{% if form is null %} {% set form = grav.session.getFlashObject('form') %} {% endif %} {% if form.message %} {% if form.inline_errors and form.messages %}


{% else %}

{{ form.message|raw }}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% set scope = scope ?: 'data.' %} {% set multipart = '' %} {% set method = form.method|upper|default('POST') %} {% for field in form.fields %} {% if (method == 'POST' and field.type == 'file') %} {% set multipart = ' enctype="multipart/form-data"' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% set action = form.action ? base_url ~ form.action : base_url ~ page.route ~ uri.params %} {% if (action == base_url_relative) %} {% set action = base_url_relative ~ '/' ~ page.slug %} {% endif %}
{% block inner_markup_fields_start %}{% endblock %} {% for field in form.fields %} {% if field.type == 'file' %} {% do assets.addJs('plugin://form/assets/form.min.js') %} {% endif %} {% set value = form.value(field.name) %} {% include "forms/fields/#{field.type}/#{field.type}.html.twig" ignore missing %} {% endfor %} {% include "forms/fields/formname/formname.html.twig" %} {% block inner_markup_fields_end %}{% endblock %} {% block inner_markup_buttons_start %}
{% endblock %} {% for button in form.buttons %} {% if button.outerclasses is defined %}
{% endif %} {% if button.url %} {% endif %} {% if button.url %} {% endif %} {% if button.outerclasses is defined %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% block inner_markup_buttons_end %}
{% endblock %} {{ nonce_field('form', 'form-nonce')|raw }}