Fatal error: $error_message
function DrawError($error_message) {
// prints the error message inline into
// the generated image
if (($this->img) == "") { $this->InitImage(); } ;
$ypos = $this->image_height/2;
if ($this->use_ttf == 1) {
ImageRectangle($this->img, 0,0,$this->image_width,$this->image_height,ImageColorAllocate($this->img,255,255,255));
ImageTTFText($this->img, $this->small_ttffont_size, 0, $xpos, $ypos, ImageColorAllocate($this->img,0,0,0), $this->axis_ttffont, $error_message);
} else {
ImageRectangle($this->img, 0,0,$this->image_width,$this->image_height,ImageColorAllocate($this->img,255,255,255));
ImageString($this->img, $this->small_font,1,$ypos,$error_message, ImageColorAllocate($this->img,0,0,0));
return true;
function TTFBBoxSize($size, $angle, $font, $string) {
//Assume angle < 90
$arr = ImageTTFBBox($size, 0, $font, $string);
$flat_width = $arr[0] - $arr[2];
$flat_height = abs($arr[3] - $arr[5]);
// for 90deg:
// $height = $arr[5] - $arr[7];
// $width = $arr[2] - $arr[4];
$angle = deg2rad($angle);
$width = ceil(abs($flat_width*cos($angle) + $flat_height*sin($angle))); //Must be integer
$height = ceil(abs($flat_width*sin($angle) + $flat_height*cos($angle))); //Must be integer
return array($width, $height);
function SetXLabelHeight() {
if ($this->use_ttf == 1) {
//Space for the X Label
$size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->x_label_ttffont_size, 0, $this->axis_ttffont, $this->x_label_txt);
$tmp = $size[1];
//$string = Str_Repeat('w', $this->x_datalabel_maxlength);
$i = 0;
$string = '';
while ($i < $this->x_datalabel_maxlength) {
$string .= 'w';
//Space for the axis data labels
$size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->axis_ttffont_size, $this->x_datalabel_angle, $this->axis_ttffont, $string);
$this->x_label_height = 2*$tmp + $size[1] + 4;
} else {
//For Non-TTF fonts we can have only angles 0 or 90
if ($this->x_datalabel_angle == 90) {
$this->x_label_height = $this->x_datalabel_maxlength * ImageFontWidth($this->small_font) / 1.5;
} else {
$this->x_label_height = 5 * ImageFontHeight($this->small_font);
return true;
} //function SetXLabelHeight
function SetYLabelWidth() {
//$ylab = sprintf("%6.1f %s",$i,$si_units[0]); //use for PHP2 compatibility
//the "." is for space. It isn't actually printed
$ylab = number_format($this->max_y, $this->y_precision, ".", ",") . $this->si_units . ".";
if ($this->use_ttf == 1) {
$size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->axis_ttffont_size, 0, $this->axis_ttffont, $ylab);
} else {
$size[0] = StrLen($ylab) * $this->small_font_width * .6;
$this->y_label_width = $size[0] * 2;
//echo "SYLW: $this->y_label_width
return true;
function SetEqualXCoord() {
//for plots that have equally spaced x variables and multiple bars per x-point.
$space = ($this->plot_area[2] - $this->plot_area[0]) / ($this->number_x_points * 2) * $this->group_frac_width;
$group_width = $space * 2;
$bar_width = $group_width / $this->records_per_group;
//I think that eventually this space variable will be replaced by just graphing x.
$this->data_group_space = $space;
$this->record_bar_width = $bar_width;
return true;
function SetLabelScalePosition($which_blp) {
//0 to 1
$this->label_scale_position = $which_blp;
return true;
function SetErrorBarSize($which_ebs) {
//in pixels
$this->error_bar_size = $which_ebs;
return true;
function SetErrorBarShape($which_ebs) {
//in pixels
$this->error_bar_shape = $which_ebs;
return true;
function SetPointShape($which_pt) {
//in pixels
$this->point_shape = $which_pt;
return true;
function SetPointSize($which_ps) {
//in pixels
$this->point_size = $which_ps;
if ($this->point_shape == "diamond" or $this->point_shape == "triangle") {
if ($this->point_size % 2 != 0) {
return true;
function SetDataType($which_dt) {
//The next three lines are for past compatibility.
