'Grav\Common\Uri', 'events' => 'RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\EventDispatcher', 'cache' => 'Grav\Common\Cache', 'session' => 'Grav\Common\Session', 'Grav\Common\Service\MessagesServiceProvider', 'plugins' => 'Grav\Common\Plugins', 'themes' => 'Grav\Common\Themes', 'twig' => 'Grav\Common\Twig\Twig', 'taxonomy' => 'Grav\Common\Taxonomy', 'language' => 'Grav\Common\Language\Language', 'pages' => 'Grav\Common\Page\Pages', 'Grav\Common\Service\TaskServiceProvider', 'Grav\Common\Service\AssetsServiceProvider', 'Grav\Common\Service\PageServiceProvider', 'Grav\Common\Service\OutputServiceProvider', 'browser' => 'Grav\Common\Browser', 'Grav\Common\Service\StreamsServiceProvider', 'Grav\Common\Service\ConfigServiceProvider', 'inflector' => 'Grav\Common\Inflector', 'siteSetupProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\SiteSetupProcessor', 'configurationProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\ConfigurationProcessor', 'errorsProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\ErrorsProcessor', 'debuggerInitProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\DebuggerInitProcessor', 'initializeProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\InitializeProcessor', 'pluginsProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\PluginsProcessor', 'themesProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\ThemesProcessor', 'tasksProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\TasksProcessor', 'assetsProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\AssetsProcessor', 'twigProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\TwigProcessor', 'pagesProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\PagesProcessor', 'debuggerAssetsProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\DebuggerAssetsProcessor', 'renderProcessor' => 'Grav\Common\Processors\RenderProcessor', ]; /** @var array All processors that are processed in $this->process() */ protected $processors = [ 'siteSetupProcessor', 'configurationProcessor', 'errorsProcessor', 'debuggerInitProcessor', 'initializeProcessor', 'pluginsProcessor', 'themesProcessor', 'tasksProcessor', 'assetsProcessor', 'twigProcessor', 'pagesProcessor', 'debuggerAssetsProcessor', 'renderProcessor', ]; /** * Reset the Grav instance. */ public static function resetInstance() { if (self::$instance) { self::$instance = null; } } /** * Return the Grav instance. Create it if it's not already instanced * * @param array $values * * @return Grav */ public static function instance(array $values = []) { if (!self::$instance) { self::$instance = static::load($values); } elseif ($values) { $instance = self::$instance; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $instance->offsetSet($key, $value); } } return self::$instance; } /** * Process a request */ public function process() { /** @var Debugger $debugger */ $debugger = $this['debugger']; // process all processors (e.g. config, initialize, assets, ..., render) foreach ($this->processors as $processor) { $processor = $this[$processor]; $this->measureTime($processor->id, $processor->title, function () use ($processor) { $processor->process(); }); } // Set the header type $this->header(); echo $this->output; $debugger->render(); $this->fireEvent('onOutputRendered'); register_shutdown_function([$this, 'shutdown']); } /** * Set the system locale based on the language and configuration */ public function setLocale() { // Initialize Locale if set and configured. if ($this['language']->enabled() && $this['config']->get('system.languages.override_locale')) { $language = $this['language']->getLanguage(); setlocale(LC_ALL, count($language < 3) ? ($language . '_' . strtoupper($language)) : $language); } elseif ($this['config']->get('system.default_locale')) { setlocale(LC_ALL, $this['config']->get('system.default_locale')); } } /** * Redirect browser to another location. * * @param string $route Internal route. * @param int $code Redirection code (30x) */ public function redirect($route, $code = null) { /** @var Uri $uri */ $uri = $this['uri']; //Check for code in route $regex = '/.*(\[(30[1-7])\])$/'; preg_match($regex, $route, $matches); if ($matches) { $route = str_replace($matches[1], '', $matches[0]); $code = $matches[2]; } if ($code === null) { $code = $this['config']->get('system.pages.redirect_default_code', 301); } if (isset($this['session'])) { $this['session']->close(); } if ($uri->isExternal($route)) { $url = $route; } else { $url = rtrim($uri->rootUrl(), '/') . '/'; if ($this['config']->get('system.pages.redirect_trailing_slash', true)) { $url .= trim($route, '/'); // Remove trailing slash } else { $url .= ltrim($route, '/'); // Support trailing slash default routes } } header("Location: {$url}", true, $code); exit(); } /** * Redirect browser to another location taking language into account (preferred) * * @param string $route Internal route. * @param int $code Redirection code (30x) */ public function redirectLangSafe($route, $code = null) { /** @var Language $language */ $language = $this['language']; if (!$this['uri']->isExternal($route) && $language->enabled() && $language->isIncludeDefaultLanguage()) { $this->redirect($language->getLanguage() . $route, $code); } else { $this->redirect($route, $code); } } /** * Set response header. */ public function header() { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $this['page']; $format = $page->templateFormat(); header('Content-type: ' . Utils::getMimeByExtension($format, 'text/html')); // Calculate Expires Headers if set to > 0 $expires = $page->expires(); if ($expires > 0) { $expires_date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $expires) . ' GMT'; header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $expires); header('Expires: ' . $expires_date); } // Set the last modified time if ($page->lastModified()) { $last_modified_date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $page->modified()) . ' GMT'; header('Last-Modified: ' . $last_modified_date); } // Calculate a Hash based on the raw file if ($page->eTag()) { header('ETag: ' . md5($page->raw() . $page->modified())); } // Set debugger data in headers if (!