'user/plugins/%name%', 'themes' => 'user/themes/%name%', 'skeletons' => 'user/' ]; /** * Creates a new GPM instance with Local and Remote packages available * @param boolean $refresh Applies to Remote Packages only and forces a refetch of data * @param callable $callback Either a function or callback in array notation */ public function __construct($refresh = false, $callback = null) { $this->installed = new Local\Packages(); try { $this->repository = new Remote\Packages($refresh, $callback); $this->grav = new Remote\GravCore($refresh, $callback); } catch (\Exception $e) { } } /** * Return the locally installed packages * * @return Local\Packages */ public function getInstalled() { return $this->installed; } /** * Returns the Locally installable packages * * @param array $list_type_installed * @return array The installed packages */ public function getInstallable($list_type_installed = ['plugins' => true, 'themes' => true]) { $items = ['total' => 0]; foreach ($list_type_installed as $type => $type_installed) { if ($type_installed === false) { continue; } $methodInstallableType = 'getInstalled' . ucfirst($type); $to_install = $this->$methodInstallableType(); $items[$type] = $to_install; $items['total'] += count($to_install); } return $items; } /** * Returns the amount of locally installed packages * @return integer Amount of installed packages */ public function countInstalled() { $installed = $this->getInstalled(); return count($installed['plugins']) + count($installed['themes']); } /** * Return the instance of a specific Package * * @param string $slug The slug of the Package * @return Local\Package The instance of the Package */ public function getInstalledPackage($slug) { if (isset($this->installed['plugins'][$slug])) { return $this->installed['plugins'][$slug]; } if (isset($this->installed['themes'][$slug])) { return $this->installed['themes'][$slug]; } return null; } /** * Return the instance of a specific Plugin * @param string $slug The slug of the Plugin * @return Local\Package The instance of the Plugin */ public function getInstalledPlugin($slug) { return $this->installed['plugins'][$slug]; } /** * Returns the Locally installed plugins * @return Iterator The installed plugins */ public function getInstalledPlugins() { return $this->installed['plugins']; } /** * Checks if a Plugin is installed * @param string $slug The slug of the Plugin * @return boolean True if the Plugin has been installed. False otherwise */ public function isPluginInstalled($slug) { return isset($this->installed['plugins'][$slug]); } public function isPluginInstalledAsSymlink($slug) { return $this->installed['plugins'][$slug]->symlink; } /** * Return the instance of a specific Theme * @param string $slug The slug of the Theme * @return Local\Package The instance of the Theme */ public function getInstalledTheme($slug) { return $this->installed['themes'][$slug]; } /** * Returns the Locally installed themes * @return Iterator The installed themes */ public function getInstalledThemes() { return $this->installed['themes']; } /** * Checks if a Theme is installed * @param string $slug The slug of the Theme * @return boolean True if the Theme has been installed. False otherwise */ public function isThemeInstalled($slug) { return isset($this->installed['themes'][$slug]); } /** * Returns the amount of updates available * @return integer Amount of available updates */ public function countUpdates() { $count = 0; $count += count($this->getUpdatablePlugins()); $count += count($this->getUpdatableThemes()); return $count; } /** * Returns an array of Plugins and Themes that can be updated. * Plugins and Themes are extended with the `available` property that relies to the remote version * @param array $list_type_update specifies what type of package to update * @return array Array of updatable Plugins and Themes. * Format: ['total' => int, 'plugins' => array, 'themes' => array] */ public function getUpdatable($list_type_update = ['plugins' => true, 'themes' => true]) { $items = ['total' => 0]; foreach ($list_type_update as $type => $type_updatable) { if ($type_updatable === false) { continue; } $methodUpdatableType = 'getUpdatable' . ucfirst($type); $to_update = $this->$methodUpdatableType(); $items[$type] = $to_update; $items['total'] += count($to_update); } return $items; } /** * Returns an array of Plugins that can be updated. * The Plugins are extended with the `available` property that relies to the remote version * @return array Array of updatable Plugins */ public function getUpdatablePlugins() { $items = []; $repository = $this->repository['plugins']; // local cache to speed things up if (isset($this->cache[__METHOD__])) { return $this->cache[__METHOD__]; } foreach ($this->installed['plugins'] as $slug => $plugin) { if (!isset($repository[$slug]) || $plugin->symlink || !