true]; /** * @var array */ protected $ignoreFormKeys = ['fields' => 1]; /** * @var array */ protected $types = []; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $serialized Serialized content if available. */ public function __construct($serialized = null) { if (is_array($serialized) && !empty($serialized)) { $this->items = (array) $serialized['items']; $this->rules = (array) $serialized['rules']; $this->nested = (array) $serialized['nested']; $this->dynamic = (array) $serialized['dynamic']; $this->filter = (array) $serialized['filter']; } } /** * @param array $types * @return $this */ public function setTypes(array $types) { $this->types = $types; return $this; } /** * Restore Blueprints object. * * @param array $serialized * @return static */ public static function restore(array $serialized) { return new static($serialized); } /** * Initialize blueprints with its dynamic fields. * * @return $this */ public function init() { foreach ($this->dynamic as $key => $data) { $field = &$this->items[$key]; foreach ($data as $property => $call) { $action = 'dynamic' . ucfirst($call['action']); if (method_exists($this, $action)) { $this->{$action}($field, $property, $call); } } } return $this; } /** * Set filter for inherited properties. * * @param array $filter List of field names to be inherited. */ public function setFilter(array $filter) { $this->filter = array_flip($filter); } /** * Get value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. * * @example $value = $data->get(''); * * @param string $name Dot separated path to the requested value. * @param mixed $default Default value (or null). * @param string $separator Separator, defaults to '.' * * @return mixed Value. */ public function get($name, $default = null, $separator = '.') { $name = $separator != '.' ? strtr($name, $separator, '.') : $name; return isset($this->items[$name]) ? $this->items[$name] : $default; } /** * Set value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. * * @example $value = $data->set('', $newField); * * @param string $name Dot separated path to the requested value. * @param mixed $value New value. * @param string $separator Separator, defaults to '.' */ public function set($name, $value, $separator = '.') { $name = $separator != '.' ? strtr($name, $separator, '.') : $name; $this->items[$name] = $value; $this->addProperty($name); } /** * Define value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects. * * @example $value = $data->set('', true); * * @param string $name Dot separated path to the requested value. * @param mixed $value New value. * @param string $separator Separator, defaults to '.' */ public function def($name, $value, $separator = '.') { $this->set($name, $this->get($name, $value, $separator), $separator); } /** * @return array * @deprecated */ public function toArray() { return $this->getState(); } /** * Convert object into an array. * * @return array */ public function getState() { return [ 'items' => $this->items, 'rules' => $this->rules, 'nested' => $this->nested, 'dynamic' => $this->dynamic, 'filter' => $this->filter ]; } /** * Get nested structure containing default values defined in the blueprints. * * Fields without default value are ignored in the list. * * @return array */ public function getDefaults() { return $this->buildDefaults($this->nested); } /** * Embed an array to the blueprint. * * @param $name * @param array $value * @param string $separator * @param bool $merge Merge fields instead replacing them. * @return $this */ public function embed($name, array $value, $separator = '.', $merge = false) { if (isset($value['rules'])) { $this->rules = array_merge($this->rules, $value['rules']); } if (!isset($value['form']['fields']) || !is_array($value['form']['fields'])) { $value['form']['fields'] = []; } $name = $separator != '.' ? strtr($name, $separator, '.') : $name; $form = array_diff_key($value['form'], ['fields' => 1]); $items = isset($this->items[$name]) ? $this->items[$name] : ['type' => '_root', 'form_field' => false]; $this->items[$name] = [ 'form' => $form ] + $items; $this->addProperty($name); $prefix = $name ? $name . '.' : ''; $params = array_intersect_key($form, $this->filter); $location = [$name]; $this->parseFormFields($value['form']['fields'], $params, $prefix, '', $merge, $location); return $this; } /** * Merge two arrays by using blueprints. * * @param array $data1 * @param array $data2 * @param string $name Optional * @param string $separator Optional * @return array */ public function mergeData(array $data1, array $data2, $name = null, $separator = '.') { $nested = $this->getNested($name, $separator); if (!is_array($nested)) { $nested = []; } return $this->mergeArrays($data1, $data2, $nested); } /** * Get the property with given path. * * @param string $path * @param string $separator * @return mixed */ public function getProperty($path = null, $separator = '.') { $name = $this->getPropertyName($path, $separator); $property = $this->get($name); $nested = $this->getNested($name); return $this->getPropertyRecursion($property, $nested); } /** * Returns name of the property with given path. * * @param string $path * @param string $separator * @return string */ public function getPropertyName($path = null, $separator = '.') { $parts = explode($separator, $path); $nested = $this->nested; $result = []; while (($part = array_shift($parts)) !