($format === null || $format == 'html')) { $this['debugger']->enabled(false); } // Set HTTP response code if (isset($this['page']->header()->http_response_code)) { http_response_code($this['page']->header()->http_response_code); } // Vary: Accept-Encoding if ($this['config']->get('system.pages.vary_accept_encoding', false)) { header('Vary: Accept-Encoding'); } } /** * Fires an event with optional parameters. * * @param string $eventName * @param Event $event * * @return Event */ public function fireEvent($eventName, Event $event = null) { /** @var EventDispatcher $events */ $events = $this['events']; return $events->dispatch($eventName, $event); } /** * Set the final content length for the page and flush the buffer * */ public function shutdown() { // Prevent user abort allowing onShutdown event to run without interruptions. if (function_exists('ignore_user_abort')) { @ignore_user_abort(true); } // Close the session allowing new requests to be handled. if (isset($this['session'])) { $this['session']->close(); } if ($this['config']->get('system.debugger.shutdown.close_connection', true)) { // Flush the response and close the connection to allow time consuming tasks to be performed without leaving // the connection to the client open. This will make page loads to feel much faster. // FastCGI allows us to flush all response data to the client and finish the request. $success = function_exists('fastcgi_finish_request') ? @fastcgi_finish_request() : false; if (!$success) { // Unfortunately without FastCGI there is no way to force close the connection. // We need to ask browser to close the connection for us. if ($this['config']->get('system.cache.gzip')) { // Flush gzhandler buffer if gzip setting was enabled. ob_end_flush(); } else { // Without gzip we have no other choice than to prevent server from compressing the output. // This action turns off mod_deflate which would prevent us from closing the connection. if ($this['config']->get('system.cache.allow_webserver_gzip')) { header('Content-Encoding: identity'); } else { header('Content-Encoding: none'); } } // Get length and close the connection. header('Content-Length: ' . ob_get_length()); header("Connection: close"); ob_end_flush(); @ob_flush(); flush(); } } // Run any time consuming tasks. $this->fireEvent('onShutdown'); } /** * Magic Catch All Function * Used to call closures like measureTime on the instance. * Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/419804/closures-as-class-members */ public function __call($method, $args) { $closure = $this->$method; call_user_func_array($closure, $args); } /** * Initialize and return a Grav instance * * @param array $values * * @return static */ protected static function load(array $values) { $container = new static($values); $container['grav'] = $container; $container['debugger'] = new Debugger(); $debugger = $container['debugger']; // closure that measures time by wrapping a function into startTimer and stopTimer // The debugger can be passed to the closure. Should be more performant // then to get it from the container all time. $container->measureTime = function ($timerId, $timerTitle, $callback) use ($debugger) { $debugger->startTimer($timerId, $timerTitle); $callback(); $debugger->stopTimer($timerId); }; $container->measureTime('_services', 'Services', function () use ($container) { $container->registerServices($container); }); return $container; } /** * Register all services * Services are defined in the diMap. They can either only the class * of a Service Provider or a pair of serviceKey => serviceClass that * gets directly mapped into the container. * * @return void */ protected function registerServices() { foreach (self::$diMap as $serviceKey => $serviceClass) { if (is_int($serviceKey)) { $this->registerServiceProvider($serviceClass); } else { $this->registerService($serviceKey, $serviceClass); } } } /** * Register a service provider with the container. * * @param string $serviceClass * * @return void */ protected function registerServiceProvider($serviceClass) { $this->register(new $serviceClass); } /** * Register a service with the container. * * @param string $serviceKey * @param string $serviceClass * * @return void */ protected function registerService($serviceKey, $serviceClass) { $this[$serviceKey] = function ($c) use ($serviceClass) { return new $serviceClass($c); }; } /** * This attempts to find media, other files, and download them * * @param $path */ public function fallbackUrl($path) { $this->fireEvent('onPageFallBackUrl'); /** @var Uri $uri */ $uri = $this['uri']; /** @var Config $config */ $config = $this['config']; $uri_extension = $uri->extension(); $fallback_types = $config->get('system.media.allowed_fallback_types', null); $supported_types = $config->get('media.types'); // Check whitelist first, then ensure extension is a valid media type if (!empty($fallback_types) && !in_array($uri_extension, $fallback_types)) { return; } elseif (!array_key_exists($uri_extension, $supported_types)) { return; } $path_parts = pathinfo($path); /** @var Page $page */ $page = $this['pages']->dispatch($path_parts['dirname'], true); if ($page) { $media = $page->media()->all(); $parsed_url = parse_url(rawurldecode($uri->basename())); $media_file = $parsed_url['path']; // if this is a media object, try actions first if (isset($media[$media_file])) { /** @var Medium $medium */ $medium = $media[$media_file]; foreach ($uri->query(null, true) as $action => $params) { if (in_array($action, ImageMedium::$magic_actions)) { call_user_func_array([&$medium, $action], explode(',', $params)); } } Utils::download($medium->path(), false); } // unsupported media type, try to download it... if ($uri_extension) { $extension = $uri_extension; } else { if (isset($path_parts['extension'])) { $extension = $path_parts['extension']; } else { $extension = null; } } if ($extension) { $download = true; if (in_array(ltrim($extension, '.'), $config->get('system.media.unsupported_inline_types', []))) { $download = false; } Utils::download($page->path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $uri->basename(), $download); } } } }