$plugin->version || $plugin->gpm === false) { continue; } $local_version = $plugin->version ? $plugin->version : 'Unknown'; $remote_version = $repository[$slug]->version; if (version_compare($local_version, $remote_version) < 0) { $repository[$slug]->available = $remote_version; $repository[$slug]->version = $local_version; $repository[$slug]->name = $repository[$slug]->name; $repository[$slug]->type = $repository[$slug]->release_type; $items[$slug] = $repository[$slug]; } } $this->cache[__METHOD__] = $items; return $items; } /** * Get the latest release of a package from the GPM * * @param $package_name * * @return string|null */ public function getLatestVersionOfPackage($package_name) { $repository = $this->repository['plugins']; if (isset($repository[$package_name])) { return $repository[$package_name]->available ?: $repository[$package_name]->version; } //Not a plugin, it's a theme? $repository = $this->repository['themes']; if (isset($repository[$package_name])) { return $repository[$package_name]->available ?: $repository[$package_name]->version; } return null; } /** * Check if a Plugin or Theme is updatable * @param string $slug The slug of the package * @return boolean True if updatable. False otherwise or if not found */ public function isUpdatable($slug) { return $this->isPluginUpdatable($slug) || $this->isThemeUpdatable($slug); } /** * Checks if a Plugin is updatable * @param string $plugin The slug of the Plugin * @return boolean True if the Plugin is updatable. False otherwise */ public function isPluginUpdatable($plugin) { return array_key_exists($plugin, (array)$this->getUpdatablePlugins()); } /** * Returns an array of Themes that can be updated. * The Themes are extended with the `available` property that relies to the remote version * @return array Array of updatable Themes */ public function getUpdatableThemes() { $items = []; $repository = $this->repository['themes']; // local cache to speed things up if (isset($this->cache[__METHOD__])) { return $this->cache[__METHOD__]; } foreach ($this->installed['themes'] as $slug => $plugin) { if (!isset($repository[$slug]) || $plugin->symlink || !$plugin->version || $plugin->gpm === false) { continue; } $local_version = $plugin->version ? $plugin->version : 'Unknown'; $remote_version = $repository[$slug]->version; if (version_compare($local_version, $remote_version) < 0) { $repository[$slug]->available = $remote_version; $repository[$slug]->version = $local_version; $repository[$slug]->type = $repository[$slug]->release_type; $items[$slug] = $repository[$slug]; } } $this->cache[__METHOD__] = $items; return $items; } /** * Checks if a Theme is Updatable * @param string $theme The slug of the Theme * @return boolean True if the Theme is updatable. False otherwise */ public function isThemeUpdatable($theme) { return array_key_exists($theme, (array)$this->getUpdatableThemes()); } /** * Get the release type of a package (stable / testing) * * @param $package_name * * @return string|null */ public function getReleaseType($package_name) { $repository = $this->repository['plugins']; if (isset($repository[$package_name])) { return $repository[$package_name]->release_type; } //Not a plugin, it's a theme? $repository = $this->repository['themes']; if (isset($repository[$package_name])) { return $repository[$package_name]->release_type; } return null; } /** * Returns true if the package latest release is stable * * @param $package_name * * @return boolean */ public function isStableRelease($package_name) { return $this->getReleaseType($package_name) === 'stable'; } /** * Returns true if the package latest release is testing * * @param $package_name * * @return boolean */ public function isTestingRelease($package_name) { $hasTesting = isset($this->getInstalledPackage($package_name)->testing); $testing = $hasTesting ? $this->getInstalledPackage($package_name)->testing : false; return $this->getReleaseType($package_name) === 'testing' || $testing; } /** * Returns a Plugin from the repository * @param string $slug The slug of the Plugin * @return mixed Package if found, NULL if not */ public function getRepositoryPlugin($slug) { return @$this->repository['plugins'][$slug]; } /** * Returns the list of Plugins available in the repository * @return Iterator The Plugins remotely available */ public function getRepositoryPlugins() { return $this->repository['plugins']; } /** * Returns a Theme from the repository * @param string $slug The slug of the Theme * @return mixed Package if found, NULL if not */ public function getRepositoryTheme($slug) { return @$this->repository['themes'][$slug]; } /** * Returns the list of Themes available in the repository * @return Iterator The Themes remotely available */ public function getRepositoryThemes() { return $this->repository['themes']; } /** * Returns the list of Plugins and Themes available in the repository * @return Remote\Packages Available Plugins and Themes * Format: ['plugins' => array, 'themes' => array] */ public function getRepository() { return $this->repository; } /** * Searches for a Package in the repository * @param string $search Can be either the slug or the name * @param bool $ignore_exception True if should not fire an exception (for use in Twig) * @return Remote\Package|bool Package if found, FALSE if not */ public function findPackage($search, $ignore_exception = false) { $search = strtolower($search); $found = $this->getRepositoryTheme($search); if ($found) { return $found; } $found = $this->getRepositoryPlugin($search); if ($found) { return $found; } $themes = $this->getRepositoryThemes(); $plugins = $this->getRepositoryPlugins(); if (!