$value) { if (is_array($value) && is_array(@$array1[$key])) { $value = static::arrayMergeRecursiveUnique($array1[$key], $value); } $array1[$key] = $value; } return $array1; } /** * Return the Grav date formats allowed * * @return array */ public static function dateFormats() { $now = new DateTime(); $date_formats = [ 'd-m-Y H:i' => 'd-m-Y H:i (e.g. '.$now->format('d-m-Y H:i').')', 'Y-m-d H:i' => 'Y-m-d H:i (e.g. '.$now->format('Y-m-d H:i').')', 'm/d/Y h:i a' => 'm/d/Y h:i a (e.g. '.$now->format('m/d/Y h:i a').')', 'H:i d-m-Y' => 'H:i d-m-Y (e.g. '.$now->format('H:i d-m-Y').')', 'h:i a m/d/Y' => 'h:i a m/d/Y (e.g. '.$now->format('h:i a m/d/Y').')', ]; $default_format = Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.pages.dateformat.default'); if ($default_format) { $date_formats = array_merge([$default_format => $default_format.' (e.g. '.$now->format($default_format).')'], $date_formats); } return $date_formats; } /** * Truncate text by number of characters but can cut off words. * * @param string $string * @param int $limit Max number of characters. * @param bool $up_to_break truncate up to breakpoint after char count * @param string $break Break point. * @param string $pad Appended padding to the end of the string. * * @return string */ public static function truncate($string, $limit = 150, $up_to_break = false, $break = " ", $pad = "…") { // return with no change if string is shorter than $limit if (mb_strlen($string) <= $limit) { return $string; } // is $break present between $limit and the end of the string? if ($up_to_break && false !== ($breakpoint = mb_strpos($string, $break, $limit))) { if ($breakpoint < mb_strlen($string) - 1) { $string = mb_substr($string, 0, $breakpoint) . $break; } } else { $string = mb_substr($string, 0, $limit) . $pad; } return $string; } /** * Truncate text by number of characters in a "word-safe" manor. * * @param string $string * @param int $limit * * @return string */ public static function safeTruncate($string, $limit = 150) { return static::truncate($string, $limit, true); } /** * Truncate HTML by number of characters. not "word-safe"! * * @param string $text * @param int $length in characters * @param string $ellipsis * * @return string */ public static function truncateHtml($text, $length = 100, $ellipsis = '...') { if (mb_strlen($text) <= $length) { return $text; } else { return Truncator::truncateLetters($text, $length, $ellipsis); } } /** * Truncate HTML by number of characters in a "word-safe" manor. * * @param string $text * @param int $length in words * @param string $ellipsis * * @return string */ public static function safeTruncateHtml($text, $length = 25, $ellipsis = '...') { return Truncator::truncateWords($text, $length, $ellipsis); } /** * Generate a random string of a given length * * @param int $length * * @return string */ public static function generateRandomString($length = 5) { return substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, $length); } /** * Provides the ability to download a file to the browser * * @param string $file the full path to the file to be downloaded * @param bool $force_download as opposed to letting browser choose if to download or render * @param int $sec Throttling, try 0.1 for some speed throttling of downloads * @param int $bytes Size of chunks to send in bytes. Default is 1024 * @throws \Exception */ public static function download($file, $force_download = true, $sec = 0, $bytes = 1024) { if (file_exists($file)) { // fire download event Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onBeforeDownload', new Event(['file' => $file])); $file_parts = pathinfo($file); $mimetype = Utils::getMimeByExtension($file_parts['extension']); $size = filesize($file); // File size // clean all buffers while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_clean(); } // required for IE, otherwise Content-Disposition may be ignored if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) { ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); } header("Content-Type: " . $mimetype); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); if ($force_download) { // output the regular HTTP headers header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file_parts['basename'] . '"'); } // multipart-download and download resuming support if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { list($a, $range) = explode("=", $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], 2); list($range) = explode(",", $range, 2); list($range, $range_end) = explode("-", $range); $range = intval($range); if (!$range_end) { $range_end = $size - 1; } else { $range_end = intval($range_end); } $new_length = $range_end - $range + 1; header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content"); header("Content-Length: $new_length"); header("Content-Range: bytes $range-$range_end/$size"); } else { $new_length = $size; header("Content-Length: " . $size); if (Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.cache.enabled')) { $expires = Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.pages.expires'); if ($expires > 0) { $expires_date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', time() + $expires); header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $expires); header('Expires: ' . $expires_date); header('Pragma: cache'); } header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($file))); // Return 304 Not Modified if the file is already cached in the browser if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) >= filemtime($file)) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); exit(); } } } /* output the file itself */ $chunksize = $bytes * 8; //you may want to change this $bytes_send = 0; $fp = @fopen($file, 'r'); if ($fp) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { fseek($fp, $range); } while (!feof($fp) && (!connection_aborted()) && ($bytes_send < $new_length) ) { $buffer = fread($fp, $chunksize); echo($buffer); //echo($buffer); // is also possible flush(); usleep($sec * 1000000); $bytes_send += strlen($buffer); } fclose($fp); } else { throw new \Exception('Error - can not open file.'); } exit; } } /** * Return the mimetype based on filename extension * * @param string $extension Extension of file (eg "txt") * @param string $default * * @return string */ public static function getMimeByExtension($extension, $default = 'application/octet-stream') { $extension = strtolower($extension); // look for some standard types switch ($extension) { case null: return $default; case 'json': return 'application/json'; case 'html': return 'text/html'; case 'atom': return 'application/atom+xml'; case 'rss': return 'application/rss+xml'; case 'xml': return 'application/xml'; } $media_types = Grav::instance()['config']->get('media.types'); if (isset($media_types[$extension])) { if (isset($media_types[$extension]['mime'])) { return $media_types[$extension]['mime']; } } return $default; } /** * Return the mimetype based on filename extension * * @param string $mime mime type (eg "text/html") * @param string $default default value * * @return string */ public static function getExtensionByMime($mime, $default = 'html') { $mime = strtolower($mime); // look for some standard mime types switch ($mime) { case '*/*': case 'text/*': case 'text/html': return 'html'; case 'application/json': return 'json'; case 'application/atom+xml': return 'atom'; case 'application/rss+xml': return 'rss'; case 'application/xml': return 'xml'; } $media_types = Grav::instance()['config']->get('media.types'); foreach ($media_types as $extension => $type) { if ($extension == 'defaults') { continue; } if (isset($type['mime']) && $type['mime'] == $mime) { return $extension; } } return $default; } /** * Normalize path by processing relative `.` and `..` syntax and merging path * * @param string $path * * @return string */ public static function normalizePath($path) { $root = ($path[0] === '/') ? '/' : ''; $segments = explode('/', trim($path, '/')); $ret = []; foreach ($segments as $segment) { if (($segment == '.') || strlen($segment) == 0) { continue; } if ($segment == '..') { array_pop($ret); } else { array_push($ret, $segment); } } return $root . implode('/', $ret); } /** * Check whether a function is disabled in the PHP settings * * @param string $function the name of the function to check * * @return bool */ public static function isFunctionDisabled($function) { return in_array($function, explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions'))); } /** * Get the formatted timezones list * * @return array */ public static function timezones() { $timezones = \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(\DateTimeZone::ALL); $offsets = []; $testDate = new \DateTime; foreach ($timezones as $zone) { $tz = new \DateTimeZone($zone); $offsets[$zone] = $tz->getOffset($testDate); } asort($offsets); $timezone_list = []; foreach ($offsets as $timezone => $offset) { $offset_prefix = $offset < 0 ? '-' : '+'; $offset_formatted = gmdate('H:i', abs($offset)); $pretty_offset = "UTC${offset_prefix}${offset_formatted}"; $timezone_list[$timezone] = "(${pretty_offset}) ".str_replace('_', ' ', $timezone); } return $timezone_list; } /** * Recursively filter an array, filtering values by processing them through the $fn function argument * * @param array $source the Array to filter * @param callable $fn the function to pass through each array item * * @return array */ public static function arrayFilterRecursive(Array $source, $fn) { $result = []; foreach ($source as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $result[$key] = static::arrayFilterRecursive($value, $fn); continue; } if ($fn($key, $value)) { $result[$key] = $value; // KEEP continue; } } return $result; } /** * Flatten an array * * @param $array * @return array */ public static function arrayFlatten($array) { $flatten = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $inner){ if (is_array($inner)) { foreach ($inner as $inner_key => $value) { $flatten[$inner_key] = $value; } } else { $flatten[$key] = $inner; } } return $flatten; } /** * Checks if the passed path contains the language code prefix * * @param string $string The path * * @return bool */ public static function pathPrefixedByLangCode($string) { if (strlen($string) <= 3) { return false; } $languages_enabled = Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.languages.supported', []); if ($string[0] == '/' && $string[3] == '/' && in_array(substr($string, 1, 2), $languages_enabled)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get the timestamp of a date * * @param string $date a String expressed in the system.pages.dateformat.default format, with fallback to a * strtotime argument * @param string $format a date format to use if possible * @return int the timestamp */ public static function date2timestamp($date, $format = null) { $config = Grav::instance()['config']; $dateformat = $format ?: $config->get('system.pages.dateformat.default'); // try to use DateTime and default format if ($dateformat) { $datetime = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateformat, $date); } else { $datetime = new DateTime($date); } // fallback to strtotime if DateTime approach failed if ($datetime !