western blots

gels and blots

run gels as required for separation of your favorite proteins
if you have prestained size markers, use them! otherwise use unstained markers and paint them after blotting

semi-dry blots

- sandwich 3 layers of 3M-paper, nitrocellulose- or PVDF membrane, gel, another 3 layers of 3M-paper
- paper and membrane should be the same size as the gel. if bigger, seal overhangs with parafilm or strips of film
- paper, membrane and gel should be thoroughly wetted with Towbin buffer. PVDF should be pre-wetted in methanol
- remove air bubbes by rolling a pipet over the stack
- blot at maximum volts, 0.8 mA per square cm of blot for 1 h. proteins run to the positive electrode!
- alternative numbers: blot 1 h at up to 400 mA or o/n at 20 mA

Towbin buffer: 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycin, 20% methanol, pH 8.3
alternative buffer: 14.6 g glycin, 15 ml acetic acid, water to 1 liter

wet blots

- sandwich 3 layers of 3M-paper, nitrocellulose- or PVDF membrane, gel, another 3 layers of 3M-paper
- paper and membrane should be the same size as the gel. if bigger, seal overhangs with parafilm or strips of film
- paper, membrane and gel should be thoroughly wetted with wet blot buffer. PVDF should be pre-wetted in methanol
- remove air bubbes by rolling a pipet over the stack
- blot at maximum volts, 100 mA, o/n. proteins run to the positive electrode!

wet blot buffer:  14 g glycin, 3 g Tris, 200 ml methanol, water to 1 liter

staining proteins on blots


- stain 1 to 3 min in 0.2% Ponceau S in 4% trichloroacetic acid
- remove excess stain with PBS or TBS. stain from protein bands is washed out during blocking

amido black:

- stain 3 min in 0.1% amido black, 10% methanol, 2% aceticacid
- destain in 40 % methanol, 10% acetic acid

coomassie blue:

- stain 2 min in 0.1% coomassie blue, 50% methanol, 10% acetic acid
- destain in 50% methanol, 10% acetic acid

blocking and detection

- incubate 30 min to o/n in 5 % non-fat dry milk in TBS or PBS (alternatively, block in 1% BSA in TBS or PBS)
- incubate 30 min to 1 hour with 1st antibody in blocking solution (or incubate o/n at 4 C)
- wash 3x 15 min in TBS or PBS. if desired, add Tween to 0.1-0.3% (some primary antibodies require more/longer washes)
- incubate 30 min with 2nd antibody in blocking solution (or incubate o/n at 4 C)
- wash 3x 15 min in TBS or PBS. if desired, add Tween to 0.1-0.3%
- detect antibodies with ECL, CSPD or NBT/BCIP according to the manufacterers instructions
