This site provides historical information about Erve Dwars and genealogical information about the family Mentink.
The present location of the Mentink farm, also known as Erve Dwars, is in the local township called Stegenhoek, address
Kinkelerweg 3, Haaksbergen, The Netherlands.

The images above show on the middle picture Herman Mentink and on both sides his parents Dwars'n Mina and Jans.
Hermans father and mother passed away in 1989 en 1991.
This site provides information regarding : - Family names in the Eastern part of The Netherlands
- Explanation about the suffix -ink
- Origin of the surname Mentink
- Mentink family tree
- Baptism and wedding books Ambt en Stad Delden
- History of Marken (districts in earlier times)
- Information about Erve Dwars
- Personal information from the family Mentink
- Information and archieves on the internet, see Links page
- Oost Nederlandse Familienamen, B. Hekket 1975
- Aold Hoksebarge, quarterly journal of the Historische Kring Haaksbergen
- Air view, and
- Transcription of baptism and wedding books Delden,
- Marken,