NOTE: +++++ With this code you can get your rights back, you could have deleted (e.g. admin rights). INSTRUCTION: ++++++++++++ Create a new textfile with a simple text editor and copy the code below into that file. Save it as checkaccess.php in your main vwar directory. Upload now this file, edit, what needed, and REMOVE IT afterwards or anyone could delete your rights! CODE: +++++ Virtual War - Get Access
Virtual War Check Access

query_first("SELECT accessgroupid FROM vwar".$n."_member WHERE memberid = '".$GPC['vwarid']."'"); $accessgroupid=$result["accessgroupid"]; if($send) { while(list($key,$val)=each($GPC['access'])) { $vwardb->query("UPDATE vwar".$n."_accessgroup SET ".$key." = '".$val."' WHERE accessgroupid = '".$accessgroupid."'"); } ?> query("SELECT * FROM vwar".$n."_accessgroup WHERE accessgroupid='$accessgroupid'"); $row = $vwardb->fetch_array($result); $numfields = $vwardb->num_fields($result); for($i=0;$i<$numfields;$i++) { $settingname = $vwardb->field_name($result,$i); $$settingname = $row[$settingname]; if($settingname != "accessgroupname" && $settingname != "accessgroupid" && $$settingname != 1) { echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo ""; $count++; } else { echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo ""; } } $vwardb->free_result($result); if($count > 0) { ?>
Done, the rights have been restored! Delete 'checkaccess.php'!

»   Restore rights:
(1 = access enabled / 0 = access denied)

".$settingname.":Current Value: ".$$settingname."Set to 1:
".$settingname.": ".$$settingname."
You have full access, no need to change anything!