if ($which_dt == "text-linear") { $which_dt = "text-data"; };
if ($which_dt == "linear-linear") { $which_dt = "data-data"; };
if ($which_dt == "linear-linear-error") { $which_dt = "data-data-error"; };
$this->data_type = $which_dt; //text-data, data-data, data-data-error
return true;
function SetDataValues($which_dv) {
$this->data_values = $which_dv;
//echo $this->data_values
return true;
function SetRGBArray ($which_color_array) {
if ( is_array($which_color_array) ) {
//User Defined Array
$this->rgb_array = $which_color_array;
return true;
} elseif ($which_color_array == 2) { //Use the small predefined color array
$this->rgb_array = array(
"white" => array(255, 255, 255),
"snow" => array(255, 250, 250),
"PeachPuff" => array(255, 218, 185),
"ivory" => array(255, 255, 240),
"lavender" => array(230, 230, 250),
"black" => array( 0, 0, 0),
"DimGrey" => array(105, 105, 105),
"gray" => array(190, 190, 190),
"grey" => array(190, 190, 190),
"navy" => array( 0, 0, 128),
"SlateBlue" => array(106, 90, 205),
"blue" => array( 0, 0, 255),
"SkyBlue" => array(135, 206, 235),
"cyan" => array( 0, 255, 255),
"DarkGreen" => array( 0, 100, 0),
"green" => array( 0, 255, 0),
"YellowGreen" => array(154, 205, 50),
"yellow" => array(255, 255, 0),
"orange" => array(255, 165, 0),
"gold" => array(255, 215, 0),
"peru" => array(205, 133, 63),
"beige" => array(245, 245, 220),
"wheat" => array(245, 222, 179),
"tan" => array(210, 180, 140),
"brown" => array(165, 42, 42),
"salmon" => array(250, 128, 114),
"red" => array(255, 0, 0),
"pink" => array(255, 192, 203),
"maroon" => array(176, 48, 96),
"magenta" => array(255, 0, 255),
"violet" => array(238, 130, 238),
"plum" => array(221, 160, 221),
"orchid" => array(218, 112, 214),
"purple" => array(160, 32, 240),
"azure1" => array(240, 255, 255),
"aquamarine1" => array(127, 255, 212)
return true;
} elseif ($which_color_array == 1) {
include("./rgb.inc.php"); //Get large $ColorArray
$this->rgb_array = $RGBArray;
} else {
$this->rgb_array = array("white" =>array(255,255,255), "black" => array(0,0,0));
return true;
function SetColor($which_color) {
//obsoleted by SetRGBColor
return true;
function SetIndexColor($which_color) { //Color is passed in as anything
list ($r, $g, $b) = $this->SetRgbColor($which_color); //Translate to RGB
$index = ImageColorExact($this->img, $r, $g, $b);
if ($index == -1) {
//return ImageColorAllocate($this->img, $r, $g, $b);
//return ImageColorClosest($this->img, $r, $g, $b);
return ImageColorResolve($this->img, $r, $g, $b); //requires PHP 3.0.2 and later
} else {
return $index;
function SetTransparentColor($which_color) {
return true;
function SetRgbColor($color_asked) {
//Returns an array in R,G,B format 0-255
if ($color_asked == "") { $color_asked = array(0,0,0); };
if ( count($color_asked) == 3 ) { //already array of 3 rgb
$ret_val = $color_asked;
} else { // is asking for a color by string
if(substr($color_asked,0,1) == "#") { //asking in #FFFFFF format.
$ret_val = array(hexdec(substr($color_asked,1,2)), hexdec(substr($color_asked,3,2)), hexdec(substr($color,5,2)));
} else {
$ret_val = $this->rgb_array[$color_asked];
return $ret_val;
function SetDataColors($which_data,$which_border) {
//Set the data to be displayed in a particular color
if (!$which_data) {
$which_data = array(array(0,255,0),array(0,0,248),'yellow',array(255,0,0),'orange');
$which_border = array('black');
$this->data_color = $which_data; //an array
$this->data_border_color = $which_border; //an array
reset($this->data_color); //data_color can be an array of colors, one for each thing plotted
//while (list(, $col) = each($this->data_color))
$i = 0;
while (list(, $col) = each($which_data)) {
$this->ndx_data_color[$i] = $this->SetIndexColor($col);
// border_color
//If we are also going to put a border on the data (bars, dots, area, ...)
// then lets also set a border color as well.
//foreach($this->data_border_color as $col)
$i = 0;
while (list(, $col) = each($this->data_border_color)) {
$this->ndx_data_border_color[$i] = $this->SetIndexColor($col);
//Set color of the error bars to be that of data if not already set.
if (!$this->error_bar_color) {
return true;
} //function SetDataColors
function SetErrorBarColors($which_data) {
//Set the data to be displayed in a particular color
if ($which_data) {
$this->error_bar_color = $which_data; //an array
reset($this->error_bar_color); //data_color can be an array of colors, one for each thing plotted
$i = 0;
while (list(, $col) = each($this->error_bar_color)) {
$this->ndx_error_bar_color[$i] = $this->SetIndexColor($col);
return true;
return false;
} //function SetErrorBarColors
function DrawPlotBorder() {
switch ($this->plot_border_type) {
case "left" :
ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0],$this->ytr($this->plot_min_y),
case "none":
//Draw No Border
ImageRectangle($this->img, $this->plot_area[0],$this->ytr($this->plot_min_y),
return true;
function SetHorizTickIncrement($which_ti) {
//Use either this or NumHorizTicks to set where to place x tick marks
if ($which_ti) {
$this->horiz_tick_increment = $which_ti; //world coordinates
} else {
if (!$this->max_x) {
$this->FindDataLimits(); //Get maxima and minima for scaling
//$this->horiz_tick_increment = ( ceil($this->max_x * 1.2) - floor($this->min_x * 1.2) )/10;
$this->horiz_tick_increment = ($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x )/10;
$this->num_horiz_ticks = ''; //either use num_vert_ticks or vert_tick_increment, not both
return true;
function SetDrawVertTicks($which_dvt) {
$this->draw_vert_ticks = $which_dvt;
return true;
function SetVertTickIncrement($which_ti) {
//Use either this or NumVertTicks to set where to place y tick marks
if ($which_ti) {
$this->vert_tick_increment = $which_ti; //world coordinates
} else {
if (!$this->max_y) {
$this->FindDataLimits(); //Get maxima and minima for scaling
//$this->vert_tick_increment = ( ceil($this->max_y * 1.2) - floor($this->min_y * 1.2) )/10;
$this->vert_tick_increment = ($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y )/10;
$this->num_vert_ticks = ''; //either use num_vert_ticks or vert_tick_increment, not both
return true;
function SetNumHorizTicks($which_nt) {
$this->num_horiz_ticks = $which_nt;
$this->horiz_tick_increment = ''; //either use num_horiz_ticks or horiz_tick_increment, not both
return true;
function SetNumVertTicks($which_nt) {
$this->num_vert_ticks = $which_nt;
$this->vert_tick_increment = ''; //either use num_vert_ticks or vert_tick_increment, not both
return true;
function SetVertTickPosition($which_tp) {
$this->vert_tick_position = $which_tp; //plotleft, plotright, both, yaxis
return true;
function SetSkipBottomTick($which_sbt) {
$this->skip_bottom_tick = $which_sbt;
return true;
function SetTickLength($which_tl) {
$this->tick_length = $which_tl;
return true;
function DrawYAxis() {
//Draw Line at left side or at this->y_axis_position
if ($this->y_axis_position != "") {
$yaxis_x = $this->xtr($this->y_axis_position);
} else {
$yaxis_x = $this->plot_area[0];
ImageLine($this->img, $yaxis_x, $this->plot_area[1],
$yaxis_x, $this->plot_area[3], $this->ndx_grid_color);
//$yaxis_x, $this->plot_area[3], 9);
if ($this->draw_vert_ticks == 1) {
} //function DrawYAxis
function DrawXAxis() {
//Draw Tick and Label for Y axis
$ylab =$this->FormatYTickLabel($this->x_axis_position);
if ($this->skip_bottom_tick != 1) {
//Draw X Axis at Y=$x_axis_postion
//X Ticks and Labels
if ($this->data_type != 'text-data') { //labels for text-data done at data drawing time for speed.