$themes && !$plugins) { if (!is_writable(ROOT_DIR . '/cache/gpm')) { throw new \RuntimeException("The cache/gpm folder is not writable. Please check the folder permissions."); } if ($ignore_exception) { return false; } throw new \RuntimeException("GPM not reachable. Please check your internet connection or check the Grav site is reachable"); } if ($themes) { foreach ($themes as $slug => $theme) { if ($search == $slug || $search == $theme->name) { return $theme; } } } if ($plugins) { foreach ($plugins as $slug => $plugin) { if ($search == $slug || $search == $plugin->name) { return $plugin; } } } return false; } /** * Download the zip package via the URL * * @param $package_file * @param $tmp * @return null|string */ public static function downloadPackage($package_file, $tmp) { $package = parse_url($package_file); $filename = basename($package['path']); if (Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.gpm.official_gpm_only') && $package['host'] !== 'getgrav.org') { throw new \RuntimeException("Only official GPM URLs are allowed. You can modify this behavior in the System configuration."); } $output = Response::get($package_file, []); if ($output) { Folder::mkdir($tmp); file_put_contents($tmp . DS . $filename, $output); return $tmp . DS . $filename; } return null; } /** * Copy the local zip package to tmp * * @param $package_file * @param $tmp * @return null|string */ public static function copyPackage($package_file, $tmp) { $package_file = realpath($package_file); if (file_exists($package_file)) { $filename = basename($package_file); Folder::mkdir($tmp); copy(realpath($package_file), $tmp . DS . $filename); return $tmp . DS . $filename; } return null; } /** * Try to guess the package type from the source files * * @param $source * @return bool|string */ public static function getPackageType($source) { $plugin_regex = '/^class\\s{1,}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,}\\s{1,}extends.+Plugin/m'; $theme_regex = '/^class\\s{1,}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,}\\s{1,}extends.+Theme/m'; if ( file_exists($source . 'system/defines.php') && file_exists($source . 'system/config/system.yaml') ) { return 'grav'; } else { // must have a blueprint if (!file_exists($source . 'blueprints.yaml')) { return false; } // either theme or plugin $name = basename($source); if (Utils::contains($name, 'theme')) { return 'theme'; } elseif (Utils::contains($name, 'plugin')) { return 'plugin'; } foreach (glob($source . "*.php") as $filename) { $contents = file_get_contents($filename); if (preg_match($theme_regex, $contents)) { return 'theme'; } elseif (preg_match($plugin_regex, $contents)) { return 'plugin'; } } // Assume it's a theme return 'theme'; } } /** * Try to guess the package name from the source files * * @param $source * @return bool|string */ public static function getPackageName($source) { $ignore_yaml_files = ['blueprints', 'languages']; foreach (glob($source . "*.yaml") as $filename) { $name = strtolower(basename($filename, '.yaml')); if (in_array($name, $ignore_yaml_files)) { continue; } return $name; } return false; } /** * Find/Parse the blueprint file * * @param $source * @return array|bool */ public static function getBlueprints($source) { $blueprint_file = $source . 'blueprints.yaml'; if (!file_exists($blueprint_file)) { return false; } $blueprint = (array)Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($blueprint_file)); return $blueprint; } /** * Get the install path for a name and a particular type of package * * @param $type * @param $name * @return string */ public static function getInstallPath($type, $name) { $locator = Grav::instance()['locator']; if ($type == 'theme') { $install_path = $locator->findResource('themes://', false) . DS . $name; } else { $install_path = $locator->findResource('plugins://', false) . DS . $name; } return $install_path; } /** * Searches for a list of Packages in the repository * @param array $searches An array of either slugs or names * @return array Array of found Packages * Format: ['total' => int, 'not_found' => array, ] */ public function findPackages($searches = []) { $packages = ['total' => 0, 'not_found' => []]; $inflector = new Inflector(); foreach ($searches as $search) { $repository = ''; // if this is an object, get the search data from the key if (is_object($search)) { $search = (array)$search; $key = key($search); $repository = $search[$key]; $search = $key; } $found = $this->findPackage($search); if ($found) { // set override repository if provided if ($repository) { $found->override_repository = $repository; } if (!isset($packages[$found->package_type])) { $packages[$found->package_type] = []; } $packages[$found->package_type][$found->slug] = $found; $packages['total']++; } else { // make a best guess at the type based on the repo URL if (Utils::contains($repository, '-theme')) { $type = 'themes'; } else { $type = 'plugins'; } $not_found = new \stdClass(); $not_found->name = $inflector->camelize($search); $not_found->slug = $search; $not_found->package_type = $type; $not_found->install_path = str_replace('%name%', $search, $this->install_paths[$type]); $not_found->override_repository = $repository; $packages['not_found'][$search] = $not_found; } } return $packages; } /** * Return the list of packages that have the passed one as dependency * * @param string $slug The slug name of the package * * @return array */ public function getPackagesThatDependOnPackage($slug) { $plugins = $this->getInstalledPlugins(); $themes = $this->getInstalledThemes(); $packages = array_merge($plugins->toArray(), $themes->toArray()); $dependent_packages = []; foreach ($packages as $package_name => $package) { if (isset($package['dependencies'])) { foreach ($package['dependencies'] as $dependency) { if (is_array($dependency)) { $dependency = array_keys($dependency)[0]; } if ($dependency == $slug) { $dependent_packages[] = $package_name; } } } } return $dependent_packages; } /** * Get the required version of a dependency of a package * * @param $package_slug * @param $dependency_slug * * @return mixed */ public function getVersionOfDependencyRequiredByPackage($package_slug, $dependency_slug) { $dependencies = $this->getInstalledPackage($package_slug)->dependencies; foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { if (isset($dependency[$dependency_slug])) { return $dependency[$dependency_slug]; } } return null; } /** * Check the package identified by $slug can be updated to the version passed as argument. * Thrown an exception if it cannot be updated because another package installed requires it to be at an older version. * * @param string $slug * @param string $version_with_operator * @param array $ignore_packages_list * * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function checkNoOtherPackageNeedsThisDependencyInALowerVersion( $slug, $version_with_operator, $ignore_packages_list ) { // check if any of the currently installed package need this in a lower version than the one we need. In case, abort and tell which package $dependent_packages = $this->getPackagesThatDependOnPackage($slug); $version = $this->calculateVersionNumberFromDependencyVersion($version_with_operator); if (count($dependent_packages)) { foreach ($dependent_packages as $dependent_package) { $other_dependency_version_with_operator = $this->getVersionOfDependencyRequiredByPackage($dependent_package, $slug); $other_dependency_version = $this->calculateVersionNumberFromDependencyVersion($other_dependency_version_with_operator); // check version is compatible with the one needed by the current package if ($this->versionFormatIsNextSignificantRelease($other_dependency_version_with_operator)) { $compatible = $this->checkNextSignificantReleasesAreCompatible($version, $other_dependency_version); if (!$compatible) { if (!in_array($dependent_package, $ignore_packages_list)) { throw new \Exception("Package $slug is required in an older version by package $dependent_package. This package needs a newer version, and because of this it cannot be installed. The $dependent_package package must be updated to use a newer release of $slug.", 2); } } } } } return true; } /** * Check the passed packages list can be updated * * @param $packages_names_list * * @throws \Exception */ public function checkPackagesCanBeInstalled($packages_names_list) { foreach ($packages_names_list as $package_name) { $this->checkNoOtherPackageNeedsThisDependencyInALowerVersion($package_name, $this->getLatestVersionOfPackage($package_name), $packages_names_list); } } /** * Fetch the dependencies, check the installed packages and return an array with * the list of packages with associated an information on what to do: install, update or ignore. * * `ignore` means the package is already installed and can be safely left as-is. * `install` means the package is not installed and must be installed. * `update` means the package is already installed and must be updated as a dependency needs a higher version. * * @param array $packages * * @return mixed * @throws \Exception */ public function getDependencies($packages) { $dependencies = $this->calculateMergedDependenciesOfPackages($packages); foreach ($dependencies as $dependency_slug => $dependencyVersionWithOperator) { if (in_array($dependency_slug, $packages)) { unset($dependencies[$dependency_slug]); continue; } //First, check for Grav dependency. If a dependency requires Grav > the current version, abort and tell. if ($dependency_slug == 'grav') { if (version_compare($this->calculateVersionNumberFromDependencyVersion($dependencyVersionWithOperator), GRAV_VERSION) === 1 ) { //Needs a Grav update first throw new \Exception("One of the packages require Grav " . $dependencies['grav'] . ". Please update Grav to the latest release."); } else { unset($dependencies[$dependency_slug]); continue; } } if ($this->isPluginInstalled($dependency_slug)) { if ($this->isPluginInstalledAsSymlink($dependency_slug)) { unset($dependencies[$dependency_slug]); continue; } $dependencyVersion = $this->calculateVersionNumberFromDependencyVersion($dependencyVersionWithOperator); // get currently installed version $locator = Grav::instance()['locator']; $blueprints_path = $locator->findResource('plugins://' . $dependency_slug . DS . 'blueprints.yaml'); $package_yaml = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($blueprints_path)); $currentlyInstalledVersion = $package_yaml['version']; // if requirement is next significant release, check is compatible with currently installed version, might not be if ($this->versionFormatIsNextSignificantRelease($dependencyVersionWithOperator)) { if ($this->firstVersionIsLower($dependencyVersion, $currentlyInstalledVersion)) { $compatible = $this->checkNextSignificantReleasesAreCompatible($dependencyVersion, $currentlyInstalledVersion); if (!$compatible) { throw new \Exception('Dependency ' . $dependency_slug . ' is required in an older version than the one installed. This package must be updated. Please get in touch with its developer.', 2); } } } //if I already have the latest release, remove the dependency $latestRelease = $this->getLatestVersionOfPackage($dependency_slug); if ($this->firstVersionIsLower($latestRelease, $dependencyVersion)) { //throw an exception if a required version cannot be found in the GPM yet throw new \Exception('Dependency ' . $package_yaml['name'] . ' is required in version ' . $dependencyVersion . ' which is higher than the latest release, ' . $latestRelease . '. Try running `bin/gpm -f index` to force a refresh of the GPM cache', 1); } if ($this->firstVersionIsLower($currentlyInstalledVersion, $dependencyVersion)) { $dependencies[$dependency_slug] = 'update'; } else { if ($currentlyInstalledVersion == $latestRelease) { unset($dependencies[$dependency_slug]); } else { // an update is not strictly required mark as 'ignore' $dependencies[$dependency_slug] = 'ignore'; } } } else { $dependencyVersion = $this->calculateVersionNumberFromDependencyVersion($dependencyVersionWithOperator); // if requirement is next significant release, check is compatible with latest available version, might not be if ($this->versionFormatIsNextSignificantRelease($dependencyVersionWithOperator)) { $latestVersionOfPackage = $this->getLatestVersionOfPackage($dependency_slug); if ($this->firstVersionIsLower($dependencyVersion, $latestVersionOfPackage)) { $compatible = $this->checkNextSignificantReleasesAreCompatible($dependencyVersion, $latestVersionOfPackage); if (!$compatible) { throw new \Exception('Dependency ' . $dependency_slug . ' is required in an older version than the latest release available, and it cannot be installed. This package must be updated. Please get in touch with its developer.', 2); } } } $dependencies[$dependency_slug] = 'install'; } } $dependencies_slugs = array_keys($dependencies); $this->checkNoOtherPackageNeedsTheseDependenciesInALowerVersion(array_merge($packages, $dependencies_slugs)); return $dependencies; } public function checkNoOtherPackageNeedsTheseDependenciesInALowerVersion($dependencies_slugs) { foreach ($dependencies_slugs as $dependency_slug) { $this->checkNoOtherPackageNeedsThisDependencyInALowerVersion($dependency_slug, $this->getLatestVersionOfPackage($dependency_slug), $dependencies_slugs); } } private function firstVersionIsLower($firstVersion, $secondVersion) { return version_compare($firstVersion, $secondVersion) == -1; } /** * Calculates and merges the dependencies of a package * * @param string $packageName The package information * * @param array $dependencies The dependencies array * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ private function calculateMergedDependenciesOfPackage($packageName, $dependencies) { $packageData = $this->findPackage($packageName); //Check for dependencies if (isset($packageData->dependencies)) { foreach ($packageData->dependencies as $dependency) { $current_package_name = $dependency['name']; if (isset($dependency['version'])) { $current_package_version_information = $dependency['version']; } if (!isset($dependencies[$current_package_name])) { // Dependency added for the first time if (!isset($current_package_version_information)) { $dependencies[$current_package_name] = '*'; } else { $dependencies[$current_package_name] = $current_package_version_information; } //Factor in the package dependencies too $dependencies = $this->calculateMergedDependenciesOfPackage($current_package_name, $dependencies); } else { // Dependency already added by another package //if this package requires a version higher than the currently stored one, store this requirement instead if (isset($current_package_version_information) && $current_package_version_information !