grav = $grav; $this->config = $this->grav['config']; //$this->route = $route; $this->session = $this->grav['session']; $this->user = $this->grav['user']; $this->uri = $this->grav['uri']; } /** * Add message into the session queue. * * @param string $msg * @param string $type */ public function setMessage($msg, $type = 'info') { /** @var Message $messages */ $messages = $this->grav['messages']; $messages->add($msg, $type); } /** * Fetch and delete messages from the session queue. * * @param string $type * * @return array */ public function messages($type = null) { /** @var Message $messages */ $messages = $this->grav['messages']; return $messages->fetch($type); } /** * Authenticate user. * * @param array $form Form fields. * * @return bool */ public function authenticate($form) { if (!$this->user->authenticated && isset($form['username']) && isset($form['password'])) { $user = User::load($form['username']); //default to english if language not set if (empty($user->language)) { $user->set('language', 'en'); } if ($user->exists()) { $user->authenticated = true; // Authenticate user. $result = $user->authenticate($form['password']); if ($result) { $this->user = $this->session->user = $user; /** @var Grav $grav */ $grav = $this->grav; $this->setMessage($this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL', [$this->user->language]), 'info'); $redirect_route = $this->uri->route(); $grav->redirect($redirect_route); } } } return $this->authorize(); } /** * Checks user authorisation to the action. * * @param string $action * * @return bool */ public function authorize($action = 'admin.login') { $action = (array)$action; foreach ($action as $a) { if ($this->user->authorize($a)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Create a new user file * * @param array $data * * @return User */ public function register($data) { //Add new user ACL settings $groups = $this->config->get('plugins.login.user_registration.groups', []); if (count($groups) > 0) { $data['groups'] = $groups; } $access = $this->config->get('', []); if (count($access) > 0) { $data['access']['site'] = $access; } $username = $data['username']; $file = CompiledYamlFile::instance($this->grav['locator']->findResource('account://' . $username . YAML_EXT, true, true)); // Create user object and save it $user = new User($data); $user->file($file); $user->save(); if (isset($data['state']) && $data['state'] == 'enabled' && $this->config->get('plugins.login.user_registration.options.login_after_registration', false)) { //Login user $this->grav['session']->user = $user; unset($this->grav['user']); $this->grav['user'] = $user; $user->authenticated = $user->authorize('site.login'); } return $user; } /** * Handle the email to notificate the user account creation to the site admin. * * @param $user * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ public function sendNotificationEmail($user) { if (empty($user->email)) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.USER_NEEDS_EMAIL_FIELD')); } $sitename = $this->grav['config']->get('site.title', 'Website'); $subject = $this->grav['language']->translate(['PLUGIN_LOGIN.NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT', $sitename]); $content = $this->grav['language']->translate([ 'PLUGIN_LOGIN.NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_BODY', $sitename, $user->username, $user->email ]); $to = $this->grav['config']->get(''); if (empty($to)) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.EMAIL_NOT_CONFIGURED')); } $sent = EmailUtils::sendEmail($subject, $content, $to); if ($sent < 1) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.EMAIL_SENDING_FAILURE')); } return true; } /** * Handle the email to welcome the new user * * @param $user * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ public function sendWelcomeEmail($user) { if (empty($user->email)) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.USER_NEEDS_EMAIL_FIELD')); } $sitename = $this->grav['config']->get('site.title', 'Website'); $subject = $this->grav['language']->translate(['PLUGIN_LOGIN.WELCOME_EMAIL_SUBJECT', $sitename]); $content = $this->grav['language']->translate(['PLUGIN_LOGIN.WELCOME_EMAIL_BODY', $user->username, $sitename]); $to = $user->email; $sent = EmailUtils::sendEmail($subject, $content, $to); if ($sent < 1) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.EMAIL_SENDING_FAILURE')); } return true; } /** * Handle the email to activate the user account. * * @param User $user * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ public function sendActivationEmail($user) { if (empty($user->email)) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.USER_NEEDS_EMAIL_FIELD')); } $token = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $expire = time() + 604800; // next week $user->activation_token = $token . '::' . $expire; $user->save(); $param_sep = $this->grav['config']->get('system.param_sep', ':'); $activation_link = $this->grav['base_url_absolute'] . $this->config->get('plugins.login.route_activate') . '/token' . $param_sep . $token . '/username' . $param_sep . $user->username . '/nonce' . $param_sep . Utils::getNonce('user-activation'); $site_name = $this->grav['config']->get('site.title', 'Website'); $subject = $this->grav['language']->translate(['PLUGIN_LOGIN.ACTIVATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT', $site_name]); $content = $this->grav['language']->translate([ 'PLUGIN_LOGIN.ACTIVATION_EMAIL_BODY', $user->username, $activation_link, $site_name ]); $to = $user->email; $sent = EmailUtils::sendEmail($subject, $content, $to); if ($sent < 1) { throw new \RuntimeException($this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_LOGIN.EMAIL_SENDING_FAILURE')); } return true; } }