return true;
function DrawHorizontalTicks() {
//Ticks and lables are drawn on the left border of PlotArea.
//Left Bottom
switch ($this->x_grid_label_type) {
case "title":
$xlab = $this->data_values[0][0];
case "data":
$xlab = number_format($this->plot_min_x,$this->x_precision,".",",") . "$this->si_units";
case "none":
$xlab = '';
case "time": //Time formatting suggested by Marlin Viss
$xlab = strftime($this->x_time_format,$this->plot_min_x);
//Unchanged from whatever format is passed in
$xlab = $this->plot_min_x;
if ($this->x_datalabel_angle == 90) {
$xpos = $this->plot_area[0] - $this->small_font_height/2;
$ypos = ( $this->small_font_width*strlen($xlab) + $this->plot_area[3] + $this->small_font_height);
ImageStringUp($this->img, $this->small_font,$xpos, $ypos, $xlab, $this->ndx_text_color);
} else {
$xpos = $this->plot_area[0] - $this->small_font_width*strlen($xlab)/2 ;
$ypos = $this->plot_area[3] + $this->small_font_height;
ImageString($this->img, $this->small_font,$xpos, $ypos, $xlab, $this->ndx_text_color);
//Will be changed to allow for TTF fonts in data as well.
//$this->DrawText($this->small_font, $this->x_datalabel_angle, $xpos, $ypos, $this->ndx_title_color, '', $xlab);
if ($this->horiz_tick_increment) {
$delta_x = $this->horiz_tick_increment;
} elseif ($this->num_horiz_ticks) {
$delta_x = ($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x) / $this->num_horiz_ticks;
} else {
$delta_x =($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x) / 10 ;
$i = 0;
$x_tmp = $this->plot_min_x;
while ($x_tmp <= $this->plot_max_x){
//$xlab = sprintf("%6.1f %s",$min_x,$si_units[0]); //PHP2 past compatibility
switch ($this->x_grid_label_type) {
case "title":
$xlab = $this->data_values[$x_tmp][0];
case "data":
$xlab = number_format($x_tmp,$this->x_precision,".",",") . "$this->si_units";
case "none":
$xlab = '';
case "time": //Time formatting suggested by Marlin Viss
$xlab = strftime($this->x_time_format,$x_tmp);
//Unchanged from whatever format is passed in
$xlab = $x_tmp;
$x_pixels = $this->xtr($x_tmp);
//Bottom Tick
ImageLine($this->img,$x_pixels,$this->plot_area[3] + $this->tick_length,
$x_pixels,$this->plot_area[3], $this->ndx_tick_color);
//Top Tick
// $y_pixels,$this->xtr($this->plot_max_x)-1,$y_pixels,$this->ndx_tick_color);
if ($this->draw_x_grid == 1) {
$x_pixels,$this->plot_area[3], $this->ndx_light_grid_color);
if ($this->x_datalabel_angle == 90) { //Vertical Code Submitted by Marlin Viss
ImageStringUp($this->img, $this->small_font,
( $x_pixels - $this->small_font_height/2),
( $this->small_font_width*strlen($xlab) + $this->plot_area[3] + $this->small_font_height),$xlab, $this->ndx_text_color);
} else {
ImageString($this->img, $this->small_font,
( $x_pixels - $this->small_font_width*strlen($xlab)/2) ,
( $this->small_font_height + $this->plot_area[3]),$xlab, $this->ndx_text_color);
$x_tmp += $delta_x;
} // function DrawHorizontalTicks
function FormatYTickLabel($which_ylab) {
switch ($this->y_grid_label_type) {
case "data":
$ylab = number_format($which_ylab,$this->y_precision,".",",") . "$this->si_units";
case "none":
$ylab = '';
case "time":
$ylab = strftime($this->y_time_format,$which_ylab);
case "right":
//Make it right aligned
//$ylab = str_pad($which_ylab,$this->y_label_width," ",STR_PAD_LEFT); //PHP4 only
$sstr = "%".strlen($this->plot_max_y)."s";
$ylab = sprintf($sstr,$which_ylab);
//Unchanged from whatever format is passed in
$ylab = $which_ylab;
} //function FormatYTickLabel
function DrawVerticalTick($which_ylab,$which_ypos) { //ylab in world coord.