== null) { if (!isset($nested[$part])) { if (isset($nested['*'])) { $part = '*'; } else { return implode($separator, array_merge($result, [$part], $parts)); } } $result[] = $part; $nested = $nested[$part]; } return implode('.', $result); } /** * Return data fields that do not exist in blueprints. * * @param array $data * @param string $prefix * @return array */ public function extra(array $data, $prefix = '') { $rules = $this->nested; // Drill down to prefix level if (!empty($prefix)) { $parts = explode('.', trim($prefix, '.')); foreach ($parts as $part) { $rules = isset($rules[$part]) ? $rules[$part] : []; } } return $this->extraArray($data, $rules, $prefix); } /** * Get the property with given path. * * @param $property * @param $nested * @return mixed */ protected function getPropertyRecursion($property, $nested) { if (!isset($property['type']) || empty($nested) || !is_array($nested)) { return $property; } if ($property['type'] === '_root') { foreach ($nested as $key => $value) { if ($key === '') { continue; } $name = is_array($value) ? $key : $value; $property['fields'][$key] = $this->getPropertyRecursion($this->get($name), $value); } } elseif ($property['type'] === '_parent' || !empty($property['array'])) { foreach ($nested as $key => $value) { $name = is_array($value) ? "{$property['name']}.{$key}" : $value; $property['fields'][$key] = $this->getPropertyRecursion($this->get($name), $value); } } return $property; } /** * Get property from the definition. * * @param string $path Comma separated path to the property. * @param string $separator * @return array|string|null * @internal */ protected function getNested($path = null, $separator = '.') { if (!$path) { return $this->nested; } $parts = explode($separator, $path); $item = array_pop($parts); $nested = $this->nested; foreach ($parts as $part) { if (!isset($nested[$part])) { $part = '*'; if (!isset($nested[$part])) { return []; } } $nested = $nested[$part]; } return isset($nested[$item]) ? $nested[$item] : (isset($nested['*']) ? $nested['*'] : null); } /** * @param array $nested * @return array */ protected function buildDefaults(array $nested) { $defaults = []; foreach ($nested as $key => $value) { if ($key === '*') { // TODO: Add support for adding defaults to collections. continue; } if (is_array($value)) { // Recursively fetch the items. $list = $this->buildDefaults($value); // Only return defaults if there are any. if (!empty($list)) { $defaults[$key] = $list; } } else { // We hit a field; get default from it if it exists. $item = $this->get($value); // Only return default value if it exists. if (isset($item['default'])) { $defaults[$key] = $item['default']; } } } return $defaults; } /** * @param array $data1 * @param array $data2 * @param array $rules * @return array * @internal */ protected function mergeArrays(array $data1, array $data2, array $rules) { foreach ($data2 as $key => $field) { $val = isset($rules[$key]) ? $rules[$key] : null; $rule = is_string($val) ? $this->items[$val] : null; if (!empty($rule['type']) && $rule['type'][0] === '_' || (array_key_exists($key, $data1) && is_array($data1[$key]) && is_array($field) && is_array($val) && !isset($val['*'])) ) { // Array has been defined in blueprints and is not a collection of items. $data1[$key] = $this->mergeArrays($data1[$key], $field, $val); } else { // Otherwise just take value from the data2. $data1[$key] = $field; } } return $data1; } /** * Gets all field definitions from the blueprints. * * @param array $fields Fields to parse. * @param array $params Property parameters. * @param string $prefix Property prefix. * @param string $parent Parent property. * @param bool $merge Merge fields instead replacing them. * @param array $formPath */ protected function parseFormFields(array $fields, array $params, $prefix = '', $parent = '', $merge = false, array $formPath = []) { // Go though all the fields in current level. foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $key = $this->getFieldKey($key, $prefix, $parent); $newPath = array_merge($formPath, [$key]); $properties = array_diff_key($field, $this->ignoreFormKeys) + $params; $properties['name'] = $key; // Set default properties for the field type. $type = isset($properties['type']) ? $properties['type'] : ''; if (isset($this->types[$type])) { $properties += $this->types[$type]; } // Merge properties with existing ones. if ($merge && isset($this->items[$key])) { $properties += $this->items[$key]; } $isInputField = !isset($properties['input@']) || $properties['input@']; if (!