(after unpacking the file from the archive)');
define('TEXT_INFO_RESTORE', 'Do not interrupt the restoration process.
The larger the backup, the longer this process takes!
If possible, use the mysql client.
For example:
mysql -h' . DB_SERVER . ' -u' . DB_SERVER_USERNAME . ' -p ' . DB_DATABASE . ' < %s %s');
define('TEXT_INFO_RESTORE_LOCAL', 'Do not interrupt the restoration process.
The larger the backup, the longer this process takes!');
define('TEXT_INFO_RESTORE_LOCAL_RAW_FILE', 'The file uploaded must be a raw sql (text) file.');
define('TEXT_INFO_DATE', 'Date:');
define('TEXT_INFO_SIZE', 'Size:');
define('TEXT_INFO_COMPRESSION', 'Compression:');
define('TEXT_INFO_USE_GZIP', 'Use GZIP');
define('TEXT_INFO_USE_ZIP', 'Use ZIP');
define('TEXT_INFO_USE_NO_COMPRESSION', 'No Compression (Pure SQL)');
define('TEXT_INFO_DOWNLOAD_ONLY', 'Download only (do not store server side)');
define('TEXT_INFO_BEST_THROUGH_HTTPS', 'Best through a HTTPS connection');
define('TEXT_DELETE_INTRO', 'Are you sure you want to delete this backup?');
define('TEXT_NO_EXTENSION', 'None');
define('TEXT_BACKUP_DIRECTORY', 'Backup Directory:');
define('TEXT_LAST_RESTORATION', 'Last Restoration:');
define('TEXT_FORGET', '(forget)');
define('ERROR_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST', 'Error: Backup directory does not exist. Please set this in configure.php.');
define('ERROR_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITEABLE', 'Error: Backup directory is not writeable.');
define('ERROR_DOWNLOAD_LINK_NOT_ACCEPTABLE', 'Error: Download link not acceptable.');
define('SUCCESS_LAST_RESTORE_CLEARED', 'Success: The last restoration date has been cleared.');
define('SUCCESS_DATABASE_SAVED', 'Success: The database has been saved.');
define('SUCCESS_DATABASE_RESTORED', 'Success: The database has been restored.');
define('SUCCESS_BACKUP_DELETED', 'Success: The backup has been removed.');