All the graduates of the art academy in the Hague will expose their work at the Workshop Gallery at the Uilenbomen 66 in Den Haag.The exhibition will be from september the eleventh till september the eighteenth. Opening hours are: monday till friday from 15-19.00 and saturday and sunday from 13-18.00. If you want to be there after the openeninghours you can call: 0707324156.
De Fotoprijs
I am nominated for the Fotoprijs Verbond van Verzekeraars/Nikon. This is a photography price for new photographers. At different art academies students are selected for this price. The exhibition will be from the tenth of august till the tenth of september at the Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam. The prizegiving will be saturday evening the eleventh at nine o'clock. Everybody is welcome.
I'm graduated!
Eachmagazine is online! www.eachmagazine.com
From june 13 till june 20 the Royal Academie of Arts will have their doors open public. In this exhibition the work of students in their final year will be exposed. From monday till saturday from 13-19.00 and saturday en sunday from 13-18.00.
Kijk op www.eindexamenkabk.nl
I am working on a project for the Zuidplas Polder, an area between Zoetermeer, Gouda and Nieuwe Kerk a/d IJssel. This is an area that will change a lot in the next years. I'm making a series of glastuinbouw and it's functionalism.