paths = []; $this->params = []; $this->query = []; $this->name = $this->buildHostname(); $this->env = $this->buildEnvironment(); $this->port = $this->buildPort(); $this->uri = $this->buildUri(); $this->scheme = $this->buildScheme(); $this->base = $this->buildBaseUrl(); $this->host = $this->buildHost(); $this->root_path = $this->buildRootPath(); $this->root = $this->base . $this->root_path; $this->url = $this->base . $this->uri; } /** * Return the hostname from $_SERVER, validated and without port * * @return string */ private function buildHostname() { $hostname = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : 'localhost'); // Remove port from HTTP_HOST generated $hostname $hostname = Utils::substrToString($hostname, ':'); // Validate the hostname $hostname = $this->validateHostname($hostname) ? $hostname : 'unknown'; return $hostname; } /** * Calculate the parameter regex based on the param_sep setting * * @return string */ public static function paramsRegex() { return '/\/([^\:\#\/\?]*' . Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.param_sep') . '[^\:\#\/\?]*)/'; } /** * Validate a hostname * * @param string $hostname The hostname * * @return boolean */ public function validateHostname($hostname) { return (bool)preg_match(Uri::HOSTNAME_REGEX, $hostname); } /** * Get the port from $_SERVER * * @return string */ private function buildPort() { $port = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ? (string)$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '80'; return $port; } /** * Get the Uri from $_SERVER * * @return string */ private function buildUri() { $uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : ''; return rawurldecode($uri); } private function buildScheme() { // set the base if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) { $scheme = (strtolower(@$_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on') ? 'https://' : 'http://'; } else { $scheme = 'http://'; } return $scheme; } /** * Get the base URI with port if needed * * @return string */ private function buildBaseUrl() { return $this->scheme . $this->name; } /** * Get the Grav Root Path * * @return string */ private function buildRootPath() { $root_path = str_replace(' ', '%20', rtrim(substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'index.php')), '/')); // check if userdir in the path and workaround PHP bug with PHP_SELF if (strpos($this->uri, '/~') !== false && strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/~') === false) { $root_path = substr($this->uri, 0, strpos($this->uri, '/', 1)) . $root_path; } return $root_path; } /** * Returns the hostname * * @return string */ private function buildHost() { return $this->name; } private function buildEnvironment() { // check for localhost variations if ($this->name == '' || $this->name== '::1') { return 'localhost'; } else { return $this->name; } } /** * Initialize the URI class with a url passed via parameter. * Used for testing purposes. * * @param string $url the URL to use in the class * * @return string */ public function initializeWithUrl($url = '') { if (!$url) { return $this; } $this->paths = []; $this->params = []; $this->query = []; $this->name = []; $this->env = []; $this->port = []; $this->uri = []; $this->base = []; $this->host = []; $this->root = []; $this->url = []; $this->fragment = []; $grav = Grav::instance(); /** @var Language $language */ $language = $grav['language']; $uri_bits = Uri::parseUrl($url); $this->name = $uri_bits['host']; $this->port = isset($uri_bits['port']) ? $uri_bits['port'] : '80'; $this->uri = $uri_bits['path']; // set active language $uri = $language->setActiveFromUri($this->uri); if (isset($uri_bits['params'])) { $this->params = $uri_bits['params']; } if (isset($uri_bits['query'])) { $this->uri .= '?' . $uri_bits['query']; parse_str($uri_bits['query'], $this->query); } if (isset($uri_bits['fragment'])) { $this->fragment = $uri_bits['fragment']; } $this->base = $this->buildBaseUrl(); $this->host = $this->buildHost(); $this->env = $this->buildEnvironment(); $this->root_path = $this->buildRootPath(); $this->root = $this->base . $this->root_path; $this->url = $this->root . $uri; $this->path = $uri; return $this; } /** * Initialize the URI class by providing url and root_path arguments * * @param string $url * @param string $root_path * * @return $this */ public function initializeWithUrlAndRootPath($url, $root_path) { $this->initializeWithUrl($url); $this->root_path = $root_path; return $this; } /** * Initializes the URI object based on the url set on the object */ public function init() { $grav = Grav::instance(); $config = $grav['config']; $language = $grav['language']; // add the port to the base for non-standard ports if ($config->get('system.reverse_proxy_setup') === false && $this->port != '80' && $this->port != '443') { $this->base .