from the site, where this extra is included! // -> use absolute path if you have it included in files with different directories! // (e.g. /home/www/htdocs/ // -> if included in your _header.php/_footer.php, it is normally: './' // -> if not, use: './../' $vwar_xroot = "./../"; // limit display to x headlines $numheadlines = 10; // after how many chars a news headline will be cut $newslength = 15; // the replace sign for the headline if it is cut $cutsign = "..."; // include header- & footer-information (1=enabled / 0=disabled) $include = 0; // ###################################################################################### ##################################### display headlines ################################ // check, if we need to get some global vars or if we need to include them if( !defined ("VWAR_COMMON_INCLUDED") ) { $vwar_root = $vwar_xroot; require_once ( $vwar_root . "includes/functions_common.php" ); } if ( $include == 1 ) { include_once ( $vwar_root . "_header.php" ); } // unset vars to prevent sql-injections $wherecategory = ""; ?> query("SELECT catid FROM vwar".$n."_newscat WHERE intern = '0'"); while ($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { $categoriesarray[] = $row['catid']; } if (count($categoriesarray) > 0) { $wherecategory = " AND vwar".$n."_news.catid IN ('" . join("','", $categoriesarray) . "')"; } } else { $wherecategory = ""; } $result = $vwardb->query_first(" SELECT COUNT(newsid) AS numnews FROM vwar".$n."_news WHERE activated = '1' $wherecategory "); $num_news = $result['numnews']; if ($num_news > 0) { $result = $vwardb->query(" SELECT DISTINCT(newsid), vwar".$n."_news.title, vwar".$n."_news.dateline, COUNT(sourceid) AS numcomments FROM vwar".$n."_news LEFT JOIN vwar".$n."_comments ON (newsid = sourceid AND frompage = 'news') WHERE activated = '1' $wherecategory GROUP BY newsid ORDER BY vwar".$n."_news.dateline DESC LIMIT 0, $numheadlines "); while ($row=$vwardb->fetch_array($result)) { dbSelect ($row); $row['title'] = (strlen($row['title'])>$newslength) ? (substr($row['title'], 0, $newslength) . $cutsign) : $row['title']; ?> free_result($result); } else { ?>
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