from the site, where this extra is included! // -> use absolute path if you have it included in files with different directories! // (e.g. /home/www/htdocs/ // -> if included in your _header.php/_footer.php, it is normally: './' // -> if not, use: './../' $vwar_xroot = "./../"; // include header- & footer-information (1=enabled / 0=disabled) $include = 0; // months $monthnames = array( "1" => "January", "2" => "February", "3" => "March", "4" => "April", "5" => "May", "6" => "June", "7" => "July", "8" => "August", "9" => "September", "10" => "October", "11" => "November", "12" => "December" ); // weekdays $weekdaynames = array( "Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa" ); //########################### start calendar ########################################### // check, if we need to get some global vars or if we need to include them if (!defined ("VWAR_COMMON_INCLUDED")) { $vwar_root = $vwar_xroot; require_once ($vwar_root . "includes/functions_common.php"); } if ($include == 1) { include_once ($vwar_root . "_header.php"); } include_once($vwar_root . "includes/functions_calendar.php"); $result = $vwardb->query_first("SELECT replaceword FROM vwar".$n."_replacement WHERE findword = '{highlightcolor}'"); $highlightcolor = $result['replaceword']; ?>