= ":" . $this->port; } // Set some defaults if ($grav['config']->get('system.custom_base_url')) { $this->root_path = parse_url($grav['config']->get('system.custom_base_url'), PHP_URL_PATH); $this->root = $grav['config']->get('system.custom_base_url'); } else { $this->root = $this->base . $this->root_path; } $this->url = $this->base . $this->uri; // get any params and remove them $uri = str_replace($this->root, '', $this->url); // remove the setup.php based base if set: $setup_base = $grav['pages']->base(); if ($setup_base) { $uri = str_replace($setup_base, '', $uri); } // If configured to, redirect trailing slash URI's with a 301 redirect if ($config->get('system.pages.redirect_trailing_slash', false) && $uri != '/' && Utils::endsWith($uri, '/')) { $grav->redirect(str_replace($this->root, '', rtrim($uri, '/')), 301); } // process params $uri = $this->processParams($uri, $config->get('system.param_sep')); // set active language $uri = $language->setActiveFromUri($uri); // split the URL and params $bits = parse_url($uri); // process query string if (isset($bits['query'])) { if (!$this->query) { $this->query = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); } } //process fragment if (isset($bits['fragment'])) { $this->fragment = $bits['fragment']; } // Get the path. If there's no path, make sure pathinfo() still returns dirname variable $path = isset($bits['path']) ? $bits['path'] : '/'; // remove the extension if there is one set $parts = pathinfo($path); // set the original basename $this->basename = $parts['basename']; // set the extension if (isset($parts['extension'])) { $this->extension = $parts['extension']; } $valid_page_types = implode('|', $config->get('system.pages.types')); // Strip the file extension for valid page types if (preg_match('/\.(' . $valid_page_types . ')$/', $parts['basename'])) { $path = rtrim(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DS, $parts['dirname']), DS) . '/' . $parts['filename']; } // set the new url $this->url = $this->root . $path; $this->path = $path; $this->content_path = trim(str_replace($this->base, '', $this->path), '/'); if ($this->content_path != '') { $this->paths = explode('/', $this->content_path); } // Set some Grav stuff $grav['base_url_absolute'] = $grav['config']->get('system.custom_base_url') ?: $this->rootUrl(true); $grav['base_url_relative'] = $this->rootUrl(false); $grav['base_url'] = $grav['config']->get('system.absolute_urls') ? $grav['base_url_absolute'] : $grav['base_url_relative']; } /** * Process any params based in this URL, supports any valid delimiter * * @param $uri * @param string $delimiter * * @return string */ private function processParams($uri, $delimiter = ':') { if (strpos($uri, $delimiter) !== false) { preg_match_all(Uri::paramsRegex(), $uri, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $param = explode($delimiter, $match[1]); if (count($param) == 2) { $plain_var = filter_var(rawurldecode($param[1]), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $this->params[$param[0]] = $plain_var; $uri = str_replace($match[0], '', $uri); } } } return $uri; } /** * Return URI path. * * @param string $id * * @return string */ public function paths($id = null) { if (isset($id)) { return $this->paths[$id]; } else { return $this->paths; } } /** * Return route to the current URI. By default route doesn't include base path. * * @param bool $absolute True to include full path. * @param bool $domain True to include domain. Works only if first parameter is also true. * * @return string */ public function route($absolute = false, $domain = false) { return rawurldecode(($absolute ? $this->rootUrl($domain) : '') . '/' . implode('/', $this->paths)); } /** * Return full query string or a single query attribute. * * @param string $id Optional attribute. Get a single query attribute if set * @param bool $raw If true and $id is not set, return the full query array. Otherwise return the query string * * @return string|array Returns an array if $id = null and $raw = true */ public function query($id = null, $raw = false) { if (isset($id)) { return isset($this->query[$id]) ? $this->query[$id] : null; } else { if ($raw) { return $this->query; } else { if (!$this->query) { return ''; } return http_build_query($this->query); } } } /** * Return all or a single query parameter as a URI compatible string. * * @param string $id Optional parameter name. * @param boolean $array return the array format or not * * @return null|string */ public function params($id = null, $array = false) { $config = Grav::instance()['config']; $params = null; if ($id === null) { if ($array) { return $this->params; } $output = []; foreach ($this->params as $key => $value) { $output[] = $key . $config->get('system.param_sep') . $value; $params = '/' . implode('/', $output); } } elseif (isset($this->params[$id])) { if ($array) { return $this->params[$id]; } $params = "/{$id}" . $config->get('system.param_sep') . $this->params[$id]; } return $params; } /** * Get URI parameter. * * @param string $id * * @return bool|string */ public function param($id) { if (isset($this->params[$id])) { return rawurldecode($this->params[$id]); } else { return false; } } /** * Gets the Fragment portion of a URI (eg #target) * * @param null $fragment * * @return null */ public function fragment($fragment = null) { if ($fragment !