//Draw Just one Tick, called from DrawVerticalTicks
//Ticks and datalables can be left of plot only, right of plot only,
// both on the left and right of plot, or crossing a user defined Y-axis
//Its faster to draw both left and right ticks at same time
// than first left and then right.
if ($this->y_axis_position != "") {
//Ticks and lables are drawn on the left border of yaxis
$yaxis_x = $this->xtr($this->y_axis_position);
} else {
//Ticks and lables are drawn on the left border of PlotArea.
$yaxis_x = $this->plot_area[0];
$y_pixels = $this->ytr($which_ypos);
//Lines Across the Plot Area
if ($this->draw_y_grid == 1) {
//Ticks to the Left of the Plot Area
if (($this->vert_tick_position == "plotleft") || ($this->vert_tick_position == "both") ) {
$y_pixels, $this->ndx_tick_color);
//Ticks to the Right of the Plot Area
if (($this->vert_tick_position == "plotright") || ($this->vert_tick_position == "both") ) {
//Ticks on the Y Axis
if (($this->vert_tick_position == "yaxis") ) {
ImageLine($this->img,($yaxis_x - $this->tick_length),
//ajo working
//$this->DrawText($this->y_label_ttffont, 0,($yaxis_x - $this->y_label_width - $this->tick_length/2),
// $y_pixels, $this->ndx_text_color, $this->axis_ttffont_size, $which_ylab);
ImageString($this->img, $this->small_font, ($yaxis_x - $this->y_label_width - $this->tick_length/2),
( -($this->small_font_height/2.0) + $y_pixels),$which_ylab, $this->ndx_text_color);
function DrawVerticalTicks() {
if ($this->skip_top_tick != 1) { //If tick increment doesn't hit the top
//Left Top
// $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y),$this->xtr($this->plot_min_x),$this->ytr($this->plot_max_y),$this->ndx_tick_color);
//$ylab = $this->FormatYTickLabel($plot_max_y);
//Right Top
// $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y),$this->xtr($this->plot_max_x-1),$this->ytr($this->plot_max_y),$this->ndx_tick_color);
//Draw Grid Line at Top
if ($this->skip_bottom_tick != 1) {
//Right Bottom
// $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y),$this->xtr($this->plot_max_x),
// $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y),$this->ndx_tick_color);
//Draw Grid Line at Bottom of Plot
// maxy is always > miny so delta_y is always positive
if ($this->vert_tick_increment) {
$delta_y = $this->vert_tick_increment;
} elseif ($this->num_vert_ticks) {
$delta_y = ($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y) / $this->num_vert_ticks;
} else {
$delta_y =($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y) / 10 ;
$y_tmp = $this->plot_min_y;
if ($this->skip_bottom_tick == 1) {
$y_tmp += $delta_y;
while ($y_tmp <= $this->plot_max_y){
//For log plots:
if (($this->yscale_type == "log") && ($this->plot_min_y == 1) &&
($delta_y%10 == 0) && ($y_tmp == $this->plot_min_y)) {
$y_tmp = $y_tmp - 1; //Set first increment to 9 to get: 1,10,20,30,...
$ylab = $this->FormatYTickLabel($y_tmp);
$y_tmp += $delta_y;
return true;
} // function DrawVerticalTicks
function SetTranslation() {
if ($this->xscale_type == "log") {
$this->xscale = ($this->plot_area_width)/(log10($this->plot_max_x) - log10($this->plot_min_x));
} else {
$this->xscale = ($this->plot_area_width)/($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x);
if ($this->yscale_type == "log") {
$this->yscale = ($this->plot_area_height)/(log10($this->plot_max_y) - log10($this->plot_min_y));
} else {
$this->yscale = ($this->plot_area_height)/($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y);
// GD defines x=0 at left and y=0 at TOP so -/+ respectively
if ($this->xscale_type == "log") {
$this->plot_origin_x = $this->plot_area[0] - ($this->xscale * log10($this->plot_min_x) );
} else {
$this->plot_origin_x = $this->plot_area[0] - ($this->xscale * $this->plot_min_x);
if ($this->yscale_type == "log") {
$this->plot_origin_y = $this->plot_area[3] + ($this->yscale * log10($this->plot_min_y));
} else {
$this->plot_origin_y = $this->plot_area[3] + ($this->yscale * $this->plot_min_y);
$this->scale_is_set = 1;
} // function SetTranslation
function xtr($x_world) {
//Translate world coordinates into pixel coordinates
//The pixel coordinates are those of the ENTIRE image, not just the plot_area
//$x_pixels = $this->x_left_margin + ($this->image_width - $this->x_tot_margin)*(($x_world - $this->plot_min_x) / ($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x)) ;
//which with a little bit of math reduces to ...
if ($this->xscale_type == "log") {
$x_pixels = $this->plot_origin_x + log10($x_world) * $this->xscale ;
} else {
$x_pixels = $this->plot_origin_x + $x_world * $this->xscale ;
function ytr($y_world) {
// translate y world coord into pixel coord
if ($this->yscale_type == "log") {
$y_pixels = $this->plot_origin_y - log10($y_world) * $this->yscale ; //minus because GD defines y=0 at top. doh!
} else {
$y_pixels = $this->plot_origin_y - $y_world * $this->yscale ;
return ($y_pixels);
function DrawDataLabel($lab,$x_world,$y_world) {
//Depreciated. Use DrawText Instead.