== false) { return $datetime->getTimestamp(); } else { return strtotime($date); } } /** * @deprecated Use getDotNotation() method instead * */ public static function resolve(array $array, $path, $default = null) { return static::getDotNotation($array, $path, $default); } /** * Checks if a value is positive * * @param string $value * * @return boolean */ public static function isPositive($value) { return in_array($value, [true, 1, '1', 'yes', 'on', 'true'], true); } /** * Generates a nonce string to be hashed. Called by self::getNonce() * We removed the IP portion in this version because it causes too many inconsistencies * with reverse proxy setups. * * @param string $action * @param bool $plusOneTick if true, generates the token for the next tick (the next 12 hours) * * @return string the nonce string */ private static function generateNonceString($action, $plusOneTick = false) { $username = ''; if (isset(Grav::instance()['user'])) { $user = Grav::instance()['user']; $username = $user->username; } $token = session_id(); $i = self::nonceTick(); if ($plusOneTick) { $i++; } return ($i . '|' . $action . '|' . $username . '|' . $token . '|' . Grav::instance()['config']->get('security.salt')); } //Added in version 1.0.8 to ensure that existing nonces are not broken. private static function generateNonceStringOldStyle($action, $plusOneTick = false) { if (isset(Grav::instance()['user'])) { $user = Grav::instance()['user']; $username = $user->username; if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $username .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } } else { $username = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''; } $token = session_id(); $i = self::nonceTick(); if ($plusOneTick) { $i++; } return ($i . '|' . $action . '|' . $username . '|' . $token . '|' . Grav::instance()['config']->get('security.salt')); } /** * Get the time-dependent variable for nonce creation. * * Now a tick lasts a day. Once the day is passed, the nonce is not valid any more. Find a better way * to ensure nonces issued near the end of the day do not expire in that small amount of time * * @return int the time part of the nonce. Changes once every 24 hours */ private static function nonceTick() { $secondsInHalfADay = 60 * 60 * 12; return (int)ceil(time() / ($secondsInHalfADay)); } /** * Creates a hashed nonce tied to the passed action. Tied to the current user and time. The nonce for a given * action is the same for 12 hours. * * @param string $action the action the nonce is tied to (e.g. save-user-admin or move-page-homepage) * @param bool $plusOneTick if true, generates the token for the next tick (the next 12 hours) * * @return string the nonce */ public static function getNonce($action, $plusOneTick = false) { // Don't regenerate this again if not needed if (isset(static::$nonces[$action])) { return static::$nonces[$action]; } $nonce = md5(self::generateNonceString($action, $plusOneTick)); static::$nonces[$action] = $nonce; return static::$nonces[$action]; } //Added in version 1.0.8 to ensure that existing nonces are not broken. public static function getNonceOldStyle($action, $plusOneTick = false) { // Don't regenerate this again if not needed if (isset(static::$nonces[$action])) { return static::$nonces[$action]; } $nonce = md5(self::generateNonceStringOldStyle($action, $plusOneTick)); static::$nonces[$action] = $nonce; return static::$nonces[$action]; } /** * Verify the passed nonce for the give action * * @param string $nonce the nonce to verify * @param string $action the action to verify the nonce to * * @return boolean verified or not */ public static function verifyNonce($nonce, $action) { //Safety check for multiple nonces if (is_array($nonce)) { $nonce = array_shift($nonce); } //Nonce generated 0-12 hours ago if ($nonce == self::getNonce($action)) { return true; } //Nonce generated 12-24 hours ago $plusOneTick = true; if ($nonce == self::getNonce($action, $plusOneTick)) { return true; } //Added in version 1.0.8 to ensure that existing nonces are not broken. //Nonce generated 0-12 hours ago if ($nonce == self::getNonceOldStyle($action)) { return true; } //Nonce generated 12-24 hours ago $plusOneTick = true; if ($nonce == self::getNonceOldStyle($action, $plusOneTick)) { return true; } //Invalid nonce return false; } /** * Simple helper method to get whether or not the admin plugin is active * * @return bool */ public static function isAdminPlugin() { if (isset(Grav::instance()['admin'])) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get a portion of an array (passed by reference) with dot-notation key * * @param $array * @param $key * @param null $default * @return mixed */ public static function getDotNotation($array, $key, $default = null) { if (is_null($key)) return $array; if (isset($array[$key])) return $array[$key]; foreach (explode('.', $key) as $segment) { if ( ! is_array($array) || ! array_key_exists($segment, $array)) { return $default; } $array = $array[$segment]; } return $array; } /** * Set portion of array (passed by reference) for a dot-notation key * and set the value * * @param $array * @param $key * @param $value * @param bool $merge * * @return mixed */ public static function setDotNotation(&$array, $key, $value, $merge = false) { if (is_null($key)) return $array = $value; $keys = explode('.', $key); while (count($keys) > 1) { $key = array_shift($keys); if ( ! isset($array[$key]) || ! is_array($array[$key])) { $array[$key] = array(); } $array =& $array[$key]; } $key = array_shift($keys); if (!$merge || !isset($array[$key])) { $array[$key] = $value; } else { $array[$key] = array_merge($array[$key], $value); } return $array; } /** * Utility method to determine if the current OS is Windows * * @return bool */ public static function isWindows() { return strncasecmp(PHP_OS, 'WIN', 3) == 0; } /** * Utility to determine if the server running PHP is Apache * * @return bool */ public static function isApache() { return strpos($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"], 'Apache') !== false; } }