== null) { $this->fragment = $fragment; } return $this->fragment; } /** * Return URL. * * @param bool $include_host Include hostname. * * @return string */ public function url($include_host = false) { if ($include_host) { return $this->url; } else { $url = (str_replace($this->base, '', rtrim($this->url, '/'))); return $url ? $url : '/'; } } /** * Return the Path * * @return String The path of the URI */ public function path() { $path = $this->path; if ($path === '') { $path = '/'; } return $path; } /** * Return the Extension of the URI * * @param null $default * * @return String The extension of the URI */ public function extension($default = null) { if (!$this->extension) { $this->extension = $default; } return $this->extension; } /** * Return the scheme of the URI * * @return String The scheme of the URI */ public function scheme() { return $this->scheme; } /** * Return the host of the URI * * @return String The host of the URI */ public function host() { return $this->host; } /** * Return the port number * * @return int */ public function port() { return $this->port; } /** * Gets the environment name * * @return String */ public function environment() { return $this->env; } /** * Return the basename of the URI * * @return String The basename of the URI */ public function basename() { return $this->basename; } /** * Return the base of the URI * * @return String The base of the URI */ public function base() { return $this->base; } /** * Return the base relative URL including the language prefix * or the base relative url if multilanguage is not enabled * * @return String The base of the URI */ public function baseIncludingLanguage() { $grav = Grav::instance(); // Link processing should prepend language $language = $grav['language']; $language_append = ''; if ($language->enabled()) { $language_append = $language->getLanguageURLPrefix(); } $base = $grav['base_url_relative']; return rtrim($base . $grav['pages']->base(), '/') . $language_append; } /** * Return root URL to the site. * * @param bool $include_host Include hostname. * * @return mixed */ public function rootUrl($include_host = false) { if ($include_host) { return $this->root; } else { $root = str_replace($this->base, '', $this->root); return $root; } } /** * Return current page number. * * @return int */ public function currentPage() { if (isset($this->params['page'])) { return $this->params['page']; } else { return 1; } } /** * Return relative path to the referrer defaulting to current or given page. * * @param string $default * @param string $attributes * * @return string */ public function referrer($default = null, $attributes = null) { $referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null; // Check that referrer came from our site. $root = $this->rootUrl(true); if ($referrer) { // Referrer should always have host set and it should come from the same base address. if (stripos($referrer, $root) !== 0) { $referrer = null; } } if (!$referrer) { $referrer = $default ? $default : $this->route(true, true); } if ($attributes) { $referrer .= $attributes; } // Return relative path. return substr($referrer, strlen($root)); } /** * Return the IP address of the current user * * @return string ip address */ public static function ip() { if (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')) $ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'); else if(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) $ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'); else if(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED')) $ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED'); else if(getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR')) $ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'); else if(getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED')) $ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED'); else if(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')) $ipaddress = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); else $ipaddress = 'UNKNOWN'; return $ipaddress; } /** * Is this an external URL? if it starts with `http` then yes, else false * * @param string $url the URL in question * * @return boolean is eternal state */ public static function isExternal($url) { if (Utils::startsWith($url, 'http')) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * The opposite of built-in PHP method parse_url() * * @param $parsed_url * * @return string */ public static function buildUrl($parsed_url) { $scheme = isset($parsed_url['scheme']) ? $parsed_url['scheme'] . '://' : ''; $host = isset($parsed_url['host']) ? $parsed_url['host'] : ''; $port = isset($parsed_url['port']) ? ':' . $parsed_url['port'] : ''; $user = isset($parsed_url['user']) ? $parsed_url['user'] : ''; $pass = isset($parsed_url['pass']) ? ':' . $parsed_url['pass'] : ''; $pass = ($user || $pass) ? "$pass@" : ''; $path = isset($parsed_url['path']) ? $parsed_url['path'] : ''; $params = isset($parsed_url['params']) ? static::buildParams($parsed_url['params']) : ''; $query = isset($parsed_url['query']) ? '?' . $parsed_url['query'] : ''; $fragment = isset($parsed_url['fragment']) ? '#' . $parsed_url['fragment'] : ''; return "$scheme$user$pass$host$port$path$params$query$fragment"; } public static function buildParams($params) { $grav = Grav::instance(); $params_string = ''; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $output[] = $key . $grav['config']->get('system.param_sep') . $value; $params_string .