//Data comes in in WORLD coordinates
//Draw data label near actual data point
//$y = $this->ytr($y_world) ; //in pixels
//$x = $this->xtr($x_world) ;
if ($this->use_ttf) {
$lab_size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->axis_ttffont_size, $this->x_datalabel_angle, $this->axis_ttffont, $lab); //An array
$y = $this->ytr($y_world) - $lab_size[1] ; //in pixels
$x = $this->xtr($x_world) - $lab_size[0]/2;
ImageTTFText($this->img, $this->axis_ttffont_size, $this->x_datalabel_angle, $x, $y, $this->ndx_text_color, $this->axis_ttffont, $lab);
} else {
$lab_size = array($this->small_font_width*StrLen($lab), $this->small_font_height*3);
if ($this->x_datalabel_angle == 90) {
$y = $this->ytr($y_world) - $this->small_font_width*StrLen($lab); //in pixels
$x = $this->xtr($x_world) - $this->small_font_height;
ImageStringUp($this->img, $this->small_font,$x, $y ,$lab, $this->ndx_text_color);
} else {
$y = $this->ytr($y_world) - $this->small_font_height; //in pixels
$x = $this->xtr($x_world) - ($this->small_font_width*StrLen($lab))/2;
ImageString($this->img, $this->small_font,$x, $y ,$lab, $this->ndx_text_color);
function DrawXDataLabel($xlab,$xpos) {
//xpos comes in in PIXELS not in world coordinates.
//Draw an x data label centered at xlab
if ($this->use_ttf) {
$xlab_size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->axis_ttffont_size,
$this->x_datalabel_angle, $this->axis_ttffont, $xlab); //An array
$y = $this->plot_area[3] + $xlab_size[1] + 4; //in pixels
$x = $xpos - $xlab_size[0]/2;
ImageTTFText($this->img, $this->axis_ttffont_size,
$this->x_datalabel_angle, $x, $y, $this->ndx_text_color, $this->axis_ttffont, $xlab);
} else {
$xlab_size = array(ImageFontWidth($this->axis_font)*StrLen($xlab), $this->small_font_height*3);
if ($this->x_datalabel_angle == 90) {
$y = $this->plot_area[3] + ImageFontWidth($this->axis_font)*StrLen($xlab); //in pixels
$x = $xpos - ($this->small_font_height);
ImageStringUp($this->img, $this->axis_font,$x, $y ,$xlab, $this->ndx_text_color);
} else {
$y = $this->plot_area[3] + ImageFontHeight($this->axis_font); //in pixels
$x = $xpos - (ImageFontWidth($this->axis_font)*StrLen($xlab))/2;
ImageString($this->img, $this->axis_font,$x, $y ,$xlab, $this->ndx_text_color);
function DrawPieChart() {
//$pi = '3.14159265358979323846';
$xpos = $this->plot_area[0] + $this->plot_area_width/2;
$ypos = $this->plot_area[1] + $this->plot_area_height/2;
$diameter = (min($this->plot_area_width, $this->plot_area_height)) ;
$radius = $diameter/2;
ImageArc($this->img, $xpos, $ypos, $diameter, $diameter, 0, 360, $this->ndx_grid_color);
$total = 0;
$tmp = $this->number_x_points - 1;
while (list($j, $row) = each($this->data_values)) {
//Get sum of each type
$color_index = 0;
$i = 0;
//foreach ($row as $v)
while (list($k, $v) = each($row)) {
if ($k != 0) {
if ($j == 0) {
$sumarr[$i] = $v;
} elseif ($j < $tmp) {
$sumarr[$i] += $v;
} else {
$sumarr[$i] += $v;
// NOTE! sum > 0 to make pie charts
$sumarr[$i] = abs($sumarr[$i]);
$total += $sumarr[$i];
$color_index = 0;
$start_angle = 0;
$end_angle = 0;
while (list(, $val) = each($sumarr)) {
if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) $color_index=0; //data_color = array
$label_txt = number_format(($val / $total * 100), $this->y_precision, ".", ",") . "%";
$val = 360 * ($val / $total);
$end_angle += $val;
$mid_angle = $end_angle - ($val / 2);
$slicecol = $this->ndx_data_color[$color_index];
//Need this again for FillToBorder
ImageArc($this->img, $xpos, $ypos, $diameter, $diameter, 0, 360, $this->ndx_grid_color);
$out_x = $radius * cos(deg2rad($end_angle));
$out_y = - $radius * sin(deg2rad($end_angle));
$mid_x = $xpos + ($radius/2 * cos(deg2rad($mid_angle))) ;
$mid_y = $ypos + (- $radius/2 * sin(deg2rad($mid_angle)));
$label_x = $xpos + ($radius * cos(deg2rad($mid_angle))) * $this->label_scale_position;
$label_y = $ypos + (- $radius * sin(deg2rad($mid_angle))) * $this->label_scale_position;
$out_x = $xpos + $out_x;
$out_y = $ypos + $out_y;
ImageLine($this->img, $xpos, $ypos, $out_x, $out_y, $this->ndx_grid_color);
//ImageLine($this->img, $xpos, $ypos, $label_x, $label_y, $this->ndx_grid_color);
ImageFillToBorder($this->img, $mid_x, $mid_y, $this->ndx_grid_color, $slicecol);
if ($this->use_ttf) {
ImageTTFText($this->img, $this->axis_ttffont_size, 0, $label_x, $label_y, $this->ndx_grid_color, $this->axis_ttffont, $label_txt);
} else {
ImageString($this->img, $this->small_font, $label_x, $label_y, $label_txt, $this->ndx_grid_color);
$start_angle = $val;
function DrawLinesError() {
//Draw Lines with Error Bars - data comes in as array("title",x,y,error+,error-,y2,error2+,error2-,...);
$start_lines = 0;
while (list(, $row) = each($this->data_values)) {
$color_index = 0;
$i = 0;
while (list($key, $val) = each($row)) {
//echo "$key, $i, $val
if ($key == 0) {
$lab = $val;
} elseif ($key == 1) {
$x_now = $val;
$x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); //Use a bit more memory to save 2N operations.