== '*') { $currently_stored_version_information = $dependencies[$current_package_name]; $currently_stored_version_number = $this->calculateVersionNumberFromDependencyVersion($currently_stored_version_information); $currently_stored_version_is_in_next_significant_release_format = false; if ($this->versionFormatIsNextSignificantRelease($currently_stored_version_information)) { $currently_stored_version_is_in_next_significant_release_format = true; } if (!$currently_stored_version_number) { $currently_stored_version_number = '*'; } $current_package_version_number = $this->calculateVersionNumberFromDependencyVersion($current_package_version_information); if (!$current_package_version_number) { throw new \Exception('Bad format for version of dependency ' . $current_package_name . ' for package ' . $packageName, 1); } $current_package_version_is_in_next_significant_release_format = false; if ($this->versionFormatIsNextSignificantRelease($current_package_version_information)) { $current_package_version_is_in_next_significant_release_format = true; } //If I had stored '*', change right away with the more specific version required if ($currently_stored_version_number === '*') { $dependencies[$current_package_name] = $current_package_version_information; } else { if (!$currently_stored_version_is_in_next_significant_release_format && !$current_package_version_is_in_next_significant_release_format) { //Comparing versions equals or higher, a simple version_compare is enough if (version_compare($currently_stored_version_number, $current_package_version_number) == -1 ) { //Current package version is higher $dependencies[$current_package_name] = $current_package_version_information; } } else { $compatible = $this->checkNextSignificantReleasesAreCompatible($currently_stored_version_number, $current_package_version_number); if (!$compatible) { throw new \Exception('Dependency ' . $current_package_name . ' is required in two incompatible versions', 2); } } } } } } } return $dependencies; } /** * Calculates and merges the dependencies of the passed packages * * @param array $packages * * @return mixed * @throws \Exception */ public function calculateMergedDependenciesOfPackages($packages) { $dependencies = []; foreach ($packages as $package) { $dependencies = $this->calculateMergedDependenciesOfPackage($package, $dependencies); } return $dependencies; } /** * Returns the actual version from a dependency version string. * Examples: * $versionInformation == '~2.0' => returns '2.0' * $versionInformation == '>=2.0.2' => returns '2.0.2' * $versionInformation == '2.0.2' => returns '2.0.2' * $versionInformation == '*' => returns null * $versionInformation == '' => returns null * * @param string $version * * @return null|string */ public function calculateVersionNumberFromDependencyVersion($version) { if ($version == '*') { return null; } elseif ($version == '') { return null; } elseif ($this->versionFormatIsNextSignificantRelease($version)) { return substr($version, 1); } elseif ($this->versionFormatIsEqualOrHigher($version)) { return substr($version, 2); } else { return $version; } } /** * Check if the passed version information contains next significant release (tilde) operator * * Example: returns true for $version: '~2.0' * * @param $version * * @return bool */ public function versionFormatIsNextSignificantRelease($version) { return substr($version, 0, 1) == '~'; } /** * Check if the passed version information contains equal or higher operator * * Example: returns true for $version: '>=2.0' * * @param $version * * @return bool */ public function versionFormatIsEqualOrHigher($version) { return substr($version, 0, 2) == '>='; } /** * Check if two releases are compatible by next significant release * * ~1.2 is equivalent to >=1.2 <2.0.0 * ~1.2.3 is equivalent to >=1.2.3 <1.3.0 * * In short, allows the last digit specified to go up * * @param string $version1 the version string (e.g. '2.0.0' or '1.0') * @param string $version2 the version string (e.g. '2.0.0' or '1.0') * * @return bool */ public function checkNextSignificantReleasesAreCompatible($version1, $version2) { $version1array = explode('.', $version1); $version2array = explode('.', $version2); if (count($version1array) > count($version2array)) { list($version1array, $version2array) = [$version2array, $version1array]; } $i = 0; while ($i < count($version1array) - 1) { if ($version1array[$i] != $version2array[$i]) { return false; } $i++; } return true; } }