Can not open directory ./archives for reading, check if it exists or is properly CHMOD'ed"); } if(!is_readable("./data/news.txt")){ die("Error !!!
Can not open file news.txt for reading, check if it exists or is properly CHMOD'ed"); } if(!is_readable("./data/comments.txt")){ die("Error !!!
Can not open file comments.txt for reading, check if it exists or is properly CHMOD'ed"); } // Some Stats $todaynews = 0; $count_comments = 0; $count_my_news = 0; $count_new_news = 0; $news_db = file("./data/news.txt"); foreach ($news_db as $line) { $item_db = explode("|",$line); $itemdate = date("d/m/y",$item_db[0]); if($itemdate == date("d/m/y")) { $todaynews++; if($item_db[1] == $member_db[2]) $count_my_news++; if(($item_db[0] > $member_db[9]) and ($member_db[9] != '')) $count_new_news++; } } $stats_news = count( $news_db ); $stats_users = count( file("./data/users.db.php") ) - 1; $stats_archives = 0; $handle = opendir("./data/archives"); while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if( preg_match("/.news.arch/",$file) ){$stats_archives++;} } closedir($handle); $stats_news_size = formatsize(filesize("./data/news.txt")); $stats_comments_size = formatsize(filesize("./data/comments.txt")); // Count Comments $all_comments = file("./data/comments.txt"); foreach($all_comments as $news_comments){ $single_news_comments = explode("|>|", $news_comments); $individual_comments = explode("||", $single_news_comments[1]); $count_comments += count($individual_comments) - 1; } // Define Welcome Message echo""; } //---------------------------------- // Do we have enough free space ? //---------------------------------- $dfs = @disk_free_space("./"); // $dfs = 5341; if($dfs and $dfs < 10240){ $freespace = formatsize($dfs); echo""; } //---------------------------------- // Install script still exists ? //---------------------------------- if(file_exists('./inc/install.mdu')){ $freespace = formatsize($dfs); echo""; } //---------------------------------- // Are we using SafeSkin ? //---------------------------------- if($using_safe_skin){ $freespace = formatsize($dfs); echo""; } //---------------------------------- // Is our PHP version old ? //---------------------------------- if($phpversion and $phpversion < '4.1.0'){ $freespace = formatsize($dfs); echo""; } // Show Some stats if($member_db[1] == 1){ echo " "; } echo"
  $member_db[2]"; if($todaynews != 1){ $s = "s"; } if($member_db[1] != 4){ if($stats_users > 1){ $rand_msg[] = ", we have $count_new_news new articles since your last login"; $rand_msg[] = ", we have $count_new_news new articles since your last login"; $rand_msg[] = ", we have $count_new_news new articles since your last login"; } if($todaynews == 0){ $rand_msg[] = ", we don't have new articles today"; $rand_msg[] = ", we don't have new articles today, the first one can be yours."; } elseif($count_my_news == 0){ if($todaynews == 1){ $rand_msg[] = ", today we have $todaynews new article{$s} but it is not yours"; }else{ $rand_msg[] = ", today we have $todaynews new article{$s} but $count_my_news of them are yours"; } } elseif($count_my_news == $todaynews){ if($count_my_news == 1){ $rand_msg[] = ", today we have $todaynews new article{$s} and you wrote it"; }else{ $rand_msg[] = ", today we have $todaynews new article{$s} and you wrote all of them"; $rand_msg[] = ", today we have $todaynews new article{$s} and all are yours"; $rand_msg[] = ", today we have $todaynews new article{$s}, want to add some more?"; } } else{ if($count_my_news == 1){ $rand_msg[] = ", today we have $todaynews new article{$s}, 1 of them is yours"; } else{ $rand_msg[] = ", today we have $todaynews new article{$s}, $count_my_news of them are yours"; } } $rand_msg[] = ", are you in a mood of adding some news?"; $rand_msg[] = ", today we have $todaynews new article{$s}, from total $stats_news"; if($member_db[9] != ""){ $rand_msg[] = ", your last login was on ".date("d M Y H:i:s", $member_db[9]); $rand_msg[] = ", your last login was on ".date("d M Y H:i:s", $member_db[9]); } $rand_msg[] = ""; srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); echo $rand_msg[rand(0, count($rand_msg)-1)]."

According to CuteNews, your estimated free space is $freespace. Take action to enlarge your free space or some data files could be damaged during the writeing procedure. Backup your data now.
CuteNews found that the installation module is still located in the /inc folder.
Please delete or rename the /inc/install.mdu file for security reasons.
CuteNews was unable to load the selected '$config_skin' skin, and automatically reverted to the default one.
Please ensure that the proper skin files exists or select another skin.
Your version of PHP ($phpversion) is too old. Please consider contacting your server administrator and updating to the latest stable PHP version.
 Some stats  System SelfCheck
  Active News $stats_news   Can write to news.txt "; if(is_writable("./data/news.txt")){ echo "Yes"; } else{ echo "No"; } echo"
  Active Comments $count_comments   Can write to comments.txt "; if(is_writable("./data/comments.txt")){ echo "Yes"; } else{ echo "No"; } echo"
  Archives $stats_archives   Can write to users.db.php "; if(is_writable("./data/users.db.php")){ echo "Yes"; } else{ echo "No"; } echo"
  Users $stats_users   Can write to archives dir "; if(is_writable("./data/archives")){ echo "Yes"; } else{ echo "No"; } echo"
  News.txt Size $stats_news_size
  Comments.txt Size $stats_comments_size  
"; echofooter(); ?>