4-Who is the true Jesus?
Shabir Ally vs. Jay Smith

3-Who is God and Jesus in the bible?
Shabir Ally and Prof. Anthony

2-Who is the true Jesus,
Jesus of the Bible or Jesus of the Quran
Shabir Ally vs. Dr. Willam Lane Craig

5-Concept of God in Christianity and Islam
Shabir Ally vs. Dr. Willam Lane Craig

1-Jesus in Christianity And Islam
Which Account Is Historically Correct?
Shabir Ally vs. Tony Costa

6-Christianity Explained
Shabir Ally

6-Did Jesus of Nazareth Physically Rise From the Dead?
Shabir Ally vs. Dr. William Lane Craig

Did Jesus die for the sins of the world?
Shabir Ally & C.J.Forward

Which book is the word of God
the Bible or the Qur'an?
Shabir Ally vs. Jay smith

2-( Q & A Session )
Jesus in Christianity and Islam
Shabir Ally vs. Tony Costa

Similarities and differences
between Islam and Christianity
Shabir Ally vs. Jay smith

Was Paul the founder of Christianity?
Shabir Ally and Dr. V.George Shillington