start(); // Check if CuteNews is not installed $all_users_db = file("./data/users.db.php"); $check_users = $all_users_db; $check_users[1] = trim($check_users[1]); $check_users[2] = trim($check_users[2]); if((!$check_users[2] or $check_users[2] == "") and (!$check_users[1] or $check_users[1] == "")){ if(!file_exists("./inc/install.mdu")){ die('


CuteNews detected that you do not have users in your users.db.php file and wants to run the install module.
However, the install module (./inc/install.mdu) can not be located, please reupload this file and make sure you set the proper permissions so the installation can continue.'); } require("./inc/install.mdu"); die(); } require_once("./data/config.php"); if(isset($config_skin) and $config_skin != "" and file_exists("./skins/${config_skin}.skin.php")){ require_once("./skins/${config_skin}.skin.php"); }else{ $using_safe_skin = true; require_once("./skins/"); } b64dck(); if($config_use_sessions){ @session_start(); @header("Cache-control: private"); } if($action == "logout") { setcookie("md5_password",""); setcookie("username",""); setcookie("login_referer",""); if($config_use_sessions){ @session_destroy(); @session_unset(); setcookie(session_name(),""); } msg("info", "Logout", "You are now logged out, login

"); } $is_loged_in = FALSE; $cookie_logged = FALSE; $session_logged = FALSE; $temp_arr = explode("?", $HTTP_REFERER); $HTTP_REFERER = $temp_arr[0]; if(substr($HTTP_REFERER, -1) == "/"){ $HTTP_REFERER.= "index.php"; } // Check if The User is Identified if($config_use_cookies == TRUE){ /* Login Authorization using COOKIES */ if(isset($username)) { if(isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["md5_password"])){ $cmd5_password = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["md5_password"]; } elseif(isset($_COOKIE["md5_password"])){ $cmd5_password = $_COOKIE["md5_password"]; } else{ $cmd5_password = md5($password); } if(check_login($username, $cmd5_password)) { $cookie_logged = TRUE; setcookie("lastusername", $username, time()+1012324305); setcookie("username", $username); setcookie("md5_password", $cmd5_password); }else{ $result = "Wrong username or password"; $cookie_logged = FALSE; } } /* END Login Authorization using COOKIES */ } if($config_use_sessions == TRUE){ /* Login Authorization using SESSIONS */ if(isset($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)){ $ip = $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR; } elseif(isset($HTTP_CLIENT_IP)) { $ip = $HTTP_CLIENT_IP; } if($ip == "") { $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR; } if($ip == "") { $ip = "not detected";} if($action == "dologin") { $md5_password = md5($password); if(check_login($username, $md5_password)){ $session_logged = TRUE; @session_register('username'); @session_register('md5_password'); @session_register('ip'); @session_register('login_referer'); $_SESSION['username'] = "$username"; $_SESSION['md5_password'] = "$md5_password"; $_SESSION['ip'] = "$ip"; $_SESSION['login_referer'] = "$HTTP_REFERER"; }else{ $result = "Wrong username and/or password"; $session_logged = FALSE; } }elseif(isset($_SESSION['username'])){ // Check the if member is using valid username/password if(check_login($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['md5_password'])){ if($_SESSION['ip'] != $ip){ $session_logged = FALSE; $result = "The IP in the session doesn not match with your IP"; } else{ $session_logged = TRUE; } }else{ $result = "Wrong username and/or password !!!"; $session_logged = FALSE; } } if(!$username){ $username = $_SESSION['username']; } /* END Login Authorization using SESSIONS */ } ########################### if($session_logged == TRUE or $cookie_logged == TRUE){ if($action == 'dologin'){ //------------------------------------------- // Modify the Last Login Date of the user //------------------------------------------- $old_users_db = $all_users_db; $modified_users = fopen("./data/users.db.php", "w"); foreach($old_users_db as $old_users_db_line){ $old_users_db_arr = explode("|", $old_users_db_line); if($member_db[0] != $old_users_db_arr[0]){ fwrite($modified_users, "$old_users_db_line"); }else{ fwrite($modified_users, "$old_users_db_arr[0]|$old_users_db_arr[1]|$old_users_db_arr[2]|$old_users_db_arr[3]|$old_users_db_arr[4]|$old_users_db_arr[5]|$old_users_db_arr[6]|$old_users_db_arr[7]|$old_users_db_arr[8]|".time()."||\n"); } } fclose($modified_users); } $is_loged_in = TRUE; } ########################### // If User is Not Logged In, Display The Login Page if($is_loged_in == FALSE) { if($config_use_sessions){ @session_destroy(); @session_unset(); } setcookie("username",""); setcookie("password",""); setcookie("md5_password",""); setcookie("login_referer",""); echoheader("user","Please Login"); echo "
"; echofooter(); } elseif($is_loged_in == TRUE) { //---------------------------------- // Check Referer //---------------------------------- if($config_check_referer == TRUE){ $self = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; if($self == ""){ $self = $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]; } if($self == ""){ $self = "index.php"; } if(!eregi("$self",$HTTP_REFERER) and $HTTP_REFERER != ""){ die("

Sorry but your access to this page was denied !

try to logout and then login again
To turn off this security check, change \$config_check_referer in index.php to FALSE"); } } // ******************************************************************************** // Include System Module // ******************************************************************************** if($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'] == "debug"){ debug(); } //name of mod //access $system_modules = array('addnews' => 'user', 'editnews' => 'user', 'main' => 'user', 'options' => 'user', 'images' => 'user', 'editusers' => 'admin', 'editcomments' => 'admin', 'tools' => 'admin', 'ipban' => 'admin', 'about' => 'user', 'preview' => 'user', 'categories' => 'admin', 'massactions' => 'user', 'help' => 'user', 'snr' => 'admin', 'debug' => 'admin', ); if($mod == ""){ require("./inc/main.mdu"); } elseif( $system_modules[$mod] ) { if($system_modules[$mod] == "user"){ require("./inc/". $mod . ".mdu"); } elseif($system_modules[$mod] == "admin" and $member_db[1] == 1){ require("./inc/". $mod . ".mdu"); } elseif($system_modules[$mod] == "admin" and $member_db[1] != 1){ msg("error", "Access denied", "Only admin can access this module"); exit;} else{ die("Module access must be set to user or admin"); } } else{ die("$mod is NOT a valid module"); } } echo""; ?>