from the site, where this extra is included! // -> use absolute path if you have it included in files with different directories! // (e.g. /home/www/htdocs/ // -> if included in your _header.php/_footer.php, it is normally: './' // -> if not, use: './../' $vwar_xroot = "./../"; // include header- & footer-information (1=enabled / 0=disabled) $include = 0; // ###################################################################################### // ################################### display records ################################ // check, if we need to get some global vars or if we need to include them if (!defined ("VWAR_COMMON_INCLUDED")) { $vwar_root = $vwar_xroot; require_once ($vwar_root . "includes/functions_common.php"); } if ($include == 1) { include_once ($vwar_root . "_header.php"); } $result = $vwardb->query_first(" SELECT COUNT(warid) AS numwars FROM vwar".$n." WHERE status = '1' " . getPublicMatchtypes(1) ); $numwars = $result['numwars']; if ($numwars > 0) { ?> query(" SELECT vwar".$n.".warid, resultbylocations FROM vwar".$n."_scores, vwar".$n." WHERE vwar".$n.".warid = vwar".$n."_scores.warid " . getPublicMatchtypes(1) . " GROUP BY vwar".$n.".warid "); while($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { $index[$row["warid"]] = $row; } unset($row); if (!isset($scorecache)) { $scorecache = createScoreCache(); } $totallost = 0; $totaldraw = 0; $totalwon = 0; $result = $vwardb->query("SELECT gameid, gamename, gameicon FROM vwar".$n."_games WHERE deleted = '0' ORDER BY gamename ASC"); while ($game = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { $numlost = 0; $numwon = 0; $numdraw = 0; $ownscoretotal = 0; $oppscoretotal = 0; foreach ($scorecache AS $warid => $data) { if ($data['gameid'] != $game['gameid']) { continue; } $resultbylocations = $index[$warid]["resultbylocations"]; if ($resultbylocations == 0) { $ownscoretotal = $data['sownscoretotal']; $oppscoretotal = $data['soppscoretotal']; } else if ($resultbylocations == 1) { $ownscoretotal = $data['lownscoretotal']; $oppscoretotal = $data['loppscoretotal']; } if ($ownscoretotal < $oppscoretotal) { $numlost++; $totallost++; } else if ($ownscoretotal > $oppscoretotal) { $numwon++; $totalwon++; } else if ($ownscoretotal == $oppscoretotal) { $numdraw++; $totaldraw++; } unset($ownscoretotal); unset($oppscoretotal); } unset($scores); if ($numwon > 0 || $numlost > 0 || $numdraw > 0) { if ($game['gameicon'] != "" && file_exists($vwar_root . "images/gameicons/" . $row['gameicon'])) { $gameicon = makeimgtag($urltovwar . "images/gameicons/".$game['gameicon'], $game['gamename']); } else { $gameicon = ""; } ?>
Game W/L/D
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