} elseif ($key%3 == 2) {
$y_now = $val;
$y_now_pixels = $this->ytr($y_now);
//Draw Data Label
if ( $this->draw_data_labels == 1) {
if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) { $color_index=0;};
$barcol = $this->ndx_data_color[$color_index];
$error_barcol = $this->ndx_error_bar_color[$color_index];
//echo "start = $start_lines
if ($start_lines == 1) {
for ($width = 0; $width < $this->line_width; $width++) {
ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels + $width,
$lastx[$i], $lasty[$i] + $width, $barcol);
$lastx[$i] = $x_now_pixels;
$lasty[$i] = $y_now_pixels;
$start_lines = 1;
} elseif ($key%3 == 0) {
} elseif ($key%3 == 1) {
function DrawDotsError() {
//Draw Dots - data comes in as array("title",x,y,error+,error-,y2,error2+,error2-,...);
while (list(, $row) = each($this->data_values)) {
$color_index = 0;
//foreach ($row as $v)
while (list($key, $val) = each($row)) {
if ($key == 0) {
} elseif ($key == 1) {
$xpos = $val;
} elseif ($key%3 == 2) {
if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) $color_index=0;
$barcol = $this->ndx_data_color[$color_index];
$error_barcol = $this->ndx_error_bar_color[$color_index];
$ypos = $val;
} elseif ($key%3 == 0) {
} elseif ($key%3 == 1) {
$mine = $val ;
function DrawDots() {
//Draw Dots - data comes in as array("title",x,y1,y2,y3,...);
while (list($j, $row) = each($this->data_values)) {
$color_index = 0;
//foreach ($row as $v)
while (list($k, $v) = each($row)) {
if ($k == 0) {
} elseif (($k == 1) && ($this->data_type == "data-data")) {
$xpos = $v;
} else {
if ($this->data_type == "text-data") {
$xpos = ($j+.5);
if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) $color_index=0;
$barcol = $this->ndx_data_color[$color_index];
//if (is_numeric($v)) //PHP4 only
if ((strval($v) != "") ) { //Allow for missing Y data
} //function DrawDots
function DrawDotSeries() {
//Depreciated: Use DrawDots
function DrawThinBarLines() {
//A clean,fast routine for when you just want charts like stock volume charts
//Data must be text-data since I didn't see a graphing need for equally spaced thin lines.
//If you want it - then write to afan@jeo.net and I might add it.
if ($this->data_type != "data-data") { $this->DrawError('Data Type for ThinBarLines must be data-data'); };
$y1 = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position);
while (list(, $row) = each($this->data_values)) {
$color_index = 0;
while (list($k, $v) = each($row)) {
if ($k == 0) {
$xlab = $v;
} elseif ($k == 1) {
$xpos = $this->xtr($v);
if ( ($this->draw_x_data_labels == 1) ) { //See "labels_note1 above.
} else {
if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) $color_index=0;
$barcol = $this->ndx_data_color[$color_index];
} //function DrawThinBarLines
function DrawYErrorBar($x_world,$y_world,$error_height,$error_bar_type,$color) {
$x1 = $this->xtr($x_world);
$y1 = $this->ytr($y_world);
$y2 = $this->ytr($y_world+$error_height) ;
for ($width = 0; $width < $this->error_bar_line_width; $width++) {
ImageLine($this->img, $x1+$width, $y1 , $x1+$width, $y2, $color);
ImageLine($this->img, $x1-$width, $y1 , $x1-$width, $y2, $color);
switch ($error_bar_type) {
case "line":
case "tee":
ImageLine($this->img, $x1-$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $x1+$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $color);
ImageLine($this->img, $x1-$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $x1+$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $color);
return true;
function DrawDot($x_world,$y_world,$dot_type,$color) {
$half_point = $this->point_size / 2;
$x1 = $this->xtr($x_world) - $half_point;
$x2 = $this->xtr($x_world) + $half_point;
$y1 = $this->ytr($y_world) - $half_point;
$y2 = $this->ytr($y_world) + $half_point;
switch ($dot_type) {
case "halfline":
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $this->ytr($y_world), $this->xtr($x_world), $this->ytr($y_world), $color);
case "line":
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $this->ytr($y_world), $x2, $this->ytr($y_world), $color);
case "rect":
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
case "circle":
ImageArc($this->img, $x1 + $half_point, $y1 + $half_point, $this->point_size, $this->point_size, 0, 360, $color);
case "dot":
ImageArc($this->img, $x1 + $half_point, $y1 + $half_point, $this->point_size, $this->point_size, 0, 360, $color);
ImageFillToBorder($this->img, $x1 + $half_point, $y1 + $half_point, $color, $color);
case "diamond":
$arrpoints = array(
$x1,$y1 + $half_point,
$x1 + $half_point, $y1,
$x2,$y1 + $half_point,
$x1 + $half_point, $y2
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 4, $color);