= '/' . implode('/', $output); } return $params_string; } /** * Converts links from absolute '/' or relative (../..) to a Grav friendly format * * @param Page $page the current page to use as reference * @param string $url the URL as it was written in the markdown * @param string $type the type of URL, image | link * @param bool $absolute if null, will use system default, if true will use absolute links internally * @param bool $route_only only return the route, not full URL path * @return string the more friendly formatted url */ public static function convertUrl(Page $page, $url, $type = 'link', $absolute = false, $route_only = false) { $grav = Grav::instance(); $uri = $grav['uri']; // Link processing should prepend language $language = $grav['language']; $language_append = ''; if ($type == 'link' && $language->enabled()) { $language_append = $language->getLanguageURLPrefix(); } // Handle Excerpt style $url array if (is_array($url)) { $url_path = $url['path']; } else { $url_path = $url; } $external = false; $base = $grav['base_url_relative']; $base_url = rtrim($base . $grav['pages']->base(), '/') . $language_append; $pages_dir = $grav['locator']->findResource('page://'); // if absolute and starts with a base_url move on if (isset($url['scheme']) && Utils::startsWith($url['scheme'], 'http')) { $external = true; } elseif ($url_path == '' && isset($url['fragment'])) { $external = true; } elseif (($base_url != '' && Utils::startsWith($url_path, $base_url)) || $url_path == '/') { $url_path = $base_url . $url_path; } else { // see if page is relative to this or absolute if (Utils::startsWith($url_path, '/')) { $normalized_url = Utils::normalizePath($base_url . $url_path); $normalized_path = Utils::normalizePath($pages_dir . $url_path); } else { $page_route = ($page->home() && !empty($url_path)) ? $page->rawRoute() : $page->route(); $normalized_url = $base_url . Utils::normalizePath($page_route . '/' . $url_path); $normalized_path = Utils::normalizePath($page->path() . '/' . $url_path); } // special check to see if path checking is required. $just_path = str_replace($normalized_url, '', $normalized_path); if ($just_path == $page->path() || $normalized_url == '/') { $url_path = $normalized_url; } else { $url_bits = static::parseUrl($normalized_path); $full_path = ($url_bits['path']); $raw_full_path = rawurldecode($full_path); if (file_exists($raw_full_path)) { $full_path = $raw_full_path; } elseif (file_exists($full_path)) { // do nothing } else { $full_path = false; } if ($full_path) { $path_info = pathinfo($full_path); $page_path = $path_info['dirname']; $filename = ''; if ($url_path == '..') { $page_path = $full_path; } else { // save the filename if a file is part of the path if (is_file($full_path)) { if ($path_info['extension'] != 'md') { $filename = '/' . $path_info['basename']; } } else { $page_path = $full_path; } } // get page instances and try to find one that fits $instances = $grav['pages']->instances(); if (isset($instances[$page_path])) { /** @var Page $target */ $target = $instances[$page_path]; $url_bits['path'] = $base_url . rtrim($target->route(), '/') . $filename; $url_path = Uri::buildUrl($url_bits); } else { $url_path = $normalized_url; } } else { $url_path = $normalized_url; } } } // handle absolute URLs if (!$external && ($absolute === true || $grav['config']->get('system.absolute_urls', false))) { $url['scheme'] = str_replace('://', '', $uri->scheme()); $url['host'] = $uri->host(); if ($uri->port() != 80 && $uri->port() != 443) { $url['port'] = $uri->port(); } // check if page exists for this route, and if so, check if it has SSL enabled $pages = $grav['pages']; $routes = $pages->routes(); // if this is an image, get the proper path $url_bits = pathinfo($url_path); if (isset($url_bits['extension'])) { $target_path = $url_bits['dirname']; } else { $target_path = $url_path; } // strip base from this path $target_path = str_replace($uri->rootUrl(), '', $target_path); // set to / if root if (empty($target_path)) { $target_path = '/'; } // look to see if this page exists and has ssl enabled if (isset($routes[$target_path])) { $target_page = $pages->get($routes[$target_path]); if ($target_page) { $ssl_enabled = $target_page->ssl(); if (isset($ssl_enabled)) { if ($ssl_enabled) { $url['scheme'] = 'https'; } else { $url['scheme'] = 'http'; } } } } } // transform back to string/array as needed if (is_array($url)) { $url['path'] = $url_path; } else { $url = $url_path; } if ($route_only) { $url = str_replace($base_url, '', $url); } return $url; } public static function parseUrl($url) { $bits = parse_url($url); $grav = Grav::instance(); list($stripped_path, $params) = static::extractParams($bits['path'], $grav['config']->get('system.param_sep')); if (!empty($params)) { $bits['path'] = $stripped_path; $bits['params'] = $params; } return $bits; } public static function extractParams($uri, $delimiter) { $params = []; if (strpos($uri, $delimiter) !