'.htmlspecialchars($query).' - did not match any files.

Some other options:
* Try some Advanced Search Options.
* Would you like to Browse Groups?
* Use +/- to force search terms to be included or excluded.
* Use () to group search terms.
* Use * to search for all terms matching part of a word.
* More info on boolean search.
'; } function titem(&$r,$searchresults=false){ $trstyle=$this->altstyle(); $this->rcount++; //is there more than one file? $fc=0; foreach($this->types as $key=>$value){ //if($r[$value]>0){$fc++;} $fc+=$r[$value]; } //choose a style for the file list if(($r['totalparts']!=$r['parts'])||($fc>1)){ if($r['parts']==$r['totalparts']){ $ps='tabcolcomp'; }elseif(abs($r['parts']-$r['totalparts'])>1){ $ps.='tabcolinclrg'; }else{ $ps='tabcolincsm'; } $sizeparts='size: '.$this->uf->fuzzysize($r['size']).', parts:'.$r['parts'].' / '.$r['totalparts'].'
'; } //only show file list if there are more than one if($fc>1){ foreach($this->types as $key=>$value){ if($r[$value]>0){$filelist.=$r[$value].' '.$value.' files
';} } $collectionlink=' | collection '; } //is there an nfo file? if($r['nfo_available']){ $nfolink=' | read nfo'; if($r['details_url']){$nfolink.=' | nfo link';} } $colcolspan='4'; if($searchresults){ $group=$r['shortgroup'].'
'; $resultcount=''.$this->rcount.''; $colcolspan='5'; } return ' '.$resultcount.' '.htmlspecialchars($r['subject'],ENT_QUOTES).'
'.$sizeparts.$filelist.' queue | grab '.$nfolink.$collectionlink.' '.$group.' '.htmlspecialchars($r['poster'],ENT_QUOTES).' '.$this->uf->fuzzyage($r['date']).'
'; } function collectiondetails($fileid,$subject, $size, $parts,$totalparts,$age){ if($this->style){ $trstyle='bgcolor="#f6f7fa"'; $this->style=false; }else{ $trstyle='bgcolor="#ffffff"'; $this->style=true; } $tb=' queue | grab '.htmlspecialchars($subject,ENT_QUOTES).'
'; if(!($parts==$totalparts)){ $tb.='incomplete - size: '.$size.', parts: '.$parts.' / '.$totalparts.'
'; } $tb.='
'; return $tb; } function altstyle(){ if($this->style){ $this->style=false; return $this->tr1style; }else{ $this->style=true; return $this->tr2style; } } function shortgroupname($group){ $group=str_replace('alt','a',$group); $group=str_replace('binaries','b',$group); return $group; } function rssitem(&$r,$searchresults=false){ //choose a style for the file list if($r['parts']==$r['totalparts']){ $ps='tabcolcomp'; }elseif(abs($r['parts']-$r['totalparts'])>1){ $ps.='tabcolinclrg'; }else{ $ps='tabcolincsm'; } $sizeparts='size: '.$this->uf->fuzzysize($r['size']).', parts:'.$r['parts'].' / '.$r['totalparts'].'
'; //only show file list if there are more than one foreach($this->types as $key=>$value){ if($r[$value]>0){$filelist.=$r[$value].' '.$value.' files
';} } //is there an nfo file? if($r['nfo_available']){ $nfolink=' | read nfo'; if($r['details_url']){$nfolink.=' | nfo link';} } if($searchresults){ $group=$r['shortgroup'].'
'; } return ''.$group.' '.htmlspecialchars($r['subject'],ENT_QUOTES).'
'.$sizeparts.$filelist.' '.$GLOBALS['CONF_rssbaseurl'].'/nzb.php?'.$r['key'].'=cid">grab '.$nfolink.' '; } }//class ?>