cache($vwartpllist); include ( $vwar_root . "includes/get_header.php" ); $quickjump = loadQuickjump($GPC["PURE_PHP_SELF"]); // unset vars to prevent sql-injections $wherematchtype = ""; $show = ""; //public matchtype $wherematchtype = getPublicMatchtypes(1); // get gameselectbit if (empty($GPC['showgame']) || $GPC['showgame'] == $str['ALL']) { $show = ""; } else { $show = " AND vwar".$n.".gameid = '".$GPC['showgame']."'"; } $result = $vwardb->query(" SELECT DISTINCT(vwar".$n."_games.gameid),gamename FROM vwar".$n.", vwar".$n."_games WHERE vwar".$n.".gameid = vwar".$n."_games.gameid AND status = '1' ORDER BY gamename ASC "); while ($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { dbSelect($row); $gameid = $row['gameid']; $gamename = $row['gamename']; eval("\$gameselectbit .= \"".$vwartpl->get(ifelse($GPC['showgame'] == $gameid, "gameselectbit2", "gameselectbit"))."\";"); } $vwardb->free_result($result); // get num of wars $result = $vwardb->query_first("SELECT COUNT(warid) AS numwars FROM vwar".$n." WHERE status='1' $wherematchtype $show"); $numwars = $result['numwars']; $totalwars = $numwars; if ($numwars == 0) { $numwars = 1; // must be set to 1, to prevent "division by zero error" } // get number of locations $result = $vwardb->query_first(" SELECT COUNT(scoreid) AS numloc FROM vwar".$n."_scores, vwar".$n." WHERE vwar".$n.".status = '1' AND vwar".$n.".warid = vwar".$n."_scores.warid $wherematchtype $show "); $numlocations = $result['numloc']; if ($numlocations == 0) { $numlocations = 1; // must be set to 1, to prevent "division by zero error" } $totallocations = $numlocations; // ################################### general stats ################################### $ownscoretotal = 0; $oppscoretotal = 0; $result = $vwardb->query(" SELECT ownscore, oppscore FROM vwar".$n.", vwar".$n."_scores WHERE vwar".$n.".warid = vwar".$n."_scores.warid AND vwar".$n.".status = '1' $wherematchtype $show "); while ($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { $ownscoretotal = $ownscoretotal + $row['ownscore']; $oppscoretotal = $oppscoretotal + $row['oppscore']; } $ownaveragescoremap = round(($ownscoretotal / $numlocations), 1); $oppaveragescoremap = round(($oppscoretotal / $numlocations), 1); $ownaveragescorewar = round(($ownscoretotal / $numwars), 1); $oppaveragescorewar = round(($oppscoretotal / $numwars), 1); $numlocationsaverage = round(($totallocations / $numwars), 1); $vwardb->free_result($result); $tablename = $str['GENERAL']; eval("\$statistics_statbit = \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_generalstatbit")."\";"); eval("\$statistics_stattable = \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_stattable")."\";"); unset($statistics_statbit); // ################################### score stats ###################################### $ownscoretotal = 0; $oppscoretotal = 0; // stats by score $result = $vwardb->query(" SELECT warid, resultbylocations, vwar".$n.".oppid, oppname FROM vwar".$n.", vwar".$n."_opponents WHERE status = '1' AND vwar".$n.".oppid = vwar".$n."_opponents.oppid $wherematchtype $show "); while ($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { // create score cache if (empty($scorecache)) { $scorecache = createScoreCache(); } if ($row['resultbylocations'] == 0) { $ownscoretotal = $scorecache[$row['warid']]["sownscoretotal"]; $oppscoretotal = $scorecache[$row['warid']]["soppscoretotal"]; } else if ($row['resultbylocations'] == 1) { $oppscoretotal = $scorecache[$row['warid']]["loppscoretotal"]; $ownscoretotal = $scorecache[$row['warid']]["lownscoretotal"]; } $element = $row["oppid"] . "||-VWAR-||" . $row["oppname"]; if ($ownscoretotal < $oppscoretotal) { $totallostscore++; $opp_lost[$element] = (!isset($opp_lost[$element])) ? 1 : ($opp_lost[$element] + 1); } else if ($ownscoretotal > $oppscoretotal) { $totalwonscore++; $opp_won[$element] = (!isset($opp_won[$element])) ? 1 : ($opp_won[$element] + 1); } else if ($ownscoretotal == $oppscoretotal) { $totaldrawscore++; $opp_draw[$element] = (!isset($opp_draw[$element])) ? 