$isInputField) { // Remove property if it exists. if (isset($this->items[$key])) { $this->removeProperty($key); } } elseif (!isset($this->items[$key])) { // Add missing property. $this->addProperty($key); } if (isset($field['fields'])) { // Recursively get all the nested fields. $isArray = !empty($properties['array']); $newParams = array_intersect_key($properties, $this->filter); $this->parseFormFields($field['fields'], $newParams, $prefix, $key . ($isArray ? '.*': ''), $merge, $newPath); } else { if (!isset($this->items[$key])) { // Add parent rules. $path = explode('.', $key); array_pop($path); $parent = ''; foreach ($path as $part) { $parent .= ($parent ? '.' : '') . $part; if (!isset($this->items[$parent])) { $this->items[$parent] = ['type' => '_parent', 'name' => $parent, 'form_field' => false]; } } } if ($isInputField) { $this->parseProperties($key, $properties); } } if ($isInputField) { $this->items[$key] = $properties; } } } protected function getFieldKey($key, $prefix, $parent) { // Set name from the array key. if ($key && $key[0] == '.') { return ($parent ?: rtrim($prefix, '.')) . $key; } return $prefix . $key; } protected function parseProperties($key, array &$properties) { $key = ltrim($key, '.'); if (!empty($properties['data'])) { $this->dynamic[$key] = $properties['data']; } foreach ($properties as $name => $value) { if (!empty($name) && ($name[0] === '@' || $name[strlen($name) - 1] === '@')) { $list = explode('-', trim($name, '@'), 2); $action = array_shift($list); $property = array_shift($list); $this->dynamic[$key][$property] = ['action' => $action, 'params' => $value]; } } // Initialize predefined validation rule. if (isset($properties['validate']['rule'])) { $properties['validate'] += $this->getRule($properties['validate']['rule']); } } /** * Add property to the definition. * * @param string $path Comma separated path to the property. * @internal */ protected function addProperty($path) { $parts = explode('.', $path); $item = array_pop($parts); $nested = &$this->nested; foreach ($parts as $part) { if (!isset($nested[$part]) || !is_array($nested[$part])) { $nested[$part] = []; } $nested = &$nested[$part]; } if (!isset($nested[$item])) { $nested[$item] = $path; } } /** * Remove property to the definition. * * @param string $path Comma separated path to the property. * @internal */ protected function removeProperty($path) { $parts = explode('.', $path); $item = array_pop($parts); $nested = &$this->nested; foreach ($parts as $part) { if (!isset($nested[$part]) || !is_array($nested[$part])) { return; } $nested = &$nested[$part]; } if (isset($nested[$item])) { unset($nested[$item]); } } /** * @param $rule * @return array * @internal */ protected function getRule($rule) { if (isset($this->rules[$rule]) && is_array($this->rules[$rule])) { return $this->rules[$rule]; } return []; } /** * @param array $data * @param array $rules * @param string $prefix * @return array * @internal */ protected function extraArray(array $data, array $rules, $prefix) { $array = []; foreach ($data as $key => $field) { $val = isset($rules[$key]) ? $rules[$key] : (isset($rules['*']) ? $rules['*'] : null); $rule = is_string($val) ? $this->items[$val] : null; if ($rule || isset($val['*'])) { // Item has been defined in blueprints. } elseif (is_array($field) && is_array($val)) { // Array has been defined in blueprints. $array += $this->ExtraArray($field, $val, $prefix . $key . '.'); } else { // Undefined/extra item. $array[$prefix.$key] = $field; } } return $array; } /** * @param array $field * @param string $property * @param array $call */ protected function dynamicData(array &$field, $property, array $call) { $params = $call['params']; if (is_array($params)) { $function = array_shift($params); } else { $function = $params; $params = []; } $list = preg_split('/::/', $function, 2); $f = array_pop($list); $o = array_pop($list); if (!$o) { if (function_exists($f)) { $data = call_user_func_array($f, $params); } } else { if (method_exists($o, $f)) { $data = call_user_func_array(array($o, $f), $params); } } // If function returns a value, if (isset($data)) { if (isset($field[$property]) && is_array($field[$property]) && is_array($data)) { // Combine field and @data-field together. $field[$property] += $data; } else { // Or create/replace field with @data-field. $field[$property] = $data; } } } }