PHP Connector for the FCKeditor v2 File Manager Written By Grant French, Sept 2004 - FCK Editor - Written By Frederico Caldeira Knabben Icons supplied for file types from everaldo - Permissions fix for upload.cgu and fix for thumbnail background colour by - Ben Lancaster ( !!PLEASE READ THROUGH THIS README *BEFORE* CRYING FOR HELP!! NOTES: ------ This software is provided as is with no guarantees or warranties what so ever. It has been proven to work under the following setups (many other should work):- PHP 4.3.x / Apache 1.3.x (FreeBSD/WinXP Pro/OpenBSD) PHP 5.x / Apache 2.x (Linux) Reported to work under IIS with minor alterations. (Manually define $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and dont use the upload cgi) !!! if you specify the relative path of the connector in the fckconfig.js file you may experience some unusual behaviour mainly in firefox, like the resource list failing to refresh. To avoid this specify the absolute path of the connector. CONNECTOR CONFIGURATION ----------------------- /FCKeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/mcpuk/connectors/php/config.php The config.php file contains most of the configuration options for the connector, the file is fully commented, so please take a look through it. Most commonly asked question: Can i put the userfiles outside the FCKeditor folder? The answer is yes, the folder containing all users files is setup be default to be /UserFiles this can be changed to anything you like, such as /userdata/editorfiles this is done by editing the $fckphp_config['UserFilesPath'] directive in the config.php file for the connector FILE & FOLDER SETUP: -------------------- 1. Create the user files folder (set in the config.php) NOTE: you no longer need to create the Image/File/Media/Flash folders if you are using the 'Authentication' option in the connector. If you are not using the 'Authentication' option then you must create the Image File Media and Flash folders in the user files folder. 2. The user files folder must all be chmodded to 0777 (a+wrx) Upload Progress (Optional) - Rather Buggy ----------------------------------------- You may move the filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/Commands/helpers/upload.cgi , filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/Commands/helpers/progress.cgi and filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/Commands/helpers/header.cgi to you cgi-bin folder or set the settings on the folder to allow these to be executed, check the first line in each of these files to check that the path to perl is correct for your setup. Open the header.cgi file, check and modify settings as required. If you have moved these files adjust the path to them in the fckconfig lines as specified above and the path the progress.cgi in the config.php file (see below) FINAL NOTE: ----------- 1. Limited support will be provided by email as and when i have time. 2. If you have any ideas share them either by mailing me or in the forum for the fckeditor ( 3. Enjoy LICENSE: -------- LGPL - Lesser General Public License (see LICENSE.txt file)