case "triangle":
$arrpoints = array( $x1, $y1 + $half_point,
$x2, $y1 + $half_point,
$x1 + $half_point, $y2
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 3, $color);
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
return true;
function SetErrorBarLineWidth($which_seblw) {
$this->error_bar_line_width = $which_seblw;
return true;
function SetLineWidth($which_lw) {
$this->line_width = $which_lw;
if (!$this->error_bar_line_width) {
$this->error_bar_line_width = $which_lw;
return true;
function DrawArea() {
//Data comes in as $data[]=("title",x,y,...);
//Set first and last datapoints of area
$i = 0;
while ($i < $this->records_per_group) {
$posarr[$i][] = $this->xtr($this->min_x); //x initial
$posarr[$i][] = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position); //y initial
while (list($j, $row) = each($this->data_values)) {
$color_index = 0;
//foreach ($row as $v)
while (list($k, $v) = each($row)) {
if ($k == 0) {
//Draw Data Labels
$xlab = SubStr($v,0,$this->x_datalabel_maxlength);
} elseif ($k == 1) {
$x = $this->xtr($v);
// DrawXDataLabel interferes with Numbers on x-axis
} else {
// Create Array of points for later
$y = $this->ytr($v);
$posarr[$color_index][] = $x;
$posarr[$color_index][] = $y;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->records_per_group; $i++) {
$posarr[$i][] = $this->xtr($this->max_x); //x final
$posarr[$i][] = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position); //y final
//foreach($posarr as $row)
while (list(, $row) = each($posarr)) {
if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) $color_index=0;
$barcol = $this->ndx_data_color[$color_index];
//echo "$row[0],$row[1],$row[2],$row[3],$row[4],$row[5],$row[6],$row[7],$row[8],$row[9],$row[10],$row[11],$row[12], $barcol
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $row, (count($row)) / 2, $barcol);
function DrawAreaSeries() {
//Set first and last datapoints of area
$i = 0;
while ($i < $this->records_per_group) {
$posarr[$i][] = $this->xtr(.5); //x initial
$posarr[$i][] = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position); //y initial
while (list($j, $row) = each($this->data_values)) {
$color_index = 0;
//foreach ($row as $v)
while (list($k, $v) = each($row)) {
if ($k == 0) {
//Draw Data Labels
$xlab = SubStr($v,0,$this->x_datalabel_maxlength);
$this->DrawXDataLabel($xlab,$this->xtr($j + .5));
} else {
// Create Array of points for later
$x = round($this->xtr($j + .5 ));
$y = round($this->ytr($v));
$posarr[$color_index][] = $x;
$posarr[$color_index][] = $y;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->records_per_group; $i++) {
$posarr[$i][] = round($this->xtr($this->max_x + .5)); //x final
$posarr[$i][] = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position); //y final
//foreach($posarr as $row)
while (list(, $row) = each($posarr)) {
if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) $color_index=0;
$barcol = $this->ndx_data_color[$color_index];
//echo "$row[0],$row[1],$row[2],$row[3],$row[4],$row[5],$row[6],$row[7],$row[8],$row[9],$row[10],$row[11],$row[12], $barcol
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $row, (count($row)) / 2, $barcol);
function DrawLines() {
//Data comes in as $data[]=("title",x,y,...);
$start_lines = 0;
if ($this->data_type == "text-data") {
$lastx[0] = $this->xtr(0);
$lasty[0] = $this->xtr(0);
//foreach ($this->data_values as $row)
while (list($j, $row) = each($this->data_values)) {
$color_index = 0;
$i = 0;
//foreach ($row as $v)
while (list($k, $v) = each($row)) {
if ($k == 0) {
$xlab = SubStr($v,0,$this->x_datalabel_maxlength);
} elseif (($k == 1) && ($this->data_type == "data-data")) {
$x_now = $this->xtr($v);
} else {
//(double) $v;
// Draw Lines
if ($this->data_type == "text-data") {
$x_now = $this->xtr($j+.5);
//if (is_numeric($v)) //PHP4 only
if ((strval($v) != "") ) { //Allow for missing Y data
$y_now = $this->ytr($v);
if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) { $color_index=0;} ;
$barcol = $this->ndx_data_color[$color_index];
if ($start_lines == 1) {
for ($width = 0; $width < $this->line_width; $width++) {
if ($this->line_style[$i] == "dashed") {
$this->DrawDashedLine($x_now, $y_now + $width, $lastx[$i], $lasty[$i] + $width, 4,4, $barcol);
} else {
ImageLine($this->img, $x_now, $y_now + $width, $lastx[$i], $lasty[$i] + $width, $barcol);
$lastx[$i] = $x_now;
} else {
$y_now = $lasty[$i];
//Don't increment lastx[$i]
//$bordercol = $this->ndx_data_border_color[$colbarcount];
$lasty[$i] = $y_now;
//Now we are assured an x_value
if ( ($this->draw_x_data_labels == 1) && ($k == 1) ) { //See "labels_note1 above.
