New Installation

osCommerce Configuration

A test connection made to the database was NOT successful.

The error message returned is:

Please click on the Back button below to review your database server settings.

If you require help with your database server settings, please consult your hosting company.



The following error has occurred:

The configuration files do not exist, or permission levels are not set.

Please perform the following actions:
  • cd includes/
  • touch configure.php
  • chmod 706 configure.php
  • cd admin/includes/
  • touch configure.php
  • chmod 706 configure.php

If chmod 706 does not work, please try chmod 777.

If you are running this installation procedure under a Microsoft Windows environment, try renaming the existing configuration file so a new file can be created.


'; $fp = fopen($dir_fs_document_root . 'includes/configure.php', 'w'); fputs($fp, $file_contents); fclose($fp); $file_contents = ''; $fp = fopen($dir_fs_document_root . 'admin/includes/configure.php', 'w'); fputs($fp, $file_contents); fclose($fp); ?>
The configuration was successful!


Catalog Administration Tool