'; system('wget'.$game.'.zip'); echo 'aseco'.$game.'.zip downloaded...
'; echo 'Aseco install...
'; system('unzip aseco'.$game.'.zip'); echo '
Aseco installed...
'; //Configs schreiben //LocalDatabase.xml erstellen echo 'creating localdatabase.xml...
'; $localdat = "localdatabase.xml"; $localdata = ' '.$MYSQL_HOST.' '.$MYSQL_USER.' '.$MYSQL_PASS.' '.$MYSQL_DATABASE.' true {#server}>> {#record}You secured your local {#highlite}{1}{#record}. place with a time of {#highlite}{2}{#record}! {#server}>> {#highlite}{1}{#record} claimed the {#highlite}{3}{#record}. Local Record rank ({#highlite}{2}{#record})! {#server}>> {#highlite}{1}{#record} took the {#highlite}{3}{#record}. Local Record with a time of {#highlite}{2}{#record}! '; $lfp=fopen($localdat,"w"); fwrite($lfp,$localdata); echo 'localdatabase.xml created...
'; fclose($lfp); //Aseco.sh schreiben echo 'creating Aseco.sh...
'; $asecodat = "Aseco.sh"; $asecodata = ''.$phppath.' aseco.php TMN aseco.log 2>&1 &'; $afp=fopen($asecodat,"w"); fwrite($afp,$asecodata); echo 'Aseco.sh created...
'; fclose($afp); //Config.xml erstellen echo 'creating config.xml...
'; $asecodat= "config.xml"; $aseco = ' '.$alogin.' $f00$i $fa0 $0f3 $39f $ff0 $fff $f00 $ff0$i {#server}*** Aseco {#highlite}v{1}{#server} running on {#highlite}{2}{#server}:{#highlite}{3}{#server} *** {#welcome}Welcome {#highlite}{1}{#welcome}{br}This server uses {#highlite}Aseco v{2}{#welcome} to manage your records.{br}{br}For more details visit {#highlite}www.tmbase.de{#welcome}! {#server}>> {#record}You secured your {#highlite}{1}{#record}. place with a time of {#highlite}{2}{#record}! {#server}>> {#highlite}{1}{#record} claimed the {#highlite}{3}{#record}. World Record rank ({#highlite}{2}{#record})! {#server}>> {#highlite}{1}{#record} took the {#highlite}{3}{#record}. World Record with a time of {#highlite}{2}{#record}! {#server}>> {#message}Current record on {#highlite}{1}{#message} is {#highlite}{2}{#message} and held by {#highlite}{3} {#server}>> {#message}Currently no record on {#highlite}{1}{#message} ... {#server}>> {#error}Could not get records from database... No records this round! {#server}>> {#message}Record rankings after this round: {#highlite}{1}{#message}.{#highlite}{2}{#message}[{#highlite}{3}{#message}], {#server}>> {#message}Record rankings after this round: no records! False 60 SuperAdmin SuperAdmin '.$xport.' '; $afp=fopen($asecodat,"w"); fwrite($afp,$aseco); echo 'config.xml created...
'; fclose($afp); //Datenbank (anlegen) mit tabellen füllen @mysql_connect($MYSQL_HOST, $MYSQL_USER, $MYSQL_PASS) or die (mysql_error()); mysql_query('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS '.$MYSQL_DATABASE.'') or die(system('../backchange/all.sh')); mysql_select_db(''.$MYSQL_DATABASE.'') or die(system('../backchange/all.sh')); mysql_query('CREATE TABLE `challenges` ( `Id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Uid` varchar(27) NOT NULL default \'\', `Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default \'\', `Author` varchar(30) NOT NULL default \'\', `Environment` varchar(15) NOT NULL default \'\', PRIMARY KEY (`Id`), UNIQUE KEY `Uid` (`Uid`)' ); mysql_query('CREATE TABLE `players` ( `Id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Login` varchar(50) NOT NULL default \'\', `Game` varchar(3) NOT NULL default \'\', `NickName` varchar(50) NOT NULL default \'\', `Nation` varchar(3) NOT NULL default \'\', `UpdatedAt` datetime NOT NULL default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\', `Wins` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', `TimePlayed` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', PRIMARY KEY (`Id`), UNIQUE KEY `Login` (`Login`), KEY `Game` (`Game`))' ); mysql_query('CREATE TABLE `records` ( `Id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `ChallengeId` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', `PlayerId` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', `Score` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', `Date` datetime NOT NULL default \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\', PRIMARY KEY (`Id`), UNIQUE KEY `ChallengeId` (`ChallengeId`,`PlayerId`))' ); mysql_query('CREATE TABLE `votes` ( `Id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Score` smallint(6) NOT NULL default \'0\', `PlayerId` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', `ChallengeId` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', PRIMARY KEY (`Id`), UNIQUE KEY `PlayerId` (`PlayerId`,`ChallengeId`), KEY `ChallengeId` (`ChallengeId`)))' ); mysql_query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rs_karma` ( `Id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Score` smallint(6) NOT NULL default \'0\', `PlayerId` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', `ChallengeId` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', PRIMARY KEY (`Id`), UNIQUE KEY `PlayerId` (`PlayerId`,`ChallengeId`), KEY `ChallengeId` (`ChallengeId`) ) TYPE=MyISAM;' ); mysql_query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rs_rank` ( `playerID` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', `avg` float NOT NULL default \'0\', KEY `playerID` (`playerID`) ) TYPE=MyISAM;' ); mysql_query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rs_times` ( `ID` mediumint(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `playerID` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', `trackID` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', `score` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default \'0\', `date` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default \'0\', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) TYPE=MyISAM;' ); include 'server.php'; ?>