{% set gpm = admin.gpm() %} {% set installed = gpm.isThemeInstalled(admin.route) %} {% set isTestingRelease = gpm.isTestingRelease(plugin.slug) %}

{{ theme.name|e }} {% if admin.isTeamGrav(theme) %} {% endif %} {% if admin.isPremiumProduct(theme) %} {{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.PREMIUM_PRODUCT"|tu }} {% endif %} {% if theme.symlink %} {% endif %} {{ theme.version ? 'v' ~ theme.version|e }} {% if isTestingRelease %}test release{% endif %}

{% if theme.version %} {% endif %} {% if theme.author %} {% endif %} {% if theme.homepage %} {% endif %} {% if theme.demo %} {% endif %} {% if theme.bugs %} {% endif %} {% if theme.keywords %} {% endif %} {% if theme.license %} {% endif %} {% if theme.description %} {% endif %} {% if theme.readme or theme.homepage %} {% set readme_link = theme.readme ?: theme.homepage ~ '/blob/master/README.md' %} {% endif %}
{{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.VERSION"|tu }}: {{ theme.version }}
{{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.AUTHOR"|tu }}: {% if theme.author.url %} {{ theme.author.name }} {% else %} {{ theme.author.name }} {% endif %} {% if theme.author.email %} - {{ theme.author.email }} {% endif %}
{{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.HOMEPAGE"|tu }}: {{ theme.homepage }}
{{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.DEMO"|tu }}: {{ theme.demo }}
{{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.BUG_TRACKER"|tu }}: {{ theme.bugs }}
{{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.KEYWORDS"|tu }}: {{ theme.keywords|join(', ') }}
{{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.LICENSE"|tu }}: {{ theme.license }}
{{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.DESCRIPTION"|tu }}: {{ theme.description_html|raw }}
{{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.README"|tu }}: {{ readme_link }}
{% if (installed) %} {% set data = admin.data('themes/' ~ admin.route) %} {% include 'partials/blueprints.html.twig' with { data: data, blueprints: data.blueprints } %} {% if (config.get('system.pages.theme') != admin.route) %}
{% if not theme.symlink %} {% endif %} {{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.REMOVE_THEME"|tu }}
{% endif %} {% else %}
{% endif %} {% include 'partials/modal-changes-detected.html.twig' %} {% include 'partials/modal-remove-package.html.twig' with { type: 'theme', package: theme } %} {% include 'partials/modal-add-package.html.twig' with { type: 'theme' } %} {% include 'partials/modal-update-packages.html.twig' with { type: 'theme' } %} {% include 'partials/modal-reinstall-package.html.twig' with { type: 'theme', package: theme } %}