empty($_REQUEST['start']) ? 0 : (int) $_REQUEST['start']; $context['start_time'] = time(); $context['first_step'] = !isset($_REQUEST['sesc']); $context['last_step'] = false; // The first step is just a text screen with some explanation. if ($context['first_step']) return; // Now we're actually going to convert... checkSession('get'); // A list of tables ready for conversion. $tables = array( 'ban_groups', 'ban_items', 'boards', 'calendar', 'calendar_holidays', 'categories', 'log_errors', 'log_search_subjects', 'membergroups', 'members', 'message_icons', 'messages', 'package_servers', 'personal_messages', 'pm_recipients', 'polls', 'poll_choices', 'smileys', 'themes', ); $context['num_tables'] = count($tables); // This function will do the conversion later on. $entity_replace = create_function('$string', ' $num = substr($string, 0, 1) === \'x\' ? hexdec(substr($string, 1)) : (int) $string; return $num < 0x20 || $num > 0x10FFFF || ($num >= 0xD800 && $num <= 0xDFFF) ? \'\' : ($num < 0x80 ? \'&#\' . $num . \';\' : ($num < 0x800 ? chr(192 | $num >> 6) . chr(128 | $num & 63) : ($num < 0x10000 ? chr(224 | $num >> 12) . chr(128 | $num >> 6 & 63) . chr(128 | $num & 63) : chr(240 | $num >> 18) . chr(128 | $num >> 12 & 63) . chr(128 | $num >> 6 & 63) . chr(128 | $num & 63))));'); // Loop through all tables that need converting. for (; $context['table'] < $context['num_tables']; $context['table']++) { $cur_table = $tables[$context['table']]; $primary_key = ''; if (function_exists('apache_reset_timeout')) apache_reset_timeout(); // Get a list of text columns. $columns = array(); $request = db_query(" SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM {$db_prefix}$cur_table", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($column_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) if (strpos($column_info['Type'], 'text') !== false || strpos($column_info['Type'], 'char') !== false) $columns[] = $column_info['Field']; // Get the column with the (first) primary key. $request = db_query(" SHOW KEYS FROM {$db_prefix}$cur_table", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) { if ($row['Key_name'] === 'PRIMARY' && $row['Seq_in_index'] == 1) { $primary_key = $row['Column_name']; break; } } mysql_free_result($request); // No primary key, no glory. if (empty($primary_key)) continue; // Get the maximum value for the primary key. $request = db_query(" SELECT MAX($primary_key) FROM {$db_prefix}$cur_table", __FILE__, __LINE__); list($max_value) = mysql_fetch_row($request); mysql_free_result($request); if (empty($max_value)) continue; while ($context['start'] <= $max_value) { // Retrieve a list of rows that has at least one entity to convert. $request = db_query(" SELECT $primary_key, " . implode(', ', $columns) . " FROM {$db_prefix}$cur_table WHERE $primary_key BETWEEN $context[start] AND $context[start] + 499 AND (" . implode(" LIKE '%&#%' OR ", $columns) . " LIKE '%&#%') LIMIT 500", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) { $changes = array(); foreach ($row as $column_name => $column_value) if ($column_name !== $primary_key && strpos($column_value, '&#') !== false) $changes[] = "$column_name = '" . addslashes(preg_replace('~(&#(\d{1,7}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6});)~e', '$entity_replace(\'\\2\')', $column_value)) . "'"; // Update the row. if (!empty($changes)) db_query(" UPDATE {$db_prefix}$cur_table SET " . implode(", ", $changes) . " WHERE $primary_key = " . $row[$primary_key] . " LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); } mysql_free_result($request); $context['start'] += 500; // After ten seconds interrupt. if (time() - $context['start_time'] > 10) { // Calculate an approximation of the percentage done. $context['percent_done'] = round(100 * ($context['table'] + ($context['start'] / $max_value)) / $context['num_tables'], 1); $context['continue_get_data'] = '?action=convertentities;table=' . $context['table'] . ';start=' . $context['start'] . ';sesc=' . $context['session_id']; return; } } $context['start'] = 0; } // Make sure all serialized strings are all right. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Charset.php'); fix_serialized_columns(); // If we're here, we must be done. $context['percent_done'] = 100; $context['continue_get_data'] = '?action=maintain'; $context['last_step'] = true; } ?>