from the site, where this extra is included! // -> use absolute path if you have it included in files with different directories! // (e.g. /home/www/htdocs/ // -> if included in your _header.php/_footer.php, it is normally: './' // -> if not, use: './../' $vwar_xroot = "./../"; // 0 = show wars & events / 1 = show only events / 2 = show only wars $whattoshow = 0; // how many entries are displayed (set '0' to display them all!) $showactions = 2; // set 1 to display a link to your vwar-calendar // if more events are fetched than you want to display $calendarlink = 1; // include header- & footer-information (1=enabled / 0=disabled) $include = 0; // ###################################################################################### // ################################### display events ################################# // check, if we need to get some global vars or if we need to include them if (!defined ("VWAR_COMMON_INCLUDED")) { $vwar_root = $vwar_xroot; require_once ($vwar_root . "includes/functions_common.php"); } if ($include == 1) { include_once ($vwar_root . "_header.php"); } switch ($whattoshow) { case 0: $title = "Ocassions"; break; case 1: $title = "Events"; break; case 2; $title = "Wars"; break; } $tocalendar = "more " . $title . " in the Calendar!"; $time = "H:i"; $current_date = getdate(); $current_day = $current_date['mday']; $current_month = $current_date['mon']; $current_year = $current_date['year']; if ($current_month < 10) { $searchmonth = "0" . $current_month; } else { $searchmonth = $current_month; } if ($current_day < 10) { $searchday = "0" . $current_day; } else { $searchday = $current_day; } $searchstring = $searchmonth . "-" . $searchday; $dateline_low = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $searchmonth, $searchday, $current_year); $dateline_high = mktime( 23, 59, 59, $searchmonth, $searchday, $current_year); ?> query(" SELECT eventid, event FROM vwar".$n."_calendarevents WHERE ( (eventdate >= $dateline_low AND eventdate <= $dateline_high) OR (eventdate <= $dateline_high AND $dateline_high <= enddate) OR (enddate >= $dateline_low AND enddate <= $dateline_high) ) AND deleted = '0' "); $numevents = $vwardb->num_rows($events); $birthdays = $vwardb->query(" SELECT memberid,name,birthday FROM vwar".$n."_member WHERE birthday LIKE '%$searchstring%' ORDER BY name ASC"); $numbirthdays = $vwardb->num_rows($birthdays); } if($whattoshow == 0 || $whattoshow == 2) { $wars = $vwardb->query(" SELECT warid, status, dateline, oppnameshort FROM vwar".$n." LEFT JOIN vwar".$n."_opponents ON (vwar".$n.".oppid = vwar".$n."_opponents.oppid) WHERE dateline >= '$dateline_low' AND dateline <= '$dateline_high' " . getPublicMatchtypes(1) . " ORDER BY dateline ASC "); $numwars = $vwardb->num_rows($wars); } $numactions = $numwars + $numbirthdays + $numevents; if ($numactions == 0) { $handler = 0; } else if ($numactions <= $showactions || $showactions == 0) { $handler = 1; $todisplay = $numactions; } else if ($showactions == 1 && $calendarlink == 1) { $handler = 2; $todisplay = 1; } else if ($calendarlink == 1 && $numactions > $showactions) { $handler = 2; $todisplay = $showactions - 1; } else if ($calendarlink != 1 && $numactions > $showactions) { $handler = 3; $todisplay = $showactions; } //display if ($handler) { $display_this = 0; //events if ($numevents > 0) { while ($display_this < $todisplay && $event = $vwardb->fetch_array($events)) { dbSelect ($event); $display_this++; ?> 0) { while ($display_this < $todisplay && $birthday = $vwardb->fetch_array($birthdays)) { dbSelect ($birthday); $display_this++; $birthdayarray = split("-", $birthday['birthday']); $age = $current_year - $birthdayarray[0]; if (($birthdayarray[1] > date("m")) || (($birthdayarray[1] == date("m")) && ($birthdayarray[2] > date("d")))) { $age--; } ?> 0) { while ($display_this < $todisplay && $war = $vwardb->fetch_array($wars)) { dbSelect ($war); $display_this++; $wartime = date($time, $war['dateline']); if ($war['status'] == 1) { ?>
on ..
» 's Birthday ()
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» War vs. at
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