== false) { preg_match_all(Uri::paramsRegex(), $uri, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $param = explode($delimiter, $match[1]); if (count($param) == 2) { $plain_var = filter_var(rawurldecode($param[1]), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $params[$param[0]] = $plain_var; $uri = str_replace($match[0], '', $uri); } } } return [$uri, $params]; } /** * Converts links from absolute '/' or relative (../..) to a Grav friendly format * * @param Page $page the current page to use as reference * @param string $markdown_url the URL as it was written in the markdown * @param string $type the type of URL, image | link * @param null $relative if null, will use system default, if true will use relative links internally * * @return string the more friendly formatted url */ public static function convertUrlOld(Page $page, $markdown_url, $type = 'link', $relative = null) { $grav = Grav::instance(); $language = $grav['language']; // Link processing should prepend language $language_append = ''; if ($type == 'link' && $language->enabled()) { $language_append = $language->getLanguageURLPrefix(); } $pages_dir = $grav['locator']->findResource('page://'); if (is_null($relative)) { $base = $grav['base_url']; } else { $base = $relative ? $grav['base_url_relative'] : $grav['base_url_absolute']; } $base_url = rtrim($base . $grav['pages']->base(), '/') . $language_append; // if absolute and starts with a base_url move on if (pathinfo($markdown_url, PATHINFO_DIRNAME) == '.' && $page->url() == '/') { return '/' . $markdown_url; // no path to convert } elseif ($base_url != '' && Utils::startsWith($markdown_url, $base_url)) { return $markdown_url; // if contains only a fragment } elseif (Utils::startsWith($markdown_url, '#')) { return $markdown_url; } else { $target = null; // see if page is relative to this or absolute if (Utils::startsWith($markdown_url, '/')) { $normalized_url = Utils::normalizePath($base_url . $markdown_url); $normalized_path = Utils::normalizePath($pages_dir . $markdown_url); } else { $normalized_url = $base_url . Utils::normalizePath($page->route() . '/' . $markdown_url); $normalized_path = Utils::normalizePath($page->path() . '/' . $markdown_url); } // special check to see if path checking is required. $just_path = str_replace($normalized_url, '', $normalized_path); if ($just_path == $page->path()) { return $normalized_url; } $url_bits = parse_url($normalized_path); $full_path = ($url_bits['path']); if (file_exists($full_path)) { // do nothing } elseif (file_exists(rawurldecode($full_path))) { $full_path = rawurldecode($full_path); } else { return $normalized_url; } $path_info = pathinfo($full_path); $page_path = $path_info['dirname']; $filename = ''; if ($markdown_url == '..') { $page_path = $full_path; } else { // save the filename if a file is part of the path if (is_file($full_path)) { if ($path_info['extension'] != 'md') { $filename = '/' . $path_info['basename']; } } else { $page_path = $full_path; } } // get page instances and try to find one that fits $instances = $grav['pages']->instances(); if (isset($instances[$page_path])) { /** @var Page $target */ $target = $instances[$page_path]; $url_bits['path'] = $base_url . rtrim($target->route(), '/') . $filename; return Uri::buildUrl($url_bits); } return $normalized_url; } } /** * Adds the nonce to a URL for a specific action * * @param string $url the url * @param string $action the action * @param string $nonceParamName the param name to use * * @return string the url with the nonce */ public static function addNonce($url, $action, $nonceParamName = 'nonce') { $urlWithNonce = $url . '/' . $nonceParamName . Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.param_sep', ':') . Utils::getNonce($action); return $urlWithNonce; } /** * Is the passed in URL a valid URL? * * @param $url * @return bool */ public static function isValidUrl($url) { $regex = '/^(?:(https?|ftp|telnet):)?\/\/((?:[a-z0-9@:.-]|%[0-9A-F]{2}){3,})(?::(\d+))?((?:\/(?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&\'\(\)\*\+\,\;\=\:\@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*)*)(?:\?((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&\'\(\)\*\+\,\;\=\:\/?@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*))?(?:#((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&\'\(\)\*\+\,\;\=\:\/?@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*))?/'; if (preg_match($regex, $url)) { return true; } else { return false; } } }