CuteNews has detected that you are including show_news.php using the URL to this file.
This is incorrect and you must include it using the PATH to show_news.php
this is WRONG : <?PHP include(\"\"); ?>
this is CORRECT: <?PHP include(\"cutenews/show_news.php\"); ?>
// if you think this message shouldn't be shown, open show_news.php and delete it from there");
// End of the check
if(!isset($subaction) or $subaction == ""){ $subaction = $POST["subaction"]; }
if(!isset($template) or $template == "" or strtolower($template) == "default"){ require_once("$cutepath/data/Default.tpl"); }
if(file_exists("$cutepath/data/${template}.tpl")){ require_once("$cutepath/data/${template}.tpl"); }
else{ die("Error!
the template ".htmlspecialchars($template)." does not exists, note that templates are case sensetive and you must write the name exactly as it is"); }
// Prepare requested categories
if(eregi("[a-z]", $category)){
CuteNews has detected that you use \$category = \"$category\"; but you can call the categories only with their ID numbers and not with names
\$category = \"1\";
$category = preg_replace("/ /", "", $category);
$tmp_cats_arr = explode(",", $category);
foreach($tmp_cats_arr as $key=>$value){
if($value != ""){ $requested_cats[$value] = TRUE; }
if($archive == ""){
$news_file = "$cutepath/data/news.txt";
$comm_file = "$cutepath/data/comments.txt";
$news_file = "$cutepath/data/archives/$";
$comm_file = "$cutepath/data/archives/$archive.comments.arch";
$allow_add_comment = FALSE;
$allow_full_story = FALSE;
$allow_active_news = FALSE;
$allow_comments = FALSE;
//<<<------------ Detarime what user want to do
if( $CN_HALT != TRUE and $static != TRUE and ($subaction == "showcomments" or $subaction == "showfull" or $subaction == "addcomment") and ((!isset($category) or $category == "") or $requested_cats[$ucat] == TRUE) ){
if($subaction == "addcomment"){ $allow_add_comment = TRUE; $allow_comments = TRUE; }
if($subaction == "showcomments") $allow_comments = TRUE;
if(($subaction == "showcomments" or $allow_comments == TRUE) and $config_show_full_with_comments == "yes") $allow_full_story = TRUE;
if($subaction == "showfull") $allow_full_story = TRUE;
if($subaction == "showfull" and $config_show_comments_with_full == "yes") $allow_comments = TRUE;
if($config_reverse_active == "yes"){ $reverse = TRUE; }
$allow_active_news = TRUE;
//----------->>> Detarime what user want to do
if($_GET['archive'] and $_GET['archive'] != ''){ $archive = $_GET['archive']; } // stupid fix ?
unset($static, $template, $requested_cats, $category, $catid, $cat,$reverse, $in_use, $archives_arr, $number, $no_prev, $no_next, $i, $showed, $prev, $used_archives);