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HTML; // Don't edit below this line unless you know what you are doing !!! if($dosearch == "yes") { if( $from_date_day != "" and $from_date_month != "" and $from_date_year != "" and $to_date_day != "" and $to_date_month != "" and $to_date_year != "" ) { $date_from = mktime(0,0,0,$from_date_month,$from_date_day,$from_date_year); $date_to = mktime(0,0,0,$to_date_month,$to_date_day,$to_date_year); $do_date = TRUE; } $story = trim($story); if($search_in_archives){ if(!$handle = opendir("$cutepath/data/archives")){ die("
Can not open directory $cutepath/data/archives "); } while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if($file != "." and $file != ".." and eregi("news", $file)) { $files_arch[] = "$cutepath/data/archives/$file"; } } } $files_arch[] = "$cutepath/data/news.txt"; foreach($files_arch as $file) { $archive = FALSE; if(ereg("([[:digit:]]{0,})\.news\.arch", $file, $regs)){ $archive = $regs[1]; } $all_news_db = file("$file"); foreach($all_news_db as $news_line){ $news_db_arr = explode("|",$news_line); $found = 0; $fuser = FALSE; $ftitle = FALSE; $fstory = FALSE; if($title and @preg_match("/$title/i", "$news_db_arr[2]")){ $ftitle = TRUE; } if($user and @preg_match("/\b$user\b/i", "$news_db_arr[1]")){ $fuser = TRUE; } if($story and (@preg_match("/$story/i", "$news_db_arr[4]") or @preg_match("/$story/i", "$news_db_arr[3]"))){ $fstory = TRUE;} if($title and $ftitle){ $ftitle = TRUE; }elseif(!$title){ $ftitle = TRUE; }else{ $ftitle = FALSE; } if($story and $fstory){ $fstory = TRUE; }elseif(!$story){ $fstory = TRUE; }else{ $fstory = FALSE; } if($user and $fuser) { $fuser = TRUE; }elseif(!$user) { $fuser = TRUE; }else{ $fuser = FALSE; } if($do_date) { if($date_from < $news_db_arr[0] and $news_db_arr[0] < $date_to){ $fdate = TRUE; }else{ $fdate = FALSE; } }else{ $fdate = TRUE; } if($fdate and $ftitle and $fuser and $fstory){ $found_arr[$news_db_arr[0]] = $archive; } }//foreach news line } echo"
Founded News articles [". count($found_arr)."]:
"; if($do_date){echo"from ".@date("d F Y",$date_from)." to ".@date("d F Y",$date_to)."
";} // Display Search Results if(is_array($found_arr)){ foreach($found_arr as $news_id => $archive) { if($archive){$all_news = file("$cutepath/data/archives/$");} else{ $all_news = file("$cutepath/data/news.txt"); } foreach($all_news as $single_line) { $item_arr = explode("|",$single_line); $local_id = $item_arr[0]; if($local_id == $news_id){ ////////// Showing Result echo"
$item_arr[2] (". date("d F, Y", $item_arr[0]) .")"; ////////// End Showing Result } } } }else{ echo"There are no news matching your search criteria"; } }//if user wants to search elseif( ($misc == "search") and ($subaction == "showfull" or $subaction == "showcomments" or $_POST["subaction"] == "addcomment" or $subaction == "addcomment")){ require_once("$cutepath/show_news.php"); unset($action,$subaction); } ?>