De tekst links van dit venster zijn willekeurige regels van William Shakespeare.
Cold. and eye's moiety.
Cold. and eye's moiety. And by elements are to lose. Grows with base of many maiden virtue rudely strumpeted. Save breed. In happy hours. He. nor white. As on tempests and they see my heart. Muse; I all those parts that able spirit a joy delights to show it finds a willing loan; That's for compound sweet; forgoing simple truth in every blessed key. And doing me your decay With a worthier pen; Him have err'd. Doth follow that she hath her blood; Make him that plea deny. But. love doth lie. And all to tell me in it was. Which he robs from that shall you have no farther than when in thee in the dull flesh--in his shade. Where I never shaken; It deem For that long year would bar. Without all the lonely youth. Potions have of the ill. With true needing. To thyself outgoing in your sweet self alone. Only me be forgot. Although in my brain Full of time; For their masked buds of this vile esteem'd1