1 : ($opp_draw[$element] + 1); } unset($ownscoretotal); unset($oppscoretotal); } $vwardb->free_result($result); $imgwonheight = round(($totalwonscore / $numwars) * 100, 2); $imgdrawheight = round(($totaldrawscore / $numwars) * 100, 2); $imglostheight = round(($totallostscore / $numwars) * 100, 2); $percentwonscore = $imgwonheight . "%"; $percentdrawscore = $imgdrawheight . "%"; $percentlostscore = $imglostheight . "%"; $statimgwonscore = makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/stat_v.gif", $totalwonscore . " Wars", "", 30, $imgwonheight); $statimglostscore = makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/stat_v.gif", $totallostscore . " Wars", "", 30, $imglostheight); $statimgdrawscore = makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/stat_v.gif", $totaldrawscore . " Wars", "", 30, $imgdrawheight); // create stats per opponent $opp_won = createQuickStats ( $opp_won, $str["OPPONENT"], $textwon, '{name}' ); $opp_lost = createQuickStats ( $opp_lost, $str["OPPONENT"], $textlost, '{name}' ); $opp_draw = createQuickStats ( $opp_draw, $str["OPPONENT"], $textdraw, '{name}' ); $tablename = $str['SCORE'] . " & " . $str["OPPONENT"] . " (" . $textwon . "/" . $textlost . "/" . $textdraw . ")"; eval("\$statistics_statbit .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_scorestatbit")."\";"); eval("\$statistics_stattable .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_stattable")."\";"); unset($statistics_statbit); // ################################### location stats ################################## // stats by locations $result = $vwardb->query(" SELECT oppscore, ownscore, vwar".$n."_scores.locationid, locationname FROM vwar".$n.", vwar".$n."_scores, vwar".$n."_locations WHERE vwar".$n.".status = '1' AND vwar".$n.".warid = vwar".$n."_scores.warid AND vwar".$n."_scores.locationid = vwar".$n."_locations.locationid $wherematchtype $show "); while ($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { $element = $row["locationid"] . "||-VWAR-||" . $row["locationname"]; if ($row['ownscore'] < $row['oppscore']) { $totallostlocations++; $loc_lost[$element] = (!isset($loc_lost[$element])) ? 1 : ($loc_lost[$element] + 1); } else if ($row['ownscore'] > $row['oppscore']) { $totalwonlocations++; $loc_won[$element] = (!isset($loc_won[$element])) ? 1 : ($loc_won[$element] + 1); } else if ($row['ownscore'] == $row['oppscore']) { $totaldrawlocations++; $loc_draw[$element] = (!isset($opp_draw[$element])) ? 1 : ($loc_draw[$element] + 1); } } $vwardb->free_result($result); $imgwonheight = round(($totalwonlocations / $totallocations) * 100, 2); $imgdrawheight = round(($totaldrawlocations / $totallocations) * 100, 2); $imglostheight = round(($totallostlocations / $totallocations) * 100, 2); $percentwonlocations = $imgwonheight . "%"; $percentdrawlocations = $imgdrawheight . "%"; $percentlostlocations = $imglostheight . "%"; $statimgwonlocations = makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/stat_v.gif", $totalwonlocations . " " . $str['LOCATIONS'], "", 30, $imgwonheight); $statimglostlocations = makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/stat_v.gif", $totallostlocations . " " . $str['LOCATIONS'], "", 30, $imglostheight); $statimgdrawlocations = makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/stat_v.gif", $totaldrawlocations . " " . $str['LOCATIONS'], "", 30, $imgdrawheight); $tablename = $str["LOCATIONS"] . " (" . $textwon . "/" . $textlost . "/" . $textdraw . ")"; // create stats per location $loc_won = createQuickStats ( $loc_won, $str["LOCATION"], $textwon ); $loc_lost = createQuickStats ( $loc_lost, $str["LOCATION"], $textlost ); $loc_draw = createQuickStats ( $loc_draw, $str["LOCATION"], $textdraw ); eval("\$statistics_statbit .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_locationstatbit")."\";"); eval("\$statistics_stattable .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_stattable")."\";"); unset($statistics_statbit); // ################################### location stats ################################## $place = 0; $last = 0; $result = $vwardb->query(" SELECT locationname, gameicon, gamenameshort, COUNT(vwar".$n."_scores.locationid) AS total FROM vwar".$n."_locations, vwar".$n."_scores, vwar".$n.", vwar".$n."_games WHERE vwar".$n."_locations.locationid = vwar".$n."_scores.locationid AND vwar".$n."_games.gameid = vwar".$n.".gameid AND vwar".$n.".warid = vwar".$n."_scores.warid AND vwar".$n.".status = '1' $wherematchtype $show GROUP BY vwar".$n."_locations.locationid ORDER BY total DESC, locationname LIMIT 0,10 "); while ($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { switchColors(); if ( $row["total"] != $last ) { $place++; } // get gameiconbit if ($row['gameicon'] != "" && file_exists($vwar_root . "images/gameicons/".$row['gameicon'])) { eval("\$gameiconbit = \"".$vwartpl->get("gameiconbit")."\";"); } else { eval("\$gameiconbit = \"".$vwartpl->get("gameiconbit_nopic")."