Specials Notes:
- You can enter a percentage to deduct in the Specials Price field, for example: 20%
- If you enter a new price, the decimal separator must be a \'.\' (decimal-point), example: 49.99
- Leave the expiry date empty for no expiration
define('TEXT_INFO_DATE_ADDED', 'Date Added:');
define('TEXT_INFO_LAST_MODIFIED', 'Last Modified:');
define('TEXT_INFO_NEW_PRICE', 'New Price:');
define('TEXT_INFO_ORIGINAL_PRICE', 'Original Price:');
define('TEXT_INFO_PERCENTAGE', 'Percentage:');
define('TEXT_INFO_EXPIRES_DATE', 'Expires At:');
define('TEXT_INFO_STATUS_CHANGE', 'Status Change:');
define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_DELETE_SPECIALS', 'Delete Special');
define('TEXT_INFO_DELETE_INTRO', 'Are you sure you want to delete the special products price?');