$arr[username]" . get_user_icons($arr, true); } else $subject = "unknown[$userid]"; //------ Get posts $from_is = "posts AS p LEFT JOIN topics as t ON p.topicid = t.id LEFT JOIN forums AS f ON t.forumid = f.id LEFT JOIN readposts as r ON p.topicid = r.topicid AND p.userid = r.userid"; $select_is = "f.id AS f_id, f.name, t.id AS t_id, t.subject, t.lastpost, r.lastpostread, p.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.added) as utadded"; $query = "SELECT $select_is FROM $from_is WHERE $where_is ORDER BY $order_is $limit"; $res = do_mysql_query($query) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) stderr( _("Error"), "No posts found"); stdhead("Posts history"); print("

Post history for $subject

\n"); if ($postcount > $perpage) echo $pagertop; //------ Print table begin_main_frame(); begin_frame(); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $postid = $arr["id"]; $posterid = $arr["userid"]; $topicid = $arr["t_id"]; $topicname = $arr["subject"]; $forumid = $arr["f_id"]; $forumname = $arr["name"]; $newposts = ($arr["lastpostread"] < $arr["lastpost"]) && $CURUSER["id"] == $userid; $added = $arr["added"] . " GMT (" . (get_elapsed_time($arr["utadded"])) . " ago)"; print("

$added -- Forum:  $forumname  -- Topic:  $topicname  -- Post:  #$postid" . ($newposts ? "  (NEW!)" : "") . "

\n"); begin_table(true); // $body = format_comment($arr["body"]); $body = $arr["body_parsed"]; if (is_valid_id($arr['editedby'])) { $subres = do_mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id=$arr[editedby]"); if (mysql_num_rows($subres) == 1) { $subrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($subres); $body .= "

Last edited by $subrow[username] at $arr[editedat] GMT

\n"; } } print("$body\n"); end_table(); } end_frame(); end_main_frame(); if ($postcount > $perpage) echo $pagerbottom; stdfoot(); die; } //-------- Action: View comments if ($action == "viewcomments") { $select_is = "COUNT(*)"; // LEFT due to orphan comments $from_is = "comments AS c LEFT JOIN torrents as t ON c.torrent = t.id"; $where_is = "c.user = $userid"; $order_is = "c.id DESC"; $query = "SELECT $select_is FROM $from_is WHERE $where_is ORDER BY $order_is"; $res = do_mysql_query($query) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $arr = mysql_fetch_row($res) or stderr( _("Error"), "No comments found"); $commentcount = $arr[0]; //------ Make page menu list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager($perpage, $commentcount, $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?action=viewcomments&id=$userid&"); //------ Get user data $res = do_mysql_query("SELECT username, donor, warned, enabled FROM users WHERE id=$userid") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 1) { $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $subject = "$arr[username]" . get_user_icons($arr, true); } else $subject = "unknown[$userid]"; //------ Get comments $select_is = "t.name, c.torrent AS t_id, c.id, c.added, c.text_parsed, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.added) as utadded"; $query = "SELECT $select_is FROM $from_is WHERE $where_is ORDER BY $order_is $limit"; $res = do_mysql_query($query) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) stderr( _("Error"), "No comments found"); stdhead("Comments history"); print("

Comments history for $subject

\n"); if ($commentcount > $perpage) echo $pagertop; //------ Print table begin_main_frame(); begin_frame(); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $commentid = $arr["id"]; $torrent = $arr["name"]; // make sure the line doesn't wrap if (strlen($torrent) > 55) $torrent = substr($torrent,0,52) . "..."; $torrentid = $arr["t_id"]; //find the page; this code should probably be in details.php instead $subres = do_mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE torrent = $torrentid AND id < $commentid") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $subrow = mysql_fetch_row($subres); $count = $subrow[0]; $comm_page = floor($count/20); $page_url = $comm_page?"&page=$comm_page":""; $added = $arr["added"] . " GMT (" . (get_elapsed_time($arr["utadded"])) . " ago)"; print("

". "$added --- Torrent: ". ($torrent?("$torrent"):" [Deleted] "). " --- Comment: #$commentid

\n"); begin_table(true); $body = $arr["text_parsed"]; print("$body\n"); end_table(); } end_frame(); end_main_frame(); if ($commentcount > $perpage) echo $pagerbottom; stdfoot(); die; } //-------- Handle unknown action if ($action != "") stderr("History Error", "Unknown action"); //-------- Any other case stderr("History Error", "Invalid or no query."); ?>