\";"); } $percent = round(($row['total'] / $totallocations) * 100, 2) . "%"; $statname = "" . $place . ". " . $gameiconbit . $row['locationname']; $total = $row['total'] . "/" . $totallocations; $statimg = makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/stat_h.gif", $row['total'] . " " . $str['GAMESPLAYED'], "", $percent, 12); $last = $row["total"]; eval("\$statistics_statbit .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_statbit")."\";"); } $vwardb->free_result($result); unset($total); $tablename = $str['LOCATIONS'] . " Top10 (" . $str['GAMESPLAYED'] . ")"; eval("\$statistics_stattable .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_stattable")."\";"); unset($statistics_statbit); // ################################### opponent stats ################################## $place = 0; $lastnumwars = 0; $result = $vwardb->query(" SELECT oppname,oppcountry, vwar".$n."_opponents.oppid, COUNT(warid) AS numwars FROM vwar".$n."_opponents LEFT JOIN vwar".$n." ON (vwar".$n.".oppid = vwar".$n."_opponents.oppid) WHERE vwar".$n.".status = '1' $wherematchtype $show GROUP BY oppname ORDER BY numwars DESC LIMIT 0,10 "); while ($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { if (($row['numwars'] != $lastnumwars)) { $place++; } $total = $row['numwars'] . "/" . $totalwars; $percent = round(($row['numwars'] / $totalwars) * 100, 2) . "%"; $statname = "" . $place . ". "; $statname .= makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/flags/" . ifelse($row['oppcountry'] != "", $row['oppcountry'], "nocountry") . ".gif", ifelse($row['oppcountry'] != "", $country_array[$row['oppcountry']], $str['NOTAVAILABLE'])) . " "; $statname .= makelink($vwar_root . "war.php?action=oppinfo&oppid=" . $row['oppid'] . "", dbSelect($row['oppname'])); $statimg = makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/stat_h.gif", $row['numwars'] . " " . $str['GAMESPLAYED'], "", $percent, 12); switchColors(); eval("\$statistics_statbit .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_statbit")."\";"); $lastnumwars = $row['numwars']; } unset($total); $vwardb->free_result($result); $tablename = $str['OPPONENT'] . " Top10 (" . $str['GAMESPLAYED'] . ")"; eval("\$statistics_stattable .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_stattable")."\";"); unset($statistics_statbit); // ################################### gametype stats ################################## $result = $vwardb->query(" SELECT vwar".$n."_gametype.gametypename, COUNT(vwar".$n.".warid) AS total FROM vwar".$n."_gametype LEFT JOIN vwar".$n." ON (vwar".$n."_gametype.gametypeid = vwar".$n.".gametypeid) WHERE vwar".$n."_gametype.deleted = '0' AND vwar".$n.".status = '1' $wherematchtype $show GROUP BY gametypename ORDER BY total DESC "); while ($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { switchColors(); $percent = round(($row['total'] / $numwars) * 100, 2) . "%"; $statname = $row['gametypename']; $total = $row['total'] . "/" . $totalwars; $statimg = makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/stat_h.gif", $row['total'] . " " . $str['GAMESPLAYED'], "", $percent, 12); eval("\$statistics_statbit .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_statbit")."\";"); } $vwardb->free_result($result); unset($total); $tablename = $str['GAMETYPE'] . " (" . $str['GAMESPLAYED'] . ")"; eval("\$statistics_stattable .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_stattable")."\";"); unset($statistics_statbit); // ################################### matchtype stats ################################# $result = $vwardb->query(" SELECT vwar".$n."_matchtype.*, COUNT(vwar".$n.".warid) AS total FROM vwar".$n."_matchtype LEFT JOIN vwar".$n." ON (vwar".$n."_matchtype.matchtypeid = vwar".$n.".matchtypeid) WHERE vwar".$n."_matchtype.deleted = '0' AND vwar".$n.".status = '1' $wherematchtype $show GROUP BY matchtypename ORDER BY total DESC "); while ($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { switchColors(); $percent = round(($row['total'] / $numwars) * 100, 2) . "%"; $statname = ifelse($row['matchtypeurl'], makelink($row['matchtypeurl'], $row['matchtypename'], "", "_blank"), $row['matchtypename']); $total = $row['total'] . "/" . $totalwars; $statimg = makeimgtag($vwar_root . "images/stat_h.gif", $row['total'] . " " . $str['GAMESPLAYED'], "", $percent, 12); eval("\$statistics_statbit .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_statbit")."\";"); } $vwardb->free_result($result); $tablename = $str['MATCHTYPE'] . " (" . $str['GAMESPLAYED'] . ")"; eval("\$statistics_stattable .= \"".$vwartpl->get("statistics_stattable")."\";"); eval("\$vwartpl->output(\"".$vwartpl->get("statistics")."\");"); include ($vwar_root . "includes/get_footer.php"); ?>