The anger boosts the pain
It makes me feel so uncertain
The confusion stir up the agitation
And It hurts when I am agonizing
Feels like a mind attacking stab
I’m immediately falling back
When I feel the pain is rising up
These corrosive stabs are unpredictable
This is the inner destruction
And the fear is exposed once to often
The feeling got punched and bind
When the pain is taking over my mind
Compressing the hate to create a wall
This disarray is discharging me
this torture is disrupting everything
Its essential to diminish the concussion
Building up an inside defense
Preparing for what the pain will do
Getting ready for the final offenses
Trying to evade from the mind takeover

Hating and fear the dust of the darkness
Tearing down the memories of love and peace
Tired of thinking about all the misery
Stop imagining about sincerity and truth