} //while rows of data
$start_lines = 1;
//Data comes in as $data[]=("title",x,y,e+,e-,y2,e2+,e2-,...);
function DrawLineSeries() {
//This function is replaced by DrawLines
//Tests have shown not much improvement in speed by having separate routines for DrawLineSeries and DrawLines
//For ease of programming I have combined them
return false;
} //function DrawLineSeries
function DrawDashedLine($x1pix,$y1pix,$x2pix,$y2pix,$dash_length,$dash_space,$color) {
//Code based on work by Ariel Garza and James Pine
//I've decided to have this be in pixels only as a replacement for ImageLine
//$x1pix = $this->xtr($x1);
//$y1pix = $this->ytr($y1);
//$x2pix = $this->xtr($x2);
//$y2pix = $this->ytr($y2);
// Get the length of the line in pixels
$line_length = ceil (sqrt(pow(($x2pix - $x1pix),2) + pow(($y2pix - $y1pix),2)) );
$dx = ($x2pix - $x1pix) / $line_length;
$dy = ($y2pix - $y1pix) / $line_length;
$lastx = $x1pix;
$lasty = $y1pix;
// Draw the dashed line
for ($i = 0; $i < $line_length; $i += ($dash_length + $dash_space)) {
$xpix = ($dash_length * $dx) + $lastx;
$ypix = ($dash_length * $dy) + $lasty;
$lastx = $xpix + ($dash_space * $dx);
$lasty = $ypix + ($dash_space * $dy);
} // function DrawDashedLine
function DrawBars() {
if ($this->data_type != "text-data") {
$this->DrawError('Bar plots must be text-data: use function SetDataType("text-data")');
$xadjust = ($this->records_per_group * $this->record_bar_width )/4;
while (list($j, $row) = each($this->data_values)) {
$color_index = 0;
$colbarcount = 0;
$x_now = $this->xtr($j+.5);
while (list($k, $v) = each($row)) {
if ($k == 0) {
//Draw Data Labels
$xlab = SubStr($v,0,$this->x_datalabel_maxlength);
} else {
// Draw Bars ($v)
$x1 = $x_now - $this->data_group_space + ($k-1)*$this->record_bar_width;
$x2 = $x1 + $this->record_bar_width*$this->bar_width_adjust;
if ($v < $this->x_axis_position) {
$y1 = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position);
$y2 = $this->ytr($v);
} else {
$y1 = $this->ytr($v);
$y2 = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position);
if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) $color_index=0;
if ($colbarcount >= count($this->ndx_data_border_color)) $colbarcount=0;
$barcol = $this->ndx_data_color[$color_index];
$bordercol = $this->ndx_data_border_color[$colbarcount];
if ((strval($v) != "") ) { //Allow for missing Y data
if ($this->shading > 0) {
for($i=0;$i<($this->shading);$i++) {
//Shading set in SetDefaultColors
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1+$i, $y1-$i, $x2+$i, $y2-$i, $this->ndx_i_light);
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $barcol);
ImageRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $bordercol);
if ($this->draw_data_labels == '1') { //ajo
$y1 = $this->ytr($this->label_scale_position * $v);
//$this->DrawDataLabel($v,$j + .5,$v*$this->label_scale_position);
$this->DrawText($this->x_label_ttffont, $this->x_label_angle,
$x1+$this->record_bar_width/2, $y1, $this->ndx_label_color, $this->x_label_ttffont_size, $v,'center','top');
} //function DrawBars
function DrawLegend($which_x1,$which_y1,$which_boxtype) {
//Base code submitted by Marlin Viss
while (list(,$leg) = each($this->legend)) {
$len = strlen($leg);
if ($max_legend_length < $len) {
$max_legend_length = $len;
$line_spacing = 1.25;
$vert_margin = $this->small_font_height/2 ;
$dot_height = $this->small_font_height*$line_spacing - 1;
//Upper Left
if ((!$which_x1) || (!$which_y1) ) {
$box_start_x = $this->plot_area[2] - $this->small_font_width*($max_legend_length+4);
$box_start_y = $this->plot_area[1] + 4;
} else {
$box_start_x = $which_x1;
$box_start_y = $which_y1;
//Lower Right
$box_end_y = $box_start_y + $this->small_font_height*(count($this->legend)+1) + 2*$vert_margin;
//$box_end_x = $this->plot_area[2] - 5;
$box_end_x = $box_start_x + $this->small_font_width*($max_legend_length+4) - 5;
// Draw box for legend
$box_start_x, $box_start_y,$box_end_x,
$box_end_y, $this->ndx_bg_color);
$box_start_x, $box_start_y,$box_end_x,
$box_end_y, $this->ndx_grid_color);
$i = 0;
while (list(,$leg) = each($this->legend)) {
$y_pos = $box_start_y + $this->small_font_height*($i)*($line_spacing) + $vert_margin;
ImageString($this->img, $this->small_font,
$box_start_x + $this->small_font_width*( $max_legend_length - strlen($leg) + 1 ) ,
$leg, $this->ndx_text_color);
if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) $color_index=0;
// Draw a box in the data color
$box_end_x - $this->small_font_width*2,
$y_pos + 1, $box_end_x - $this->small_font_width,
$y_pos + $dot_height,
$box_end_x - $this->small_font_width*2,
$y_pos + 1, $box_end_x - $this->small_font_width,
$y_pos + $dot_height,
} //function DrawLegend
function DrawGraph() {
if (($this->img) == "") {
$this->DrawError('No Image Defined: DrawGraph');
if (! is_array($this->data_values)) {
$this->DrawError("No array of data in \$data_values");
} else {
if (!$this->data_color) {
$this->FindDataLimits(); //Get maxima and minima for scaling
$this->SetXLabelHeight(); //Get data for bottom margin
$this->SetYLabelWidth(); //Get data for left margin
if (!$this->plot_area_width) {
$this->SetPlotAreaPixels('','','',''); //Set Margins
if (!$this->plot_max_y) { //If not set by user call SetPlotAreaWorld,
if ($this->data_type == "text-data") {
if ($this->draw_plot_area_background == 1) {
//$foo = "$this->max_y, $this->min_y, $new_miny, $new_maxy, $this->x_label_height";
//ImageString($this->img, 4, 20, 20, $foo, $this->ndx_text_color);
switch ($this->plot_type) {
case "bars":
case "thinbarline":
case "lines":
if ( $this->data_type == "text-data") {
} elseif ( $this->data_type == "data-data-error") {
} else {
case "area":
if ( $this->data_type == "text-data") {
} else {
case "linepoints":
if ( $this->data_type == "text-data") {
} elseif ( $this->data_type == "data-data-error") {
} else {
case "points";
if ( $this->data_type == "text-data") {
} elseif ( $this->data_type == "data-data-error") {
} else {
case "pie":
if ($this->legend) {
if ($this->print_image == 1) {
} //function DrawGraph
// $graph = new PHPlot;
// $graph->DrawGraph();